• Published 22nd Feb 2017
  • 432 Views, 40 Comments

Moon Unit Zappa - RarityEQM

Celestia asks a special task force; The Servants of Shadow, to help find her missing sister Luna.

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The Mission

Bright Spark 'escorted' the little filly (who he discovered was named Diamond Dancer) all the way from Ponyville and the White Tail Woods right up to the front doors of Canterlot Castle itself and he was still wondering why an escort was necessary. The filly was cheerful enough after the early morning grumpiness had worn off, and she was more than happy to skip, bounce, and prance along with them right up until they got to the castle doors. She demonstrated no hesitation when she reached the castles wide double doors, as so many fillies had a tendency to do. Like she'd done it a million times before, and she'd do it a million times more, the moment the little filly reached the path to the throne room, she drew herself into a more refined posture and took to walking with practiced steps. She didn't speak a word, nor toss Bright Spark a second glance. She simply opened up the doors, and disappeared, leaving Bright Spark and Full Plate standing just outside the throne room.

The throne room was as barren as Diamond had ever seen as she stepped into the grand foyer. It contained no stiff legged guards or chittering maids. No diplomats or lawyers or advisers. Nothing but a thin-lipped alicorn who sat patiently on her throne, scrutinizing every step Diamond took.

The vibrant sound of her hoofsteps echoed off of the high ceiling, and nothing in the room served to hide her from Celestia's borrowing gaze. The filly felt like the most illuminating spotlight in the world was zeroed in on her, and every step she took seemed to magnify the sensation.

Finally, Diamond stopped just sort of the throne and looked up at Celestia. She stared back with a forced little smile and transparent frustration. It made Diamond Dancer cringe. The years and years of stoned faced, emotionless responses Celestia had used during her court sessions failed her. Something was dreadfully wrong and it showed.

"Hello Diamond Dancer. I'm sorry to bother you, as I'm sure you're very busy, but I'm afraid this is a priority." She explained sullenly. Diamond nodded her head and drew in a breath through her teeth and held it. It was a visible habit of bracing herself for news she was absolutely positive she did not want to hear. Celestia continued, unabated.

"As of thirty-six hours ago, Princess Luna, my sister, has been deemed missing. She was last seen heading to Tartarus. " Celestia explained coldly, paying close attention to the filly in front of her.

Diamond, for the most part, seemed relatively calm, even as the Princess explained that Luna had gone missing, and her last known whereabouts were in Tartarus. That would change, she was sure- more than likely before the end of the conversation. Celestia gave an exhausted sigh. As much as she hated to drag a filly into this, time was not a luxury she could afford at the moment.

"Twelve hours ago, a rescue party was sent to retrieve her. We've lost all contact with them and time grows increasingly short. There is a rumor among the guards, that the Servants of Shadow have tactical knowledge of Tartarus that could assist the situation, is that true?" She asked. There was no way she could hide the plea in her voice. Surely, she'd succumb to desperation, if she were enlisting a child to help.

Diamond winced and felt her ears instinctively pin back against her skull at the mention of forbidden knowledge of Tartarus. The Sun Guard was all about strict rules and regulation, Chains of Command, red tape, and bureaucratic laws that made them an efficient well-oiled machine when it came to typical day-to-day issues. But to descend into Tartarus was anything but typical.

The sun guard had no business going into Tartarus and if they did they'd be wildly ineffective down there. Exceedingly few ponies had ventured into Tartarus and lived to tell the tale. Now it all made sense. If word got out Princess Luna was missing, or perhaps lost to Tartarus, enemies of Equestria could flock to the country to attempt a takeover or worse.

Diamond swallowed the lump in her throat as the full realization of what was happening hit her. It hit her hard and without mercy. Princess Celestia was desperate to rescue Luna. So much that she was willing to beg for the help of the Servants of Shadow. Luna's personal court would have the best chance of finding her in the burning void of Tartarus but that meant...

"Yes," the filly croaked, her voice hardly audible in the massive, empty hall. That was all that was needed and Celestia rigidly nodded her head and bit her tongue. No. This had to be done. There were no other options left to them and the longer they failed to act...

"And can we count on this knowledge to assist in...in...helping rescue, my sister?" Celestia asked candidly. It was obvious that the princess could not bear the thought of losing her beloved sister twice. No, Never again. She'd march into Tartarus herself if she could, but to risk capture and put the rest of the kingdom in danger? She peered at the tiny silver sliver of hope in front of her, who stared up at her silently.

There was a moment of contemplation and a lingering moment of hesitation before the girl nodded her head and let a quiet "Yes your majesty," spill from her lips. She seemed confident enough, even if Celestia could see the doubt washing over her. Regardless, she'd agreed, and that's what mattered the most right now.

With a glance that bespoke a million thank yous, Celestia forced another raggedly thin smile. In return, Diamond gave a slipshod salute and turned to march from the throne room into the hall and outside of the castle. It was all too much and it was all too big, and it left her brain numb and trying to grasp what had just happened and what she'd just agreed to.

The Servants of Shadow were not the easiest ponies in the world to get ahold of. They functioned at night, kept out of the public, and did what they could to keep a low profile. Diamond was by far the easiest to contact which lead to Princess Celestia begging her to accept a mission on behalf of the rest of the group. They functioned as a unit together. All for one and one for all, there was no way Princess Celestia wasn't aware of what she was asking. She must have known, she must have. To ask a member of the Night Court to venture into Tartarus was to ask them all to venture into Tartarus. This was a suicide mission.

A suicide mission that Diamond had accepted.