• Published 16th Feb 2017
  • 3,995 Views, 126 Comments

Power Struggle - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Can Queen Ember bring her kindgom back from Anarchal Collapse?

  • ...

4. You Forget Where You Are

Dear Starlight

I’m sorry that I haven't responded as much lately. We’ve been up to our necks with the situation here in the Dragon Lands. Fortunately our hard work over the last few weeks is beginning to show.

Applejack and Rarity are constantly in town building and designing new homes; Fluttershy has been teaching the Dragons basic care as well as tending to animals… even if they eat them; Rainbow and Pinkie hold a party every so often to boost morale. Also Rainbow Dash has been challenging dragons to races; she hasn't lost once. I think they all enjoy the challenge.

And what have I been doing? Healing… Spike has been a great help since the ‘incident’. He's really sweet. He’d drop anything he was doing if he so much as sensed that I was struggling. Oh! I can walk again but my arm is still pretty much shot. It’s nice to stretch my legs after being bedridden since we got here.

I hope you aren't upset at how abrupt my last letter was. I know it left you confused and worried but we’re alright over here. Hope to hear from you soon.


Twilight Sparkle

Twilight looked over the letter making sure that her grammar, syntax, and phrasing were correct. Satisfied with her work she rolled up with her hands instead of her magic. She could move her fingers just slightly; soreness replaced the pain. Struggling a little she finally rolled the parchment and tied it off with a ribbon.

She got out of bed, swearing to never take her ability to walk for granted ever again. It was midday and the palace was relatively empty. She walked through the hallways wondering where Spike could be. He would usually stay by her side at all times but he’s been gaining a sense of independence lately. It was nothing bad. It was just strange not having him around all the time like he used to be.

“Spike!” she called through the halls. Usually if he were in the palace he would hear her. She wasn't sure what he was up to when he wasn't with her. She did notice that he was getting… bigger. Not in that sense! Just, his clothes got tighter and his muscles were becoming swollen. Whatever he was doing was clearly beneficial. “Spike!” she called again. This time she heard footsteps from up ahead. They grew louder until Spike approached her with a black polo on and blue jeans.

“You called?” He was breathing hard and sweating some.

“Yeah. Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he exhaled quickly. “I was with Ember.” Twilight looked closely at how his chest rose and fell and how loosely his clothes fit for him to be growing like he was.

“Well… I need you to send this to Starlight…” Twilight skeptically demanded.

“Oh?” he huffed. “How do you think she's doing?” he took the letter and in a tuft of fire it was sent.

“Knowing her, she's bored without us,” Twilight chuckled.

“If that's all I need to get back to-”

“Back to what?” Twilight crossed her arms with a raise of her brow.

“I was helping Ember.” Spike said simply. Twilight gave him that ‘do you think I was born yesterday’ look. Spike tried to keep up his best poker face but Twilight saw through it like spring water. “Really, she needed my help moving her bed. Honest!” Twilight continued to give him a skeptical stare-down.

“Okay, you can go back to ‘helping’ Ember.” Spike sped walked away leaving a curious Twilight. A curious Twilight is a Twilight you do not want to experience.

Applejack and Rarity were taking a break on the bench that Applejack build over an hour ago. They were tired and satisfied. The citizens eventually started warming up to them, even that rude drake that maligned their virtues. Rarity propped herself on Applejack. Normally she would gag at the thought of touching another’s sweat. Applejack was the exception. She enjoyed the warm glow that radiated off of her after she’d been working for a time.

The sky was clear blue with the sun beaming down. “I’m plum tuckered out…” Applejack sighed.

“Indeed dear…” Applejack looked at the happy dragons. To think, about a month ago they had sour faces and personalities to match. Oddly enough there were no kids, or none from what she could tell.

“So, you ready to head home?” The question came so suddenly. She figured that Applejack had forgotten about leaving.

“Well… Yes and no. We’re making these dragons happy, but I do miss my studio and my sister… Are you?”

“Yeah… but not as much as I was when we first got here. I kinda like it,” Applejack wiped the sweat off her brow. Soon they saw Rainbow approaching while talking to two tall male dragons.

“I'm not sure I can fly that high…” one of them groaned.

“Sure you can. Just do it!”

“Easy for you to say. You're half my size!” She did stand face to face with his stomach.

“True but if you can't, you can't. You can all you have to do is to it,” Rainbow shrugged. The males looked at each other with skepticism.

“You guys got this.”

“If you say,” the other male forced a grin. “See you later short stack.” The unfurled their massive wings and took off leaving a cloud of dust.

“I take it your day is going well,” Rarity spoke.

“Yup... It’s fun smoking these guys, but I need a real challenge.” Rainbow cracked her knuckles and wings. “What are you up to?”

“Taking a break,” Applejack kicked out her legs and put her arms behind her back. Rarity fell onto her belly. Rainbow dash joined them on the bench enjoying the warm breeze that swept through the village.

It was great seeing this place finally turn for the better. But one thing struck all of them, Applejack more than the rest. This was one town in a country of Celestia knows how many. They've been here for over a month and this was just the beginning of the turn around. Yes the people are starting to grow happier but just last week there was a fight that nearly killed two spectators. All in all, some improvement was better than none.

Smog descended on the three with his arms crossed. “What are you doing?” he growled.

“What does it look like we’re doing Sugarcube?” Applejack tilted her hat.

“It looks like you're not getting any work done.”

“Because all of the work is done dude…” Rainbow waved him off.

“No! You still have a lot to do!” His voice was gruff and stern.

“Relax big guy. You don't always have to so stiff.”

“I'm not stiff. I just know that there is plenty of issues to be addressed.”

“You gotta solve a puzzle one piece at a time Smog; one piece at a time,” Applejack slyly chuckled.

“But to catalyze the solution, you need a few pieces to get an idea on the complete puzzle. And so far you only have one piece!” he shot back. Applejack Rarity and Rainbow exchanged looks.

“Alright… come on.” Rainbow got up and motioned for him to follow. Smog raised his eyebrow wondering what crazy scheme this mare was concocting. “Are you coming or not, because I can do better things with my time.” He glances at Rarity and Applejack then back to Rainbow who stood facing away with her hands on her hips.

“This had better be important pony…” he sighed as they walked off.

“Trust me it is,” Rainbow said with a confident grin.

Back in the palace Spike and Ember lay in bed a warm summer breeze flow through the room. They’ve been growing increasingly closer and in doing so Ember has wound down considerably. She used to dread dragging herself out of bed in the morning. Now, waking up next to Spike was what she looked forward to at the break of dawn. For once nothing bothered her tired mind.

“Are you feeling alright?” Spike asked the Dragoness that clung to his side.

“Never better,” Ember sighed. “Why do you ask?”

“Just making sure.” He pulled her closer. Since things have settled down, they've been spending more ‘free’ time with one another. It all happened so fast; faster than he could process. In one day he went from being forever alone to bedding the lord of all dragons. It made his ego inflate just a little. She was smart, caring, beautiful… He pulled her even closer and kissed her brow making Ember giggle.

“What?” he chuckled.

“That tickled… And most males aren't this affectionate.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Spike gulped.

“Did I say it was?” Ember booped his nose playfully. “What did Twilight want?”

“She wanted me to send a letter back home,” Spike said blankly.

“Were you caught?” A prick of worry accompanied her tone.

“No…” Spike thought for a moment. “No… maybe not.” Ember gave him a small frown. “Twilight is smart, but I don't think she has good… intuition.”

“You don't always have to rush to her side, do you?”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked, trying to expose the jealousy he expected.

“I mean she’s well on the road to recovery. Does she always need your help?”

“Well… She lives off organisation. I'm the organizer so if I'm missing, she’s lost.” That wasn't the answer Ember wanted nor the one that she expected, but she held her breath. The sun began to shine in through the open balcony; it was the mid afternoon. Ember sat up and stretched. Spike eyed her closely as she did so, partly captivated by her frame, and part upset that she moved after he was finally getting comfortable.

“I hope you don't expect to be in bed all day.” She ran her tail across his cheek with and sauntered off to her closet all while spike watched her tail sway with the cute switch. He still had a hard time believing that that was his. A sly grin grew across his muzzle as he followed her.

Rainbow walked along with a content smile while Smog followed behind with an annoyed frown. He wanted to get back to his post; nothing more, nothing less. He did admit that these ponies have been doing a good job of making this place more lively and even happy. Deep down he knew that this wasn't the dragon way. Maybe all of those years wandering for months on end fried whatever good hopes he had.

Either way he preferred it when the pony’s attention wasn't on him. “Have you any idea where we're going?” he became fed up with meandering through town.

“Kinda. I'm looking got the hut that Pinkie’s in; I'm starving!” Smog held back his disdain and followed behind the prismatic one. He was still getting familiar with them. He knew that the purple one was Twilight, burn the others slipped his mind more than he would care to admit. “Oh hey! It’s Twilight.” Twilight was walking with a notebook enveloped in her magical aura.

“Hey Rainbow!” Twilight greeted with a warm smile.

“Look who finally left the castle,” Rainbow chuckled.

“No one was back in the palace sonic figured, why not come into town? What are you up to?”

“Trying to find Pikie so me and the scrooge over there can get something to eat.” Rainbow pointed to Smog who snorted dismissively.

“I'm not hungry…” Smog stated.

“As stiff as a board…” Rainbow sighed.

“I'm not stiff!” Smog growled, growing tired of her incessant teasing. Twilight and Rainbow looked at him and giggled leaving Smog to wonder what could be funny about him defending himself.

“What about you Twi”

“I have no idea. I've just been wandering around, taking notes on all of the improvements I could find. I am getting hungry though.”

“Come on. We’ll find Pinkie together.” Rainbow looked back at Smog. “You coming or are you too stiff to move?” Smog grumbled and followed the Mares for the Flame know’s why.

He wasn't stiff. He was just serious. How could he not be? These ponies wouldn't know struggle if it bit them square in the ass. The things he’s seen and done would horrify these fragile creatures. So why was he following them?? They didn't have him under a spell, he wasn't remotely intimidated. Perhaps it was curiosity, and that he was feeling a bit peckish. They had better not try to get him to eat that pony slop…

The hut was generally empty. It didn't get crazy until after the sun went down and the drunks came fumbling in with whatever gems they could find. The Pink- Pinkie Pie stood behind the counter with a bright smile. “Hiya Twilight! Hi Dashie! Hey Smog!” Twilight and Rainbow returned her greeting, but Smog only gave her a small wave. She fascinated, terrified, and annoyed Smog all at once. “What can I do you all for?”

“Twilight and I are looking for some grub. I dunno about the grouch.” Rainbow waved him off. Smog rolled his eyes.

“Well, we're running low on greens and hay.”

“That's not good.” Twilight shook her head.

“Luckily there's enough left to make you two a tasty salad!” Just then a heavy set dragon with a mighty beard and a ponytail came from the kitchen.

“Ms. Pie I- Smog?” his deep baritone voice resonated through the quiet hut. “I haven't seen you since that last bar brawl.”

“It has been a while,” Smog said with almost no expression.

“So, what brings you by brother?” Smog used his thumb to point at Rainbow and Twilight. “These ponies do have a way with words,” he chuckled. “You hungry my man?”

“Yeah… I can eat.” Smog unfolded his arms and took a seat along with Rainbow and Twilight. Pinkie brought out their food and he watched as they munched on the leaves and vegetation happily. Soon his own food was brought out. It was a grilled Northern Trout. These things were fished on the other side of the continent. How did he get one? Either way the scent was driving his taste buds crazy. He hadn't seen any fresh meat in far too long.

He took a bite. It wasn't the best he’s ever had, but It was still pretty satisfying. The smokey flavor was bolstered by a hint of herbs and spices. Sprague knew what he was doing back there. As he ate he noticed a set of curious eyes fall upon him. Rainbow watched with curious disgust as he ate his lunch. “Can I help you?” Smog swallowed.

“How can you eat that…?” Rainbow wrinkled her nose.

“Just can.” Smog flashed his razor sharp teeth before taking another bite. Rainbow continued to stare. The aroma rising from the fish sickened her buy also drove her curiosity into overdrive. “Would you like to try some?” Smog asked, growing tired of her bore like gaze.

“Heck no!” Rainbow stuck out her tongue then looked back to her salad. Smog shrugged and continued eating. The smell if the fish was driving her insane. That used to be a living breathing animal. Why does it smell so tasty? She began to wonder what it would taste like all while fighting to deny that she wanted to sample a piece. Smog again noticed her staring at his plate. He had one bite left, so he pushed it towards Rainbow.


“I don't want to-”

“Just try the fish. Or are you too stiff?” Smog teased her with a cocky grin. Rainbow donned a determined frown.

“Okay big guy. I'll eat this… fish.” She filed hard, looking at the meat in front of her. She looked to her side noticing that Twilight and Pinkie both watched with curiosity. Rainbow took a deep breath and took hold of the morsel. It felt firm yet loose, like it would fall apart in her grasp. She lifted it to her nose and sniffed it some, embarassed that the scent made her mouth water. Then in one swift move she tossed the price into her mouth.

“Not bad…” Rainbow was about to proclaim her victory but Smog was no fool. “Now chew…” The fish sat on her tongue saturating her mouth in it's juices. She didn't want to seem like a quitter so she slowly chewed the slimy piece of animal that was in her mouth. As she did more and more flavor began to leak out. It was absolutely delicious… but she wouldn't let Smog have the satisfaction of being smug. She swallowed and folded her arms triumphantly. “Didn't know a pony could eat anything other than greens and hay. You showed me. Hey Sprague? Do I have to bring you back some gems?”

“Nah… You're good brother.”

“If that’s all then I'll be on my way.” Smog rose from his seat and like that he was out of the hut.

“Oh my gosh! Dashie are you okay??” Pinkie grabbed Rainbow’s cheeks.

“I'm fine Pinkie.” Rainbow said with her usually ‘I just won again’ tone.

“I’d be asking if she's going to be okay. Nopony has ever eaten meat before. Your body may not react well to it,” Twilight explained.

“I'll be fine,” Rainbow waved off Twilight’s concerns.

“Really Rainbow. We don't have anything to help in case of you getting sick.”

“Then I won't get sick.” Rainbow took a confident bite of her salad disappointed at how bland it was in comparison.

“I hope you're right…” Twilight sighed.

“Are we there yet?” Spike asked as he was being pulled along by Ember.

“Not yet! And no peeking!” Spike kept his free claw over his eyes. They've been walking for ten minutes like this and he wanted to see where he was going. Tripping over everything was proving to be a pain. “Finally…” he moved his hand from his eyes and was met with a shimmering lake lit by the fiery sun setting over a cone volcano that billowed out steam.

“What do you think?” Ember asked with a peep.

“It’s amazing…”

“I usually come here to clear my mind. I haven't shown anyone else. Not even Smog knows about it.” She took hold of Spike hand and led him to the waterfront.

“No I'm not from around here,” a soft voice spoke as they approached. “So you have seen Equest-” Fluttershy whipped her head around met with the annoyed gaze of Ember.

“What are you doing here?” Ember tried to keep her tone free of any hostility.

“S-Sorry… I was following her.” she showed a large predatory bird covered in feathers that resembled an assortment of flames.

“How did you tame that?” Ember asked with worry and intrigue.

“Tame her? Oh no,” Fluttershy chuckled. “She said that she has never seen anything like me before. We started talking and she led me here. Her nest isn't far.” Ember looked at Spike for an answer.

“She can talk to animals…” Spike shrugged.

“Really? What is she saying?” Fluttershy whispered to the avian predator.

“She says that you're an imposter.” This mare couldn't be serious. There is no way that this animal could tell that she may not be the Dragon Lord.

“What does that mean?” Spike asked. Just as he did the raptor flew away with a loud ‘scree’.

“She said ‘You'll find out soon’.”

“That was odd… Fluttershy if you could…?” Ember hinted bluntly. Fluttershy stared blankly as she processed what Ember was saying.

“Oh! Oh dear sorry! I'll go find Rainbow…” she hurriedly flew away.

“She's an odd one…” Ember watched her until even her keen eyes lost sight of her.

“You get used to it. They're all a little strange, but that's why I love them.”

“You love all of them?” Ember felt a little offended.

“Yeah… they're my family.”

“Oh… I've never had a real family. I mean I did have my father but he didn't acknowledge that I even existed until my mom sent me to find him. He did end up caring for me but in the beginning I was worried he might try and kill me…”


“If a male doesn't see his offspring hatch, he'll kill the hatching to eliminate the chances of raising another's young.” Spike was disgusted and he thought back to if he would have met the same fate when he was still an egg. “Enough about that… Let’s enjoy this moment.” she took hold of his hands and sat down on the shore of the lake. They gazed into each other’s eyes as they glowed the same bright yellow as they had the first night they made love. Spike pulled Ember into a passionate kiss, accepting that she was his and he was hers.

“Your eyes…” he said quietly.

“Yours too…” Ember replied.

“Why?” Spike held her closer.

“It means that we're forever bonded. Till death do us part…”

“Till death do us part…” Spike repeated pulling her into another kiss. The sun began to disappear below the horizon as the mountain it dominated glowed orange at its summit.

Smog stood at the palace opening taking in the crisp night air. Everyone else was settling into sleep. Smog finished his patrol, not that Ember ordered him to. It was more a force of habit. To be honest, maybe he was a little too high strung. Until their arrival he barely left the palace. Hell he didn't even know what compelled him to follow Rainbow. It could have been that he was bored, or that he wanted to make sure that she was going to do something more productive with her time.

The moon rose at water full directly overhead. He used it as a marker to tell him when it was time to call it a day. He didn't sleep that long anyway. His dreams didn't exactly comfort him. He entered the palace and made his way to his own private chamber to rest for the rest of the night.

“He’s finally gone inside…” a female voice spoke.

“Is it time to make our move?” another higher female voice interjected.

“You three fly up to the balcony and take the Queen,” a gruff male voice spoke over the two. The females plus one male took off leaving a group of four hiding in the shadows. “The rest of you on me. We’ll send these filthy ponies back to their land in body bags!”

Spike lay beside Ember finding it difficult to cuddle. Her wings and tail kept getting in the way and she would move around making the situation worse. Ember eventually sensed his struggle and rolled over facing him. She snuggled into his chest moments before he let out a belch followed by a puff of smoke. “What the heck?” Spike asked as he picked up the parchment he spat out. He threw it behind his back where it hit something that shouldn't have been here. If his memory served him right, Ember had few feet of space between her bed and the walls. He rolled over some and was met by two blazing blue eyes floating in the darkness.

“Get them!” Suddenly he breathed a bright yellow flame that lit the room and burned one of the intruder’s mask and clothes. Spike tried to get up but she lunged at him with a serrated dagger drawn. Spike grabbed the arm that held the blade and wrestled her to the floor. Ember on the other hand was processing what was going on just as the male pounced on her and began choking her. She thrashed and kicked but he pressed his hands harder, cutting off her windpipe. Spots began to form in her vision and she felt weaker and weaker. In one last attempt she dug her claw into the dragon’s eye. The male wailed in agony and released his grip. Ember took a deep breath with several sickening coughs.

Spike continued to wrestle with the dragoness. He was much stronger than her, and he almost won their struggle when he felt agonizing pain strike his back. The other dragoness embedded a dagger deep in between his shoulder blades. Ember pounced on the dragoness and ripped her off Spike leaving the blade in his back.

“Aaah fuck!” he cried. The feeling he felt when that brute damn near broke his arms about a month ago paled in comparison to the throbbing and stinging pain he felt at this moment. But it wasn't over yet. The dragoness that he struggled with finally gained the upper hand. She kicked Spike off her and got to her feet. Spike stood as well, readying himself for whatever she had to throw at him next. Ember stood back to back with him as the female that she ripped off Spike mirrored her sister's actions.

The female facing Ember charged but was met with an elbow to the face, courtesy of the Queen herself. The female facing Spike would hesitate and play with him. Ember stumbled and bumped into Spike giving her an opening to attack. She lunged once again with a roar. Spike moved just in time for the blade to miss his face but it ended up leaving a gash on his chest. “Damnit!” he seethed as blood began to flow from the new wound. He had enough. The same feeling from back when Twilight was injured filled his chest, but it wasn't fueled by rage. This was different. With a deep breath he let loose a torrent of flames from his fist that completely inundated the dragoness in front of him. The room was lit by the yellow green flames allowing Ember to get a bead on their assailants. She leapt in the air aided by her wings and delivered a swift and powerful axe kick directly on the dragoness’ skull. She stumbled, dazed by the attack. Ember seized her opportunity and rushed her, taking her by the arm and flipping her over her back making the dragoness impact the marble floor with a solid thud. Spike on the other hand continued to throw fire at the dragoness he was facing. She was quick, diving nearly everything he threw at her. He shot one at her feet to which she leapt in the air ready to slice him again, but Spike was one step ahead. As she came down to deliver what she believed was the final blow, he stretched his arm out and summoned forth another powerful blast of fire.

The dragoness was sent flying and smacked against the wall knocking the scepter down from its resting place. She unsteadily rose ready to fight again, but Spike wasn't having it. He walked up to her and with all the force he could muster, planted a satisfactory punch square across her jaw, rendering her unconscious almost instantaneously.

In the aftermath we have two unconscious Dragonesses, a male clutching his bloodied eye, and a glowing scepter. Spike turned to the male who sat in the corner crying. “Who are you…” Spike growled.

“I-I’m not telling you anything!” the male managed to speak as he fought against going into shock.

“You had better start talking before I take your other eye!” Ember watched as he interrogated the dragon.

“I'm not telling you shit!” Spike grew impatient and hoisted the dragon up by this throat. As he did the scepter began to glow even more intensely.

“I am not going to ask you again! You tell me who the hell you are or I break your wings and we’ll see how long it takes for you to hit the ground!”

“Y...Y-you should b-be conce-cerned about those p-pony whores…” Spike dropped the dragon and dashed out of the room.

“Spike wait!” Ember grabbed the scepter before putting the dragon to sleep. She followed after Spike noting how the scepter pulsed red and praying that everyone else was okay.

“Come on! Is that the best you've got!” Smog said as he and two other volunteer guards attacked the group. All of the mane were tied up in ropes with gags covering their mouths.

“You're defending them?” the head male asked as he took a swing with his broadsword. Smog dodged the struck and punched him twice in the face with an uppercut to his gut, finished off with a lovely roundhouse kick. The dragon grew more and more furious.

“You'll have to get through me if you plan on making out of here with those Mares!” The leader and two others charged at Smog again. The leader swiped and stabbed but Smog was dodging, weaving like he was nothing but air. He did eventually make a mistake that cost him a painful slash across his right forearm and a couple punches to the gut.

“You and anyone else who defends these selfish piles of filth will all die by the hand of the Eridinari!” he was about to stab Smog but he took hold of the leaders sword and delivered a reverse kick directly to his jaw.

“Like I said; get through me before you make any proclamations!” Smog charged him beating him relentlessly. The dragon was breathing hard, battered and bloodied from the grade A ass kicking Smog was dishing out. Finished with the other guards the other dragons on leave with this Eriniari dragon double teamed Smog. They swung and stabbed at him, catching him a few times. All of them especially Rainbow watched in worry, helpless if this would be the end of Smog.

“Hey!” Spike and Ember arrived. Spike held the scepter tight and with purpose. “Back away from the dragon…” A red pulse emanated from the staff and the attackers obeyed. “Smog… Go untie them.” Smog nodded and ran to the group untying Rainbow then Applejack.

“Your friend wasn't very cooperative… I trust you won’t be the same.” Ember spoke as she and Spike approached the four. “Tell us who sent you and my mate here will show you mercy…”

“Just as I thought!” the leader strained against the scepter’s control. “You are no queen. You can't even control the scepter. You're a fake! A fraud! Only a dragon who has truly bastardised her whole race would call on them for help!”

“Answer the damn question! Who sent you!”

“How about your threatening mate asks me something. Put the staff down and we’ll see who the real male is!”

“He said something about Eridinari…” Smog spoke up as he untied Rarity.

“What does that name mean to you?” Ember asked him face to face.

“I'm glad that you're trying to be all leaderly but let's face it. Him over there. He's the real deal.” he looked over Spike in detail. “Big, strong, and that look in his eye. That's a real dragon lord. Not some daddy’s girl who had the title given to her…”

“I'm sick of this- Answer the Question! What is the Eridinari!” The gem on the scepter glowed red hot. Twilight looked on in horror. That couldn't be Spike…

“I love it! He’s pissed. He’s threatening. That's a real dragon-geuk!” Spike took hold of his throat and picked him up slowly.

“You're going to answer the question, or I start squeezing… Got it?” The male laughed a sick garbled masochistic laugh. Spike tightened his grip making him croak and squeak out of pain.

“Spike!” Twilight called out. He looked to his friends, his family. They were terrified of him. Fluttershy shook and hid behind Applejack while he received horrified expressions from the rest. Even Smog was surprised. Spike dropped the Dragon and the scepter. The dragons all sighed in relief.

“Smog! Aries! Take these treacherous, cowardly, incorrigible scum to the lockup. We'll deal with them tomorrow…” The leader kept a keen eye on Spike as they were dragged away, his muzzle contorted into a crooked grin.

“Spike?” Twilight approached him. Spike looked away, sparing himself from her judgemental eyes. “Are you hurt?” Twilight asked tenderly. It was that soft velvety tone that lulled him to bed whenever he was going troubled. He looked back to her and nodded. Ember watched as she carted Spike over to his friends. They shared a group hug before carrying him away. Ember stood there in the foyer staring down at the scepter. What everyone said was true then. She was an imposter, believing that she had won the title but in truth the magic was infused within Spike. To be frank, that terrified her. He wasn't ready to be a leader, granted she wasn't either, but he's still so young. Still so innocent. She picked up the staff and went back to her room to take out the trash. She needed to be alone tonight.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed...