• Published 31st Jan 2017
  • 1,654 Views, 46 Comments

Flutter and Emerald - markzilla6895

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Return to the Green Hill Club (Part 2)

Green Hill Club
Friday afternoon

Emerald Peace and Flutter Heart smiled at each other as the large field in the center of the resort was packed with their classmates and teachers from Canterlot High School.

"Luna really went all out with the planning," Flutter noted as they walked through the crowd.

"Well, Pinkie Pie helped," Emerald chuckled as a party cannon suddenly went off nearby, startling the blue-haired girl momentarily.

As if on cue, Pinkie popped up right next to them. "Somebody mention my name?" she asked, a beaming grin dominating her face as usual.

"We were just... talking about how you helped to set all this up," said Emerald, whose heart was still thumping in his chest.

"But of course, silly billy! Can't have a party without Pinkie!" She draped her arms over her classmates and led them towards the body painting area.

"So... there's a secret plan going on here?" Fuchsia whispered to Pimpernel, as the two of them sat at the foot of a tree together at the Green Hill Club.

"That's what Sandymane told me," her boyfriend replied. "Apparently, Luna's expecting Night Sky and her crew to show up right here at the club, to gloat about her so-called 'inevitable success' in shutting it down. Well, they're gonna find us having this party, and hopefully see that we're much nicer than they think."

"So that's why they've been going around talking to people," Fuchsia realized.

"Yep," smiled Pimpernel. "They've been rounding up as much support as possible." He blushed as he felt Fuchsia grasp his hand and squeezed it a little. She chuckled before planting a kiss on his cheek.

Lyra Heartstrings giggled as she and her girlfriend Sweetie Drops practiced yoga alongside Tree Hugger and the club's lifeguard Waterspell.

"Crescent moon, everyone," instructed Tree Hugger, leaning to one side with her arms connected at the hands. The others emulated her as best they could.

"This feels pretty awkward," whispered Lyra, though she couldn't help but grin as she said it.

"Tell me about it," replied Sweetie Drops. "It's like we're making sure no inch of us is left unexposed."

"It's meant to help us relax, you know," said Waterspell, with a slight hint of annoyance. "And we could do that much easier without being distracted by your giggling."

"Sorry," said Lyra. "We're not used to this, that's all."

Waterspell decided to change the subject. "So I hear you two are in a relationship?"

Lyra and Sweetie Drops exchanged blushes.

"Nothing wrong with that," Waterspell assured them. "I'm with a girl too. Auburn Beam's her name. I think she's dancing to your friend Vinyl's music right now. We met in Canterlot High, just like you."

"Now a tree," said Tree Hugger, balancing on one leg and bringing her hands together again. "The sun bathes you in its glow..."

Meanwhile, Sandymane had struck up a conversation with Twilight at one of the tables.

"So you're a fellow nerd?" she grinned.

"Yeah, you could say that," shrugged Twilight, looking a bit sheepish. "Did the glasses give it away or something?"

"C'mon, no need to be shy," said Sandymane. "It's great to meet someone else who appreciates books and science. Personally, I've always been fascinated by bugs, or arthropods. One of the most successful groups in the animal kingdom. But what are you into? Biology? Or perhaps chemistry?"

"Er, kind of a mix of all..." Twilight sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "The desire to learn things has always intrigued me."

"I know the feeling," Sandymane patted Twilight's shoulder, causing the purple-skinned genius to blush again.

Rosie Peace sighed to herself as she sipped her drink. She was happy the club was getting more attention and potentially new members. She then saw Sunset Shimmer was heading to the table she was sitting on, carrying a tray of drinks. She was followed closely by Fluttershy.

"Mind if we sit here?" Sunset asked.

"Sure," Emerald's mother smiled as the two high school girls sat in the empty chairs. "So I heard from my son that you've been a nudist most of your life as well, Fluttershy."

"That's right," Fluttershy smiled softly. "I've always felt more close to nature without clothing. And Emerald told us about you and your ex-husband." Rosie's smile slowly vanished at the mention of him. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you..."

"It's fine," Rosie sighed as she took another sip. "That was so many years ago."

"I'm sorry about what happened with your husband, Rosie," said Sunset. "He had no right to call you those things." She gently laid a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Well, it's in the past," smiled Rosie. "I'm just glad that my children and I are free to enjoy ourselves now."

"I noticed your daughter talking to that Globe boy, Pimpernel," said Fluttershy, changing the subject.

"Yes," chuckled Rosie. "I think it's fairly obvious that they're an official couple now."

"If I may say so," ventured Fluttershy, "she chose well. I can tell Pimpernel will be good with her."

"Look at our son. I'm so happy our son found a girl," smiled Hazelhair.

Smart Globe nodded. "I'm proud of him. I didn't have the courage to even speak to girls at his age."

Rainbow Dash then bounced over to them with a ball under her arm.

"We're about to play volleyball. Either of you guys care to join us?"

"Oh, yes!" grinned Hazelhair. "I've always enjoyed a bit of sport."

Smart Globe was more reluctant. He eyed the ball nervously. "I don't know, it was never really my thing..."

"I'll let you play on my side," offered Dash with a slightly smug grin. "You can just leave the daring moves to me!"

"Just tell everyone to avoid hitting me in the face with that thing," said Smart Globe. "I don't want to have to replace these glasses."

But before they could begin, the sound of cars pulling up and the clamoring of people filled the air.

Sunleaf rushed over at that moment, looking very nervous and flustered. "That... old friend of yours, Luna..." he gasped, panting between the words, "she's here... and she's not alone...."

"It's all right, Sunleaf," Luna assured him. "You can open the gate. We're ready for them."

"Are you sure about this?" Cotton Branch asked skeptically. "If there's any chance my club members could be at risk--"

"We'll be fine," Luna replied.

Before long, a group of disgruntled looking, fully clothed people stepped into the resort. To her shock, Flutter recognized Sour Sweet among them, albeit looking rather nervous and ashamed of herself. There was also Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, Jet Set, Upper Crust and, of course, Night Sky leading them all, with Suri Polomare, smug as ever, at her side.

Luna calmly stepped forward, unflinching from her former friend's narrowed eyes and not bothering in the slightest to cover her body. "Hello, Night Sky. I see you've brought some friends to visit us. Bit overdressed, though, aren't you?"

"Some of us still care for our social standards, Luna," Night Sky replied coldly. "If I were in your position, for instance, I'd think twice about being naked in public, especially with some of your own students present in the same state."

"Just look at her, Miss Sky," added Suri with a cruel grin. "Parading herself around like that, like she was some lowly animal instead of the Vice Principal she's supposed to be. How low she's sunk without you."

Luna stood her ground. "You honestly think we're not reasonable, good-natured people, with or without clothes?"

"Clothes were invented for a reason, Miss Luna," sneered Suri audaciously, "besides providing business for people who design them, like me. They define us socially."

"But," said Luna, still restraining her temper, "don't they also help to designate social stereotypes and divide people? Rich people with elaborate clothes mock others who dress more casually. Whereas here, we all feel more equal and in harmony. We don't even judge people for being overweight, or how much body hair they have."

"Plus, I heard your clothes business has been tanking lately, Suri," Rainbow Dash retorted, earning an angry glare from the Crystal Prep girl.

Willow Grove stepped forward. "Why are you so fixated on shutting this place down?" she asked.

"It's our obligation to keep people safe from such degeneracy," said Jet Set snobbishly. At the same time, though, he was pretending to adjust his glasses, in a vain attempt to avoid giving the impression of eyeing up the nude female bodies in front of him.

"Yes, what you are doing is intolerably disgusting and perverse," declared Upper Crust, while giving the male nudists attention in the same manner.

"Excuse me?" said Willow, starting to get annoyed. "For your information, we do not behave lewdly or disrespectfully towards each other - at least, no more than in any decent club. In fact, we always make an effort to be as discreet about our lifestyle as we can."

Sunset joined the debate. "That's right. We care for each other, and try to avoid alienating anyone."

Emerald stood up, with Flutter by his side. "And if you still don't like it, well, we're far away from the view of anyone who doesn't want to see us."

"And all of us are here by our own choice!" snapped Flutter. "We don't try to force our ways on people - unlike you!"

"They might have a point..." Sour Sweet nervously ventured to say. She earned herself surprised looks from many on both sides, including Flutter, Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare. In Suri's case, it was also a look of outrage, as if Sour had just committed an appalling betrayal.

Luna couldn't help but smirk at Night Sky with her hands on her hips. "Looks like your support isn't as undivided as you might have hoped, hm?"

"W-Well, I already have the petition for this club's demolition signed!" Night Sky held up the paperwork. "And I plan to take this to City Hall after we crushed your spirits!"

This revelation did succeed in making Cotton Branch and Field Showers very nervous for their resort, along with quite a few members.

But Luna remained boldly defiant. "You've failed in that last part, haven't you?" she said.

"It's true," remarked Sugarcoat. "Their spirits aren't totally crushed. Not one of them has the slightest problem with being naked in front of us."

"Who asked you, pigtails?!" snarled Suri.

Sour's aggressive side suddenly resurfaced. "Hey! No one insults my friends!"

"Friends?!" Suri laughed mockingly. "More like nudie sympathizers!"

At this point, Sour finally snapped. She had experienced how friendly and good-natured the Green Hill Club members really were. This, coupled with her growing annoyance at Suri over the last few days, made her finally lose her patience. She was fed up with all this hypocrisy.

"What if we are taking their side?!" she yelled. "I happen to have spoken with some of these people and gotten to know them, while you just rely on your stupid stereotypes! They are good, nice, accepting people who'd never unfairly judge me - not that I'd expect YOU to understand that!"

"You've been fraternizing with the enemy?!" Suri spat. "You're an ever bigger traitor than I thought!"

"For your information," countered Sour, "I never wanted to be part of your rotten protest in the first place! YOU dragged me into it, along with my two friends here!" She indicated Sugarcoat and Sunny, who were both moved by her loyalty and honesty. Flutter was also impressed.

Suri stomped towards Sour and grabbed her by the bow tie. "You backstabbing little b--!"

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Sour shouted, so ferociously that the startled rich girl backed down without a word. Sunny Flare gently placed her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Calm down a little, Sour," she said softly. "I think you made your point."

Sour took a deep breath and exhaled gently. Then she did something that astonished everyone even more - perhaps herself most of all. First, she freed her hair from its usual ponytail. Then she kicked off her shoes and peeled off her stockings. Her bow tie, jacket, shirt and skirt swiftly followed. Finally, she unhooked her bra and let it fall off, before pulling down her undies and stepping out of them. She then picked up her pile of clothes, placed them on one of the resort's tables, and moved to stand with Luna's supporters, just as naked as them.

"NOW I've made my point," she said firmly, despite the blush on her face and the slight shaking in her legs. "I know what kind of people I'd rather side with."

Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare couldn't help but stare, but Sour found she didn't mind, as their eyes were clearly full of pride at their friend's bravery.

"You're uh... free to join us, if you want?" she added, allowing herself a sheepish smile.

"I think not," declared Night Sky firmly. "I won't be losing any more support--"

She got no further, on account of Sunny's jacket being unceremoniously flung in her face.

"You're not the boss of me," the girl said, starting to unbutton her shirt. Sugarcoat had already undone her pigtails and was removing her shoes and socks.

"M-Miss Sky, st-stop them!" Jet Set stammered as the two Shadowbolts were now down to their underwear. But before Night Sky could take a single step towards them, Sour Sweet provided the perfect distraction: she snatched the petition for the club's destruction out of the woman's hands. This loss of her trump card unnerved Night Sky.

"S-S-Sour Sweet," she stammered, "g-give that back this instant--!"

"Oh, you mean this?" asked Sour in a deliberately mocking sweet tone. "The very thing that, if it disappeared, would render your whole campaign useless?" She held the paper as if ready to tear it to shreds. Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare, by now fully nude themselves, were again totally surprised by their friend's actions and wondered what they should do next.

Night Sky sighed in defeat as she held her head low. "What do you want from me?"

"Oh, something simple really," Sour smirked as she slowly loosened her grip on the paper.


"Just take off your clothes and enjoy the party."

"That's a good idea," smiled Luna. "You could actually give this place a try, and see for yourself what it's really like."

"Then we'll see if you still want that paper!" smirked Rainbow Dash.

For perhaps ten seconds Night Sky looked back into Luna's kind eyes, and everyone held their breath. It was almost like they were parallels of the same woman: one nude and carefree, the other clothed and stressed. Both seemed to be mentally running through memories of earlier years, when they were anything but enemies.

"Come on, Nighty-Night," said Luna softly. "Can't we enjoy this party together, for old times' sake?"

Flutter, Emerald and the others guessed that 'Nighty-Night' must have been an old, nostalgic nickname, because upon hearing it, Night Sky looked overcome by emotion, almost ready to cry. At last she replied. "Well... I suppose it would be fair..."

"M-M-Miss Sky!" spluttered Upper Crust. "You're not seriously considering--?!"

But the woman was already kneeling down to take off her shoes. Suri's face was bright red with both anger and embarrassment as her leader was taking off her clothes, going against everything they worked for! The nudists, on the other hand, were given new hope for their club's future by this turn of events. Cotton Branch stepped forward with a formal smile to address what was left of the protestors.

"Any more of you who want to undress and join us are welcome. As for those who do not, I kindly request that you leave the premises."

Suri could only stammer as Jet Set and Upper Crust slowly escorted her back to their cars.

"Huh," Flutter noted. "Thought there'd be more than just those guys."

"Nobody can really stand Suri's obnoxiousness," Sugarcoat replied.

By now Night Sky was fully nude, and obviously fighting the urge to cover herself. Luna kindly laid a hand on her shoulder and guided her to a table, where they each took a chair and started talking. The others decided to let the women work things out for themselves and, one by one, went back to their own activities. Flutter and Emerald decided to give Sour, Sugarcoat and Sunny a proper tour of the club.

"So what do you guys have around here?" Sunny asked, nervously waving to a student from CHS as they headed towards the pool.

"Well, there's this pool, for one thing," smiled Emerald. "We also have volleyball courts and trails through the woods to walk along."

"And we've got other stuff at this party too," added Flutter, "Vinyl's playing some music, Tree Hugger's running a yoga session, and I think Pinkie said she and Willow were going to try a bit of body painting..."

The girl herself bounced over to them, her body now adorned with a pattern of blue and yellow balloon images.

"Welcome to the club!" she grinned. "You won't regret joining us today - your Auntie Pinkie Pie will make sure of it!"

"...we're a year older than you," Sugarcoat deadpanned.

"Body painting, you say?" Sunny asked Pinkie Pie with interest in her voice.

Pinkie nodded eagerly. "Yep! It's great fun, if you're ready to hold still long enough. As you can see, I chose balloons, cause I'm all about partying!"

At that moment, Fuchsia dragged Pimpernel over to the group. "We overheard you talking about body painting," she grinned, "and I'd love to have me and Pimpy here painted to look like cats!"

"The more, the merrier!" cheered Pinkie. "What about you, Sunny?"

"How about some stars?" The Shadowbolt followed Pinkie and the two middle schoolers to the body painting area.

Emerald turned back to Sour and Sugarcoat. "What about you two?"

"Yoga would be a good idea," said Sugarcoat. "Sour's still feeling nervous about this whole thing. It might help her relax."

"S-Sure," Sour held Sugarcoat's hand as they headed to the yoga group.

"How bout we go take a dip in the river?" Flutter ran a finger down Emerald's bare chest.

Emerald chuckled and blushed a bit. "Sure, sweetheart."

"You mean FLUTTER Heart," his girlfriend smirked, not at all caring how corny her joke was. Emerald shared a laugh with her as they walked towards the trail leading to the nearby valley.

"So how are you feeling about this, Night?" Luna asked her friend.

"It's... surreal," the nervous woman replied, rubbing her arms slightly. "Being so completely exposed to everyone..."

"Well, just remember that they're all as naked as us," chuckled Luna, casually leaning on her elbows. "We're all in the same boat."

"These people actually... seem rather nice," Night Sky admitted, observing the partying around them. "This isn't at all what I expected."

"And what DID you expect?"

"Err... the less said, the better."

Sunset Shimmer passed their table at that moment and offered to get them drinks. Luna asked for a glass of milk, while Night Sky opted for simple water.

"Thinking of trying any of the stuff here?" Sunset asked casually. "I'm planning to do a bit of dancing in Vinyl's corner later."

"Welllllll, we used to play a lot of badminton together as teenagers," smiled Luna, "and volleyball is rather similar. What do you say, Nightie?"

"I don't know..." murmured Night Sky. "The sight of the opposing team bouncing around might... distract me."

Luna and Sunset couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Unlike your own?" Luna teased, causing Night Sky to blush again.

"I-It's on!" Night suddenly stood up and marched over to the volleyball court.

"I'll leave your drinks ready for when you're done!" Sunset called, still giggling to herself.

On the court, the two women found themselves up against Rainbow Dash and Smart Globe, who had gotten quite into the game by now.

"All right, ladies, hope you're ready," the man smiled. "I'll be tough to beat with Rainbow Dash here on my side."

The girl in question grinned at him before serving the ball. Luna immediately leaped up to beat it back over the net, and the game continued from there. It was true that Night Sky found it hard not to stare at Smart Globe's body at first, but then she got the hang of things and scored quite a few points for herself and Luna.

"I haven't had fun like this in years!" she laughed. Luna smiled as her best friend smiled without a care in the world, not caring about her unclothed state anymore.

As the game continued, Fuchsia giggled at their antics while Pinkie and Sunny Flare painted on hers and Pimpernel's bodies.

"Somebody's having more fun that she expected," she remarked.

"Yeah," said Pimpernel. "Hopefully, this means she won't be interested in delivering that petition after all-- ohh!!" He jumped and blushed slightly as Pinkie's brush moved to a certain area.

"Kitty's gotta look the part," the pink girl giggled as Sunny painted whiskers on Fuchsia's face.

"Err, sure," Pimpernel replied, doing his best to stay still and make Pinkie's job easier.

Before long, both were fully painted. Pinkie had turned Pimpernel into a grey tabby with black stripes, while Sunny had gone with a patched calico for Fuchsia. Pinkie then added some cat-eared headbands and fluffy-tailed belts, and the kids' transformations were complete. Fuchsia giggled before playfully meowing at her boyfriend. The two eagerly ran towards one of the nature trails, passing Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet.

"Well, looks like someone brought their pets along," remarked Sugarcoat jokingly. "Hope you're not allergic, Sour."

"I'm not," replied Sour in annoyance. "But they do look adorable like that," she then added in a softer tone.

"Reckon we'll see kittens coming out of the bushes soon?" Sugarcoat smirked at her own dirty quip.

"I doubt it," Sour wiped some sweat off her forehead. "Hey, you up for a swim? That yoga session took a lot out of me."

"Sounds like a plan," Sugarcoat nodded, noticing Lyra and Sweetie Drops also heading towards the pool with Sandymane in tow.

Before entering the water, Sandymane approached Waterspell, who was called from the yoga session for lifeguard duty. "Is there anywhere Sugarcoat and I can safely put our glasses?"

"Just set them on one of the chairs," Waterspell pointed at a group of empty pool chairs. "We have a supply of towels over there," she then pointed to a large cabinet at one end of the pool.

"Very considerate of you, asking on behalf of us both," said Sugarcoat to Sandymane. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," the yellow-haired girl replied. Soon all five girls were enjoying a peaceful swim, while Waterspell continued to watch over them.

Meanwhile in the nearby valley, Emerald and Flutter gazed upon the naturally flowing river. Its calm and serene environment looked no different from the resort, making them wonder if they were still on the property.

"Are you sure we're still within the club's grounds?" Flutter asked her boyfriend. "I mean, we aren't going to get any... unexpected company here, right?"

"Well, we're pretty far from any other populated area anyway," Emerald reassured her. "So I wouldn't be too worried about running into anyone else."

Suddenly they heard mewing sounds, and soon saw the feline-looking Fuchsia and Pimpernel bounding through the woods on all fours, clearly immersed in their role playing.

"Sis, is that you?" Emerald called, quite astonished by their paint jobs. The kids noticed them then, freezing in surprise much like the animals they resembled. Pimpernel was a bit embarrassed at being seen acting like this, but Fuchsia just grinned and waved at her brother with one "paw". Flutter giggled as they began to run towards her and Emerald.

"You like?" Fuchsia purred.

"Very cute," Emerald chuckled, patting her head gently. A splash caught their attention as they saw Flutter currently doing the backstroke in the river.

"I'm going to join her," said Emerald. "Perhaps you two had better keep your distance - don't want the water to ruin your paint yet, right?"

"That's okay," replied Fuchsia. "We'll just hang out in that tree!" She approached a tree that stood near the river and, in a remarkably cat-like way, leaped up onto a low branch. She then helped Pimpernel climb up after her, and soon the two were seated comfortably together a bit further up, watching Emerald and Flutter swimming.

"You really enjoy acting like that, don't you?" Pimpernel sighed as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"Yup! Cats are so cute!" She purred again, stroking his hair while doing so.

Later on in the day, Night Sky noticed Sour Sweet had left the petition unattended on one of the pool chairs.

Picking it up, she remembered how the last time she held it, she had been bent on using it to wipe this club out of existence, after rubbing it in the nudists' faces. Guilt gnawed at her mind as she remembered how ignorant and judgmental she had been.

Luna noticed her standing there with the paper. "Well?" she asked. "What are you going to do?"

Picking it up, Night Sky looked at the paper for a few minutes.

"Luna?" She began. "Do you think we can... start over?"

A warm smile spread over Luna's face. "Of course, Nightie. I'm so glad to hear you say that!"

Officially reconciled, the two women embraced and shed tears of joy. Emerald and Flutter noticed the scene, and smiled warmly.

"Does this mean you're gonna spare the club?" Flutter ventured to ask. Night Sky responded by tearing the petition in half, and dumping the remains in the trash can. All the people observing the event burst into cheers, now sure the club was safe and gained a new member.

"Does that answer your question, Miss Heart?" Night Sky asked with a cheeky smile.

Flutter was so happy that she immediately grabbed Emerald and pulled him into an intense kiss.

"Thank you so much, Night Sky," said Rosie Peace, her relief so great that she looked ready to weep herself.

"Well, if I had this place torn down, I wouldn't be able to continue visiting, would I?" smiled Night Sky.

"You mean...?"

"That's right. Consider me a club regular from now on."

"Marvelous news!" declared Field Showers as he stepped over with his wife.

"As a matter of fact," said Cotton Branch, "your little announcement reminded us that we have one of our own to make. I hope you're all paying attention - especially you, Rosie Peace."

The woman was intrigued. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Field and I have been planning to retire for a while," she began. "We've been holding off as we didn't know who would take over at the time."

"But," Field Showers continued. "We finally made our decision. Rosie Peace, would you be willing to be the Green Hill Club's new owner?"

"M-m-m... me??" Rosie was astonished. "You'd entrust this place... to me?"

"Of course," Cotton smiled. "We've seen what a responsible, trustworthy, generous woman you are, and we'd only pass the club down to someone like that. So - what do you say?"

"I-I'd love to!" Rosie shook the owners' hands in excitement before hugging them. She then turned to Emerald and Fuchsia. "Kids, I think we're going to be moving soon."


"Well, it'd be easier to run this place if we lived here, right?" grinned Rosie.

Emerald and Fuchsia's eyes widened with excitement. They both rushed forward into their mother's embrace, overjoyed at the thought of being free to enjoy this beautiful environment full-time. Excitable as ever, Fuchsia then leaped at Pimpernel, knocking him over and kissing him while the surrounding crowd laughed.

"Congrats, Emerald!" beamed Flutter.

"Thanks, Flutter!" He hugged her before realizing something. "Wait, if we're moving here, then that means... we're gonna see each other less often..."

Fuchsia's face fell too at hearing this, worried about being further apart from Pimpernel. Rosie gently patted her daughter's back reassuringly.

"We'll figure something out, sweetie."

"Well, we can still hang out, Pimpernel," Flutter offered.

"Plus, you have me and Fleur as well," Sour Sweet added.

"So this isn't the end," smiled Emerald.

"Definitely not," Rosie assured him. "In fact, I'd say it's a new beginning for all of us."

"Whoo! New Owner Party!" Pinkie Pie yelled as Vinyl increased the music's volume, as everyone danced on the field in the light of the setting sun.