• Published 16th Feb 2017
  • 3,993 Views, 126 Comments

Power Struggle - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Can Queen Ember bring her kindgom back from Anarchal Collapse?

  • ...

7. Who You Really Are p.1: The Ruins of Tennith

Everyone was tired. Days upon days of migrating over miles of the dense forests and vast plains of the Dragon Lands. For those who could fly, it was a breeze… mostly. The Earthbound travellers would often make those who could flit suffer by trudging over the uneven ground.

Fortunately, this cloud has a silver lining. They were less than twelve hours away from the forgotten city of Tennith. They all wondered what they’d find, none more than Twilight. She was oozing with excitement from the moment they started their pilgrimage. What would be there? Would it be a grand temple dedicated to literary treasures? Or maybe a hub of knowledge that only a few true knowledge seekers would journey to? She couldn't take the suspense. Every day that they drew closer, she would become more giddy, more excitable, and more restless.

“We’re almost there…” Twilight sighed as she fell back on a patch of grass.

“If you want to call another day ‘almost’,” Rainbow grumbled while she pitched her tent. Just as she turned around to grab a supporting rod the entire assembly collapsed. She kicked the pile of acrylic coated wood and cried, “Damnit!”

“You need some help with that?” Applejack chuckled.

“Nah… I got it.”

Meanwhile, Rarity had finished pitching her tent with her magic. “I hope that where we’re going has better accommodations. These last few days have been absolute terror on my back…”

“I doubt that,” Applejack sighed as she entered her freshly made adobe, “You’re just gonna have to deal with it.”

“I suppose you are more accustomed to sleeping like this…”

Applejack looked at her with a one eyed frown. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing dear, I just was saying that you have a more rigid frame than me,” Rarity said with a nervous smile. Applejack raised her brow and went back into her tent with an awkward smile.

“Aww, that was nice, Rarity!” Pinkie shouted as sprung up out of Rarity’s tent.

Rarity jumped and fell back on the grass. “Good heavens, Pinkie Pie!”

“Hehe, sorry…” Pinkie said with a cheesy smile.

Rarity stood, angry at the new grass stains on her butt. “Did you at least set up your spot?” she growled.

“Yep! Well…” Pinkie pulled a rolled ‘thing’ from behind her back. She pulled a pin on the top and tossed it to the far side of the campsite. With a cheap puff of fireworks, a small bouncy castle sat before them. “Now I’m done.”

“That’s one way to do it…” Rainbow groaned as her tent fell apart yet again. She kicked the pile and folded her arms in a pout.

“You had better hurry, Dashie. You know Smog’ll be grumpy.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and fell back on the grass.

“Do you need help?” Twilight asked.

“Nah, I’ll just chill here…” Rainbow sighed. From the distance, four figures approached, silhouetted by the setting sun. Spike and Smog carried piles of firewood while Ember and Fluttershy carried cadavered animals for the carnivores. Smog looked around the campsite he personally picked out and saw three perfectly pitched tents, a bulbous rubber sack of air, and a pegasus lazing next to a pile of reeds.

He pinched the bridge of his snout, “Well, at least you all tried.”

“Emphasis on ‘tried’,” Ember chuckled. Fluttershy carefully placed the poor creatures down and sat next to Twilight. She rubbed Fluttershy’s back tenderly.

“I wouldn’t even say that…” His parental gaze fell upon Rainbow. “Did you even move since we left?”

“Yes.” Rainbow answered briefly.


“And what? I couldn’t set the tent up. I’m fine with laying out under the stars…” Smog snorted and handed Spike his firewood. He worked fast and precise. Years of wandering and surviving off your experience helps when dealing with creatures as weak and inexperienced as ponies. They can’t do anything without somebody holding their hands. If it were up to them, he and Ember could have gone on their own. Probably would be on their way back with the information they need by now. “There…”

Rainbow patted him on the back and said,“That was fast…”

“Yep… Next time, ask for help.”
Rainbow looked him up and down as he left to help Spike.


The stars Twinkled overhead as the warm ambient glow of the fire made them seem to bend and waver. The night air was crisp, and the scent of burnt meat was fresh in the air. Most everyone was already resting, but the anticipation was too much for Twilight to bear. This journey has been more rewarding than any undertaking Celestia has ever set upon her, even if it had a rocky start. She sighed, slightly enjoying the smoke entering her chest. Tomorrow was going to be great.

Footsteps came from her left. She looked over at Spike and Ember’s tent. Spike was standing outside with his sleeping bag and a frustrated look. Twilight decided to see how he ended up in the doghouse.


He whipped his head around. “Twilight? You’re still awake?”

“Yeah, I’m too excited…”
Spike nodded and turned back around.
“What about you?”

“Eh… Dragonesses are weird…” Spike sighed.

“What did you do?” Twilight chuckled while taking a seat next to him.

“She asked me who I loved, I answered then I got kicked out.”

“Did you say her name first?”

“N-oh… Oh…” A nice crisp slap sounded as his hand met his forehead. “Well, I’m an idiot…”

“You’re not an idiot, Spike. You’ve never been in a relationship before.”

“Neither have you…”
Twilight snorted with a frown.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m still peeved. I mean, how was I supposed to know what kind of love she was talking about?”

“You never do. There are times when you’ve made me mad and not even I knew why. Girls are dynamic. We change on a bit, and we don’t even know why most of the time.”

“Well, at least you don’t kick me out of the tent…”

“Well, she is a dragon. You never know how they will react.” Twilight donned a nostalgic smile. “I remember the days where you’d cry over dropping food on the floor.”


“And when you were sad because you thought the Power Ponies lost to Thranor,” Twilight giggled.


“Then, there was that one time you came running to my room in the middle of the night, because you were mad about a storm waking you up,” Twilight laughed. “You ranted for over an hour!”

“Yeh…” Spike looked away, sparing himself from any other embarrassing memories.

“The point is, you never know when people’s moods can change. You can either roll with the punches, or let them be.”

“You’re right…” Spike sighed.

Twilight looked back up at the stars. “Just like home, huh?”

Spike joined her, catching a few shooting stars over storm clouds in the distance. There was nothing that Twilight didn't appreciate, when it came to scientific and Hippological studies. Watching her enjoy the night under the sparkling heavens put Spike at ease, and even made him happy. She looked strangely beautiful in her cutie mark pajamas.

Twilight noticed Spike staring at her. “Are you okay?” She asked.

Spike shook his head and cleared his throat. “Yeah, just thinking. We’ll be in Tennith soon. What are we even looking for?”

“Answers to the past so we can help Ember forge a better future…”

“Okay, Starswirl,” Spike chuckled. Twilight giggled and looked back to the sky. She wondered how storms were driven without the need for pegasi to gather clouds. The thunder was too distant to hear, but the lightning spectacularly leaped from the clouds like the geometric arms of a jagged beast. She could feel the outflow of cool wind even though the epicenter raged on miles away.

“Well, I'm going try to and get some rest.” Twilight started off to her tent expecting Spike to follow, but he sat still. “Are you going to stay out here tonight?”

“Yeah, I just might.” Spike sighed.

Twilight took a breath of confidence and said, “You can sleep with me, in my tent, I mean.”

“Really?” Spike looked over his shoulder with intrigue. He studied her quivering grin and forced poker face. She was nervous, but about what?

“You don’t have to. I thought you wouldn’t want to stay outside for the night,” Twilight said with a shy shrug. There wouldn’t be anything wrong with it, right? They won’t be sharing a sleeping bag. He looked back out over the land. The stars disappeared behind the smokey veil of the approaching storm. Maybe he could wait until Ember was asleep…

“Yeah, sure.”
Twilight held back a happy squeal even though she didn't know why Spike staying with her would bring joy. She went back to her tent and moved her sleeping bag aside. As she did so, Spike came through the small opening.

“I know. It’s smaller than a dragon made tent.” Twilight pushed some of her scrolls and quills aside. “But, I'm sure you'll be comfy.”

“Thanks Twilight…” Spike settled into his sleeping bag and waited for Luna’s warm embrace to carry him to sleep. Twilight, on the other hand, was buzzed and alert, but for a different reason. She won't deny that Spike is the cause of her insomnia. Worry, anxiety, and longing often filled her mind whenever she walked next to him and Ember. Her assistant was growing, and she feared that by the end of this harrowing mess, she’d have to say goodbye.

She sat up and looked over him. He appeared to be sleeping deeply, peacefully. A content smile accented her lips’ but that was followed by a contemplative frown. It wouldn't be right. He was sleeping, in his most vulnerable state. He would be livid if she invaded his privacy…

She swaddled herself in her sleeping back, shut her eyes, and waited. And waited. And waited. She rolled over, pulled the sleeping bag taught around herself, and waited. And waited. And waited… She didn't have this much difficulty sleeping any night of this trip. She cut her eyes open at Spike, watching how his chest rose and fell as he slumbered peacefully.

Not a single depraved thought came to mind. Only, those of someone who wanted to feel another's warmth. She crawled closer making sure she didn't stir him. When she was within an arm’s length, she quietly slipped out of her sleeping bag. He shuffled around making her skin crawl with anxiety, but she pressed on.

She focused her magic on the zipper. Her short term goal seemed to be in sight, but without warning, a crack of thunder shook the land. Spike’s eyes cut open and glared at Twilight.

“Uh…” He didn’t take his eyes off her, paralyzing her with his inquirous gaze. “What were you trying to do, exactly…?

Twilight swallowed hard, “I was looking for one of my quills. I think you may have slept on it.” She tried to keep her voice as steady as possible.

“So you’re checking in my sleeping bag…”

“Yes,” Twilight said with brevity.

Spike sighed with a shake of his head. “What were you trying to do Twilight?” He spoke in a parental tone.

Twilight swallowed hard and looked down at her knees. “Don’t make me say it…”

He smiled and wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her into his chest. “Was it something like this?”

Twilight didn't struggle nor did she whine. “Yeah…” She looked into his piercing emerald eyes giggling uncontrollably. “Sorry…”

“You could have asked,” Spike chuckled.

“How was I to know you’d say yes?”

“You've got me there. But still, you wouldn't have looked like a creep.”

“Heh, well…” Twilight nuzzled into his warmth growing a content smile. In the past, on cold winter nights, Spike was like a furnace. She envied how he could keep warm even on the days it was several degrees below zero. Even moreso when the chilly storms doused the fire heating their home. Now, his heat wasn't something to exploit on those long forgotten nights. It was a luxury that she wished she could indulge in more often.

“Just like old times, huh, Twilight?”

“Mhm…” Twilight nuzzled as deep as she could into his firm and broad chest. Spike gently pulled Twilight down with him, and they stayed like that through the night’s approaching storm.


The expedition continued with patchy rain showers that didn't help with the chilly wind that accompanied the storm. According to the maps that Twilight collected and AJ’s knowledge of long stretches of countryside, Tennith shouldn't have been far away.

“Rainbow, Fluttershy, are you sure you can't do anything about this dreadful deluge?” Rarity asked, clutching her drenched sunhat.

“We already tried. These clouds can't be touched,” Rainbow groaned, annoyed by her soggy boots and wet socks.

Applejack snatched Rarity’s hat from her head replaced it with her stenson. “Shouldn't be a while longer.”

Rarity smiled and continued on, even though the slimy feeling of the water in between her toes was getting the better of her.

“Hey, Spike?” Ember took hold of his hand. “Last night was bad. And I want to say that it was my fault. I shouldn't have kicked you out.”

“Last night was bad?” Spike snorted.

“Look, I don't apologize… Never had to… I don't want you to think I'm still mad at you.”

“It's okay, just let's talk it out next time?” Ember nodded and embraced her mate.

“We’re here!” Pinkie shouted with glee as she darted up the hill. The others ran after her and were met with the Grand decaying Skyline of Tennith. Smog frowned, fearing their journey had been for naught.

“Isn't it pretty?” Pinkie cooed.

“Sure, in a decrepit, moldy, stuffy kind of way…” Rarity shuddered.

“Are you sure the library is standing?” Ember asked as she started down the city.

“There's only one way to find out…” Twilight spoke as she led the group on towards Tennith.


Something bad happened here. The cobblestone streets were broken, their stones haphazardly strewn left and right. The buildings were broken and covered in scorch marks and arrows.

“What happened here?” Spike asked.

“I don't know… This doesn't look like a raid. The damage appears to be centuries old,” Smog said as he looked at the rather impressive battle scars.

“Spinious told me that the Tennithians were explorers and conquerors.” Ember wiped away the dust and muck on an old fish vendor's kiosk sign.

“So, any idea of where that library is?” Smog asked Twilight.

She dug through the maps furiously looking for anything that resembled library in dragon speech. “I found it!” the others crowded her too see the discovery. “It’s in the center of the city. This way.”

The others followed, dodging potholes she leaky buildings along the way; a droplet nearly gave Fluttershy a stroke. As Twilight led them through the maze of ancient avenues, Ember’s mind filled with images of what transpired during the city’s peak. Broken storefronts led way to side streets that branched out from the main brick avenue. They came upon an old fountain that dominated the center of a sun shaped avenue. “Whoa…” Spike said in amazement.

“Did dragons worship Celestia?” Twilight asked.

“I doubt that,” Applejack chimed in.

“No, Twilight’s right, in a sense,” Smog interrupted. “I don’t know much about those who practiced Pohzar, but I do know it had something to do with the sun.”

“Have you been here before?” Rainbow asked.

“Never… Didn’t know this city existed until I met Ember.”
The group pressed on past the shrine dedicated to the dragon sun god. They walked through countless damp, murky, musty, alleyways before coming upon a large diamond shaped building surrounded by flat land.

“This has to be it,” Ember said, awestruck by the scale and beauty of the building.

“I believe it is…” Spike added.

“We’re here!” Twilight laid their suspicions to rest. This was the library of Tennith, standing as high as a mountain, and as vast as an ocean. Compared to the rest of the city, the building appeared young and unchanged for centuries.

“Well, what the hay are we waitin’ for?” Applejack marched onward with confidence. In one step, the rain was gone. She took a step back becoming instantly inundated by the storm only to take a step forward onto a completely dry lawn. “Y’all, c’mon! It’s dry over here!”

“What the? AJ, we’re not in Equestria! Weather doesn’t work like that out here!” Rainbow shouted over the pitter patter of rain.

“Well, all y’all are standin there like a cockatrice statue. Let’s get movin’.” Applejack walked on with smug confidence as everyone else followed. Rarity was the first to step into the strangely warm and dry glow that permeated the air around the library. Soon after, they all sighed in relief as they were out of the cold stinging rain.

“Ahhh…” Fluttershy sighed and she shook the water off her wings.

“Yay! I was getting all soggy being all soggy.” Pinkie shook all the water out of her mane and fur. “That's better…” she sighed while brushing her dry soft fur.

As nice As it is, doesn't it seem strange?” Rarity looked At the clear skies above. It was as if someone used a cookie cutter to clear the rain away. She looked back to Ember, “I thought your weather was natural.”

Ember shrugged, “I've only heard of this place. I expected it to be ruined.”

“Ruined or not, I'd rather dry off before doing anything else,” Rainbow stated.

“Ditto that,” Rarity agreed without hesitation.

“Oh sure… Absolutely no one help me with these damn beats!” Smog groaned as he pulled in their supplies.

“Sorry buddy. We all wanted to get out of the cold.” Rainbow shook the water out of her hair. Smog watched more closely than he wished to. “Are you alright?” Rainbow ased.

“Hm? Oh… Just thinking.”

“We’ll, if we have time I'm down for some training.”

Smog nodded and began to unload the supplies from the carriage.


Ember sat around the campfire watching the sky turn from a bright fiery red, to an inky purple. Outside of the magic cylinder they were in, lightning danced on the edge off the barrier, but no thunder followed. The clouds swirled in an intense vortex, but no gusts of wind could be felt. The silence was eerie and thick. Not even the crackles of the fire seemed to fill her ears.

Spike sat a plate of roasted Herrington front of her. “Thank you.”

“Don't mention it.” Spike sat next to her and looked up at the monolithic library. “Do you think we’ll find what we’re looking for in there?”

“It’s hard to say.” Ember took a nice sizeable bite out of the bland meat. “I wouldn't even know where to start.”

The fire danced in the middle of the campsite replacing the light that the sun once gave. Rainbow came stumbling back and fell face first on the ground next to Twilight. “Are you okay?” Twilight chuckled.

Rainbow gave her a thumbs up and rolled over on her back, “Smog is tough!” she gasped, “But I can handle him!”

“Keep lying to yourself,” Smog scoffed with a smile. “Though, you are a fast learner.”

“Hehe…” Rainbow smiled.

Twilight looked across the camp at Spike and Ember. She quickly cut her eyes away, feigning any thought of jealousy.

“Gather ‘round y'all!” Applejack called while holding an acoustic guitar.

“Ooh, where did you get that from, AJ?” Pinkie asked with glee.

“Had it since day one. Figured now’d be a good time to whip ‘er out.”

“I’d love to hear a song,” Fluttershy chirped.

“Now, y'all excuse me. I might be a little rusty…” She played with the steel strings before strumming a soothing baseline.

“We’re all fallin’, and we need a place to hide.”

Ember halted her feast, hypnotized by the music seeping from the guitar.

“A safe place somewhere in the woods, we can start a fire.”

Smog enjoyed the soft strumming and smooth tone of this foreign song.

“All we know is what will be our home…” Rainbow sat up and rested on Smog.

“We will stay till… The break of dawn.”
She played a soothing riff while tapping along to the beat. Ember mimicked her by thumping her tail on the ground and swaying with the song. Rarity sat next to Applejack and began singing with her.

“The cold night takes up to a place to escape the chill,” They sang in beautiful unison.

“Tucked up somewhere in the woods, on a hill… Wake up feelin’ the cold in between our toes…”

Pinkie wiggled her toes over the fire, “No cold piggies here, AJ!”

Applejack chuckled and continued on.

“Is there a way back? Nobody knows… And we leave… It all behind,” her eyes met with Rarity’s. “ ‘Cause you see… We need some time…”

Soon, Fluttershy and Pinkie joined in the early night chorus.

“And we all sit around the fire. We feel a little warmer now. And we all sit around the fire. We feel so much better now.”

“Ahh… Ahh… Ahh…” they vocalized into the dark stormy night. Rainbow nudged Smog and motioned for him to copy the rhythm beside her. Of course he was hesitant, mainly because he knew not one music bone existed in his body, but he tried anyway.

“Ahh… Ahh…” Rainbow now added her voice to the mix, stunning Smog with her melodic beauty.

Twilight joined her friends, topping off the harmony with a sharp yet soothing alto hum, “Ahh… Ahh… Ahh…”

“Ahh… Ahh…” The song slowed as if it were coming to a close. No one sang, it was only Applejack and her guitar filling the night. The break didn't last as she drummed loud and hard while they all, including Spike, sang their song soulfully towards the heavens.

“And we all sit around the fire. We feel a little warmer now. And we all sit around the fire. We feel so much better now.”

Ember was captivated by her mate’s beautiful baritone voice. Smog on the other hand was so enthralled that he didn't realize that his tail intertwined with Rainbow’s. She didn't seem to care… Her voice was unlike anything he’s ever heard. Why would she?

“And we all sit around the fire. We feel a little warmer now. And we all sit around the fire. We feel so much better now.”

The song ended with cheers and hugs all around. Smog quickly let Rainbow’s tail loose and folder his arms. “We, that was… Very good. But, we need to get some rest. Tomorrow might be a long day,” He said, looking to the library.

They settled into their tents for the night and waited for what tomorrow had to offer.

Author's Note:

Here we are, the mysterious Tennithian Library. I don't know about you all, but I've been waiting so long to get to this chapter. Yes I'm chopping it into parts because some big things are gonna happen.

I hope you all enjoyed and the song that AJ sung was "The Woods, by Hollow Coves"