• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 4,900 Views, 112 Comments

Running Late - FlashFoward

Spike gets an invitation, from Octavia, to an Orchestra show.

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To Delay And To Troll

Once Celestia was finished communicating with Spike, she set out to leave the castle quickly. However, as soon as she made it to the front gates, her Royal Guards surrounded her. Now, it wasn’t that she minded the protection from them. It was just that, she thought she was more than capable of just walking to a theater alone. Luna also teleported by her sisters side, a look of interest on her face, Celestia tried to stifle a sigh when she noticed the sudden commotion around her. There goes being discreet.

“Tia, where do you plan on going? Is there a meeting today?” Luna asked.

“No, I’m out for personal business.” Celestia took note of the guards close by and whispered “It’s Spike related.”

Luna’s eyes widened slightly at this piece of info, but said nothing more. The guards didn’t seem to notice what Celestia just whispered, for they remained still and stern looking as ever.

“Princess, do you wish us to fetch the carriage?” One of the guards asked, almost hesitantly.

“No, I’ll walk.” Celestia started to trot to the streets of Canterlot, but noticed her guards shifting uncomfortably behind her.

“Um, Princess, walking the streets of Canterlot might not be…safe?” A guard murmured slowly. Some of his comrades nodded in agreement.

Celestia couldn’t believe that she might be too late to the theater because of the guards. The reasons why she neglected to use the chariot was because she rather only use it for long travels, not for something that might be a few blocks away, and she actually just wanted to see the city for once without looking down on it from her castle.

“Okay, walking seems out of the question.” Celestia muttered, and then turned to her guards. “Is flying going to be a problem?”

The guards exchanged nervous glances, but didn’t disagree with the proposition. At least, when she would be flying, not much of a crowd can be a threat to her. And there were a fair amount of Pegasus Royal Guards on duty so protection was not an issue.

“Excellent.” Celestia said with a satisfied smile. “Do try to catch up though.”

And with that, Celestia stretched out her magnificent wings to their full extent and she launched into the air with blazing speeds. Many of the guards were taken aback by the speed Celestia flew in. Luna, on the other hand, let out a stifled chuckle at the shocked guards. What did they think there big wings were for anyway? It wasn’t for décor that’s for sure.

“Well, you heard her. Move it or lose it!” Luna instructed the dazed guards.

The Pegasus guards took her cue and raced after the princess. Luna let out a chuckle before spreading out her own wings. And with one great flap of her wings, Luna took off. The rest of the Royal Guards shrugged and returned to their stations at the castle. Now that the princesses were in the hands of the Pegasus guards, it was time to take a short nap. No pony would catch them anyway. It didn’t take too long for Luna to catch up with her sister. The guards were barely keeping up with them.

“Do you enjoy having our guards chase after you?” Luna teased.

“Oh hush you. I must say, by the sounds of there panting, they seem worn out.” Celestia noted of the guards lack of their ability to keep up with her.

“It’s not like it’s every day that you choose to fly to a location by your own means.” Luna said. “Speaking of Spike, what are we doing for him and where are we going for him anyway? It must have been urgent to cause you to be in such a hurry” Luna asked.

“Oh, well, Spike asked me if I can delay the show at Note Theater for him. He might be late.” Celestia explained.

“Note Theater you say? I have two tickets there for today.” Luna exclaimed and making two tickets appear at her hoofs.

“Who gave them to you?” Celestia asked. She never took her sister for the music listening type. She would always fall asleep in the middle of a classical song, probably from boredom.

“A friend of mine plays in the orchestra.” Luna explained, with a slight blush on her face. “He wondered if the both of us can make it.”

“That explains why you are up so early in the day.” Celestia glanced up at the sun. Luna was usually awake at night time and it was very rare to see her in the morning.

Luna let out a sigh of relief. Good thing Celestia didn’t notice her cheeks blushing. All sorts of embarrassing questions could be coming her way if she noticed. But, Celestia did notice this. She just chose not to harass her sister about it…yet.
The sound of music could be faintly heard not far from where the princesses had been flying. The building the sounds were coming from was very elegant. As the princesses descended near the front door of the theater, a large stallion was standing near the entrance. Celestia figured his purpose was to make sure that no pony sneaked into the theater without a ticket. Once the Royal Guards landed behind the princesses, the stallion at the front door looked rather bemused.

“Princess, do you have tickets for half the Royal Guard soldiers?” The stallion joked.

“No, just me and my sister will be entering.” Luna interjected.

“Is that so? Well, I hope you enjoy the show.” The stallion let the princesses inside the theater but refused to allow the Guards in. “I’m sorry guys no ticket no entry.”

The guards glared angrily at the stallion but said nothing. Instead, they patrolled the grounds of the theater. The stallion entered the theater and pointed out where the princesses would be seated, right at the middle of the rows. With a little bow and wave, the stallion returned to his post outside. Celestia looked at the stage and noticed the musicians practicing. A gray mare with light purple eyes, which looked familiar, waved at the Celestia energetically. Celestia returned the gesture and couldn't help but smile. This is why Spike was so paranoid about being late.

“What do you suggest we do?” Luna asked.

“I have an idea just follow my lead.” Celestia’s horn started to glow and emit sparks and Luna followed suit.

One of the piano players suddenly had their hoofs glued to the keys on the piano. Luna saw this and focused her magic on a trumpet player. His trumpet would blow out bubbles whenever he tried to play a note. A mare, which was playing the harp, couldn't play because all her strings turned into gum. It wasn’t long before the majority of the orchestra musicians were suffering from the princess’s pranks. Celestia’s horn stopped producing magic and Luna took this as her cue to stop her antics.

“I think that should work for now.” Celestia muttered thoughtfully.

“Wouldn’t it just be easier to ask for them to play later?” Luna asked.

“Think of all the questions that would be asked. It’s better to remain discreet about this.” Celestia replied. Luna nodded in agreement and said nothing more.

“Pinkie, I have to say, nice job.” Spike complimented, looking at the front gates of Note Theater.

“It only took…an hour or two to get here.” Dash added bitterly.

“Please, it’s such a rare opportunity to go shopping in Canterlot!” Rarity whined, indicating to her new purple diamond necklace.

“You spent half of that time window shopping! The other half was deciding whether not that necklace would match with your dress!” Rainbow fumed angrily.

“You can’t make hasty decisions about such things!” Rarity snapped back.
Spike had handed his ticket to the stallion that had been standing at the front doors of the theater.

“Octavia said something about a dragon coming to watch the show.” The stallion acknowledged. “Interesting, you will be sitting right next to the princesses.”

“Wait what!” Spike replied, baffled that Celestia and Luna were at the show.

“I had so many ponies trying to sneak into this place to greet the princesses. It’s rare to see them out in public but still.” The stallion said in an angry tone.

“Right, thanks anyway.” Spike started to walk into the theater. “Aren’t you guys going to-“

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Rarity were gone.

“Never mind then.” Spike muttered darkly.

It was a very fancy theater now doubt, the ceiling was reaching up to the heavens and there were paintings of fabulous gardens up above. The chairs that were in the theater were covered in red velvet with a gold frame. The stage looked rather empty and Spike wondered if he had made it on time, there were a fair amount of ponies within the theater already. The princesses could be seen and Spike made a beeline to them.

“Missed me?” Spike asked with a sheepish smile.

“Well, what are the odds of this? Nice to see you Spike.” Luna gave Spike a quick hug and nudged her sister.

Celestia looked at Luna and noticed Spike sitting right next to her. “Oh, glad you made it Spike. I was starting to wonder what it would take to delay this show anymore.”

“So I am late?” Spike mumbled in a defeated tone.

“Yes and no, the band has yet to play but the designated time has longed passed.” Luna explained.

“What have you guys been doing to them?” Spike asked.

Luna looked at Celestia with a look of uncertainty. Celestia gave a slight shake of her head.

“Maybe another time Spike.” Luna replied. Celestia gave an approving nod as she said this.

Finally, the musicians took their spots on stage. Spike let out a sigh of relief, he was on time surely. A pink frizzy mane was seen amongst the trumpet plays. It was Pinkie! How on earth did she…oh never mind. But, this explains why she even wanted to come here and why she disappeared on him earlier. Octavia came into Spike’s eye view and he felt his heart flutter a bit at the sight of her. She noticed him and gave him a wink, which made Spike’s already beating heart nearly melt. Celestia looked down at the love struck dragon and let out a stifled giggle.

“I can’t believe him!” Rarity wailed at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Tears of sadness and grief poured from her eyes.

The sight of Fancy Pants nuzzling with that…thing was just too much for her. How long had he had been seeing her? Rarity felt used and betrayed by Fancy Pants act. For weeks now, Fancy had been taking her out to fancy restaurants and on more than one occasion did they share a tender moment together. Yet, he has been seeing her! True her beauty was to be unmatched, but still Rarity felt like unsure of herself anymore. Fleur de lis was pretty, okay that was an understatement. Still, what did she lack that Fleur had?

When she forced Spike to take her to Canterlot, she wasn’t expecting this. Now, she felt bad for holding the balloon hostage from him. He had only wanted to see the show after all. Maybe she can make it up to him…

Rainbow Dash was beside herself with joy. Pinkie had just given a ticket to her too the show, as to how Rainbow didn’t care to know. After all, she was sitting right next to the member of the Wonder Bolts! Did Pinkie know that the Wonderbolts would be sitting close by or was it just by luck this happened? Who cared! All that mattered was that she got to sit next to she idles. This time around, unlike the Gala, the Wonderbolt members were talking to Dash about tricks and the performance later on. There was a moment were Spit Fire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, complimented Rainbow on her ability on performing the Sonic Rainboom.

The proud and bashful look on Rainbow Dash’s face was the only response she could muster in response.