• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 618 Views, 24 Comments

Starlight Silence - Sky Blue CMC

Life. Death. Two clearly different things. Reality. Dreams. As different as light and darkness. But how different are they really? Sky Blue, orphaned middle child of the Blue family, needs to know. She's been having the same dream every night. But...

  • ...

Chapter III: Fortnight of Misfortune

"Let's see... Tartarus is to the far south... not quite the pole, but that still means we have to walk 11000 miles in two weeks." Sky Blue said to Sweetie Belle and Discord. "Eleven thousand... that's OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAND!!! But maybe we could teleport to the Yakyakistan border and just hike from there. Discord?"

Without even a second thought, Discord snapped his claws and teleported the three of them to the Crystal Mountains, near the border between the two nations. "FOR DREAMALITY!" Discord exclaimed as a Pigasus appeared right under him from out of nowhere, as did a lance in his claws. The Pigasus and lance disappeared in an ethereal smoke, and Discord lost his ability to fly. "Well, if at first you don't succeed..." Discord came back to the mountaintop and summoned another Pigasus, but the second one disappeared just like the first one. "Welp... Third time's the charm!" He sent another Pigasus, but that one disappeared too.

"There's no point in sending more Pigasi to their doom, Discord!" Sky explained. "The magic barrier is biggest and strongest as the solstice approaches. We need to walk the rest of the way... by my calculations, we should have just enough time to make it if we can JUST STOP DAWDLING!" Sky proceeded to walk north, and the others followed in her wake.

The unlikely trio had been walking for what felt like centuries, even though it was only mere minutes. Sky noticed that there were a few sets of small yak tracks, probably belonging to a baby yak or two. Then she started to follow the tracks, even though they were going northeast rather than due north. She surmised that if she followed the tracks, maybe the yaks could help them. Pinkie Pie had befriended them after all.

Sure enough, the trio saw a cute little yak child that looked like the baby yak Pinkie Pie described only about six moons older... My ability to read ages with eyes is uncanny. Sky thought to herself. I wonder if she can talk?

Sky's question had just been answered when the yak child said "Hello" to her.

"Hi. I'm Sky Blue." Sky introduced herself to a potential new friend of hers. "What's your name?"

"Hi Sky." The yak child replied. "I'm Yacqueline... you may have noticed, but I don't talk like those grown up yaks. It's because I don't quite agree with their customs, what with being secluded in the north for over nine thousand moons."

"Tell me about it." Sky replied sarcastically to Yacqueline. "I'm a Changeling, but I've been reformed ages before Thorax was even born... well, six years, but that's still ages. I've been disguised as the middle child of the Blue family my whole life, and my friend Sweetie Belle and my sister Vivian are the only ones who know. Well, and you now, obviously. Even Midnight, my other sister, is completely in the dark, and not just because of her name. The Blues don't even have three daughters, only two. My real name's Meteora, but I only use that name around my fellow Changelings... and close friends who know I'm a Changeling."

"Well Meteora, I won't judge you." Yacqueline tried to hug her new friend, but tripped over her short hind legs while her front ones were in the air. So Sky/Meteora hugged Yacqueline instead.

"I'm glad you take me for what I am." Sky said to her new yak friend. "Wanna see my true form?"

Yacqueline nodded, her horned head looking so cute with those baby horns bobbing along with it.

Sky/Meteora transformed into her true self, which not even Discord, who was standing right in front of her, and not even Flaming Thunder, whom she had been pretending to date, had seen before, in front of this almost complete stranger. She felt like a stripper, revealing herself to a stranger like this... except she was doing it for free. Her scaly skin was multicoloured, like an iridescent suit of armour. "It's because I'm the first reformed Changeling ever, so my exoskeleton had more time to evolve and recolour."

"It's absolutely beautiful!" Yacqueline exclaimed with amazement. "It looks like those Skittle things from the human world that Pinkie Pie was telling me about. Can I lick it?"

Meteora felt a little awkward about this, but nodded her head anyway. "Just don't lick my horn." She said, gesturing the one still-black body part by bobbing her head like she did when she nodded. "...or my wings." She flapped them at 42 beats per second, a bit slower than they usually flap in her true form, but still 21 times faster than in her pegasus disguise.

Yacqueline licked Meteora's scales, about five of each colour, and said things like "Mmm..." and "Tasty" as she was licking them. When she was done, Meteora transformed back into her Sky disguise and Yacqueline said her fur tasted good too. "Was I a bit too much?" Yacqueline asked. "Or not enough?"

"Just right, thanks." Sky/Meteora replied to her affectionate friend. "I'm glad you licked me actually. But can you help me and my friends get to Mount Amore? It's for a very important date: The Summer Solstice."

"Yes, yes, OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAND times yes!" Yacqueline shouted like the adults she was trying to differentiate from. "I thought you'd never ask!"

"When I said 'date' I meant a calendar date, not a romantic one." Sky/Meteora rolled her eyes. "I need to stop a ritual before it starts, and the offering point is on Mount Amore's peak."

"Oh." Yacqueline let her adorable head down. "I'm sorry I got the wrong idea. But yeah, I'll help you." Yacqueline walked northwest to the cave of her friend, the Yeti. She asked him if he could give Meteora a ride, and he roared that he doesn't take Changelings, good or evil. So she asked for Pinkie Pie's sled that she lost in the cave, and when he returned it, it was shattered remains of nothing. Sweetie Belle built a new sled with the remnants and some crystal ice, and the four friends, yak included, set off to Mount Amore for the summoning ritual.

Author's Note:

A Pigasus is a pig with wings, obviously. Yacqueline is my fanon name for the canon character "baby yak" from Party Pooped. Sky's Changeling revelation is a reference to the facade I've been hiding behind for over two and a half years here on Fimfiction. I got the idea when another Sky Blue asked if I was a Changeling... I said I wasn't, but asterisks surrounded *eyes glow green* before the word "Changeling" appeared. This was the month I first created my account, so there was not a single canon reformed Changeling at the time. My idea was completely new to me, and possibly to the whole web.

Should I add the "Sex" tag for putting the word "stripper" in my story? It's already "Teen" rated, but does it need the tag? Or maybe for Yacqueline "licking" Meteora? Fuck it, I'm adding the tag whether you tell me to or not!