• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 8,046 Views, 63 Comments

OFF the rails - The Winged Merchant

We all know the drill with displacing, I just didn't expect it to happen to me, as The Batter no less.

  • ...

In Trouble and School Part 2

As I entered the school the minute it opened, I began to stroll the halls to pass the time as students slowly arrive in their cars and on the buses. Soon after 30 minutes school started and all seemed well.

...that was the intercom turned on as Celestia's voice rang out.


'Here we go...' I thought as I looked at my teacher who then nodded and allowed me to leave to the office.

When I got there I sat next to Brute, who was oddly smirking. Celestia sat on the opposite side of her desk. An angry glare stared me down, odd wasn't Brute the one that's supposed to get in trouble, I didn't feel all that intimidated but Brute looked like her was gonna crap his pants if her glare went any angrier.

"I suppose you know why I call you two down here?" She asked, the expression still stood.

I simply smirked and joked "Let me guess. Atomic Bomb? Nuclear Radiation? A giant marshmallow man destroying downtown Manhattan/Manehattan (Whatever they call it here)".

The two stared at me with faces that said "Wut?"

"...What? It's a legitimate question." I said.

"...Well no, none of those oddly specific scenarios." Celestia started. "You see I heard many students, including Brute himself, state that you attacked Brute just randomly."

"Wait What!?" I shouted 'That's not true I was defending that Sunset girl. Damn that Brute. I need a plan PRONTO!'

Sunset's POV:

It had been 2 hours since I heard the intercom and if I know Brute, he will weasel his way out of any trouble. He even did it when I was still evil until I ended my evil rule recently thanks to Princess Twilight. I some sort of smile as I thought of my friend from home.

But then I thought of that Sans fella, he seems nice. But I wonder how he and Brute ar-

...he and BRUTE are being interrogated. Brute will drag him down and do anything not to get in trouble.

Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good.

I raised my hand "Mrs. Cheerilee?"

She looked at me. "Yes Sunset?" She asked

"You know how Celestia called Brute and the new kid Sans?"

"Yes?" She asked cautiously.

"I need to see her pronto because she might have the facts all wrong, I was a key witness in why there called down and Celestia hasn't gotten my testimony yet. This new kid Sans's life depends on it."

"Is it that important?" She asked sarcastically.

"Believe me, Brute will use every lie he can to drag this kid down to beyond my deepness in love here."

"...Alright go. I'll write you a hall pass." She said sighing and did so and handed me the slip of paper.

With it I headed off to save the mysterious boy who calls himself "Sans" and "The Batter". I hope he's doing fine

I need a new idea nothings working.

Apparently Brute says that I fought him with no warning, I whipped out a bat and beat the crap out of him with it until I was done.

I know he's lying but Celestia said everyone she asked confirmed his testimony. Not good.

"Mr. Batter. You set the record time of getting in school and getting suspended. You are officially expelled. The witnesses and testimony prove it."

I was losing all hope and wanted to Ultimate Homerun my face into oblivion. I felt I had 1/1000 left on a life bar right now.

...That was until suddenly...

"Principle Celestia! You've yet to get MY testimony!" Sunset barged in and shouted.

The 3 of us were startled by Sunset's appearance, but I realized that Sunset had come in to save my butt.

Celestia stared "S-Sunset? Y-you're a w-witness?"

I wish I had a camera, Brute's face with whiter than a cloud. He knew he was more finished that a defeated angel.

"Yes I am, I am in fact a KEY WITNESS of the crime. Let me tell you what really happened." Sunset finished.

"...and that's what happened." She finished.

Celestia began to glare at Brute "So Brute was beating you up and when Rainbow, Applejack, and even Pinkie Pie went up to defend you, he knocked them out. Then Sans came in and pulled out a bat and even fought on par with Brute!?" Celestia summarized followed by Me and Sunset nodding. She decided to leave the ghost part out and I agreed silently with her.

"Yes, if you don't believe us, ask Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. They can confirm this testimony."

"Brute Force! You lied to me, beat up someone, and tried to get an innocent kid who did the right thing expelled! You shall have to get expelled yourself!" Celestia shouted and glared at him. Brute was even paler than before. Call me cruel for wanting to take a picture if I could but still.

Brute left the room sadly but not before giving me and Sunset a death glare saying "The next time I see you two, you shall die."

Celestia then turned to me "Sans, I'm so sorry about this. Many claim Brute is a manipulative liar and will drag anyone down without any consequences for himself. I should've asked you for you're side of the story. Brute just stopped me saying you'd kill me without a second thought."

"It's alright, I'm just glad this is over." I said. It wasn't my first time in a courtroom, well it is in reality for me. But I've played Ace Attorney so I knew what to do to stall.

"Alright, I'll let the teachers you've missed know what happened. Enjoy your lunch you two." She said happily.

Me and Sunset were sent to lunch due to the incident taking so long we've missed the last few hours.

Me and Sunset sat down with her friends.

"Where were you? Kissing behind the bleachers?" Pinkie and Rainbow joked at us causing Sunset to blush "Rainbow!"

The rest of them either laughed at our (well mostly Sunset's, I didn't give a crap about they think) expense.

I simply wondered what last night was about, manly the leveling up to Level 5. I have the Ultimate Homerun, I should be well over Level 45. Also what was that "Run with Kindness over Run with Courage" and "Save 1st Harmony over Save First Base" thing about? I decided to see if I could see my stats while I'm at it.

I found out how to do it, but I don't understand how. Anyway I saw Run with Kindness's and Save 1st Harmony's descriptions.

Run with Kindness: Special Attack of the Element of Harmony Kindness

Save 1st Harmony: Restores 25% HP thanks to Elements of Harmony

Elements of What?

Well, it seems this world operates under a different elemental system. If these "Elements of Harmony" come up in a conversation, I'll be sure to ask.

"ns? SANS!" Pinkie shouted interrupting my train of thought and snapping me out of the pause screen.

"Who!? What!? Where!?" I shouted and then remembered what was going on. Lunch had just finished. I threw my trash away and went to my free period.

Author's Note:

Sorry folks no stats today XD

But I do plan to put the status of The Batter later on.

Anyway the next chapter will be up soon.