• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 8,046 Views, 63 Comments

OFF the rails - The Winged Merchant

We all know the drill with displacing, I just didn't expect it to happen to me, as The Batter no less.

  • ...

School Part 1

Author's Note:

From Here on out, I'll be using music and music remixes from various games like in most people stories. I don't own any of these songs. Enjoy.

I woke up as I felt a headache as I took a look at my surroundings as I saw the school from earlier, I looked at a statue of a horse as I saw my reflection.

I was a pale white teen with a baseball hat, a striped baseball shirt with a black long sleeve shirt underneath and black sweatpants. Soon after almost finishing my examination I noticed the four blood red eyes with pitch black irises. I closed them yet my vision wasn't affected. "Heh, weird..." I said with a smirk as I picked up an iron baseball bat that was right next to me and put it away in what I could only assume is a pocket dimension as I noticed 3 white bracelets on my arms. I smiled a bit as I recognized them "The Add-Ons" as I walked up to the school.

"Heh, I wonder who or what I'll befriend and fight with?" I thought to myself. It was no surprise really, I had a knack for wondering my future back home. I headed off into the school ready for anything.

The hallway seemed to be packed as students came from left and right. It was so frustrating, I wanted to scream.

I noticed a adult woman with white clothing and multi colored hair. I assumed she was a teacher or at least the principle or vice principle if I was lucky.

With nobody else that would listen to me I walked up to her to ask her a question.

"Um pardon me ma'am, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the principle or at least the vice principle?"

She turned to me and said "Yes I'm the principle, you can call me Principle Celestia."

I smirked at my luck "Great, I'm Sans, but my friends back home call me "The Batter" due to my skills at baseball."

I wasn't lying, I was moderately well skilled at Baseball back home, but my stance and expression resembled that of The Batter to the point were my friends and any student who saw me and even played OFF would call me The Batter.

She said "Ok Sans, I just need you to do some paperwork and I'll make you a schedule."

"Alright then, lead the way." I said as I followed her to her office.

This walk gave me the time to look at my surroundings. It was almost similar to my old high school that I went to. I noticed that a few students skin colors were different colors, and I'm not being racist, they literally had skin of any color you can think of. I even noticed a few had crazy hairstyles and colors. One even had rainbow hair and stared at me as if she wanted to challenge me and another with pink poofy hair, hair that looked as if she had been hit a great wind or sonic boom, and she looked and grinned at me. I wondered who they were and what they're looks meant for me. I decided to mentally filed it under "Look into later during free time"

Eventually we reach her office. I won't talk about the paperwork and all that. To put it bluntly, it was boring. I soon was handed a schedule as I examine it carefully.

Locker: 2007
Combination: 11-03-16
1st Hour: Gym (6:13-7:17)
2nd Hour: Math (7:21-8:25)
3rd Hour: World History (8:29-9:33)
4th Hour: English (9:37-10:41)
Lunch (10:45-11:13)
5th Hour: Free Period (11:16-12:21)
6th Hour: Science (12:25-1:30)

I nodded "Seems simple Enough. Mind If I start tomorrow?"

She looked at a clock, 12:50. "I guess, since you did come in pretty late and school ends in 40 minutes. I guess you can explore your surroundings, maybe make some friends I guess. You can explore the school, just don't leave until the bell rings. In the meantime I'll set up your Locker.

I noticed the combination and felt as if I'd seen it before, eh It's Probally not important.

I began to look around and I noticed something, there were a lot of groups out during their free period. One group played guitars, another read books, a group of kids beating up a girl with bacon colored hair, a group- wait what was that last one?

I walked up and a group of kids seemed to be cheering around them things along the lines of "Get her Brute", "Get the freak", "She has no right to be here" & "Show that girl that we're the dominant species here" I began to look around to see if anyone was gonna help her, however I noticed 3 knocked out girls on the floor, two were the girls from earlier and a blonde cowgirl. And the other two looked scared, one had long pink hair that covered one of her eyes, the other had purple curls and appeared to be trying to act brave, yet she didn't fight she stood back. The five of them I assume are friends of the poor girl with bacon colored hair.

I took a deep breath and walked in with courage as I prepared to fight.

"Hey leave her alone!" I shouted without a second thought. I saw the bully, he was a large one reminding me of Enoch. He also wore a black t-shirt with a skull on it and long white pants. His eyes and hair were a blood red shade. Curious of what I was up against, I decided to use Wide Angle on him to examine his stats.

Brute Force
A basic high school bully.
HP: 5 CP: 0
A Basic Tutorial Opponent

I could help but internally smirk '5 HP. I'll be done rather quickly, a common spectre has more HP than this dolt.'

Brute looked at me and said with a hillbilly accent "What'd you say to me... PUNK!?"

I had no fear and said "Why are you attacking that innocent girl?"

He then looked at me in a threating way "Listen pal, she's not an innocent girl. Now get out of here before I kick your ass like them." He said and pointed at the 3 girls he defeated.

I stood my ground "Listen I may be new here and I may not know what she did to any of you. But I'm not gonna leave a girl who's getting picked on and beaten up. I'll stand by my statement, leave her alone." I said, a hint of determination in my voice.

Brute looked at me, bloodlust flashed in his eyes. "That's the last straw, come here runt!"

...Purification in Progression