• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 908 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Foundation: Love. Tolerate. Fear. - Tropical Applejack

The Foundation is a secret organization based beneath Equestria. This is how they found their objects and subjects, and this is what they've done with them.

  • ...

LTF-173: Pinkamena Diane Pie

Author's Note:

In future chapters concerning LTFs, I will link the original SCP item for which the detailed LTF is based (Keep in mind that they won't all be based on an existing SCP!). In this case, LTF-173 is based on SCP-173.

Some fitting music:

Be sure to put it on loop!

"Are you positive about making direct contact via conversation, Princess Twilight?"

Guards surround the Class A individual as a means of protection, with a Researcher advising Twilight Sparkle and telling her about the situation.

"Yes, absolutely. It's better for me to converse with her rather than a Class B. She used to be a friend of sorts; this is the only hope we have of securing the truth of what really happened. I have activated a spell within myself to record the following audio and visuals of the next four hours with little to no signs of me using my magic. As always, all of you are to keep a direct line of sight with the... 'subject.' Tap a hoof on the floor to signal when you need to blink. I presume that you've all taken the prescribed eyedrops?"

"Yes, princess."

"'Doctor', if you don't mind. Princess is just a day job."

"Of course, Doctor Sparkle."

"Back to 173. What has been her behavior as of late?"

"Subject has been moving slower than usual. It now appears to be somewhat akin to a schoolyard version of Red-Light-Green-Light, with her movement now ending as victims look towards her, whereas she previously wouldn’t move at all when looked at. Her game may be changing, but it must be further looked into."

"Let's hope she doesn't decide to play tag," laughs Sparkle. There is a short pause in which Twilight stops dead in her tracks, followed by the Class C individuals and the researcher. "Then again, that's not unlikely." She turns to the informer. "Further research advised and requested by Class A."

"Duly noted." Hoofsteps continue after the researcher’s response, indicating the resumed path of travel to the Interrogation Room, where LTF-173 is guarded by four Class C's, all blinking in a regular cycle to ensure 173's continued observation and, as a result, safe containment. The door of the room opens upon a guard’s insertion of a Level 3 key card from the outside. Into the room walk reportedly six guards, one researcher, and Doctor Sparkle - Class A. The room now contains Doctor Sparkle, LTF-173, ten Class C's, and one Class B. Total room capacity: 13. The likelihood of all staff blinking at the same time is extremely improbable.

Doctor Sparkle proceeds to approach the table at which LTF-173 is stationed and slides over a waiting stool. She then sits down and puts her hooves together on the table: a position somewhat akin to a therapist. LTF-173 during this time is completely motionless, if not for her own blinking and signs of breathing. Her mane and tail, as usually noted, are in a straight style and darker than her counterpart's. Her eyes are seemingly more watery than usual, just as her coat is paler. The doctor leans forward and more closely examines these qualities before speaking.

"Hello, Pinkamena. You look rather sad today. Is everything alright?"

At this point, 173 licks her lips - seemingly to prepare speaking, but she sighs without saying a word.

"I heard you got served an extra big meal today in preparation for this interview. Was it nice?"

Subject silently nods and lets her gaze fall to the table, between her two restrained hooves (at this time, 173 is held back by metal shackles). Subject returns to eye contact with Doctor Sparkle. Expression described by on-site personnel to be of longing: not quite sadness. Despite this, Pinkamena appears now to be near tears.

Class A nods back in response to the subject. Her tone subtly shifts from comforting to serious. "It doesn't take much to be able to tell that you want out of here, Pinkie. We all know full well that you just want to roam free in Equestria and have fun, right? That's why you were made in the first place, after all."

At the mention of freedom proposed by Doctor Sparkle, 173's eyes light up, and she seems to breathe more heavily. "Please," is all the subject utters before resuming silence.

"We both want the same thing: to get you out and about again. The same goes for most of the LTFs. All we've ever wanted was to rehabilitate all of you and let you live your lives in Equestria again. However, we can't do that until we understand fully what you are and be convinced you won't do anything to harm Equestria's inhabitants. You might think that just because you're in the 'Tolerate' object class you can't get out of here, but I assure you; that is definitely not the case. All I need is for you to explain to me what happened two years ago, before you were first brought here."

Subject's eyes narrow onto Doctor Sparkle in a focused, non-threatening manner.

"Yes, Twilight. I'll tell you everything."

I walked down the dusty back-roads of Ponyville. It was late at night, and I was cold. Cold and alone. All I kept thinking about was how I could convince all of my friends that I was the real Pinkie.

Earlier in that day, it took so much effort to avoid them and keep me from taking whatever "test" they had in mind. I already knew ahead of time it would be something awful: something that only the "fake" Pinkies could fail to do, when in reality, the first to fail would have likely been the real one. That's why I wasn't there. That's how I avoided it; I knew I'd fail because of my true nature, but nopony even thought about that, did they? No, they all sat there, with backwards logic and foolish minds. None of them thought that maybe, just maybe, the sad Pinkie they deemed the winner was just a good actor. A defective clone, even! No, no - everything was fine! The real Pinkie was with them at last!

But she wasn't. While that pink impostor spent the day alive, having fun with her friends, air in her cloned lungs and blood in her cloned heart, I greeted all the town's ponies as I normally would and all around was just myself, hoping that somepony might catch on the truth. But not a single pony did. "Rejoice, rejoice! The REAL Pinkie has been found!" I heard in my dreams that night.

Not even dreams that night. Horrid night terrors that kept me awake until the moon was high in the sky. I had felt abandoned in the moonlight, the quiet humming of insects being my only friend now. I wanted... something. A part of me broke, to see that all my friends had been fooled. I didn't want to sleep anymore; instead, I got this thirst for blood: a taste of primal instincts we lost so long ago.

I wanted revenge.

The night was so still and silent as I came up to the Apple house. It wasn't far from where I slept, but my hooves felt heavier the closer I got to the door. The adrenaline I had helped me keep my pace, though. I got there and knocked, then I counted the seconds until somepony answered.

One, how many hours I need.
Two, how many eyes she won't have.
Three, how many wounds she'll have in the end.
Four, how many days it will take for them to find her body.
Five, how many hairs will be left on her head when I'm finished.
Six, how many ponies I will have done this to by the end of the week.

The door opened. It wasn't Applejack like I was hoping. It was her little sister. Of course, it had to be the most innocent of all her family to open that door. I became angry, but I was calm enough to ask the yawning filly were her sister was. And she responded, in her typical accent, that she was out partying "with the girls." My girls. The friends that belonged to me.

She asked me what I was doing there, since I was the one being celebrated. If my mentality wasn't already completely crushed, that was it. I laughed as I raised a hoof and smacked her to the ground; and I laughed harder as she looked up at me, seeming confused, and sniffled; and I laughed harder still as I started smacking her silly. I could see the red of her insides protruding on her cheeks, soon enough leaking onto the floor. I pinned her down with my back hooves and squeezed her throat with my others. The vessels in her eyes popped, and I could see the throbbing in her lower neck. I saw the life drain from her, and it felt great! But, good things don't last. She lost consciousness before any real time had passed; but I wanted more: wanted so much more.

I dragged her by her tail over the dirt road and into the Everfree Forest. Twigs got caught in her hair, and bugs crawled in her mouth. I didn't stop for any of her problems. There was somewhere I had in mind for her in particular: the Mirror Pool. I wanted her to see what it's like to be forgotten by your friends: how difficult it is and how impossible it is to cope with.

With her tail still in my mouth, I pushed the rock blocking the entrance out of the way and threw her down the hole. As soon as I heard the loud thud and what sounded like the shattering of bone, I slid down behind her. Without caring too much, I let her cushion my fall. It drew a far-off groan from the little bitch: finally awake and ready for what came next. I saw how twisted her back-right hoof was and smiled. She couldn't get out if she wanted to. And she would want to get out very, very soon.

I bucked her into the nearest corner, knelt down next to her, and waited for her to open her eyes. They were watering and losing color. Absolutely beautiful. I giggled at her and giggled louder as she pleaded to go home: "Please, Pinkie! Ah won't tell anypony!!" It all made me laugh so much harder. When I finally regained my composure, I cupped her chin, forcing her to look at me.

"I know you won't. So why not make sure you don't go back on that promise?" I snickered. "I'll be back tomorrow. Try not to die until then. It'd be a shame if I sent your sister in here so soon, if you catch my drift." I blew a strand of hair out of my face. I then pointed to the Mirror Pool. "There's what you get. Drink to your heart's content. Just don't fall in. You won't hit a bottom."

All around me I saw the familiar underbrush of where I'd created so many other Pinkie's. This was where Applebloom would meet her doom and where I'd teach her the rhyme when she was at the end of her life.

For me: for what her sister and her sister's friends had done to me.

I turned to leave the cavern, whipping my tail against Applebloom's face without a care, and I started to climb out of the hole. Reaching the top, pulling myself over the edge, I felt a change. I felt like I'd chosen to do something incredibly important.... I'd chosen to take my vengeance.

From the bottom of the pit, I heard her yell out one last time.


"And the rest, you already know."

Subject's ears flatten as if ashamed, and Twilight nods. Doctor Sparkle appears to be suffering from anxiety after 173 has finished her recounting.

However, she is still quick to be on task.

"But that isn't entirely true. We still don't know what you did that night and the next morning. Would you mind telling us?" the doctor questions.

"What, you want me to admit to something? Yes, okay? I did kill those ponies.

"After I sealed the entrance again and headed back in the direction of Ponyville, I decided that I'd play a kind of game until i went to go see Applebloom the next day. I'd only move when nopony was looking at me.... And I ended up snapping about ten necks that night, getting faster and faster the more I practiced - focusing on the concentrated movements to use when somepony blinks. I had it down to such little margins of error that I had pretty much been a master by the time the sun rose."

"All twelve were victims of yours?"

Subject leans back in her chair and appears to clench one hoof - irritated. "You might take me for a psychopath, Twilight, but I'm not some killer that keeps a kill count like counting days until Hearth's Warming or something like that. I did what I did because I was abandoned: abandoned, betrayed,
and alone. You chose an impostor and assumed by my actions that I was the fake. But tell me; what would you have done, if you were in my place?"

"I wouldn't have tried to kill somepony so near and dear to my friends," Sparkle answers politely, albeit somewhat nervous as to how 173 may react. But instead, Pinkamena says nothing. She no longer tightens her hooves or does anything of note: just looks straight ahead at Twilight, awaiting a decision to be made on her part. "I will admit, Pinkamena... you've surprised me just by telling the truth for so long. Your story lines up perfectly with Applebloom's. Just one more question: how did it feel when you saw Luna standing beside Applebloom, the moment before you were incapacitated and brought to the dungeons before transferring here upon the Foundation's establishment?"

"...Like seeing that fake with you and the others all over again."


"I realized too late the communication they would have. And it cost me. Look at me, Twilight."

The interviewer and interviewee are completely unflinching for the next ten seconds as they analyze one another. 173 seems to be more worried than Doctor Sparkle during this time.

"Hmm... at this point, I'd like to take the time to introduce you to somepony that might find an apology a bit more pertinent. She certainly deserves it."

Twilight knocks twice on the table, signaling the researcher to open the door. The researcher does as instructed, the sound of her keycard sliding through the slot with a beep. Personnel all report Applejack to be standing in the doorway and quickly entering before the researcher once again closes the door. 173's eye contact with Doctor Sparkle breaks, and she focuses on the orange earth pony. No aggressive tendencies are yet present, though Pinkamena does appear to be on edge at this point.

Visual confirmation of Applejack becomes present as she steps into the peripheral of Twilight's recording spell. She is shown in the footage to be shaking, and her words come out in a stutter. "H- hey there, P- Pinkamena."

"It's okay, Applejack. She can't hurt you," Twilight reassures her friend, still keeping her eyes on 173.

Applejack takes a deep breath and nods.

"Now," Twilight addresses Pinkamena, "is there something you'd like to say, Pinkie?"

A watery film scales over 173's eyes. Some personnel report it now to have appeared fake, but some thought that it seemed genuine. "Please... AJ... I'm so sorry. I know I hurt your sister; I know I did... but I felt like nopony remembered me! Like none of you could see through the clone's lies! I was being delusional, crazy, stupid. I really AM sorry though. I don't ever want to hurt anypony ever again!"

Applejack takes a step back, out of view of the recording. "...Hurt? Ya won't 'hurt' anypony anymore?"

"No! I swear!"

"What about all of those innocent ponies ya KILLED?! Y'all just 'won't do it anymore'? And we're s'pposed to just believe ya? My little sister is still bedridden! We don't know for sure yet if she'll ever walk again! How would you like it if I crippled one of YOUR siblings?"

"Applejack! PLEASE!"

"Ya gonna scream for mercy like my sister did, huh?"

The conversation stops as 173 does not answer. Instead, she looks back down at her hooves the same way she had been at the start of the interview.

A sigh is heard consistent with that of Applejack's voice. Her next words are fairly horse and seem partly regretful. AJ claims that this was because of what she next hinted at.

"Listen. I can't forgive ya for everything ya did, and I won't let me or my family be around you if you manage to get out of here."

"I thought that I needed your forgiveness to get out of here in the first place..?"

"Well, I think there's somepony else who just might find ya more deserving of walkin' free."

173 looks back up at AJ and tilts her head as Doctor Sparkle again knocks twice on the table. The card-slot beeps once more, and personnel report Pinkie to have entered the room before being sealed in with the rest. Personal reports by the staff report her wearing the usual smile and barely managing to keep herself from bouncing, as is typical with Pinkie Pie's visits to the Foundation.

"Hiya, me!"

173's attention is quickly captured by her counterpart. She puts on a smile. All recounts of the event claim it as clearly staged, and some report it to have been half done while her teeth clenched. Pinkamena remains silent, but tries hard to look happy.

"Is it really true that you're sorry for everything you did?"

Beginning to quiver in her seat now, 173 nods.

"And you really won't do it anymore? You won't try to hurt me or our friends?"

Again, 173 nods. Her quivering escalates the longer her eyes stay trained on Pinkie.

"Then we don't have a reason to keep you here anymore! You can finally get out and have fun in Equestria!"
Personnel recall Applejack quickly grabbing Pinkie by the shoulder opposite her. "Pinkie, you're not really just going to forgive her like that, are ya? Y'all know how many families she ruined!"

At this point, Pinkamena continues to shake at an escalated speed. Twilight never moves her gaze, and it is completely unexpected for any part of 173's body besides the head to be moving while observed. Twilight and Pinkamena's breathing are both picked up by audio recording as Pinkie and Applejack reportedly turn to her. Pinkie, though, quickly laughs it off. "See, AJ? She's just itching so bad to get out that she can't even hold still!"

173 looks directly at Doctor Sparkle and huffs. Her teeth grit together, and - through sheer strength - she breaks one of two restraining cuffs despite constant monitoring.

"Pinkie! AJ! Leave the room! GUARDS! SEDATE HER!"

Pinkie and the closest guard follows the order of Twilight, but Applejack is hesitant. As the door slams shut behind the researcher and Pinkie Pie, the guard begins to inject sedatives into Pinkamena's neck as she struggles to free herself.

Applejack yells: "Wait! Only give her half. I need to say somethin'."

173's attempts to swing at the guard Class C are now in vain, as she can barely lift her hoof up. The guard looks at Twilight through his helmet. The alicorn nods, allowing AJ's request to go through. The guard remains with half the sedative still in his emergency needle, ready to incapacitate Pinkamena.

"I've got something to say to you, 'Pinkie Pie,' and I want you to listen. I don't give a rat's ass whether you really are the real Pinkie Pie that's lost her mind, or if y'all are just another psychotic clone like all the others. I'll take a loyal duplicate over a corrupted excuse of what was once real."

Pinkamena spits drool from her mouth, though it's unclear if it had any target in particular or if it had a target at all. "But we both know that's not true."

"Bite me."

"Sedate her," Twilight says calmly to the guard. 173 loses consciousness almost instantly as the rest of the fluid is injected, and two guards begin carrying her back to her containment chamber, two more guards behind the carriers. Twilight turns to the remaining Class C's. "Mark her for return to the Mirror Pool with the normal Class D duplicates. I want no more than one test done before her permanent termination. I believe this has been a good final look into Pinkamena's psychology. You are all free to leave. Except you, Applejack."

"Beg yer pardon?"

"I still want to have you talk with your own duplicate. You still have the time, don't you?"

"Yeah, I think I can do that."

"Great. You can follow me in just a minute; I'll need a moment to edit the LTF-173 document with what we've learned.

"This is Doctor Sparkle, Interview Log with LTF-173, signing off."

Audio and visuals cut off as the spell ends. Edits of the LTF-173 document made without trouble [see attached file below].

Item Number: LTF-173

Common Name: Pinkamena

Object Class: Tolerate Fear

Clearance Level Required: 4

Containment Procedures: Pinkamena is to be sealed in a standard cell with a bed, toilet, and sink. The door to her cell is to be programmed to only open with a keycard of level 4 or 5. She should be fed and given water on a daily basis with the observation of at least four guards and D's with no less than two guards present. When not being fed, her cell is to remain closed at all times when not under experimentation. When being experimented on, there must be at least three Class D's in the testing room whilst a researcher or Class A observes from outside the cell door, giving instructions and looking away as necessary. LTF-173 is to only be tested one more time before being sent back into the Mirror Pool, and that final test MUST go through with Class A permission and heavy documentation of her behavior! The experiment will take place in the massive experiment chamber.

Description: Pinkamena, not to be confused with Pinkie Pie, is a pink earth pony with almost no physical qualities differing from her counterpart.

Pinkamena is a clone of Mirror Pool origins, but it will be admitted that her knowledge of Pinkie's life seems to surpass that of most other clones. However, this can be explained by the formula deducted studying the Mirror Pool itself [see LTF-001].

Although she is definitely not the first discovered LTF, she IS the first documented and the first living subject to be placed within the confines of the Foundation. Because of this, she stands as a mark in the hidden history of Equestria. She is also the first of the five Altered Heroes [see LTF-096, LTF-106, LTF-442, and LTF-292]. It should be noted that she is also the first Altered Hero to come into existence, as the other four were created at the same time [see Experiment Log of LTF-001].

Pinkamena was found near the Mirror Pool by Princess Luna and several royal guards with the help of dream communication by an injured Applebloom. After being in the dungeons and transferred to the Foundation within three months, LTF-173 has ceased communication with those outside her cell.

Currently, she is playing a game of her own creation in which she cannot move while in a direct line of sight. The only known exception to this rule is when she does not know when she is being watched.. She focuses her energy into moving as much as possible in the time frame given when somepony blinks. Pinkamena will then proceed to either hug the victim so tightly that their ribs rupture their internal organs, or she will bluntly snap their neck. Preferred method was snapping the neck before relocation to the Foundation. Her number of killings is estimated to fall at twenty-six, with fourteen of them confirmed and the other twelve (before containment) based on presumption.

Upon further examination, it was revealed that some of her features do not line up with Pinkies. It's worth noting that Pinkamena's mane is always in a straight style without any sort of personality, while Pinkie's still shares the same look as magenta cotton candy. DNA testing has revealed that their DNA is not the same. Instead, testing has shown that both strands of DNA are complete opposites of each other.. Additionally, they also do not have the same blood type. No other differences, besides the obvious difference in overall personality, have yet been observed.

Addendum 173-1: Though it won't matter for long, Pinkamena's strength appears to be stronger than previously suspected. It's unknown if Pinkie has the ability to show the same strength [see Interview Log with LTF-173].

Addendum 173-2: Note during her final experiment that she may not follow the rules of her usual "game." If she attempts to breach containment, lethal force is authorized.

Addendum 173-3: LTF-173 is set for exile into the Mirror Pool at the end of the month. All editing of this document will close afterwards, but viewing will still be allowed by staff with the right credentials.