• Published 22nd Feb 2017
  • 907 Views, 7 Comments

The Gift - Broman

Discord plans to kidnap Celestia, but for the most delightful reason.

  • ...

The Wake up Call

Fluttershy walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, getting ready to make breakfast for all of her furry friends. She grabbed the bowls and small plates needed for her animal friends and began setting them all on the ground. She then proceeded to fill each bowl with various fruits and vegetables, all for her adorable animal critters. After filling the last bowl she grabbed a small bell off the kitchen counter and began shaking, the little bell reverberating throughout the house.

“Come and get it everyone!” she called out, settling her bell to the side. As if on cue her animal friends began appearing within her home. Small rabbits and tiny rodents came out of their burrows, birds flew inside her open windows, and every critter began to enter and go straight for their food bowls.

“Good morning mister Jay.” Fluttershy waved to a blue jay who waved back in kind.

“Morning missus Robin.” she said to her next bird friend.

“Hello mister Fluffle Wumpagus.” she waved to a rather large rabbit with floppy ears and face of adorableness as he chewed slowly on his pellets. Fluttershy smiled as all of her animal friends went straight into breakfast and she nodded that her work was done. She then went to her kitchen and began making herself something to eat when she heard a strange noise from behind. She turned and saw her bunny, Angel, looking at the pellets and lettuce with an unsure expression.

“What’s wrong angel?” she asked softly as she went over to him, looking timid than usual, “is something wrong with your breakfast?” she asked again, giving him a light pet on the head to comfort him. Angel shook his head and pointed directly at his food. Seeing this Fluttershy went over to his food bowl and looked at it.

“Well, I don’t see anything wrong,” she observed, not finding anything odd with the prepared meal. She then squinted, “Unless...” she said and brushed a few of the pellets off the top and revealing a face within.

“Hello!” Discord said loudly as the animals scattered from the loud noise. Discord then popped out of the food bowl, wearing scuba gear.

“Oh, good morning Discord,” Fluttershy happily said as she gave a hug to the chaotic deity.

“And good morning to you my dear,” he said, returning the hug. When she stepped back she looked him up and down.

“Why are you in a scuba suit?” she asked, wondering what prompted her friend to wear such an outfit. Discord looked down and observed himself only to give a hearty laugh and grabbed the ends of his suit and tore them off his body, only to reveal a pair of blue swirl pajamas underneath and a nightcap on his head.

“Oh I was simply having a peculiar dream that I was in a large lake and hunting for an elusive Nessy. Turns out I ended up in Angel’s food dish.” he said as he gave a look to the frightened bunny behind her leg.

“Well that is quite a peculiar dream,” she said, only for Discord to give a big smile

“Well, I am Discord, anything I dream up has to be strange and bizarre.” he laughed as he began floating in the air, his body spinning and doing loops as he continued to chortle.

“I take it you would like some breakfast Discord?” she said with a small smile as she went to the kitchen. Discord gave a small grin as he landed on the living room couch.

“Oh that would be just delightful my dear. I always do enjoy your well prepared breakfasts.” he said as he stretched himself out to the farthest extent and began to relax upon the furniture.

“I can make you some eggs on toast if that’s okay with you?” she asked, her voice spilling out kindness with every word. A moment passed and a miniature Discord appeared in front of her face, wearing an apron and a white chef’s outfit.

“As I said before, Fluttershy. Cook to your heart's content,” the miniature Discord said before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Fluttershy smiled as she began making breakfast for the two of them.

Several minutes passed as she began to whisk the eggs and place a frying pan onto the stove. She had begun pouring the eggs into the pan when Discord’s voice came from the living room.

“Oh Fluttershy, I do wish to ask you, what, pray tell, do you have planned for today? Any fun activities or rendezvous with your friends?” he asked, his claws behind his head as he examined his blue pajamas. Fluttershy was already giving the eggs some salt and pepper when she replied,

“Hmm. I believe so, let me check what day it is,” she said, going to a small calendar that hung nearby. She examined the current month and looked at the specific day.

“Hmmm… lets see. Oh, here it is,” she said, pointing a hoof on the date, “It’s April sixteenth. I do have to go to the market in the afternoon and do a bit of shopping. They have a sale going on for carrots and Angel bunny is going to be loving those,” she said as she placed two slices of bread into a small toaster.

“The sixteenth you say?” Discord said, not necessarily looking in her direction, interested in the date. Fluttershy looked back at the eggs, using a small spatula to turn the eggs over in the frying pan. A minute passed and the toast soon popped up out of the toaster.

“The sixteenth,” Discord’s voice could be heard in the other room, making Fluttershy wonder what he was thinking. Though, she could never really tell what he was thinking anyway. “Why does that date sound so familiar-” he paused, lifting himself up and off of the couch and with a snap of his fingers he quickly teleported from his current position to the calendar.

“Breakfast is ready Discord,” Fluttershy said as she scooped the eggs onto the two pieces of toast and turned to face him. “I would like to eat at the table and...” she paused when she saw that he was staring intently at the date, his eyes fixated on the number sixteen. “Discord, are you okay?” she asked meekly, unsure what he was doing. Then, as soon as she finished, Discord turned and made a face of complete shock. His mouth hung open as he deflated and his body began to shrivel. Fluttershy could only watch as her friend began to shrink, his lower body turning into a puddle as he moaned.

“Discord, what’s wrong?” she asked, unsure as to what was happening with her friend. As soon as he finished turning into a puddle his body reinflated at a quick pace, snapping upward and returning to his old self, but still with a look of anxiety on his face.

“I can’t believe I forgot!” he proclaimed, as he began pacing around the room.

“What did you forget?” she said, watching as Discord began to pace up the wall and onto the ceiling of her home.

“It’s been a millennia since the last time, I hope she still remembers!” he said as he began chewing the points of his claw, clearly upset. This was not like him.

“Discord,” she flew up into the air, trying to get his attention to focus on her, “please tell me what’s wrong? Who is she?” she said as Discord stopped in his tracks, making him lose his footing and crash to the floor below, his body exploding into a thousand pieces. Fluttershy gasped as her friend landed rather hard and she went down to see what she could do to help, only to see multiple Discords at once and all wearing construction hats. The tiny army of Discords began to rebuild at a quick rate and were putting themselves back together. After another moment passed Discord was whole once again and he was staring at the ceiling above.

“It’s still early, maybe I can get something made before the day is out,” he said, lifting himself up as he patted away the dirt off his body.

“Oh Discord, are you okay? Is there anything that I can do? Can you please tell me what’s wrong?” she asked softly, hoping that he would listen. It paid off as as a light bulb literally popped over his head. He then quickly turned to Fluttershy, both of his claws placed firmly on her shoulders.

“Fluttershy. I must ask you something. Your zebra friend. She lives in the Everfree Forest, does she not?” he asked, a look of desperation and hope on his face.

“Zecora? Yes, she does live in the Everfree Forest, why do you ask?” she inquired, only for Discord to set her down and raise one of his claws into the air.

“Then I don’t have a moment to lose!” he proclaimed and was quickly heading toward the door.

“Wait! What about your breakfast?” she said as he screeched to a halt at the door. He turned to look at her, then looked up to see the light bulb still hung over his head. He grabbed it then proceeded to pop it into his mouth and chew.

“Crunchy, but needs a little salt,” He said as he quickly went out the door. Fluttershy blinked several times, wondering what had transpired and looked back at the eggs and toast she created. She sighed and went towards it, only for a bright flash to appear before her. She squeaked from the sudden entrance as Discord looked at the meal before him. He then grabbed one of the pieces of toast with the egg on it, folded it in half, and quickly ate it all up.

“Delicious. You always know how to make a good scrambled egg. Ta ta.” he said with a wave and a snap of his fingers and a small door appeared in front of him. He entered inside and the door soon shut and vanished, leaving Fluttershy perplexed as to what had occurred.


Zecora sat in deep meditation, her mind at ease in the early morning. She chanted in her native tongue, as her head moved ever so slightly from one side to the other. She had done this for nearly an hour, the only presences she could feel being herself and the nature around her, and it was perfectly tranquil. She felt cool wind coming and going inside her home and it helped calm her mind. She took a deep breath of the air around her and breathed out a deep sigh.

“Relaxing, isn’t it?” an old yet familiar voice broke the silence of the room and her eyes narrowed to keep herself in concentration.

“A creature of power comes to my home with little cheer. Is this the deity known as Discord, I hear?” Zecora asked, remaining still in her meditative state.

“Oh you are good. It was like you knew I was coming all along and I didn’t even have to introduce myself.” Discord said as Zecora heard him move about her home.

“Actually, if you wish to ask, I heard the door open, from your little task.” she said, giving out a low hum as she continued to meditate.

“I see,” Discord said as he began to observe her, “How is it that you do that? Bend you legs in such a way?” Discord said, likely gesturing to her lotus style posture.

“Years of practice and patience, my friend. A great master had once taught me, learning from day’s morn to day’s end.” she said as she continue to remain where she was. She took another breath, clearing her mind until she could feel Discord’s breath in close proximity.

“Much as I’d rather continue this conversation, I need your help with a particular problem.” Discord said, causing Zecora to stir from her position. She opened her eyes, revealing her blue eyes to the deity before her. She raised an eyebrow at him, and curiosity had risen within her.

“The great deity of Chaos asks help from me? This is a rare sight to see. Although I do wonder why, if you so inclined. Why come to me, for a piece of my mind?” she said, as Discord pondered with a tip of his finger.

“Well I wouldn’t want to take any pieces of a mind, not today at least,” he said as he settled himself onto a nearby chair, his body lying over it like a cat, “But I have more important matters that need to be discussed with you.” he said as he raised his claw and snapped his talons together. A moment later another Discord with a thick mustache and a business suit came through the door holding a large briefcase. He set the briefcase onto the floor of her home and opened it up. He then pulled a sheet of paper from within and began reading its contents.

“We begin with the following,” the Business Discord explained, “During your stay here you have made many friends and have helped the community of Ponyville with your many contributions. The most notable of them being when Fluttershy and her friends were afflicted with the Poison Joke.” Business Discord explained, as Zecora gave a small smile. She soon stood up from her position, stretching out her body from being still for so long as Business Discord continued, “My client here is offering you a deal, one that I’m certain you would not refuse,” he gestured a paw to Discord, who happily waved from his comfortable spot. Zecora nodded as Business Discord continued on, “We are offering to give you whatever your heart desires in exchange for your cooperation.” Business Discord said as he gave a rather courteous bow to the zebra. Zecora gave a hearty laugh as Business Discord lifted himself to seize on the opportunity.

However, Zecora had beat him to the punch.

“I’m quite flattered, for a gift I would not prevent. However, here in the Everfree forest I work, and I am quite content.” she said with a smile, making Business Discord bend backwards, his head hitting the ground and his horns getting stuck into the wood.

“So straightforward, I thought for sure that would work,” Business Discord said as he lifted himself off the ground, his horns remaining in the floor as he looked back at the parchment paper, “I should have gone a different approach. Maybe I can offer you a chance at a better experience in-”

“Oh no you are not.” Discord said, quickly standing in front of Business Discord, the latter feeling really nervous, “This is the last time I let you give a sales pitch.” Discord said, quickly turning business Discord around then giving him the boot with his hoof. Business Discord went through the air and slammed hard onto the ground, only to disappear in a cloud of smoke, leaving no trace. Zecora only laughed once as Discord placed a claw on his face in embarrassment. After quickly getting himself sorted he grabbed the parchment and placed it in front of Zecora.

“Look, Zecora, I’m in a rather tight spot and I need your help in making this, “ he pointed directly at the paper as Zecora followed. She nodded a few times, and placed a hoof under a chin.

“I see the potion you wish for me to make. May I ask who is the pony you are giving to partake?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Discord blinked and looked to the left and right shoulder, where Zecora saw two small images of a Devil Discord and a Angel Discord. They conversed for a few moments, almost ignoring her before Discord nodded and the the two spirits disappeared.

“Well, I can’t really say, but it’s very important to me,” he leaned further, a hint of nervousness remained on his face, “It mostly involves a mare.” he whispered and Zecora only blinked at him.

“A mare you have sought, and you wish for me to make that which cannot be bought. However, since I only guess, where your true heart lies. I can make what you seek so that you may claim your prize.” Zecora said as she went over to her cauldron and began making a fire. Discord leapt into the air, his body exploding into a fireworks display as Zecora began her work.

“You have no idea how much this means to me, and I didn’t have to pay you for anything.” Discord said only to hear a sharp laugh from Zecora, making him stop his mid air celebration. He fell back to the earth as she gave a grin to him.

“You say that you pay no fee for my generosity, even though I show you no animosity. The work of your labors will be your pay. Now help me with this cauldron, it’s going to be a long day.” Zecora said as she began to make his potion.

“Me and my big mouth,” Discord sulked as he went over and worked alongside her.

Author's Note:

Here it is, the first part of this story. I hope you enjoyed it, because more will be coming soon!