• Published 31st Jan 2017
  • 1,654 Views, 46 Comments

Flutter and Emerald - markzilla6895

  • ...

Further Steps

Emerald Peace calmly made his way through the somewhat crowded main street heading towards the local animal shelter. He had signed up to volunteer for a few weeks with the main representative from Canterlot High, Fluttershy. This was just his third week helping her out, but it felt more like he was there for months. Gently pushing the door open, he saw Fluttershy was tending to some wounded birds. He cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Oh, hello, Emerald," the pink-haired girl smiled softly as he set his backpack down by the reception desk. "Thanks for coming by again."

"My pleasure," he said as he pulled out a pair of rubber gloves from his bag and put them on. He always made sure to pack some after his first day and one of the more grumpy animals bit his finger. "So who are we helping today?"

"Just some squirrels," she replied. "One more person will be helping us out today."

"Who?" The door's bell rang as another person entered the shelter. Emerald saw Sunset Shimmer setting her bag beside his. "Oh, hi, Sunset." He waved as Fluttershy walked over to her.

"Hi, Emerald," Sunset waved back before turning to Fluttershy. "Just us here today?" Fluttershy nodded. Sunset smirked before helping Fluttershy close the window blinds and covering the door, turning the Open sign over to read "On Break".

"What's going on?" Emerald asked the two girls as they stopped at the desk.

"Sunset and I have been doing this when we had the chance," Fluttershy explained as she pulled her shirt off, revealing her pink bra. Sunset likewise had removed her own jacket and shirt, placing them on the desk. Realizing what they were doing, Emerald began to remove his own clothing. When he was down to his boxers, he saw the girls folding up their panties and stepping out of their shoes. Placing the last of their clothing on the desk, the two nude girls headed to tend the squirrels. Emerald dropped his boxers and picked up his clothes, putting them near his friends' clothing. Adjusting the gloves, he joined Sunset's side and knelt down to get a better look at the squirrels.

"So Fluttershy's a nudist too?" He asked.

"Oh, I've been one since I was in elementary," the yellow-skinned girl explained. "I always sleep in the nude. But when Sunset came out to us saying she was a nudist, I... confessed my own secret to her in private."

"We've had some get-togethers outside of school," Sunset continued as they began to clean the squirrels.

"That's nice," Emerald smiled, absentmindedly grooming one squirrel.

At the same time, Rosie Peace was driving Fuchsia to the Globe family's house. It was the day of her play date with Pimpernel and she was looking forward to hanging out at his house. After stopping the car in front of the one-story house in the same neighborhood as theirs, Fuchsia eagerly ran up to the door, impatiently waiting for her mom.

Rosie rung the doorbell, and was answered by Smart Globe in a bathrobe. "Ah, hello," he smiled. "Sandymane told us about her chat with you, Fuchsia, so we've been expecting your arrival."

"Pimpernel's here, right?" asked Fuchsia in excitement.

"Of course. He's been waiting for you. You can come inside and 'get comfortable', if you like. I'll just call him down..." Smart Globe turned his head and raised his voice. "PIMPERNEL! Your girlfriend's here!"

Giggling, Fuchsia bounded right into the house. She soon heard the light thudding of bare feet against a carpeted floor, and knew that the boy she'd taken a fancy to was on his way.

"What about you, Rosie?" Smart Globe asked her mother. "Do you want to stay for a bit too, or are you busy?"

"I'm afraid I have to go to work," the pink-skinned and haired woman replied. "I'll pick her up a little after six."

"Bye, mom," said Fuchsia, who had already kicked off her sandals and removed her shirt. She paused to give Rosie a hug.

"Goodbye, sweetheart," smiled Rosie, with a slight mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Have a nice date. See if you can steal a kiss."

"Mooom!" Fuchsia blushed and giggled.

Pimpernel arrived in the room at that moment, naked as Fuchsia remembered him. He beamed at seeing the playful girl who'd never left his mind since they first met at the Green Hill Club.


"Hi, Pimpy," said Fuchsia with a wink, letting her shorts drop to the floor.

"Have fun, you two," said Rosie, giving a playful little wave before closing the door. Now as nude as Pimpernel was, Fuchsia wasted no time in rushing forward and hugging him, or giggling at the resulting blush on his face.

"Err... wanna see our garden?" he managed to ask. "Mom's very proud of it. She's tending to it right now."

"Ooh, yes please," grinned Fuchsia, sliding a hand across his back.

"I'm going to make myself some tea," said Smart Globe. "I can prepare some fruit juice for you kids too, if you like. We have blackcurrant, orange, apple, pineapple--"

"P-pineapple for me, dad," said Pimpernel, stuttering slightly as Fuchsia still gripped him. He had butterflies in the stomach at the feeling of her soft skin.

"I'll take apple juice, please," the girl said.

Smart Globe nodded. "All right. Why don't you take her to the garden, Pimpernel? I'll bring your drinks out in a minute."

"Okay," said Pimpernel. "This way, Fuchsia." He led her down a short hallway and through the house's dining room, where they passed Sandymane and Flutter still absorbed in their studying.

"Hi, guys!" said Fuchsia. "Pimpy's showing me the garden." As she pulled him along by the arm, Sandymane quietly gave her little brother a wink and a thumbs up, making him blush again.

The two youngsters then entered the living room and passed through its exterior glass doors and into the garden. Fuchsia was spellbound: the place was indeed like a self-contained paradise. A willow tree stood over a pond at the center, with the surrounding area decorated by large bushes, a few small cypresses, cycad ferns, Mexican feathergrass, sunflowers, tulips, snapdragons, rhododendrons and many other plants.

Just as Pimpernel had mentioned, his mother Hazelhair was there, tending to her flowers with a watering can. She wore nothing but a raffia sun hat, since the tall fence that surrounded the garden kept her out of the neighbors' view. Upon noticing the children, she smiled and waved to them.

"It's pretty here," Fuchsia said in awe as she sat down on one of the decorative benches. Pimpernel sat next to her, blushing as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Hazelhair chuckled a little at the growing romance between the two kids.

"Y-Yeah, it is," Pimpernel replied. "Mom's been working on it ever since we came here." He waved at his mother as she continued to water the plants. Fuchsia then suddenly jumped up from the bench excitedly. "What is it?"

"Let's go take a dip, Pimpy!" She pulled him by the arm again, this time towards the pond. Thankfully, the Globe Family never had animals placed in the pond so they wouldn't have to worry about disrupting their habitat. Fuchsia quickly cannonballed into the water, creating a large splash. She surfaced, showing the water went up to her waist. Pimpernel slowly stepped into the pond and was quickly pulled into a tight embrace with her.

"You're really cute when you blush, you know that?"

"I-I am?" Pimpernel went even more red at that comment. Fuchsia giggled before planting a small kiss on his cheek. At that moment, Pimpernel's entire inner world exploded. He slowly collapsed into the water, his head being only visible thing. Fuchsia smiled before lowering herself to his level and kissing him again, this time on the lips. Pimpernel suddenly jolted awake at the feeling.

"Usually, it's the prince that wakes up the sleeping princess, not the other way around," she chuckled.

"You... kissed me..."

"Yeah, we're a couple, aren't we?" Pimpernel almost fainted again at that statement. She giggled before kissing him again.

Later that day, Fluttershy, Sunset and Emerald had finished locking up the animal shelter and were now walking toward Fluttershy's house as it was the closest to where they were at. Taking a shortcut through the park, they noticed the place was virtually empty. Exchanging each other the same look, they quickly hid behind a series of bushes and peeled off their clothes. Sunset peeked out from behind the tree to see if the coast was clear. She then quickly signaled her two companions and the three nudists began their trek through the park to Fluttershy's house on the other side, carrying their clothes along the way.

"So, Fluttershy," Emerald began after they walked halfway through the park. "You considering joining the Green Hill Club? Sunset's already signed up to be a member."

"I'm considering it," the animal lover smiled softly. "It seems affordable plus it'll be good to be with my friends."

"I'm planning to go up there in a few weeks," Sunset explained. "Maybe you could tag along with me?"

"Sure," Fluttershy smiled. "But what about Twilight?"

"I want to have her ease into being nude first, and I think being at a resort may overwhelm her."

"That's a good point..." Fluttershy's sentence was interrupted by a series of unfamiliar voices. The trio quickly hid behind some bushes as two girls passed by.

"Well, I'd say that our protest today has been a success," one of the girls said. Emerald recognized her voice as Suri Polomare's. "Soon that club will be closed down and those freaks evicted."

"Yeah, sure," her companion replied. Sunset recognized the other girl as Sour Sweet, one of the Shadowbolts from the Friendship Games. She felt she could trust the group, but Sour's bipolar disorder threw pretty much everyone off-guard. The three nude students were trying their to not make a sound, but alas, while clutching on one of the bushes, Fluttershy snapped one of the twigs by mistake. The noise was loud enough to gain the attention of both Crystal Prep students. They turned around to the bushes to investigate it.

"Who's there?" Sour's mean voice demanded. Emerald quickly put his pants and shirt on and stood up. "Who are you?"

"Oh, I-I'm just playing hide and seek with my sister," Emerald answered nervously, hoping they couldn't figure out he was lying through his teeth.

"Well," Suri smirked somewhat seductively. "I see someone has a sense of style." She approached Emerald, and ran a finger on his chest. Emerald shivered at the feeling of her somewhat sharp nail. Suri raised an eyebrow flirtingly as she coyly handed him a flyer for her group. "Why don't you... give me a call about joining our group?" She smirked as she started to walk off, ignoring the fact she pretty much abandoned her classmate.

"That bitch has got to see beyond herself," Sour growled before switching to her sweet persona. She then inspected Emerald more closely. "You're one of those Canterlot High kids, aren't you?" She gave a false reassuring smile, which unnerved Emerald once again. Emerald then noticed behind her, Sunset and Fluttershy were slowly tiptoeing past her, hoping she wouldn't turn around.

"So, um, what are your thoughts on her group?" Emerald asked, hoping to distract her long enough for his friends to get away.

"It's a load of bull, if you ask me," Sour's mean voice was back. "She's just trying to make herself look good after that fashion show incident."

"The one where she plagiarized Rarity, you mean."

"Yes, what's it to you?" Sour raised an eyebrow, noticing Emerald was starting to sweat. "And what exactly are you trying to hide?" Before Emerald could answer, Sour turned around. Thankfully, Fluttershy and Sunset were already out of sight. When she turned her head back, she saw Emerald had bolted off. "Weird kid."

Emerald had caught up to the girls, taking his clothes off as he ran. Now nude again, he panted and laughed at the same time.

"That girl needs help," he stated.

"Maybe some time away from clothes will do her good," Sunset joked as they reached Fluttershy's house. She lived alone, which prevented any awkward moments with her parents. They all shared a laugh as Fluttershy unlocked the door and they all headed inside.

"It's getting pretty late," Fluttershy said as she flicked the lights on. "Since it's Friday, how about you guys stay over?"

"I'm game," Sunset smiled.

"I gotta ask Mom first," Emerald replied as he began to dial her number. A few seconds later, he was grinning. "She said yes."

"Great!" Fluttershy beamed. "Another sleepover!"

That night

Flutter Heart tossed and turned in her bed. For some reason, she couldn't sleep, even with her clothes discarded. Acting on impulse, she flung the window open and climbed out, not bothering to put something on. Using the same route she took the other night, she landed on all fours onto the grass. Looking around to see if anyone was around, she quickly began to walk out into her neighborhood. Feeling at ease, she began to jog along the sidewalk, making sure her bare feet didn't touch anything sharp. She giggled a little at the feel of the air brushing against her skin.

"Flutter?" She heard someone call out. She suddenly froze and began to try to cover herself. She then began to relax when she saw it was Fuchsia and she was just as naked. "Couldn't sleep either?" Flutter shook her head.

"You doing a nude walk too?"

"Yup! Hoping to invite Pimpy along too."

"I saw you two kiss earlier," Flutter smiled as they headed to the Globe family's house. Once they arrived, Fuchsia ran up to the window that was connected to Pimpernel's room. Tapping on the glass, the window opened to show Pimpernel looking sleepy.

"Hey, we're going on a late night streak," Fuchsia said to her new boyfriend. "Wanna come along?" The boy perked up at the invitation and climbed outside, carefully closing the window behind him.

"So where are we going?" He asked.

"Well, how about a walk around the neighborhood for starters?" Flutter suggested. "I just need to relieve some stress..."

"I feel ya," Fuchsia patted her back as they set off down the street.

"I hope Em's doing alright..." the blue-skinned girl sighed as they rounded the block. "I mean, I trust Sunset, but it's just... I kinda wanted to cuddle with him again."

"Ooooh," Fuchsia said teasingly. "You loooove him."

Flutter went bright red at the comment.

Soon, they had reached Pimpernel's house. Fuchsia gave Pimpernel a kiss as he climbed back into his room and got under the covers. The girls then headed back to their street.

"Tonight was fun," Flutter gave Fuchsia a small hug.

"We should do it again with big brother next time," the younger girl smiled as she ran back to her house. Flutter chuckled as she began to climb up the banister and into her room. Flutter quickly snuggled back under her blankets and slowly fell asleep... unaware that her mother managed to see her sneak through the yard in her birthday suit.