• Published 13th Feb 2017
  • 204 Views, 17 Comments

Alone - Silver Inkwell

A simple small tiny little plain message from a simple person/pony/author.

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I used to cry when I was all alone.

That’s all you need to know about me first for right now.

The other stuff isn’t really that important depending upon your definition of it of course. But who am I exactly I hear you ask. The name’s not that important really either, not right now it isn't, I could be right next to you, don’t believe me?

Just look to your left or right, unless you’re all alone of course, in which case this story will make even more sense to you. Anyhow I guess that you can call me Comet, that’s my nickname for now. Anyhow why am I talking to you? I honestly really don’t know, I just felt and sensed like I need to, that’s the only reason why that you’ll ever get. Of course this still does not change the whole entire point of my message now, I just wanted to say hello first. Anyhow I’ve been alone ever since my wife passed away, yeah, that sucked, a lot. I was miserable and in pain for so long, and I just didn’t know what to do, that was until one day when I was finally eventually inspired by another. Her words of wisdom helped me to get out of my pit of misery, pain, sorrow, agony, and despair too, and I think that it is only my proper duty to repeat them to those who need to hear them, and for those that don’t I only send you this message just in case we don’t ever meet again, good day, good luck, good afternoon, good evening, and also finally good night too.

Anyhow my purpose in speaking to you today is to simply tell you this one simple thing, you are never really truly alone, unless you are literally the last of your race and kind in which case you’re pretty much doomed, but of course I highly doubt that this situation which I just described can ever be which is why it is therefore a joke.

Anyhow the simple reason as to why you never really truly are alone is because there will always be others to help you out in your time of need, and I only know that because of my excellent hindsight, there are so many chance and opportunities for you just to talk to others, after all, one is better than none.

Even if you don’t believe that they’ll actually really truly listen to you, well you still should try at least, because if you don’t then you’ll always regret it forever more afterwards. But why would you listen to me if you feel like the whole entire world is ignoring you or can’t hear your voice instead of course? Well you’ll probably try ignoring me and also shutting me out, but my words of truth will still always be here no matter what you try to do, so just please accept them.

Anyhow your voice can be heard if you’re willing to listen to other first, especially the ones who feel just like you exactly. You don’t have to be alone, you don’t have to feel either, emotion and isolation are choices that you can make of your own free will, everything in your whole entire life is a choice even if you don’t think it really is, even your attitude and mindset towards things and stuff that happens to you, whether or not it is good or bad you can still change it somehow.

Even if that change is very small and tiny you have no idea what it might just affect later on. Anyhow you shouldn’t ever really doubt yourself or the power of emotion either, fear, hope, hate, love, they are all very powerful, and depending upon which emotions you try to use and how much of them then they will shape your whole entire life unless you can manage to learn how to control all of them.

Never doubt change, no matter how small, tiny or little it is, because later on it can grow to be very big and huge, just like how one tiny little seed can eventually grow into a tree so can your emotions too, and so can your thought and ideas too, so make sure that you always have the best and most clean thoughts that you want to have. Be the best that you can be, don’t look to others, just be you.

Because if you always look to others then you’ll always fail and be disappointed, and eventually you’ll give up on your dreams and hopes, and you should never do that. Always pursue your dreams, thoughts, ideas, passions, and desires too, and never let them die either, because the moment that you do is the moment that you finally sacrifice your joy, and that is one of the greatest things that you will ever have. I don’t know if my words are ever going to change you, and that’s because I won’t ever be able to see my own product, but I hope that it does.

Because if it doesn’t then I will be very disappointed.

And so that is why I still have hope for it and this no matter what.

My hope for the whole entire world may be dying, and in others too as well, but there are still a few things left that I have hope for even if I don’t know what they all are yet, I just hope that I may come to know all of them when the time is finally eventually right for me. And if I don’t I will still be content and satisfied with what I do know and my life, because after all, you should always ask more questions and seek constant support and approval and knowledge too as well.

Anyhow, thank you for listening to me, you may now go back to your regular ordinary lives doing whatever it is that you do when your boss isn’t looking at you just to make sure that you are indeed actually working, which you wouldn’t be if you’re reading this, but enough, I’ve already wasted enough time of your life already, and either you’re going to take my advice or not, your choice.

Author's Note:

Who is I?

I'll let you decide that...

(It could even be me, the author, or you, the reader instead.)

Comments ( 17 )

The I, I would say would be our hearts, leading us on through the bad and the good, giving us hope constantly afterwards.

This is a nice story mate, but it could use some more editing and depth.


All my stories are first drafts and I REALLY NEED EDITORS.

8006804 You can't edit them yourself?


8006822 Do you love writing stories?

But I just can't trick my brain into even liking editing.
Saying that it's a game, well I haven't tried it so I don't even know if that will really work out well enough or not.

8006921 If you love writing then you have to learn to love editing.

8006921 No worries, I don't know how to edit my own stories either. I barely manage to write them in the first place with how lazy of a bugger I am.

Answer: Hire a brit to read through the mess of a story you have produced, have him show you the mistakes, correct them, publish and pay him nothing but a good laugh ;)

Where do I find these so called 'British' people/ponies?

8006959 On a big, bloody island, off the coast of western europe.

That, or the internet. You choose which one's better for you

*gives thumbs up*

8006970 Now I only hope my proofreader doesnt happen to read this...

If you happen to see a guy called 'Infuscate' and hear him say "Bloody 'ell, that cheeky bugger!"

...I never said anything. Got it? :moustache:

Uh, okay then?
*looks at you with a very great look of confusion*

8007015 Sshhhh....

U didnt see anythinnng...

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