• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 3,312 Views, 81 Comments

Love thicker than blood. - neokiva

Celestia called Twilight to the palace, to help her sister Luna who is feeling lonely...

  • ...

Chapter 4: unfortunate revelations(edited)

In Donut Joe's Donutopia shop, the normal hustle and bustle of the morning rush was silenced as the doors opened, revealing two princesses and a regular of the shop, Twilight Sparkle. If they heard the rumours right, Twilight Sparkle was said to be the royal consort of the Princess of the night. Everypony else slipped out as it was unlikely they would get served quickly, as Celestia's ravenous hunger for pastries was legendary.

“Twilight Sparkle! It's been awhile since ya been here. How’s my best customer.” A light yellow coated unicorn called to the new arrivals from behind his counter, he was a draft stallion with a brown mane and tail, with a cutie mark of a sprinkle and iced ring donut.

“Hello, Joe. It's been a long time,” Twilight replied with a smile as she went up to the counter. Unbeknownst to her though, Luna was frowning, at least until Celestia elbowed her and whispered, “Stop it, Twilight and Donut Joe are friends, their relationship isn’t anything like what you’re imagining.”

“Am I really that obvious?” Luna whispered back.

Celestia just gave her a deadpan look in response.

Luna ducked her head sheepishly, “Sorry,” came her whispered reply.

Celestia shook her head in exasperation, “Oh, and Joe, this is my marefriend Luna,” Twilight announced with a big grin as she pulled a surprised Luna to her in her magic before kissing Luna, which Luna melted into.

“Oh really? Heh, you's always been going on about her, I was afraid dat ya wouldn't go through wit’ it, I’m happy for you's, Twi. An’ Princess Luna, of course.” Donut Joe replied, Luna's eyes widened in shock, “you's take care of dat mare ya hear, she’s one douse good ones.” Donut Joe added, while Twilight's face lit up in deep crimson as she tried to hide deep into Luna's coat.

Luna chuckled and shook her head at Twilight's adorable reaction, wrapping her up in her left wing, “you needn't have asked, I would have done so anyway,” Luna smiled and nuzzled the mare hiding under her wing.

“So what can I get for you’s fine ladies this fine morning,” Joe asked, a smirk adorning his face. Celestia walked up to the side of the others.

“We’ll have four of the deluxe mix set and three coffee's to go, Luna’ll have black and three sugars, I’ll have cream and twenty sugars and Twilight will have-” Donut Joe continued over Celestia,

“Cheyenne, with a hint of cinnamon, two sugars and a chocolate cinnamon straw. Okay, give me a moment and I’ll have your order ready.” Joe finished. Celestia gave no indication of whether or not she cared that he had interrupted her, although she raised her eyebrow and turned to the mare trying to merge with Luna's coat.

“Twilight, I had no idea you liked spiced coffee.” Celestia commented

“Nor I, I admit. How did that happen? It isn't something one normally acquires,” Luna added with amusement at Twilight and intrigue evident in her tone.

“Oh, well, when I first went to Ponyville, I accidentally poured a bottle of hot sauce into a cup and drank it straight. After that I gained an appreciation for spicy foods.” came Twilight's muffled voice from Luna's side.

Celestia and Luna shared a look and then Luna encased Twilight in her magic and laid her on her back, causing the young mare to squeak adorably, Donut Joe returned with four large boxes of donuts and their coffee. Celestia took the boxes and coffee in her magic and gave Joe a bag of bits, she then teleported them back to the palace, in the palace library.

“Okay, we are not leaving this room until we discover just what is happening to Twilight, we can't have you spontaneously combust when you’re angry,” Celestia remarked with a smirk that was aimed at Twilight, who was now shaken and looking nauseous from the sudden teleport.

“Ugh, I feel like a maretini,” Twilight complained as she tried to contain her morning snack in her stomach.

Luna wrapped a wing around the mare, and using her strong primaries began rubbing​ her belly to help alleviate the nausea.

Hours passed as the three worked, to find the answer. Books were stacked in towers around them, like skyscrapers of knowledge. Twilight leant back and groaned as another book joined it's brothers and sisters atop the third tower she had started.

“We aren't finding anything!” Luna complained, as yet another book turned up nothing. Twilight and Luna jumped when Celestia suddenly jumped to her hooves with wings flared, and nearly knocking​ over the book towers near her.

“I found it!” Celestia exclaimed holding a red book with saddle Arabian lettering on the title. Twilight and Luna looked at each other and then at Celestia.

“Well?” Luna urged her to continue.

“It's from Saddle Arabian mythology so take it with a grain of salt. There is a creature born of smokeless fire or the blood of the dead, a djinn of fire, called the Ifrit or Efreeti. The Ifrit is an enormous winged being, that is strong, cunning and extremely magical. Ordinary weapons and forces have no power over them, they are however susceptible to magic. They would take other djinn or pick mates from the horses or ponies which would bare demi djinn offspring, which upon their eighteenth year would start changing into their ifrit forms, flaming manes and tails, bleached white or yellow coats and wings being the last to develop, these initial transformations often triggered due to extreme rage or stress. Demi Ifrit are usually hot headed, impulsive and passionate regardless of whether they are outgoing or introverted. They can be good, evil or neutral. This is similar to the moral alignment of ponies and like ponies, they also have free will.” Celestia closed the book with a smile as she finished reading it out, her smile disappeared as she took in Twilight's demeanour.

“I always wondered why my family was so magical. I thought maybe Celestia or you or perhaps another alicorn had contributed to our line. I don't know how to take it that a djinn was responsible,” Twilight mumbled dejectedly.

Luna held Twilight in a comforting hug, “sorry Twilight, there are only a few ponies, who I have fallen for or laid with. Clover the Clever, Twilight Glimmer, oddly enough afterwards I would hear little from them, usually after nine months would pass and when they returned they would be very awkward around me. Actually it is odd that you two share a name.” Luna explained to an incredulous Twilight, missing the shocked look Celestia was giving her.

Twilight did her breathing exercises, “Luna… Twilight is my family name and Twilight Glimmer was the great great granddaughter of Clover the Clever, so both are my ancestors,” Twilight explained clearly trying to keep her temper in check.

“Oh what a coincidence!” Luna exclaimed cheerfully as Celestia face hoofed behind her.

“Both marked the sire as unknown …” Twilight added letting the sentence hang.

Before it could escalate Celestia interjected, “it was generations ago Twilight, with all the intermingling any relation you two share would be miniscule.”

Luna's pupils shrunk and her eyes widened as it finally clicked, “Clover gaveth birth to mine foal!? Why didst she not telleth us!? And then I, dear Faust, what hath I wrought!” Luna said slipping into the old tongue.

“At least your descendants were heroic ponies, Luna. I was stuck with the Bluebloods. I should never have given into Platinum's request for an heir." Celestia consoled her. While Twilight's world view gained another crack.

She was then startled by Luna who was pulling her into a hug and then kissed her on the lips before saying, “Celestia is right, your lineage doesn't matter, it's been many generations and it certainly doesn't affect my feelings for you."