• Published 22nd Feb 2017
  • 432 Views, 40 Comments

Moon Unit Zappa - RarityEQM

Celestia asks a special task force; The Servants of Shadow, to help find her missing sister Luna.

  • ...

The Boons

"She's coming around," said a voice that flooded in with the rest of her senses as Diamond regained consciousness. It always took her a few moments to recollect herself after a face plant of any type. The group had taken momentary refuge right inside of the gates. It seemed as if Cerberus was too large to enter, or perhaps had more sense to stay out of the underworld.

They were in a tunnel, burrowed through the dirt in a long corridor that descended to what looked like a much wider cave. There was a faintly marked trail that offered the illusion of stairs, but it was the luminous glare of Virga that caught her eye first and foremost. He was the one who had noticed her awaken from her unconscious state and now he had been glaring at her since.

"What?" She groaned. He gave a snort and shook his head.

"Since when do you operate without telling the rest of us the plan? This mission is far too critical for wild stunts like that! " He snapped. Her ears pinned to the sides of her head and she gave a little huff.

"I was just doin' what Firefly would have done." Diamond grumbled quietly. Virga's glare remained solidly fixed on her and he shook his head.

"Firefly would have mentioned her plan to us! Still, you completed the goal with minimal risk to the mission and the rest of us, and you did it quickly. You did a good job, just try to keep me informed next time. " He added, forcing a minuscule grin to twitch at the corner of her lips.

He frowned and knelt down and peered at the collar she had wrapped around her neck, inspecting it for damage after her crash. He knew it wouldn't last long, and he'd hoped for a stress test before putting it to use. It looked more or less undamaged, but he had his utmost doubts it would remain that way. For now, though, it was all they had.

"You're up, kid." He said, gesturing down the desolate tunnel. Diamond peered into the darkness, and then turned back to the rest of the group, offering a sloppy little salute.

Bright Spark frowned watching the girl curiously. They had pulled themselves into a little semi-circle around Diamond's unconscious form, but now that she was miraculously up and around again, he had turned towards the path, only to be stopped by Nettleglum.

"Allow miss Dancer to take the lead. She is quite the proficient scout." Nettie advised. The unicorn stared in disbelief, turning towards the child again.

"Her?" He asked flatly. Nettie nodded her head. They watched Diamond amble towards Full Plate and tug at his armored foreleg.

"Could I get a favor? Whack me on the dome, couldja?" She asked sweetie. Full Plate raised an eyebrow and peered at Virga curiously. The dark pegasus gave a sigh and nodded his head towards the pair, gesturing for Full Plate to consider her request. Nervously, he shrugged and lifted a massive hoof, cuffing the girl on the back of the head. Whatever she must have been expecting didn't take place, because a moment later, she plucked herself off the ground and smiled sweetly.

"One more time! With feelin! Come on, we're wasting time here!" Diamond exclaimed, obviously no worse for wear, regardless of the fantastic blow she just endured. Full Plate peered at the filly in confusion, before reaching a hoof back to deliver a solid blow to the side of her skull. This time, to his amazement, her eyes briefly glimmered, before taking on a surprisingly white hue. She flashed that same sickly sweet smile of hers and turned sharply on her hooves.

"Ok. I'm scouting now. There, I told you!" She said with a snort, before skipping down the tunnel. Virga sighed. Kids.

"Alright, I'm confused. Again, why are we sending a child into the underworld, and why did we hit her first to do it?" Bright Spark demanded, looking helplessly around at the other members of the group.

"Miss Dancer's boon grants her the most splendid night vision, but her destroyed nerves don't allow her to control it properly. She requires outside physical stimuli to activate it. "Nettleglum said quietly from the darkest corner of the already dark room. Virga joined her, reaching into his saddle bag to fish out the Harmonix Crystal he had displayed before.

He sat next to Nettleglum and set the crystal before them all. The 'receiver' as he called it, was a shiny blue gem, shaped like a pyramid and glowing faintly. After a moment, it began to vibrate.

"...Guys? "whispered the crystal faintly. Bright Spark perked his ears in surprise and leaned in closer to examine the receiver. That was Diamond's voice! By the circle of the sun, it worked!

"First hundred or so feet is all clear. No sign of anyone or anything so far. This cave at the bottom of the tunnel opens up a little bit more but then turns into another tunnel. That first room is safe, I'll let you know when I find something else." The Crystal explained, before going silent. Virga nodded his head and stood up, pointing down the corridor Diamond had ventured down.

"First room, guys," Virga explained, tossing a lofty stare into the darkness.

"Did Luna grant each of you night vision when you joined?" Bright Spark asked, cramming himself in beside Virga as they wandered down the stairs.

"No. Each boon is gifted as service demands it. I was given greater control over winter storms and severe cold. Diamond was given her trinket and night vision, Dinky was given books of the damned to study, and Nettleglum...is...awesome." He added after a moment of hesitation. Bright Spark didn't need to look to know if Nettleglum was behind him. He had a feeling she was always behind him and it creeped him out to no end.

"Trinket?" He asked, trying to shake the uncomfortable sensation he felt when Nettleglum lurched by in silence. Virga gazed down the tunnel where Diamond had explored further, nodding his head absentmindedly. He perked his ears, listening carefully for her voice over the receiver.

"The jewel she wears around her neck. It is a piece of a fallen star given to her by Luna. It can grant wishes of extraordinary measure. It could come in handy." The dark pegasus explained. Bright Spark scrunched his nose is disgust. Were such powers given away by Luna so carelessly?! The idea was both enchanting and horrifying to him- Who knew what Luna would bestow upon him for coming to her rescue.

"Does she really think Diamond is the best pony to give something like that too?" He asked quietly. This was answered with an irritated snort. Dinky had seemed to blend into the shadows and only the little ball of light protruding from her horn gave away her presence in the group.

"No. That has been proven to be a severe miscalculation." She groaned. Virga snickered quietly behind a wing.

"Well...the trinket has proven more irksome than valuable, but its powers are not easily weld. Certainly not so any pony off the street can control it. Diamond is..." He struggled to search for the proper term. Dinky had no such trouble.

"An idiot. The star powers its wishes by innocence, and Diamond is as 'innocent' as it gets." Dinky explained and set herself down next to Bright Spark and Virga, watching the receiver intently.

Dinky was much different than Diamond, Bright Spark observed. While Diamond seemed boisterous and explosive, Dinky was quiet and reserved. The very cusp of an angsty teenager, Dinky was much more a fit to his idea of a 'Servant of Shadow' than Diamond Dancer was. She had little black spectacles she kept pushing up onto her nose, and a permanent sneer etched across her muzzle. She peered coldly at the receiver and tapped at it once, curiously.

"Why aren't we hearing anything? Can she hear us?" She asked. Virga shook his head quietly.

"No. It's only able to replay the vibrations being sent through it. It's a one-way enchantment." Virga explained. Bright Spark shook his head and leaned in closer.

"Well, she might not be able to hear us, but I think I can layer a clairvoyance spell over-top of the original enchantment..."He explained, reaching out to grasp the crystal in both hooves. His horn gave a sputter of magic and a golden aura encased the receiver.

A moment passed. And another, and another still, and every second that ticked by, the crystal became clearer and clearer. Virga would consider it translucent if it weren't the image of Diamond Dancer creeping along slowly starting to appear in its center.

"Impressive! That's-" Virga began, but Diamond cut him off. She'd wandered into a much, much larger cavern and was staring at something out of the collar's range.

"Guys? I think you oughta see this."