• Published 22nd Feb 2017
  • 908 Views, 7 Comments

The Gift - Broman

Discord plans to kidnap Celestia, but for the most delightful reason.

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Dance Of Flowers

Celestia opened her eyes and found that she was lying on the ground. She looked about and saw that she was still in the garden. She lifted her head, the wind picking up softly around her. The trees blew slightly from its embrace and she could hear the leaves dance above her. She stood up and looked up into the sky, it was much darker, but she saw the moon was still high in the sky. She knew that couldn’t be right, she knew it was mid afternoon when she was with… she paused, remembering the potion that she partook.

“Discord?” she said, looking about to find the elusive draconius. She looked until she saw the castle walls, lights gleaming out toward the night sky. She saw a number of silhouettes inside and many boisterous voices, though muffled, can be heard on the other side. When she was close she looked inside and saw many Equestrian nobles within the dancing hall. Many mingled to themselves or were on the dance floor, dancing a dance that was made tradition and made from times of old, during the old days of Equestria. The harp was pulled, the strings of a violin stretched, and the soft tune of a flute made the dance at a calm and relaxing pace. Celestia smiled, seeing the ponies lost in their own little world away from all the dangers or threats that were against them, and yet they were content, they were happy, and at peace.

All except one.

She didn’t see it at first but she spotted a pony in the far back of the room. Celestia couldn’t tell but the pony was trying to avoid the others as much as possible. Celestia kept her eyes on the pony, as the pony moved from one spot to another. When the pony was closer, Celestia could see, a mare in this case, was wearing a dress that was quite long. Before she could study further the pony was already close to the door's edge and she opened up the doors and burst out running. Celestia kept an eye on the mare, but once she looked at her face, she recognized who it was.

“It’s… me,” she said as she watched herself move into the garden.

Her younger self had a smaller horn, normal wings and her mane was pink, not anyway similar to her own. She recognized the dress that she wore which was a burgundy color mixed with laces of fine blue linen. As the younger Celestia kept moving Celestia could see the tears streaming down her cheeks. Feeling compelled to follow, her wings took flight and observed her younger self as she went through the garden. As she soared above the garden, keeping watch over her younger self, memoires begin to flow back to like water. She was slowly remembering the past and the stage of what she had witness, but she knew she had to see this through. Her younger self soon stopped near the center of the garden, her body collapsing in front of the fountain. Celestia descended down, standing several feet away from her younger self. The younger Celestia lifted her head, looking at her reflection within the fountain. Celestia watched as her younger self shook her head and began to lift her wonderful dress. She kicked and she stretched, removing her dress from her body. Once finished she tossed the fabric to the side and she once again lay against the fountain and she began to whimper.

Celestia felt a shudder when she could hear her younger self begin to cry. In the back of her mind she wondered what this particular memory was important, and why her memories were screaming to her that it was special, and yet she could not fathom as to why. She took a few steps forward and knelt next to her younger self, watching her white coat, which shined nicely from the full moon above, rise up in down as she continued to weep. A few minutes passed, time passing by in her illusion of a dream, as the two Celestia’s remained where they were. Celestia looked into the fountain, seeing her reflection and that of her younger self. She waited with much patience, and wondering as to why her younger self was even doing here. As soon as she thought of it, a noise caught their attention. Celestia watched her younger self gasp and she lifted herself off the ground, ready to make her stand.

“Who’s there?” her younger self asked, but it was no more than a whisper. The small noise picked up again, and her ears turned to her right, where she saw a light near one the thickets Celestia watched as her younger self went forward, uncertainty was on her face, but also curiosity was displayed as well. As the two Celestia’s followed the noise, a voice could be heard behind the thicket. At the same time music was playing, sounding a lot like the orchestra from canterlot’s grand Theaters. Celestia walked closely behind the younger Celestia as the two stepped closer to the entrance of a small enclosure. Celestia stood a head taller than her younger self as she made a glance around the corner. Her younger self gasped, as Celestia followed and did the same.

“Discord,” Celestia said, as she watched a young version of him dancing and tuning a tune on a banjo. The younger Discord was filled with deeper color, his beard was much smaller and parts of animal body was youthful in appearance, the most notable was his left leg having spots of a young fawn. A few seconds pass and the young Discord continued to practice his banjo when her younger self spoke up.

“Hey!” she called, and the young Discord jumped.

“Gahh!” he cried, dropping his banjo and hurrying behind one of the trees. The younger Celestia also hid behind the bush, unsure as to proceed. For a moment nothing happened between the two, until the young Celestia’s curiosity got the better of her. Celestia watched as her younger self came forward into the enclosure, where high bushes surrounded them on all sides with a few wooden fences and the stone path in front of them. As her younger self moved forward the younger Discord was eyeing her.

“Who are you?” the younger Celestia asked, as he quickly hid behind the tree.

“Please, don’t hurt me,” the young Discord said, his voice sounding more childlike than what Celestia remembered. Her younger self stopped in her tracks and shook her head.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” she said, trying to ease the situation, but the young Discord remained where he was. Celestia watched as her younger self waited, hoping that the young version of Discord would come out from behind the bush.

“Why are you in the gardens?” the young Celestia asked, hoping to start a conversation. The young Discord turned, his long neck coming out from behind the tree, and slowly revealing himself to her.

“Well, it's the one place where no one can see me.” he said as the younger Celestia took a step forward.

“Why, does somepony want to hurt you? Please come on out.” she asked as the young Discord shook his head and shrunk his head back behind the tree.

“No, it’s not that, I… I just won’t be accepted.”

“Accepted?” she said as the young Discord popped right in front of her in a burst of magic, revealing himself to her, as the young Celestia took a few steps back and fell on her haunches as he spoke.

“Yes, look at me,” Discord said as he began to pose in every way and shape that was impossible for anypony to perform, “I’m a freak show, a miscreant, a creature made of chaos. What pony would want to even be near me, let alone be in my company?” he said as he stretched out his height until he looked more imposing to her. The younger Celestia simply cocked her head to the side and gave a small chuckle. Discord noticed this and looked rather baffled.

“Your not scared?” he said as she shook her head. The younger Discord began to scratch under his chin, unsure of how to respond, “Most ponies would shriek in fright if they saw me, they even become smaller and bundle up in a ball of fright, “he paused when he placed a claw on his belly, “Either that or I’m getting a little bigger. Tell me,” he said as he posed a side view, “from the side, do I look a little bigger?” he asked, as his belly suddenly extended out and hanged a little. The young Celestia began to laugh, placing a hoof up to her mouth. The young Discord gave a small smile and he quickly tucked his belly back to where it belong.

“So what are you exact?” the young Celestia asked as Discord took a step forward, the nervousness leaving him as he began to speak more to her.

“Well I am draconequus, if that makes any sense. Ever heard of one?” he said as he looked at the different body parts, bending his falcon like claw, twisting his fawn like leg, or even inspecting the different wings on his back.

“I’m afraid I never did,” she replied as he continued to check his body, even bending over backwards to see his back.

“That is true. I have been around since, well, a least a few good hundred years, but that doesn't stop me for having having fun.” He said as a part of his body twisted and he spun around and was staring right in front of her, “So tell me, why are you out here in the gardens then in that wild party that is taking place?” he asked, as he pointed a claw towards the castle. The younger Celestia looked the other way and her ears went down to the side.

“Well… I know I’m suppose to be there, but it’s just been so tiring,” she said as Discord listen intently.

“Go on,” he said, and quickly snapping his fingers. A sofa popped from under the younger Celestia and she was sitting comfortably on it, as he pulled up a chair out of thin air and sat down and pulled out a quill and paper.

“Well, my father expects me and my sister to one day rule and…”

“Ah, family issues I see,” Discord interrupted as the younger Celestia looked at him for a moment, before going to continue, only for a small drink to appear in front of her face.

“What’s this?” she asked as she seized it with her magic. She peered inside and saw it contained a brown liquid that steamed upward.

“I’m pretty sure this hasn't been invented, but I like to call it hot chocolate. It’s very delicious.” Discord said as Celestia took a small sip. Her eyes widened and a smile crept up her lips as she took her time drinking in the steamy beverage.

“It’s delicious!” she exclaimed as she continued to drink it down.

“Glad you enjoyed it,” Discord said, as he continued to write on the parchment, “you can go on when you're ready.” he said as the young Celestia took another tender sip before continuing.

“I lived for a long time, and many ponies expect of me to be a leader. Yet, every time I feel like I do so much, they expect more from me. It taxes to know end. Meeting important ponies, writing off speeches, designating a guard,” She sighed as she settled her drink to the side and sat up from her seat, her wings drooping a little to the side, “I just wished that things weren’t so complicated when it comes to ruling.” she explained as Discord came forward.

“I can see what the problem is,” Discord said a he stood in front of her.

“And that is?” she replied, as she looked up to see that he was beaming at her.

“That you need to relax.” he simply put it as he gave a quick chuckle and taking a few steps back to grab his banjo off the ground. The young Celestia guffawed at his statement and stood up from her spot.

“And what would relaxation do to ease this troubled heart?” she asked, as Discord began to tune his instrument. After a few careful turnings and a pluck on the strings, which strangely continue to give off a violin and a drum, he turned to her with a cheeky grin.

“Well we all need some down time now and then. When life gets so overwhelming, it’s always best to unwind and to take some time off for yourself,” he explained, as the younger Celestia stared at him with a mix of intrigue and skepticism. Discord smile never wavered as he took a few steps back and turned to a flower bed nearby, “Would you like to hear what I’ve been working on?” he asked as the younger Celestia looked at him and back to his banjo before giving a small nod.

“Then let's begin,” he said as he waved his claw forward and several flower beds were uprooted and placed in the center of them. The younger Celestia watched in wonder at what was unfolding, as the current Celestia watched as her memory continued to play out. Unbeknownst to her, the current Discord, who had been watching the whole show from the side, had came forward and stood right beside her. Yet, not wanting to turn to see him, she observed the scene before her, as their younger selves played out before them. The younger Discord casually placed the banjo to his cheek, brought a bow from out of nowhere, and gentle strung it out. The noise that came forth were that of an orchestra, the same notes that were being played earlier. The young Discord then turned and gave a quick pose.

“You’ll love this,” he said as he suddenly shrunk to the size of one of the flowers, and the young Celestia looked down in awe of what transpired.

Discord began to play on the banjo, the bow moved at a wild pace, but the music that came forth was that of a live orchestra.

Once the music began the flowers burst forth from the pile and began to dance.

A dozen of so flowers came into the a line and began to jump several times. The line of flowers danced in sequence, never missing the beat, as the miniature Discord lead the way. The first line of flowers jumped, and next line of flowers came forward, all dancing in motion and moving to the beat. Discord continued to dance, blaring the bow onto the banjo and the orchestra music continued to burst out in all of its glory. The young Celestia was enthralled as the the rows of flowers split off, and more appeared in the same spot as before. A smile spread on her face as she watched the lines upon lines of flowers, danced in twists and turns, kicking their vine and leaf like legs into the air.

It was truly a magical spectacle.

“I remember this,” Celestia said softly, her eyes opening up in realization as the memories flooded to the forefront of her mind.

“It was one of my fondest memories,” Discord said, as Celestia cast a quick glance to him, only to quickly look back as the younger Discord was finishing his tune.

The young, miniature Discord, was now in the center of the flowers dance, as flowers began to dance in pairs. They spun, they jumped, they danced in circles and the young Celestia was laughing, genuinely she was delighted at the small performance that played out before her. The miniature Discord soon spun several more times, the strings of the banjo zinging out in repeating tones, and finished with a outward pose and the music echoing off around him. As he finished the flowers that danced around him jumped behind him and formed back into the flower bed, but still resembled dancers poses.

The young Celestia clapped her hooves, laughing in a way that surprised the current Celestia, like something refreshing that was so needed in the wake of the tedious tasks before her. As the young Celestia finished her snickering and giggles, and taking a quick breath, she gave the tiny Discord a smile.

“Oh that was wonderful, thank you for that performance,” she said as the miniature Discord grew back to his normal size and he gave a humble bow.

“It was nothing, my dear,” he said as the young Celestia beamed.

“My name is Celestia by the way, what is your name?” she asked with a offered hoof, to which the young Discord gave a toothy smile.

“My name is Discord, it’s a pleasure to meet you my dear.” he said as he took her hoof and gave a small kiss on the top.

As Celestia watched the scene before her she felt an arm wrapped around her neck, and she was pulled closely towards Discord. She looked up, and he looked down with a calm and caring smile. She couldn’t quiet tell, but she thought she noticed a twinkle in his eye before he finally spoke, the very thing that she had long forgotten, now remembered.

“Happy Anniversary, Tia.” he said, as the world around her dispersed in a wave of light.


“Alright everypony, one more time!” Shining Armor yelled out as his guard held onto a large stone pillar. Twelve of his guards including his sister and her friends, excluding Fluttershy who didn’t want to hurt the door Discord, and Rarity, who didn’t want to chip her hoof on the stone,, were ready to make the next charge. He turned to the door and motioned his hoof forward.

“Charge!” he ordered, as the column of ponies rushed forth and smacked straight into the door with a resounding thwack. Everypony rebounded and they all took a step back, as a bruised face Discord remained defiantly standing.

“That really hurt,” Discord said as he spat out a wooden tooth. Shining Armor glared at him as he snorted in frustration.

“Hurt is cutting it mildly for you,” he said as he waved a hoof to their surroundings, “I have guards stuck in the wall,” he pointed at the guards still embedded into the stone, “I have guards stuck in the roof,” he pointed at the roof where thestral guards are trying to remove several pegasi guards who were stuck in sap,” and you humiliated our title as Royal Guard by name and by duty.”

“You guards don’t mount up to anything really, except for looking like statues and swooning the mares,” Discord said with a cheeky grin, only for Shining Armor gnashed his teeth.

“I have had it with you! Everypony,” he yelled, as he went forward and wrapped a hoof around the front of the pillar, “We go on three!” he proclaimed as his tired guard shouted out like a clarion call, expect he did hear a few groan and whimper in complaint.

“We shall not let him disgrace our name!” Major Armstrong declared as the other guards redoubled their cries, and clenching onto the pillar ever tighter. Discord gave an uneasy glance to Fluttershy nearby, who could not bare to look at him being beaten up, before looking back at the guards, a few already digging their hooves and ready to make their charge.

“Can we talk about this? My time is nearing it’s end here, so you don't have to be so-”

“One!” Shining Armor called out as the guards readied themselves. Twilight herself turned to her friends and all nodded to rush with them.

“Now hold on, this shouldn’t be necessary,” Discord said, but his words fell on deaf ears.

“Two!” Shining Armor yelled, just as Discord began to turn his head to see a clock nearby, and a look of relief was etched on his face.

“Finally!” he cheered out in joy as his body began to disappear.

“Three!” Shining Armor and his guards charged forward, their sole intent in breaking down the door that is Discord. However, before they realized it, Discord’s body disappeared and the door swing outward towards the garden. Everypony's momentum carried them through the door and into the open garden. Once Shining Armor, first to exit out with the pillar, saw Princess Celestia with Discord he abruptly stopped. However, when he tried to stop the others behind him buckled. Everypony was thrown off their momentum and they fell over themselves, everything turning slow motion as he moved.. One guard screamed like a filly, another was propelled in the air in front of him, and he somehow saw Pinkie Pie flying with a small bag of food in her hooves. He hit the ground hard as several of his guards were thrown on him, and he even heard his sister and her friends cry out as they to were sent off into the bushes or fell on top of his guards. In the end it was a mess of tangled bodies and hooves that clattered in front of the two deities.

“Oh, is everypony alright,” Rarity said as she tried to help both a nearby guard and Rainbow Dash off the ground.

“That was fun! Let's do that again!” Pinkie Pie gleefully stated, only for some of the guards around her to look at her with a unusual look.

“I’d rather not, I already have enough trouble for today as it is,” Major Armstrong said as he dusted himself off as he offered a hoof to Applejack.

“I think, I might be in trouble,” Flash Sentry in a muffled voice, which caused Twilight to gasp in surprise.

“Gah! I’m sorry!” she said with a blush, as she stood up off his face, allowing the corporal to take a breather and looking beat red.

“ Is everypony okay? We have to get to… Princess Celestia!” Shining Armor blurted out as everypony looked at the princess, only to stare at her in dumbfounded expressions.

Discord and Celestia were hugging.

“Oh Discord,” Fluttershy said, as she flew in with both Princess Luna and Princess Cadence, “was Celestia the friend you were talking about earlier?” she asked, with the ever curious nature. Discord looked at her and gave a soft smile and nodded.

“Indeed, she is.” he said as Celestia parted, a wide smile was spread on her face.

“Are you hurt Celestia? Did Discord do anything-” he began to say as he was cut off with a wave of her hoof.

“Everything is fine, Shining Armor,” she said, her voice sounding humble and even relief, “ I wish to issue a command.” She said as Shining Armor quickly stood at attention, almost ignoring the guards that are still sprawled around him. He did had to keep his dignity intact.

“What is it Celestia, do you wish for me to apprehend Discord?” He said, standing as dignified as the proud Captain of the Royal guard would.

“Take the day off,”

“Yes Princess Celestia, I will promptly,” Shining Armor paused in mis speech to stare at he in astonishment. After a moment of silence he sputtered out, “what?”, looking a bit flummoxed by her proposal.

“Yes, take the day off. Also, send for my secretary and rearrange the schedules for tomorrow morning. I’ll be there to formally apologize for the delayed events.” she said as she laid upon the grass, while Discord brought out a small banjo from whatever existence he placed it in.

“But ah Princess Celestia,” Shining armor stated, trying to get his bearings, “You were just kidnapped, and yet you are completely fine. I don’t understand.” Shining Armor said as Celestia gave a sympathetic smile.

“It seems that you might need a longer time to digest of the things that has happened. How about two weeks of vacation to Manehattan?” she asked and Shining Armor shook his head.

“Princess Celestia I must protest.”

“Four weeks then, I can pay for your travel expenses and you can visit Baltimare and Las Pegasus as well. Would that be suitable Captain?” she added as Shining Armor gritted his teeth and was ready to lose his wits, when Cadence intervened.

“This is a most generous gift, Princess Celestia. Shining Armor and I will be happy to receive it. Besides,” she looked at Shining Armor and turned his head to face her, “it would be considered rude to not accept her offer.” she said as Shining Armor made a face of bewilderment, his mouth gaping several times like a fish before finally exasperating in defeat. He gestured his head and the guards began to disperse and clear up the mess around them, though some of his guards were carried from the sheer exhaustion from today’s events.

“So Celestia, do you wish for me to play your favorite, my dear?” he asked, as he plucked the strings, and a familiar orchestra began to play on each of the tunes. Celestia smiled and happily nodded.

“I would be thrilled for you to play that song, it is our anniversary after all.” she said as Discord began to play upon the banjo and more of the orchestra notes emanated outward. As he did this Twilight and her friends went to speak with Celestia, but Princess Luna intervened by placing a wing in front of them.

“Tis best that we give them their space. They have much to catch up on.” she said with a small smile. Twilight went to object before glancing at the Celestia and Discord. The two were happily content with each other and, although she couldn’t understand as to the whole situation, she was glad that Celestia was safe and in good spirits. After sorting themselves everypony had left the gardens, leaving the two to themselves. As Twilight and the gang all went to leave, she spotted Fluttershy who was rubbing a hoof across her face, and noticed that she was crying.

“Fluttershy, are you alright?” she asked as Fluttershy looked at her with a teary smile.

“I’m okay, I’m just glad that Discord has found his old friend.”

Author's Note:

Here is the final chapter. Thank you all for following this story. Leave a comment down below and let me hear you thoughts on it. Thanks again for following on this journey with Celestia and Discord's past.:twilightsmile:

Major thanks to my editor for helping me out with this.

Comments ( 3 )

A really good story, Love it :twilightsmile:

Quite a bit of the cuteness and humor. These later chapter were filled with grammar gaffs that need fixing, but overall a fun story.

Thank you for that. I know I have an editor who helped out and I did my best to make it better but at least it was an improvement.

Thank you for reading this story and I hoped you like it.

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