• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 908 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Foundation: Love. Tolerate. Fear. - Tropical Applejack

The Foundation is a secret organization based beneath Equestria. This is how they found their objects and subjects, and this is what they've done with them.

  • ...

LTF-442: Jacked Apple

Author's Note:

No, the title is not an innuendo. It is not referring to an R63 Applejack either.
This LTF is not inspired by an existing SCP (to my knowledge).

Note: The voices of 442 and Applejack are somewhat similar, but they are distinguishable. Accents of 442 and Applejack have been further exaggerated to provide this clear indication in text.

Video feed by Doctor Sparkle’s horn is established. Visuals are clear and free of static.

“Time is midday. Personal note: I’ve just finished ‘interviewing’ LTF-173. I am now en route to establish a conversation between Applejack and LTF-442, who is as of yet unknown by any other name.”

Twilight’s tone shifts as she turns to Applejack, still walking: “AJ, are you alright to proceed?”

Applejack shows some signs of uneasiness - likely from Pinkamena’s previous outburst [see LTF-173] - but is otherwise collected. “‘Course I am. Y’all said she hasn’t spoken to anypony yet?”

“No. She hasn’t asked any questions either, so we assume that either she knows where she is, or she's too scared to ask.”

“Or she doesn’t care.”

“That too.”

The two continue down one of the Foundation’s many tunnels. Twilight turns back to the path of travel, again the Interrogation Room, in which resides LTF-442, four guards, and one researcher; each of the five personnel has been equipped with a concealed syringe. The researcher also holds in his possession a pen and notepad for written documentation. There are no reports of talking from 442, nor do any of the staff report her resisting movement from her cell or fear of any kind. Interestingly, LTF-442 did not show any excitement or urgency in getting out of the cell either.

Doctor Sparkle and Visitor Applejack arrive at the door to the Interrogation Room, which - once knocked on - is quickly opened by the researcher via his Level 3 Keycard and just as quickly closed once the two have entered. For recap, the room holds four guards, one researcher, Visitor Applejack, Doctor Sparkle, and LTF-442.

Video feed confirms subject to be sitting in the seat on the opposite side of a metal table, completely motionless if not for natural breathing and blinking. She has occasionally been reported to shift in her seat or scratch herself at random times, but these are believed to be moments with no ill intentions - though, of course, this has still put the guards on close watch as expected just to be sure. Her orange, slightly-dulled coat does not shine against the light of the Interrogation Room, similar in effect to LTF-173. Her faded, blonde mane matches this description.

LTF-442 looks up at the two newcomers to the room. No ill intent is reported to be in her eyes, but neither is any eagerness; she says nothing. She instead just continues looking, eyes focused between them, not quite documenting their appearances, but seemingly taking note that they are there. After the previous interview, this odd stare leaves the two Elements visibly uncomfortable, clearly shown by the video feed. There is silence for half a minute before Applejack breaks it.

“Golly. She looks just like me. Just... duller.”

“Yeah. Yeah, she does,” Sparkle replies.

“Don’t get a bad vibe from ‘er though. You?”

“Not at all. She seems normal.”

Applejack approaches the subject and takes a seat on the opposite side, closest to the entrance. She leans in a bit closer, studying her near-mirror image. All through this short time, 442 makes eye contact with Applejack and appears very calm. She even appears to help Visitor Applejack look at “herself” by turning her head slightly one way before turning it the other. Applejack, too, seems calmed by the experience, but also fascinated.

When finished, AJ leans back in the wooden chair and maintains eye contact not for danger of death like with 173, but seemingly only implied politeness. “Got a name? 442 ain’t exactly the best soundin’. ‘Specially if we’re gonna be talkin’ all normal-like.”

The voice that responds is similar, though less extreme, compared to Applejack’s in both accent and volume, but it seems to be a bit more raspy and a margin more deep, though still clearly feminine. This is not to be confused with threateningly horse, as all that have talked with 442 now have admitted that her voice is actually quite soothing to hear. “No, I got no name.”

AJ turns backwards to Twilight. “Sure don’t sound as close to me as Pinkamena does to Pinkie, huh?”

Twilight nods, and AJ turns again to the clone and speaks: “Then ah reckon ah’ll just have to be givin’ ya one.”

“I said I got no name,” 442 repeats, still calm.

“...Right, ah heard ya. ‘Course ya wouldn’t have a name. Doctor Sparkle here told me y’all haven’t talked to anypony since ya got here. Ya couldn’t have gotten a name.”

“I said, ‘I got no name.’”

AJ again turns back to Doctor Sparkle. “Am ah misinterpretin’ something here?”

442 again speaks to her counterpart, drawing AJ’s attention. 442 is as collected as she was during the first moments of the interview: “My name ain’t Jacked Apple.”

“Not Jacked Apple? That doesn’t help much,” Applejack answers.

“My name ain’t Jacked Apple,” 442 says.

“Why are ya repeatin’ yerself?”

“So that ya don’t understand what I’m trying to say,” the subject replies indifferently.

“But if ya do that when ah’m tryin’ ta help ya... wait. Hold on just a damn minute,” Applejack says, bringing up both hooves in front of her counterpart. “How many hooves am ah holdin’ up?”

“Not two,” 442 lies.

AJ puts both hooves down onto the table. “And now?”

“More than none.”

Applejack smiles with satisfaction and turns back to face Twilight again. “Ah get it; she can’t tell the truth because she can’t!

AJ and 442 face each other again. “So yer name is Jacked Apple, then?”


“And y’all were named that by... the Mirror Pool?”


“Well then... now we can try gettin’ somewhere!”

It’s worth noting at this point that Jacked Apple is not like how Doctor Sparkle describes the “Discorded” version of Applejack; this version of AJ implies what truths she can and doesn’t try to cover up lies when given the chance.

Now having figured out the base nature of 442, from now on mostly referred by Applejack as “Jacked Apple,” the two appear more comfortable than ever conversing. Neither one of the two shows any hostility or signs of hatred. Personnel that were present at the time of recording report that they talk like best friends, perhaps sisters even. The most common statement, concurred with by Doctor Sparkle, is that they speak as if they know each other, but this is a definite truth when put into the context of Jacked Apple simply being a clone with the same memories as Applejack.

Applejack checks to be sure that this is the case, though it is unintentional: “Remember when Big Mac busted his ribs during that apple-buckin’ competition ah - we - beat ‘im in?!”


The pair doubles over in laughter, Jacked Apple’s snorts a lot less defined than Applejack’s but nonetheless just as often. They both recover from the giggle-fits at the same pace, and Applejack gets significantly more serious about finding new information.

“Alright, let’s try this: can y’all move yer hoof from my left side of the table to my right?”

Jacked Apple nods, and she does exactly as asked: not reversed.

Twilight steps in at this point and sits on the floor, next to Applejack, who is still in the chair. She puts a hoof on her chin. “Hmmm... Applejack, may I try making her do something for me?”

“Ah don’t see why not. Not like it’s my permission ya need anyway,” Applejack nudges her head in the subject’s direction. Twilight confirms by nodding that she gets the message, and then focuses on the cloned mare across from her.

“Hello, Jacked Apple.”

“Howdy, Doctor Sparkle.”

“Mind if I ask you some questions?”

“Yeah, I mind.”

Twilight appears confused for only a moment before clearing her throat, seemingly mentally reassuring herself. “Right then. Why is your name Jacked Apple?”

“You can’t blame the Mirror Pool. It didn’t give me the name,” she rolls her eyes.

“Ah. So is ‘Jacked Apple’ short for ‘Hijacked Applejack’?” Doctor Sparkle asks.

“Nope, you’re wrong,” 442 responds, confirming Twilight’s suspicion. The researcher in the room continues to jot notes down.

“Here, I’d like to ask you to do something else,” the alicorn proposes. “I’m going to ask you some yes or no questions, and I want you to shake your head if the answer is no or nod if the answer is yes.”

“Alrighty,” Jacked Apple agrees, neither lying nor telling the truth.

“Great. Now, do you know where you are?”

Jacked Apple nods, saying nothing. However, she is still smiling, seemingly happy to participate in the interview.

“Are we currently alone in the room?”

442 shakes her head, still remaining silent.

Twilight stops for a moment, thinking over the answers. “...Are you in the LTF Foundation?”

Jacked Apple nods. No malicious intent is detected, but both Doctor Sparkle and some of staff present report getting chills from the response. Despite this, Doctor Sparkle wastes no time asking the next question: “Are you all-knowing?”

Jacked Apple nods, leaving Twilight to sit back and smile at her. The good doctor stands and looks toward the researcher.

“I think we’ve just found the best research tool we could possibly get our hooves on. Let’s close this interview and examine all evidence. She’s not getting terminated any time soon.” After addressing the researcher, Twilight turns back to 442. “And Jacked Apple, you may just be able to get out of here when we finish making sure you’re safe to leave. Thank you for your time.”

“It certainly wasn’t my pleasure, Doctor Sparkle.”

Twilight is again reported to have smiled at the test subject. “Okay. Great. This is Doctor Sparkle, Interview Log 442-A, signing off.”

Visual and audio feed ceases as Doctor Sparkle’s spell ceases voluntarily. Initial documentation recorded but not yet finalized. Experiment 442-01 follows.

Feed is established five days after initial interview. Subject “Jacked Apple” has been well nourished and has slept well. The purpose of this experiment was to conduct more radical questions, namely about philosophy, to determine how far her knowledge goes.

Feed opens in the Interrogation Room, occupied by the same eight individuals that were in the original interview: four guards, one researcher (with clipboard for note-taking), Applejack, Twilight, and LTF-442. 442, now designated as “Jacked Apple,” sits in the same place she had before. All individuals in the room are calm.

“Jacked Apple,” Doctor Sparkle announces, “we would like to ask you some more questions.”

“What would you like to know?” Jacked Apple asks.

“Just some natural philosophical questions, nothing you shouldn’t be able to answer. But let us know during any time if you can’t answer. We won’t push you.”

“Alrighty, Doc.”

“Applejack, take the wheel,” Twilight states, handing to Visitor Applejack a sheet of paper with different questions written on it. “Ask them in whatever order you want. And Jacked Apple, continue to answer yes and no questions by nodding or shaking your head, if you would. It makes gathering information much easier.” Twilight now steps back, leaving Applejack to sit opposite from 442 and begin asking questions.

“Have they been treatin’ ya okay?” Applejack asks, concerned. It’s worth noting that the sheet of paper did not have such a question written on it.

The clone nods, and AJ starts inquisitively asking the questions on the paper. Said questions are ranked from least interesting to most interesting. “Do y’all know what Doctor Sparkle had for breakfast?”

The subject nods.

“What was it?”

“Wasn’t daisies and carrots.”

Applejack turns to Twilight. “She right?”

The alicorn confirms that daisies and carrots was indeed what she had, but mentions that there was something else as well. “Try asking if she knows what I drank.”

“What’d she drink this mornin,’ JA?”

“It wasn’t water.”

“Is that right, Twi?”

“I did,” the Doctor states. “Please continue. We’re already starting to learn more.”

“Alrighty. Next is... do ya have feelings?”

A nod.

“Ya need ta eat and drink to survive?”

A nod.

“Can…” Applejack stops as she silently reads the next question, written as “Can you be killed?” AJ does not ask at first. “Aw c’mon. Don’t make me ask her that!”

“That’s alright, Applejack. I’ll ask,” Doctor Sparkle takes over (for the time being). “Can you be killed, Jacked?”

Response is delayed, but it is yet another nod.

“Are you okay with asking the next?”

AJ again reads the next question to herself. “Yeah, ah think so. JA? How do ya know all the things ya do?”

“I just don’t. I know where I could’ve gotten the truth; might not have been the Mirror Pool though....”

“So y’all think that the Mirror Pool is why ya know everything?”

She nods.

“Alright then. Is there a limit to yer knowledge?”

She shakes her head.

AJ stops for a moment before asking the next one aloud. “Is there life we don’t know about yet?”

A nod, which gets several shivers from some ponies on the scene.

“What is it like?”


Before the subject answers, Twilight sends all guards to work on a new assignment.

“They don’t walk on two feet or have better technology than y’all. Don’t have different lifestyles either. Real similar to us ponies. They ain’t called humans.”

Twilight nods at the researcher to write down everything. “And are these ‘humans’ found on the other side of a portal by any chance?”

JA nods.

“Well, there’s information we’ll need to redact,” Doctor Sparkle sighs.

“Okay, JA, last question. This might be a tricky one for ya,” Applejack informs her counterpart. “What if?”

LTF-442’s eyes go wide, and her mouth lays agape before a loud screeching is picked up by audio feed. Visuals show Twilight and Applejack falling to the floor. The visual feed is not on the researcher, so there is no evidence of what happened to him. Visual feed becomes blurry as soon as Doctor Sparkle loses consciousness.

Screeching in the audio feed persists for over two minutes before abruptly stopping as Twilight’s groaning is heard. She rises to the ground as the video feed clears up. Applejack, too, begins to awaken.

“Ugh. What just happened?” Applejack half-mumbles, still recovering. Video feed again shows Jacked Apple sitting opposite of AJ, though she is now seen with a shocked expression.

Subject appears to be hyperventilating and is quickly taken care to by Twilight once the alicorn regains proper footing. “Breathe slowly, Jacked. Calm down, and breathe slowly.”

Subject follows instruction and comes to a quick recovery.

“Can y’all tell us what happened?”

“Y- yup....” stutters the subject.

“Then what- how do ya not know?”

442 appears confused and apprehended, raising both fore-hooves in a surrender stance.

Twilight swivels her head around for the researcher, only to find the clipboard. She picks it up. The final notes begin describing the sound of screeching before the writing’s legibility becomes impossible to read. “Jacked Apple, did you see where the researcher went?”

“He didn’t... didn’t just disappear.”

“Hey Twi? Ah’m thinkin’ we should wrap this up before anythin’ else happens.”

Doctor Sparkle looks all around the room for any sign of change. No alteration is detected besides the lack of the researcher’s presence. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Mind helping me walk her to her cell?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Twilight uses her Level 5 Keycard to open the door as AJ gets the subject to her hooves. The two Class A’s walk closely on either side of Jacked Apple until all three of them are in front of the cell. Again, Doctor Sparkle swipes her keycard through the slot, opening the mechanical, metal door. Applejack hesitates, then speaks: “Wait. Ah have a couple more questions. Just a couple.”

Twilight nods. “Just no more philosophy, okay? Not yet.”

Applejack nods back, and she looks at LTF-442. “If... if ah die, would y’all try to take my place on the farm? Would ya try to take over my life?”

“No. For the reasons you think.”

“Not for the reasons ah think?”

442 nods.

“Ah’ll try to think about that. Just one last question. Then you’re done.

“...Is 173 the real Pinkie, or is she a clone?”

At this point, LTF-442 looks down to the ground, seemingly ashamed and disappointed. “I can answer any question about y’all Elements and your clones. I ain’t sorry.”

“That’s alright,” Applejack assures. “Go on and get in the cell now. Ah’ll come talk to ya later. Twilight? Make sure y’all are easy on her. She don’t mean no harm.”

“Of course, Applejack. And with that, I’d say it’s high-time I make you an offer. How would you like to join us as part of the Foundation staff? Here, we can talk about it in a jiffy.

“This is Doctor Sparkle, Experiment Log 442-01, signing off.”

Loss of feed confirmed. Finalization of document completed once again without incident [see attached file below].

Item Number: LTF-442

Common Name: Jacked Apple

Object Class: Safe - Tolerate (see below)

Clearance Level Required: 3

Containment Procedures: LTF-442 is to be kept in a standard holding cell with included cleaning facilities. The door is to be opened by a minimum of Level 3 clearance. Her cell is to be fitted with a shower, as previously requested after being asked if she would prefer such. Food and water is to be given on a bi-daily basis, preferably of a decent quality, on par with the food of the staff. Direct delivery of cafeteria food is authorized and encouraged.

Upon request to leave her cell, a spell must be cast upon Jacked Apple that leaves her mute. Note that this is to prevent the risk of another incident [see Experiment 442-01]. LTF-442 may not leave her cell until this condition has been met.

Any answered yes-or-no questions are to be documented for analysis. Jacked Apple must remain accompanied at all times when outside her cell. Experiments are being considered, but are as of yet undecided. For now, 442 is to remain within the Foundation like this. It’s been suggested she be allowed to kick down apples and other productive activities favored by Applejack. Pending Class-A approval.

Description: LTF-442 is a female earth pony of a dull-orange color. Her mane is an almost-withered blonde with a trace of white. Upon each flank are three apples. She appears to be the spitting image of an aged Applejack. As with Pinkamena and Pinkie Pie [see LTF-173], Applejack and Jacked Apple’s blood have been reported to go in opposite directions and also to differ in type.

Jacked Apple holds with her a remarkable ability; she is able to answer any question about the past and the present. She is all-knowing. However, she will always answer in a lie. Also, her information is precise and rarely covers wide areas unless the question itself implies a general answer. The subject seems upset by this and wishes that she could tell the truth, but the only way around this has shown to be asking a yes-or-no query and telling the subject to respond by nodding or shaking her head. She prefers to answer in this way to make things less complicated. Staff define her as a cooperative mare and often times forget she is indeed an LTF.

The only thing keeping Jacked Apple from a “Safe” classification is her seemingly too wide sense of knowledge. When asked “What if?” in her first experiment [see Experiment Log 442-01], she caused a researcher to disappear. It is definitely worth noting that the researcher, unlike Doctor Sparkle and Applejack - who were also present, had scored low on Doctor Whooves’s Test of Will. Because of this, it is simply discouraged - although not restricted - for somepony of low willpower to escort or accompany 442.

No other incidents have been reported, and it is suspected by several Class B’s that it may have been due to the fact that the question had no true answer, but many. Under the grounds that a question remains completed and should not cause a paradox (ex. Liar’s Paradox, Time Travel Paradoxes, etc.), many have insisted that enough is known to demote Jacked Apple to “Safe.” This request is currently being considered by Class A, as well as a demotion in Clearance Requirements - from 3, to 2.

Comments ( 14 )

I'm curious. What happens if she writes something down? Is it infested with lies or is it honest? If you were to ask her to write a question such as the "What If?" question, does she make the paper disappear? So many things to be tested, so few researchers.

Fuuuuu- I should have thought of that! :twilightangry2:

Oh well. What I can do is include this in a future chapter once I've documented all other Altered Heroes. And in that chapter I'll describe some experiments in post. But damn, I totally didn't think to include something about that. I'll throw something together. Eventually. In the meantime, feel free to leave a like if you've enjoyed our research up until this point. Remember: the Foundation is always watching.

Would I be correct in assuming some of the relics from the actual show will be LTF objects? It would be interesting to see a fossilized Discord sowing insanity in those around him, Twilight trying on the Alicorn Amulet and getting addicted, or the Elements doing harmony things, I don't quite know what those things are, but I bet they would be pretty similar to moose things.

Discord will actually be responsible for (at least) two LTF's later on, though he himself will not be one. I will elaborate on this point in future text. In case you don't remember, he is listed in the first document to be on Class-A Staff when present at the foundation, though bios of some supporting characters researchers (including Discord, Doctor Whooves, Lyra, and some other Class A's) will be available at one point.

The Alicorn Amulet, however, will indeed appear.

We at the Foundation thank you for your patience.

Hmm make since why Discord isn't an LTF object. WHile he's essentially a Keter class object if you go by scp foundation standards, he's already well known and 'reformed'.

When’s the next update?

I've just been on a hiatus lightly focusing more on schoolwork, but I really should start writing again soon. Have you enjoyed what there is so far? :twilightblush:

Yes! The concept of short stories with initial testing, then an actual written report is original and refreshing. I truely am enjoying the story so far! (Also, I totally understand the about homework issue. I have to write a 5 paragraph essay that’s worth 2 test grades, so no pressure!)

P.S: Quick suggestion: Try not to make the reports (not the stories) with so much... “emotion”. Ex: Jacked Apple’s report had a bit of emotion when it had something along the lines of “She possess an extraordinary ability”. Try imaging that the person writing the report (in lore, not real life) is very monotone or expressionless.

P.P.S: I have an SCP suggestion: SCP-912. Basically living SWAT armor. No body, no words, just SWAT armor. Here’s the link to the page if you want to learn more about it: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-912

Other than that, keep up the great work! :twilightsmile:
(Sorry if I come off a bit aggressive, just wanted to give a bit of feedback)

Oh, no, you didn't come off as aggressive! I totally get what you're saying about showing less emotion in places like those, but I try my best. That's one of the spots where I would prefer to use some word to describe the uniqueness of the unworldly and original ability. It's hard to do that through an objective term, so I will look for ones that can be used from a neutral's perspective, such as extraordinary (extra ordinary, more than the norm, special).
But yeah, I get what you mean.

Is this story dead? Would be a shame if ti did, is showed a lot of potential and was doing a lot better than a lot of SCP in Equestria stories.

It's not dead. I would have marked it as cancelled.
It's just that my life is super busy, and I'm spending time on other things than writing, despite knowing I probably should be story-crafting some more.
Nah, this fic isn't over. Thank you for your kind words.

I love the concept and the story I hope to see more in the future

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