• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 3,308 Views, 74 Comments

Love thicker than blood. - neokiva

Celestia called Twilight to the palace, to help her sister Luna who is feeling lonely...

  • ...

Chapter 3: Of meat and veggies (edited)

Twilight yawned and awoke to the sound of a pen furiously scratching against paper. Confused she sat up, only to fall back down, woozy from the feeling of anemia. Shaking her head to clear it. She awkwardly got out of bed and groaned while wiping the sleep from her eyes.

“Luna? What are you doing?” Twilight asked her.

“Oh Twilight! I have been working on some research and found a spell,” Luna started to explain as she concentrated on her notes, tapping the end of her pen on her desk. Twilight walked up to Luna and hugged her from behind, giving her a nuzzle.

“If you are to be my sole source of blood you must be healthy, however that presents a problem.”

Twilight frowned slightly. “Problem?” Twilight asked, worry in her tone.

“To replace your blood fully Twilight, you will need a source of iron. I was just writing down sources of iron, like spinach, kale, lentils …” Twilight stuck out her tongue in disgust, and feigned gagging sounds. Luna chuckled at the disgusted faces Twilight was pulling,“I take it you find them unpalatable. Do not worry Twilight, I planned for this eventuality and had the chef cook up some of this,” Luna said as she levitated a plate of red, white, and brown square cubes of an unidentifiable sort, at least to her. The smell hit Twilight and she found herself drooling, Luna levitated one of the red cubes and said “Say ahhh,” Twilight opened her mouth and ate it, chewing it. She found that it was still warm and that it began to practically melt in her mouth as she chewed it, the burst of flavors from it surprising her. Luna watched in bemusement as Twilight practically inhaled the rest of it.

“Mmmmn, what was that? It was so delicious, is there more,” Twilight pleaded putting her hooves together, her eyes sparkling, which caused Luna to chuckle at her young lover.

“Bacon, lamb, chicken.” Luna listed off. Twilight paled, and began to hyperventilate,

“You’re trying to poison me!” Twilight screeched. Luna rolled her eyes at what she thought was Twilight's over dramatic outburst.

“Don’t be silly! No my love, I have not poisoned you,” Luna began shaking her head with a wry smile and an eyeroll as she wrapped Twilight in a hug, “Meat is not poison to ponies. You see, ponies were omnivorous back in the olden times, they still are, in fact.”

Twilight's face was clouded with confusion, she then looked up at Luna, “If we're omnivores, how come we don't eat meat?” She asked putting her right fore hoof on Luna's chest, where Twilight could feel her heartbeat against her own frog.

“That is because of the impact on the land livestock farming had, it was largely abandoned for more sustainable food sources and a more herbivorous diet was introduced. Because they were easier to maintain, farms became the norm, and eventually ponies forgot that they were omnivorous and that those two sets of canines in their mouth was for fighting and eating meat. I am sorry that I deceived you, I knew you wouldn’t have tried them had you known. Meat is high in iron and protein, eat that and plenty of water as well as eating citrus fruits to help you maintain a healthy body under the stress you are going to put it through with me feeding on you on a regular basis. The alternatives are not pretty, and if you refuse, I cannot in good conscience feed off you, though the greens are still an option,” Twilight's features once again contorted in disgust,

“Fine! I’ll start eating meat, but only because I don't want to eat those disgusting greens,” Twilight shudders, visibly uncomfortable with even the thought of eating them. Luna chuckled lightly as she nuzzled Twilight, the young unicorn pouting.

“I am still mad you didn't tell me though!” Twilight added and glared at Luna.

“Twilight my dear, I’d rather that you would be mad at me than dead,” Luna retorted as she began trailing kisses up her neck, a groan of pleasure emanated from Twilight's throat as she leaned into Luna's embrace.

“Ahem! More hedonism, sister? Shame on you!” came a familiar voice from the door. The pair, locked in their passion, paused to see who it was. Standing at the door with a stern face was Celestia, levitating a paper in her magic. Said paper found itself launched into Luna's face. Grumbling, Luna unrolled the paper and read the front page.

“Princess of the night salaciously defiles innocent maiden, Lady Twilight Sparkle!” Luna read aloud, and below the headline a photo is displayed where Luna is seen feeding off of Twilight. Twilight's eye twitched and she threw up her fore legs

“Why the buck does everypony keep saying I was defiled!? And that I am innocent? I am hardly innocent, and if only they knew the truth! Then they wouldn't be saying I was defiled!” she groused, and once she finished her rant Luna and Celestia looked at her with matching smirks and raised eyebrows, “I’ll tell you in my own time, Luna and Celestia … but if I have my way you're never going to find out!” Twilight said defiantly, Celestia's smirk morphed into a full blown grin. Luna turned back to the paper continuing to read.

“The young and naive Lady Twilight Sparkle was seduced by the vile seductress, a one Princess Luna, in a shocking turn of events. The princess and the young mare had been previously spotted together, during Ponyville’s annual Nightmare Night festival last month, where it's speculated that the poor mare was first ensnared by Princess Luna’s seduction spell, and the night before last (at the time of printing), a viral video was taken by an unknown pony who filmed the Princess defiling and corrupting the young mare's body …”

Luna didn't get a chance to finish as the paper was incinerated, she glared at her sister who she suspected was the one who did so, but she found herself looking at a Celestia who was looking confused. She turned to where Celestia was looking and saw that the mare in her forelegs had changed, her mane and tail was made of fire, her coat was yellow white like white hot flame and her eyes had turned red. Needless to say Luna jumped​ away from the enflamed mare and proceeded to cast a water spell with which to douse the mare currently on fire, and dropped it over Twilight. The flame mane and tail disappeared into a hiss off steam, Twilight then began to roll around on the floor as she screamed in heartrending pain, that caused Celestia and Luna to flinch as her head and dock sparked embers, her coat and eyes eventually returned to normal afterwards as she panted, whimpered, and cried.

Luna pulled the soaked and wounded Twilight in her magic and dried her off as quickly as she could, Twilight groaned as her mane and tail reignited and returned to their original form. She looked up to Celestia begging her for answers with her eyes, that looked lost and scared.

“What the fuck is happening to me!?” Twilight begged raggedly.

“I don't know Twilight,” came the simultaneous reply from Luna and Celestia, Luna held the distraught mare tenderly,

“But we will find out!” Luna added as Celestia had a determined look on her face, “Indeed sister, perhaps you can tell us if this has happened before?” Celestia asked as Twilight laid in Luna's forelegs, grumbling, but otherwise in deep thought.

“It happened once before when I tried to figure out how Pinkie's 'Pinkie sense’ worked, it happened after we were attacked by the hydra and just escaped. Pinkie said it wasn't the doozy she detected and in my frustration and rage I transformed into that temporarily.”

Luna blinked, “So rage is the trigger? Like Saddle Rager?” Luna said aloud to herself.

“Wait! You read the Power Ponies comic?” Twilight asked incredulously, with a smile on her lips.

“Oh Twilight, you didn't know, Luna's a great big nerd and a geek, as soon as she got back she got into comics, video games and, get this, Oubliettes and Ogre's!” Celestia giggled into her right hoof, while Luna's cheeks were burning as bright as Twilight was a few minutes ago.

“Cool, I'm a Oubliette Master, maybe you could join me, Shi- Gleaming Shield, and Cadance in our current campaign!” Twilight happily exclaimed, only to lose her smile when Celestia said, “Neeerrrds!~”

This earned her a glare from Luna and Twilight, “Anyway, let's get to the breakfast and get …” Luna was interrupted by a stone flying through her Prench balcony doors, “No! Those were pure crystal! Do you know how expensive and time consuming shaping crystal is!?” She said as she picked up the missile and crushed it in her magic. Luna marched through her balcony doors and saw a large, loud crowd gathering outside the gate.

Luna groaned as another stone was thrown by what seemed to be the leader of the mob.

The three of them reached the gates as the guard was pushing the mob back,

The leader, a strange old unicorn stallion with a brown coat, a white mane and tail stood on a wooden box, with a bullhorn as a cutiemark, “Ponies, put your signs up, show them what you think of this degenerate pair!” The mob started to lift signs as directed.

However what was on the signs made Twilight blush and the two sisters laugh.
One sign said ‘congratulations Twilight! ’ surrounded with love hearts around it, another said 'Banging a princess? Twilight you dog!’ and another still said ' tis the year of 69,’ two ponies also had a banner that said ‘all hail Princess Twilight.’

“That was not what you were supposed to put on those signs!” The old unicorn growled, “It is against the natural order! Celestia forbids it!” he shouted sounding more zealous by the minute. All of the ponies present looked to Celestia, who raised an eyebrow at the stallion.

“Do I now? I didn't know that, and it certainly did not cross my mind when I was filming the act between my adorkable sister and student or when I prepared the forms for Twilight official recognition as Luna's consort. I almost certainly didn't think that the time when I was having sex with a group of six mares, who wanted to thank me for saving them and their village a few centuries ago.” Celestia smirked at the gaping crowd and the utterly speechless stallion.

The old stallion sputtered and fumed, “See! Her sister does naught but corrupt-” The stallion was interrupted by a telekinetic blast,

“How dare you slander my marefriend!” Twilight shouted at him. Luna smiled and embraced Twilight from behind, “Thank you … my love,” Luna said as she kissed Twilight below her horn.

“You’re welcome love” Twilight responded as she moved her head so she could intercept Luna's lips, and kissed her.

The crowd cheered before dispersing and taking the old stallion with them.

“Come along you love birds, let's go get breakfast at Donut Joe's,” Celestia said, leading the way.

Author's Note:

I don't know about you but this is getting interesting. What is this transformation and what will Twilight's friends think, when she visits them. Only time will tell :)