• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 4,900 Views, 112 Comments

Running Late - FlashFoward

Spike gets an invitation, from Octavia, to an Orchestra show.

  • ...

Compromising is a Pain

Spike was running around in circles, Pinkie Pie was hot on his heels, yelling as he did so.

“I am doomed!” Spike said with a sad groan.

“Spike, you have to calm down! We can think of something.” Twilight coaxed.

Spike stopped in his tracks which made Pinkie crash into him. The two rolled into a ball and made their way to Twilight. As the ball came to a standstill, Pinkie broke apart from Spike and gave Spike a worried look. Even though Pinkie got up quickly from there little joy ride Spike’s spine wouldn’t straighten out, which left him stuck in the shape of half a ball.

“Sorry.” Pinkie mumbled with genuine sympathy.

“Hey Twilight, mind helping me out?” Spike asked in strained voice.

Twilight levitated Spike in the air and began stretching him out like taffy. With every occasional tug, Spike’s spine would give out a pop. Pinkie mimicked Spike’s body and ended up with her body looking like a big spring.

“Um, sugarcube, what in the hay are you doing to Spike?” Applejack asked, eyeing Spike with a look of mingled surprise and horror.

“He messed up his back and I am trying to straighten him out.” Twilight defended herself. As she said this, Spike’s spine gave another loud crack and pop. Applejack looked at Twilight in disbelief.

“It’s the honest truth!” Twilight said, her voice getting a little pitchy now.

“Riight, but you should give Spike a break from your “help”. He don’t look so good.” Applejack said.

Twilight looked at Spike and noticed she really did stretch him out. He easily looked as tall as Big Mac now and looked thin.
She stopped levitating Spike once she saw the damage she inflicted on him. Unfortunately, Spike hit the ground with a dull thud and let out a soft groan of pain.

“I’m sorry Spike!” Twilight said in a hysterical tone. She was terrified that she really broke his back or something.

“I wanted to get taller. This isn’t exactly how I pictured it would happen though.” Spike mumbled darkly.

“Don’t worry I can fix it!” Twilight declared, sounding a little unsure of how she could help.

“Sugercube, you should really-“ Applejack started to plead but was cut short when Twilight squashed Spike’s lanky form to the ground, Pinkie imitated this.

“OW!” Spike yelled, but was muffled with all the pain shooting through his back.

“I’m so sorry!” Twilight wailed out.

Applejack took matters into her own hand and tied a lasso around Spike’s lower neck. She tugged hard to ensure she had
tied him up good and lassoed another rope around Spike’s ankles.

“Pinkie, I need you here now!” Applejack commanded.

Pinkie promptly bounced to her like a spring and took her end of the rope.

“Alright, when I say three, you pull as hard as you can. You got that Pinkie?” Applejack said quickly.

“Okie dokie Lokie” Pinkie simply replied, but wore an oddly serious look on her face.

“1..” Applejack said, gritting her teeth on her end of the rope. She clenched so hard in her mouth the fibers of the rope
actually started to rip slightly.

“2…” Applejack said with a little more force. Pinkie made her end of the rope into a butterfly.

“3!” Applejack yelled out, immediately tugging hard on her end of the rope. Pinkie copied Applejack and soon engaged in a tug of war match and Spike was in the middle of it all.

“OW!” Spike yelped. His figure immediately stretched out, looking as tall as Discord by now.

“Okay, stop!” Applejack muttered in a defeated tone.

Spike didn’t return into his original size. In fact, they stretched him out even worse than Twilight did.

“Sorry bout that Spike. Just tryin to help, that’s all.” Applejack tried to reassure Spike, obviously upset that her good intentions ended in bad results.

“I’m fine…Okay, no, I lie.” Spike mumbled with a groan.

“Spike, just let me-“ Twilight said, her horn flaring up again.

“Twilight, you messed me up already.” Spike replied.

It seemed like Twilight didn’t care and shot a beam at Spike, which surrounded him. Once the purple mist stopped covering Spike’s body, the girls were surprised to see Spike back to his usual height.

“Why couldn’t you do that from the start?” Spike snapped impatiently.

“I was nervous.” Twilight replied, pawing the ground nervously.

“Okay, now that’s out of the way can we get back to how in the world am I going to make to Canterlot before the show starts?” Spike asked. His nerves and anxiety were making a noticeable presence in his voice.

“I would try teleporting you there.” Twilight muttered, making Spike have a hopeful smile. “But, it’s too dangerous from this
kind of distance. Canterlot isn’t around the corner.”

Spike’s felt crestfallen but felt another twinge of hope “How about the trains? They make it pretty quick to Canterlot! And the show starts at midnight and it’s pretty early in the morning.”

“Didn’t you hear what happened to the train, Spike?” Pinkie suddenly asked.

“No, I didn’t hear what happened to it.” Spike replied anxiously.

“The engine blew out! Only way you can get there is by using those old little pump carts.” Pinkie explained.
She remembered how she and Rarity had to pump there way all the way back to Ponyville one time. Rarity naturally complained the whole way while she tried to sing some happy to tunes to lighten up the mood. Thing was, it ate up a lot of

“Wait, how bout the hot air balloon?” Spike asked, desperation clawing at his insides.

“I still use it from time to time. Why?” Pinkie asked.

“The hot air balloon is my only chance to get there. Can I borrow it?” Spike pleaded.

“Sure, Spikey! I’ll do it under one condition though!” Pinkie said with a devious giggle.

“What do I have to do?” Spike asked wearily. What kind of absurd and overly complicated things could be brewing in her head?

“Well actually, two things. First, you have to take me to the show. Second, show me whats in that letter.” Pinkie offered.
Applejack and Twilight also looked excited at Pinkie second condition.

Spike weighed his options. Octavia was part of the orchestra so getting another ticket for Pinkie wouldn’t be hard. No, the issue was letting her see the letter Octavia sent to him. He wouldn’t have minded so much if Octavia didn’t leave an imprint of her lips in the invitation. That wasn’t something he wasn’t going to share so willingly. But this would mean if he said no to spare himself, there would be no mode of reasonable transportation to get him to Canterlot. Spike finally made up his mind.

“Alright, I can do that. But, you can’t tell anyone about the letter.” Spike replied.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly; stick a cupcake in my eye!” Pinkie exclaimed, a freshly crushed cupcake on her eyelid. The other girls looked slightly disappointed that seeing Spike’s letter was not going to happen.

“Okay, where is the hot air balloon?” Spike said, clapping his hands together enthusiastically.

“Rarity took it. She felt she needed to give it a new cover to make it look more...presentable.” Pinkie said with a shrug.

“Wait, why does she even have it?” Spike asked.

“She took it to a party at Canterlot. Rarity loves grand entrances you know.” Pinkie said with a giggle.

“Mind if you pick it up Pinkie? I’ll wait here.” Spike asked. He didn’t want to go see Rarity because he might make a fool of himself.

“Nope, you’re coming with me. After all, you are the one who wants it.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Don’t remind me.” Spike replied with a groan.

“We’ll tag along to.” Twilight announced. Applejack gave an approving nod.

“The more the merrier!” Spike said with biting sarcasm.

“That’s the spirit Spike!” Pinkie exclaimed with a big smile.