• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 3,692 Views, 89 Comments

Caretaker - Zauberelefant

At first glance you would expect that living in Equestria would be nice. However, for Anon it has not turned out so well and to top it off there's some stupid retard crashing into him.

  • ...

Chapter 7

You wake up feeling warm and comfortable. If nothing else you've been sleeping a lot better since you came to Equestria thanks to the magically enhanced mattresses and pillows that seem to be the standard here. Also, when compared to the city you were living in back on earth, the nights in Ponyville are really quiet.

Wait, why is you blanket moving?

You pull back the sheets and find that rather than your blanket it has been the pony under it that has been moving. Derpy has cuddled up next to you, hugging your side in her sleep.

Or at least she did that until now, because your movements seem to have woken her up.

"Good morning", she says happily as she slowly opens her eyes, stretching all six of her limbs in the process.

Good morning", you reply in turn, using the opportunity to wind out of her grasp and sit up on your bed.

Derpy also gets up, sitting in front you with a small smile on her face.

Why are you in my bed?", you ask her when it seems like she's not going to explain herself.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry", you add hastily when you see a mix of fear and confusion wash over her face, "I just want to know why."

"Because I went to bed and I fell asleep but then I had a bad dream", Derpy explains, "and I woke up and I couldn't fall asleep again because I felt all alone. And then I came into your room because you said that you're right next door and that I should come to you when I have a problem and I asked if I can sleep with you. And you said that it's okay so I got into your bed and I could fall asleep because I felt warm and safe and I didn't feel alone anymore."

"I see."

You don't remember any of that happening but you were probably still half asleep when she asked you.

"Did I do something wrong?", Derpy asks with a hint of worry in her voice.

No, no, nothing like that", you say as you hold up your hands up defensively, "I just didn't remember you coming to my room. I have no problem with you sleeping in my bed when it makes you feel better."

After all, as her caretaker it's kind of your job to make sure that she's well, be it physically or mentally. You didn't have enough time to think the offer through yesterday but you definitely made the right decision in accepting it.

Taking care of Derpy is definitely not the kind of job you were looking for but you can't pass up an opportunity such as this. Even if by the sound of it you might only be doing it temporarily it might still open up new opportunities for you.

Speaking of opportunities, what time is it right now?

You grab the clock from your nightstand to get a closer look.

It's half past eight. Still early, at least when you're going by Twilight's sleep schedule.

Derpy also seems to be interested in what it is you're holding, moving next to you to get a better look. However, judging by the panicked expression on her face her reaction seems to be quite different from yours.

"I'm going to be late for work!"

A few minutes later Derpy and you are leaving Twilight's castle. You barely have time to shut the door behind you because the moment she's outside Derpy starts flying down the street, quickly moving away from you.

Quick for your standards at least. For a pegasus she's not flying all that fast.

You break into a light jog, catching up with Derpy after a few seconds. However, the moment she notices that you've caught up she starts to fly faster, forcing you to keep jogging or be left behind.

Turns out Derpy can fly just as fast as any other pegasus, or at least she could if she was actually flying in a straight line. She constantly seems to be steering off to the side, forcing her to slow down and correct her course as she's getting dangerously close to buildings or other ponies.

You're not exactly an expert on the subject but even you can tell that Derpy is not very good at flying. When compared to you she's still pretty fast though. Thankfully, after rounding one last corner, the Ponyville Post Office finally comes into view.

Apparently Derpy has a job there, working as Ponyville's local mailmare.

Seems like even Derpy managed to get a job before you did.

Derpy and you slow down as you reach the doors of the post office, and after stopping for a second to catch your breath you push them open.

The inside of the post office looks pretty much like you'd expect, at least if you were back on earth. While most of Ponyville's buildings are just as colorful and cozy on the inside as they are on the outside, the foyer of the post office is a clear exception to this rule. It's painted in only a handful of cold, pale colors and you think it might even be the least colorful place you've seen ever since you came to Equestria.

There is nothing in here to decorate the room. Everything you see, from the neatly lined up cushions to the adjacent water cooler, seems to have a clear, direct purpose.

It's not that the foyer lacks character, it's just that it doesn't feel very comfortable. To you it feels like an assembly line, like someone put a lot of effort into optimizing it's layout so that there is an optimal stream of ponies towards the counter, arguably the main feature of the room.

Behind it there seems to be sitting a lonely pegasus mare, attentively reading a piece of paper on her desk. She has a light gray mane and a pale blue coat, blending in perfectly with the cold colors around her.

A few seconds after the two of you enter the room she looks up from her document, though the moment the mare lays eyes on Derpy she shoots her a cold, reprimanding glare.

"You're late", she states in a rough, grating voice that you'd associate with a woman in her forties.

"I'm sorry, Skydancer, I didn't mean to", Derpy replies with her head low and her ears hanging, clearly intimidated.

The mare, Skydancer as you now know, just let's out a tired sigh.

"More importantly",she says as she refocuses her glare on Derpy, "why didn't you show up to work on Monday? Do you think the letters will deliver themselves?"

"I-I'm sorry", Derpy stammers out, "Mr. Hoofington said that I need to ask him when I want to leave the house and he wasn't there so I couldn't leave the house because I couldn't ask him."

"What kind of nonsense is this?", Skydancer asks as she rests her head on one of her hooves, clearly annoyed.

"I...I...", is all Derpy gets out before you step in, walking in front of Derpy.

"It's a long story", you explain, "But the gist of it is that Hoofington suddenly left for Canterlot in the middle of the night."

Skydancer makes a face like you just told her a bad joke.

"Why would he...? You know what, it doesn't even matter. What does matter", Skydancer says as she retrieves a bag filled to the brim with letters, "Is that the mail gets delivered."

She holds the bag out to Derpy but just as she's about to take it she pulls it back again.

"Don't lose it again!", she says with great emphasis.

"Okay, Skydancer, I won't lose it again", Derpy replies dutifully, but all she gets in response is an exasperated sigh.

It's probably not the first time the two of them have had this exchange.

"Don't worry", you say, trying to diffuse the situation, "I'll be with Derpy the entire time and make sure nothing goes wrong."

"So, what", Skydancer asks, "Are you Hoofington's replacement then?"

"Yes", you reply, "I haven't signed the paperwork yet but it looks like I'll be Derpy's caretaker for now."

"Well, good for you I guess", Skydancer says, "It's been months since you started looking for a job, right?"

This is your first time speaking to this pony and she still knows about your situation simply because you're the resident alien. Sometimes you hate how much you stand out.

"Honestly I would have hired you to deliver the mail", Skydancer continues, "but unfortunately I can't just fire Derpy. If I got to choose who to work with I'd take the weird monkey over the useless retard any day of the week."

Geez, she doesn't have to say it like that, Derpy is standing right next to you. You take a quick look at her and see that she still has the same dejected, apologetic look on her face that she did earlier.

"Look", you whisper to Skydancer as you lean closer, "Please don't be too hard on her. It looks like Hoofington has been beating her."

"Why are you telling me this?", Skydancer asks at normal volume, unphased by the revelation.

If anything, she sounds pissed off.

"What do you mean, why am I telling you this?", you ask as you furrow your brows.

"I mean why are you telling me this as in why are you telling me this inane sob story when it's none of my business."

"None of your business?!", you reply louder and angrier than you originally intended, "You're working with her! Are you seriously going to tell me that you didn't notice the bruises on her?"

"So this is my fault now!?", Skydancer asks, also getting louder, "Derpy has bruises all over because she's a bucking featherbrain that doesn't know how to not fly into buildings."

"Oh fuck off, you-", you begin, but you're interrupted by a tap to the side of your leg.

Derpy is looking up at you with teary, pleading eyes.

"Please stop fighting."

"Anyways", Skydancer says, audibly suppressing her anger, "I'm simply doing my job here, namely taking care of this post office and making sure that the residents of Ponyville get their mail. If Derpy does her part without messing up then there is no problem and we can all be friends. So how about we stop wasting time and get to work?"

You take a deep breath.
