• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 12,512 Views, 683 Comments

A Matter of Genetics - Guardsman_Sparky

In which I find an old costume and immediately regret it.

  • ...

Excessive Growth

Mr. Fish has multiplied. I don't know how, but when I woke up this morning, there were two of him. It's...a bit disconcerting, if I'm being honest, because there is literally no earthly way there could be one fish in my pond, let alone two. But no, there are two fish in my meditation pond now.

I...should maybe ask someone about this? Twilight or Fluttershy I think. One of them should know if this is something to be worried about.

But first, Mr. Fish's new friend needs a name. Hm. He looks like a Styx. I'm going to call him Styx, he is now Styx. Mr. Fish and Styx.

...Eugh...no, that's a terrible pun. I'll call him Sprinkles.

I feel a wobble in the air. I think the Genius loci is laughing at me. Well, shove it in your portcullis, you silly castle.

And now I'm trading insults with an inanimate object, however intelligent it may be. I'm just going to leave before I do something silly.

Ah, Ponyville is as lovely as ever. The birds, the clear blue skies, the smell of fresh cut grass, the screams of a panicking pony...

Wait. I took a look down the street.


There is indeed a pony staring at me and screaming her head off...no, no, now she's running away. Still screaming. Good lord, do all ponies have such impressive lung capacity?

I'm going to assume she was out of town for the party. The only other possibility I can think of is that ponies have distressingly short memories, which, considering my interactions with the other townsfolk, seems unlikely.

Although...there was that thing with the angry mob last Friday...

Right, so, I'm just going to put that Screaming Mimi over there out of my mind and go to...Twilight's, yes go to Twilight's. Her place is closer anyways. I mean, it's literally right over there, down at the end of the street.

The library is looking lovely today, though the leaves are looking somewhat...crispy, if that makes sense. Huh, looks like it'll be fall soon. Note to self: make sure the Castle has central heating.

Oh, I just realized something. Winter is going to be hell. Mew are a tropical species, with short fur and probably no down layer. And seeing how Mewtwo, and therefore myself, are an artificially induced evolution (in the Darwinian sense) of the Mew species, winter is...oh god winter is going to be cold.

Right. First things first: Carousel Boutique, then Twilight's. The fish can wait...I can't believe I just said that, but there you go.

Humming idly, I turned and floated down the street in the opposite direction from the library towards the colorful building shaped like a circus tent. Well, I assume it's supposed to be a circus tent: the building is literally shaped like a circular tent and is very colorful. There are only two things off the top of my head that I think it could be, but I am pretty sure that a merry-go-round isn't it. So...circus. No, wait, there's a pair of wooden ponies on a stick. Merry-go-round it is.

...goddamn it. The name's a pun.

Anyways, back to the Boutique. Entering the store, it was...well...frilly. Frilly curtains, frilly doilies, frilly furniture covers--even the bell hung over the door to announce visitors sounded frilly. It's ringing filled the frilly, purple showroom I found myself in.

"Just a minute," came the call from the back. "I'll be right with you!"

A few moments later, Rarity came trotting into the showroom through a curtained doorway, a necklace with a large, heart-shaped ruby hanging around her neck. "Welcome to--Oh, hello Mewtwo," Rarity welcomed me, interrupting her generic welcome in the process. "What brings you to Carousel Boutique?"

I have a bit of a problem, I confessed. You see, winter is coming. ...I think I just made a reference to something, but I can't quite place it.

"Oh, I just love winter," Rarity gushed. "The hats, the scarves, the boots, oh I just love accessorizing them to match my winter coat." Rarity paused, taking a moment to compose herself. "My apologies. I am so sorry for interrupting, it just...ahem, well..."

Quite alright, I assured. As I was saying, this is going to be my first winter here in Equestria where I'm not made of stone, so... I trailed off, parsing my thoughts into relative organization. I need to prepare for the cold.

"Oh, well, I still have a selection of hats and scarves from last winter in the back. I'd be happy to let you take a look or create a custom design if you are so inclined," the alabaster unicorn offered. "Something to compliment your winter coat once it comes in."

I lifted a finger. About that. My species' ancestors hail from tropical climes, so, I explained patiently. We don't have winter coats.

Rarity's face lit up with understanding. "Ah, yes, you'd need a bit more than just a scarf or a hat then. Did you have anything in mind?"

I was thinking something along the lines of an all weather cloak, I outlined. Something to keep me warm in winter, but that won't make me overheat if I were to wear it in summer. Simple, with a darker coloration. Something that can be removed quickly in an emergency, I added as an afterthought, remembering a short, bespectacled woman detailing several...avoidable cape-related accidents.

"Well, that's simple enough to make," Rarity considered. "But why that, if you don't mind me asking?"

An ancestor of mine wore something similar, I said by way of explanation, vaguely remembering the ending of Mewtwo Returns. Though he mostly used it to travel incognito.

"Ooh, ancestral traditions," Rarity oozed happily. "Oh I just love working with those. Some of my best ideas come from such commissions." She paused, and I could almost see the lightbulb going off in her head. "Speaking of which..."

Before you go off and do anything, we really should talk payment, I interjected. Okay, how do I explain I don't have any money without sounding like a leech? Maybe I should have thought about this sooner.

"Oh, there's no need for that, Mewtwo dear," Rarity demurred. "Consider it a thank-you: you did save the life of my little sister, after all."

Little sister? Oh, right, Sweetie Belle. Thank you. I honestly didn't know what to say beyond that.

"You are very welcome." Her horn lit up, levitating a series of measuring tapes. "Let's get your measurements, shall we?"

I gave off a hum as I left Carousel Boutique behind me. That was a fun diversion. Now, back to the mysteriously multiplying fish.

It didn't take long to reach the library. Hopefully Twilight was in, but if she wasn't, well, I could always go over to Fluttershy and see if she knows anything.

Setting myself down, I opened the library's front door and stepped inside. Hello? Twilight, are you available? I was hoping you could help me with...something... I trailed off at the sight before me.

The library was...well, warzone did not do it justice, at all. Books were everywhere, and I mean everywhere, while various nick-knacks and other random objects were scattered across the floor. In the center of the room was a veritable mountain of...stuff, on top of which was a hornless Nidoking with green spines that was taking swipes at a broom-wielding and incoherently screaming Twilight Sparkle.

Oh wait, that's not a Nidoking, that's Spike.


Wait, what!?

Taking a second look, I determined that yes, that was Twilight brandishing a broom like a bristled spear and, yes, that was an oversized, snarling Spike flopped atop a pile of books and other sundry items taking swipes at her.

I stared dumbly at the scene before me before belatedly coming to a decision. I'll just...come back later.

Slowly backing out of the library, I carefully closed the door. I think I shall go talk to Fluttershy first. That seems to be the safest course of action right now.

Fluttershy's cabin is a quaint little thing, almost adorable as its homeowner. There are a multitude of minds inside, but none that are complex or developed enough for higher sapience, so they most likely belong to Fluttershy's animal friends. However, on average, I'd have to say most of the animals here are at least as sentient as a dog (the regular kind, not the diamond dog variety). Makes me wonder if that sentience is ubiquitous throughout Equestria, or if it's just something in the water around here.

At any rate, Fluttershy is not inside the house. But I think I can sense a sapient mind on the other side of the cottage, along with a passel of smaller minds that feel like...a hamster hopped up on caffeine and obsessed with nuts...hm...must be squirrels. And a little bit off to the side is a group of simpler minds that feel like happiness, fluffy feathers, and...a deep well of seething hatred? What?

Wait, no, that's just broodiness. Are those chickens?

Turning the corner, I saw that they were indeed chickens. Note to self, do not do anything to piss those fowl off. I don't want to have to deal with unending swarms of enraged, unkillable poultry (okay, where the heck did that thought come from?).

Skirting around the chicken-wire surrounding the coop, I made my way around the rest of the house to see Fluttershy talking to a scurry of squirrels. I stopped some distance away to watch, waiting to see what happened next. I didn't have to wait long, because once she finished talking, Fluttershy popped a CD into a boombox that I had somehow not seen previously, and a moment later, the squirrels began to dance along to a somewhat familiar tune.

Huh. Squirrels doing Riverdance. Well, that's not something you see everyday.

They're rather good actually. The clicking their little claws are making on that log are particularly amusing, too. Sure, there are a few mistakes and mishaps (as evident by the mental stumble that a squirrel will occasionally make), but it's damn impressive.

All too soon, the music came to an end and the squirrels stomped to a halt. I could not help but to applaud.

The reactions were as sudden as they were amusing. At the unexpected sound of my clapping, the squirrels bolted, some making for the nearest tree, the rest taking shelter behind Fluttershy. Meanwhile, the gentle pegasus had jumped in shock, eyes wide and wings flared in surprise as she flopped over on her back.

I held up my paws to show I meant no harm. Apologies. I did not mean to frighten.

Fluttershy's breathing began to even out, the panic that was threatening to encroach on her psyche subsiding as she recognized me. Rolling onto her stomach, she looked at me from behind her mane, eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "You scared me."

Sorry, I apologized again. I have a tendency to sneak up on p-onies. Well, nice to know that's still a thing. I used to accidentally sneak up on people back when...back Before (still do, apparently). I've startled people who knew I was in the room with them, that's how bad it was.

Anyways, I do apologize for interrupting. God, I hope Fluttershy doesn't start apologizing, or between the two of us, we're going to be here for a while. I looked at the squirrels, who had all congregated behind their caretaker. It was quite the performance, I rather enjoyed it.

"Oh, thank you," Fluttershy said brightly (though still rather softly). Just the mention of her animal friends was enough to perk her up. "It's something I've been helping my squirrel friends with," she demurred. "But I'm glad somepony enjoyed it."

You are quite welcome, I said. At any rate, I need some help.

"H-help," Fluttershy repeated softly. "With what?"

Well, it's quite peculiar, I began. You see, I have a fish, you might remember it from when you and your friends first visited my castle? Fluttershy nodded. Well, now I have two, and I don't know where either came from. I was hoping you might have an idea as to what's going on. A thought hit me. You wouldn't happen to know if there are any fish species that teleport, would you?

"No, I don't," Fluttershy answered after a moment's thinking. "But, I'm sure if you asked Twilight, I'm sure she could help."

I thought back to the scene I had left behind at the library. She's a bit tied up right now.

Having enlisted the help of Applejack, Twilight and the farm pony leapt into the air, a rope held tight between them to catch and tie up Spike before he could rampage any further. It was bad luck then, that Spike chose that moment to bend over to pick up an apple, causing the two mares to overshoot and get caught on a tree. Glaring, Spike roared in their faces before running off, leaving the two ponies tied to the tree.

"Oh," Fluttershy muttered. She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well, the only thing I can think of is that maybe a bird dropped it there."

Hm... I considered it carefully. It seems possible, but... I could see it happening once, but if a bird of prey had indeed dropped Sprinkles into my pond, then what about Mr. Fish? It was a conundrum. I looked down at Fluttershy. Thank you for your help, but it seems this might be a mystery that goes unsolved, for now, at least.

"Oh you're very welcome," Fluttershy demurred. "I'm just sorry I couldn't help more."

I made to leave, only for curiousity to get the best of me. Question. Why do squirrels learn to dance?

"Oh," Fluttershy's eyes lit passionately as she started to explain. "Well, you see, they...they..." I watched with concern as Fluttershy trailed off, her eyes slowly widening to terrified proportions. She let out a tiny squeak of fear.

It was at that moment that I became aware of something very large and avaricious behind me. I started to turn around, only catching a glimpse of dark purple scales and yellow eyes before I was sent flying by a crushing blow. I was dimly aware that my unexpected flight had ended in a bush, but I was swiftly losing consciousness. As everything went dark, I heard a scream.

As I opened my eyes, I was made aware of an acute, throbbing pain in my skull. Levering myself upright, I found I was no longer in the bush I had landed in, instead lying on a blanket next to it. What happened?

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay."

I turned my head to the side. Fluttershy? What hit me?

The butter-yellow mare wrung her hooves worriedly. "Spike, he..."

I blinked at Fluttershy incredulously. Spike? Itty-bitty little... I paused, remembering the scene from the library. Nevermind... After a moment, I looked around, maybe to look for Spike, I'm not sure. How'd he get so big anyways?

"He's going through greed growth," Fluttershy explained. "Twilight said that..."

I held up a paw to stop her. I know what greed growth is. Somehow. Blasted selective memory loss. Heaving myself to my feet, I was immediately overcome with a bought of nausea and dizziness. I might have fallen over if not for Fluttershy pushing up against me to support my not inconsiderable weight. Thank you.

Taking a few awkward, unsteady steps, I looked around, placing a paw against the side of my head (which I noticed had been bandaged). Greed growth...we need to stop Spike from taking things, right?

Fluttershy nodded.

Shouldn't be too hard, then. I immediately facepalmed (which I regretted instantly as a jolt of pain shot through my skull). I just jinxed myself, didn't I? Where is Spike, I asked, putting my taunt to Murphy aside.

Fluttershy pointed off towards the Ponyville town center. Looking in the direction she indicated, I was at a loss for words.

Just how exactly had I missed a purple Godzilla rampaging through Ponyville?

I blinked. Is that your henhouse, I asked, pointing at the small structure in the gargantuan not-so-baby dragon's claws. Fluttershy nodded. Huh.

He's got Rarity, I noticed, the alabaster mare wrapped up in prehensile end of Spike's tail.

Fluttershy nodded worriedly. "Is there anything you can do?"

Eyeing the rampaging Spike carefully, I raised my arm, reaching out towards the dragon's mind. I only managed to catch a glimpse before an agonizing spike of pain shot through my head. I collapsed to one knee, clutching at my skull.

After a long moment, I managed to look up again, meeting Fluttershy's worried eyes. No...I cannot. The pain... I screwed my eyes shut at another lance of pain behind my eyes.

"You have a concussion," the gentle mare explained worriedly.

Then I dare not use but the simplest of psychic abilities until it heals, I whispered. But even then, I would not be able to do anything. I looked to Spike to see him scaling a nearby mountain with the upturned top of a water tower in hand. His mind is in turmoil, overcome by instinct and raw emotion. Anything I try could cause him brain damage: I do not have the experience needed to do anything less. And I would not be able to stop him physically, he's grown too large: anything with the power to do more than tickle him right now would risk severely injuring him, or Rarity. I do not wish that.

"Then," Fluttershy looked at me in worry as three blue-suited pegasi buzzed Spike on the mountainside. "What do we do?'

Pray, I said, watching Spike catch the three pegasi in the water tower before proceeding to viciously beat it like a drum. And hope for a miracle. That's all we can do. I glanced at Fluttershy out of the corner of my eye: my statement didn't seem to reassure her. Trust in your friends. If anyone can get through to Spike, it's them.

Of course, Murphy chose that moment to strike. No sooner had the words left my metaphorical mouth did Spike shudder and suddenly shrink back down to baby-sized. This had the unfortunate side effect of leaving Spike and Rarity hanging hundreds of feet up in the air.

I thrust my arm out and cast out with my mind, arresting their fall with a psychic aura. Molten lightning poured into my skull, causing my psychic grip to flicker dangerously. I was vaguely aware of a small gasp sounding next to me, but between holding Spike and Rarity in the air and the agony tearing at my head, there was nothing else.

Finally, after a seeming eternity, several pegasi flew up to take Rarity and Spike in hoof. I gratefully let go, almost collapsing against Fluttershy at the throbbing pain pounding at my head.

The world seemed so very far away as I felt a pair of thick, furry limbs pick me up bridal style, my head supported against a furry shoulder.

"Thank you Harry. Let's get him inside. Angel, can you get my aid kit?"

I don't know if there was a reply, for everything went dark as I let unconsciousness take me and fell asleep.

In a dimly lit dining room, in an undisclosed location, was a pony. He sat impassively in the wing-back chair at the head of the long table, salad and soup untouched before him. A fire roared in the fireplace behind him, casting his features into shadow. His elbows rested on the table, hooves steepled before his muzzle.

A unicorn bearing a clipboard walked into the room. "Sir, results from the Ponyville experiment are in."

The shadowed pony's head turned slightly, prompting the unicorn to continue.

"The supplements were distributed as planned: observed effects were described as heightened irritability, short tempers, and a propensity to mob behavior. However..."

The shadowed pony tilted his head.

The unicorn took a deep breath. "There was an...unexpected variable." She placed a folder in front of the shadowed pony. "It seems the supplement has an unexpected effect on juvenile dragons, either triggering or at the very least enhancing a bout of greed growth. Unfortunately, the information on these effects is incomplete, as one of the Elements of Harmony somehow reversed the effects of the greed growth.

"There's more, sir," the unicorn continued. "The creature from the Discord incident was present in Ponyville during the experiment. The science team does not believe that it interfered in this particular phase of the testing, but they cannot be sure that it won't do so in the future."

After a long moment of silence spent looking through the folder, the shadowed pony spoke. "Have a thorough dossier on this creature prepared for my next daily brief. As for the science team, recall them. Ponyville is no longer a viable test site; we shall require a new location for pony trials."

The unicorn bowed her head. "I understand sir. I shall see to it personally."

As the unicorn took her leave, the shadowed pony turned his attention to his meal and nonchalantly began to eat, his yellow eyes glinting in the flickering firelight.

Author's Note:

So, here is another chapter. As always, read and review.

EDIT: Holy cow, I'm back on the top 10. I love you guys!