• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 12,499 Views, 683 Comments

A Matter of Genetics - Guardsman_Sparky

In which I find an old costume and immediately regret it.

  • ...


"Well, this sure brings back memories, don't it?" Applejack exclaimed, looking around at the dark trees of the Everfree Forest.

"Ugh, I still don't like the place," Rainbow Dash scoffed from the air, eyeing a vine suspiciously. She fluttered back in surprise when the "vine" hissed at her and disappeared into the foliage.

"Indeed," Rarity remarked. "I just hope nothing happens to my beautiful tail this time around."

"I wonder how Mr. Snuggums is doing?" Fluttershy mused, idly thinking of the manticore from whose paw she had pulled a thorn.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, only to be left speechless as Pinkie bounced into the air.

"Ooh-ooh-ooh! I can't wait to throw a castle-warming party!"

The five mares stared incredulously at their friend for a moment before Twilight cleared her throat. "Let's...let's put a pin in that one for now Pinkie. We don't know if the Hellcat is friendly."

Pinkie thought about that before nodding bouncily. "Okie-dokie!"

Everypony present gave a sigh of relief at that, before they all continued through the wild jungle of a forest. They made good time, but were soon forced to stop at a familiar, collapsed cliff.

"I dunno 'bout y'all," stated Applejack. "But does anypony know how we're gettin' down? I don't rightly feel like tumblin' off a cliff again, if y'all catch mah drift."

Everypony looked at Applejack, then back at the cliff. Twilight rubbed the side of her head with a hoof. "That, is an excellent question."

Taking in the throne room, I frowned. It was too bare, too impersonal. Not me. I needed to spruce it up a bit. Receiving a sensation of happy anticipation, it appeared the castle's Genius loci was in agreement. But what to do, what to do?

As I looked around, my eyes caught sight of a pile of rock dust, and inspiration struck. I knew exactly what to do.

First, I would need to alter the foundation and floor for the room. With the Genius loci's help, it was a simple matter to drop the center of the room about a foot, leaving a perimeter about three feet wide around the walls. With that done, I began to pull stones in from the surrounding area, shaping them and forming two short walls inside the new depression in the center of the room, creating two concentric circles of stone. Once that was finished, I picked up the leftovers in my psychic grip. I brought my paws together and began to twist them back and forth, grinding the pieces of stone in my telekinetic grasp. Soon, I was left with a coarse sand, and I let it fall between the two new retaining walls, filling the space to the top. At the same time, I grabbed a large chunk of fertile soil from the still overgrown courtyard, placing it in the center circle to create a small hill, a small, gnarled tree off to the side (brought in completely unintentionally, but as the great Bob Ross once said, there are no mistakes, just happy accidents).

I took a deep breath. This next part was going to be a doozy. Reaching down deep beneath the earth, I found the castle's ancient aquifer. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to actually grasp the water down there (as it turns out, catching water with your mind is harder than catching smoke with your bare hands), but I did manage it eventually, and soon, there was a tube of water pouring out from the castle's ancient, but still intact well. In sheer defiance of gravity, the water floated into the throne room, filling in the outer portions of the room's sunken floor. With the main body of work done, I grabbed leftover rock, planks, and various other sundry and got to work filling up the details. It did not take long to finish at all.

Taking in my new throne room, I smiled. The outer perimeter of the room remained the same: a walkway of stone around the room's outer edges. Just inside that was my artificial pond. I was quite proud of it. Water lilies, bamboo, lily pads, and the like were dotted here and there, rooted in fertile soil pulled from my hill. There was even a waterfall water feature off to one side (Don't ask about the plumbing, I literally just uprooted a fountain from the courtyard and rebuilt the outer facade). The only thing missing was the fish. I idly wondered if it would be possible to import koi from somewhere. At the very least, I'd settle for goldfish.

A few small wooden footbridges connected the outer perimeter walkway to the island, which consisted of my little hill with a tree surrounded by my home-made sand. Large river stones were dotted here and there across the sand, some spherical, some just rock shaped, and others flat and smooth acting as stepping stones (arranged in small paths, of course). I even had natural lighting: a small hive of firebees, a strange, docile hybrid of bumblebee and firefly I had found living in one of the trees I processed, placed upon the ceiling. But my favorite part of the room was my throne, a massive, flat piece of river stone perched on the peak of my small hill. A nice, comfortable place to meditate and practice my psychic control.

With that done, I settled down on my rock and sighed with contentment. It was quite comfortable, but, unfortunately, I had things to do. For instance, the Poke Ball.

I grasped the offending red and white sphere in my psychic grip and held it before my face. I contemplated it carefully. Considering that it hadn't vanished along with everything else when Discord was put away, I wondered for a moment if the Draconequus hadn't pulled it from elsewhere instead of creating it. I shook my head. Regardless of its origins, I was bound to it now, and my ego hated it. It wouldn't have been so bad if that jerk hadn't added insult to injury by using a Poke Ball, but there it was.

I looked up sharply, before putting the Poke Ball aside. It would have to wait, unfortunately.

It would seem I had guests.

"Lord a' mercy." Applejack's uttered exclamation of incredulity was echoed by the other mares, in their own ways.

Their awe was well deserved. Where before was a moldering ruin now stood a massive castle. A stone bridge crossed the gorge that provided the castle with a natural moat, replacing the rickety rope bridge that had spanned the gap previously. At the end of the bridge was a gatehouse, leading directly into a bailey with several lofty towers. The structure seemed almost organic: though made of stone, it was reminiscent of a great sea creature's shell, the towers spiraling up into the sky. Strange, tri-helix sculptures rested at the peak of each tower, slowly rotating in the wind. Sweeping curtain walls connected two outlying towers with the main structure, and almost seemed to hold the towers in place.

The six mares stood there, staring at the somewhat foreboding structure before Fluttershy ventured a question. "So, um, how are we getting inside?"

"That is an excellent question Fluttershy," Twilight responded carefully.

"Oh that's easy," giggled Pinkie. Everypony looked at her as she pointed at the castle. "Through the front door, sillies."

"Now Pinkie, I don't think," Rarity began, only for her words to catch in her throat. "Oh my."

Oh my, indeed. For as the six mares watched, the two massive doors set in the gatehouse gateway began to grind inexorably open until they stood agape, like the maw of some great beast. The gates led into a dark hallway, but the most disturbing thing was the gates had opened on their own: not a soul was in sight.

"Well, come on!" Pinkie shouted with enthusiasm, bouncing across the bridge. "Let's go say hi!"

Reluctantly, the five ponies followed their pink companion across the bridge and into the gatehouse. However, the moment the last pony crossed the threshold, the heavy gates slammed shut, leaving the six friends in darkness. Fluttershy, the last pony to clear the gates, shrieked in surprise and terror, clinging tightly to Rainbow Dash. It took a moment to free the athletic mare from her terrified friend, but as they did so, several torches began to light themselves, in pairs, one at a time, starting next to the gates and trailing down the hall.

As they stared down the freshly lit corridor, Twilight couldn't help but voice a quip. "I suppose we go that way, then."

Applejack swallowed nervously. "Ah got a bad feelin' about this."

On the outside, I was serene, calm, and collected. On the inside, however, I was giggling like an idiot. Okay, perhaps slamming the gates on the Mane Six had been a bit mean, but dang it, I have been trapped in stone for I don't know how long, I am going to have fun!

I quickly schooled my features as the six mares cautiously made their way into my throne room/inner sanctum, grinning to myself as I heard their gasps and exclamations of wonder. I could almost imagine what they felt: actually, I'm psychic, I didn't have to!

But anyways, I knew exactly what the six were reacting to: a cavernous room dominated by a large water feature, filled with plants, the trickling of running water, and various insects and bugs that had wandered in through the open windows up high (my attempts at glass making had been...less than satisfactory). In the center, on a hill in the middle of an island of sand, was me. Floating serenely above my rock in a modified lotus position, I sat with my eyes closed, seemingly dead to the world. Around me orbited several stones, a ring of water in which a single fish swam (yeah, I don't know where it came from either, but there it was), while on the island, the sands shifted in ever-changing patterns.

I might not have very good control over my abilities, but I was going to milk what I did have for all it was worth. 'When weak, feign strength,' and all that. Wish I could remember who said that, but memories, you know? At the same time, I was restraining my psychic pressure as much as possible, so as not to spook them too soon.

Pinkie Pie was, predictably (ironically), the first pony to react, vanishing from where she was to reappear in front of me, somehow leaving the sand between undisturbed. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie, and - whoop!" Pinkie was interrupted as I picked her up with a gentle telekinetic grip and added her to my assortment of orbiting things. "Whee~!"

Just as predictably, Pinkie's friends reacted negatively.

"Hey! You put her down!" Rainbow shouted, dashing forward to strike at me, only to be grabbed by my mental grasp and promptly added to my orbiting collection. She was much less sanguine about it, her flailing and cursing a sharp contrast to Pinkie's giggling and gleeful tumbling.

"Hey, you let them down, right now, ya ornery varmint," Applejack demanded, teeth grit and hooves pawing at the ground. I promptly ignored her. Twilight and Rarity took up position next to her, horns lit in preparation. Outwardly, I ignored them too, but inwardly, I waited for Fluttershy to take her turn. Thanks to my abilities (thank you, mind reading), I knew exactly what to do.

"Um, could you...um, please put my friends down?" The yellow pegasus asked timidly.

Everything stopped, frozen in the air where I held them. All was quiet, save for Pinkie's disappointed "aww."

Twilight blinked in surprise. "Seriously? All we needed to do was say please?" She sounded a bit miffed.

Ignoring Twilight's revelation for now, I began putting everything back in place. The stones were put back into place, the water (and accompanying fish) flowed back into the pond, and Pinkie and Rainbow were floated back to their friends. Pinkie, I placed gently back on her hooves with a giggle (her, not me: I have an image to uphold right now), but Dash was still struggling and I ended up accidentally dropping her on her butt. Thankfully, a quick surface scan of their thoughts revealed they interpreted that as me being petty.

I took a deep breath. Showtime.

So. The six mares froze as they heard the baritone of my mental voice. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?

"It-it can talk!?"

I opened my eyes, glaring at Rainbow Dash and causing the cyan pegasus to jerk back. Yes, it can. I ask again: why are you here?

"Princess Celestia sent us," Twilight explained somewhat hesitantly. "She wanted us to-"

See if I was still a threat? I finished. And what if I was? I already knew the answer to that, but appearances had to be kept.

"Well, we would," Rarity started placatingly, but I interrupted.

Return me to my prison of stone? The six ponies shared an uncomfortable look as I took a breath. Don't screw up now, I thought to myself. Yes, I know how Celestia operates, I claimed. Indeed, I owe her much.

"Oh yeah?" I looked at Rainbow Dash. "Then why'd you attack Equestria, huh?"

Quiet, I snarled. Do not speak of things you do not understand. How dare they? How dare they question my actions? How dare-! I paused. Oh dear, I appear to be getting angry. Hoo-boy, okay, calm, calm, calm...reign in that pressure, calm...okay, there we go. Hoo, hell of a time to discover I might have anger issues

I took a deep breath. My apologies, I started. That time is somewhat of a sore topic for myself. Much as Nightmare Moon is for your Princess Luna, I suspect.

"Are you sayin' you weren't under control back then?" Applejack questioned.

Indeed, I replied. I was not myself.

"Wait wait wait," Twilight interrupted. "You were in stone, how did you know about Nightmare Moon?"

It was a fair question. Luna, Celestia's sister who controlled the moon and dreamscape, had, sometime after my internment, become infected or corrupted by some dark influence, becoming a dark alicorn called Nightmare Moon. She had been banished to the moon for a thousand years, and had promptly been defeated by the Elements of Harmony: purified of darkness and turned back into Luna. It was also something I should not have knowledge of. I decided to take a gamble.

I read your mind, I said simply. It wasn't really the truth, but not a lie, either: I had been reading her mind, all of their minds, just not for that information. The six ponies froze at my statement.

Twilight shook her head. "But--that's impossible," she denied.

Is it? I questioned. If that is so, then how am I speaking to you?

The lavender mare looked at me in awe and a little bit of horror, a look mirrored by her dumbstruck friends. "What...what are you?"

I? I am Mewtwo.

At this, the scientist part of Twilight's mind seemed to take control. "Wait. Is that your name, or your species?"

Well, time to be a troll. Yes. As she spluttered at my mathematician's answer, I moved from my lotus position, setting my feet upon the surface of my rock. Now, I believe it is time for you to go. Farewell. I raised a paw to point at the six mares.

A disk of white light spread underneath the six ponies' hooves. Shouts of surprise filled the throne room as the six mares flailed helplessly in the air, even the two pegasi. There was a blinding light, and then the disk was gone, and so were the ponies, leaving me alone in the throne room.

Whoo, I can't believe that worked. I hope I got the landing right.

Back in Ponyville, there was a flash of light, and six screaming mares promptly fell to the ground in a dazed heap in front of the Golden Oaks Library.

Eh, I'm sure they'll be fine.

As I discovered while waiting for my guests to arrive, I did in fact know a single Pokemon move: Teleport. It was rather simple to figure out (and thus why I suspect it is among the first moves psychic Pokemon learn): you simply visualized your destination and then willed yourself to be there. And the nice thing is, I somehow knew that it either works, or it doesn't; there's no horrible side effects if you fail, you simply just don't teleport. No telefragging, no losing body parts, and no anatomical rearrangement. The only difficulty one will ever have with Teleport (aside from actually pulling it off) is sticking the landing.

No, I'm not going into details.

At any rate, that was the only reason I even so much as attempted to Teleport Twilight and company. If there had been any question of Teleport hurting them, I would have simply picked them up and put them outside instead. At worst, the Teleport would have failed, and I found embarrassed. Thankfully my ego was spared the bruise.

Speaking of ego, why had I become so angry from such a simple question? I know I wasn't so...hair-trigger Before. So what happened? I held up a paw, flexing the three digits before my eyes. Was it this body? This form? I do recall that the first Mewtwo was prone to violent bursts of rage in the beginning, which were...quite destructive.

I took a deep breath. I needed to get a handle on this. I looked off to the side, where the Poke Ball sat inconspicuously among a cluster of stones. I'd have to deal with that later. For now, I needed to center myself. Figure out an outlet for if I get too angry.

Resuming my modified lotus position, I closed my eyes. Taking deep, cleansing breaths, I let the world fade away.

Author's Note:

Holy cow! Featured on day 2! Number one on the list to boot! 2 days in a row as well. Thanks guys! I couldn't have done it without you.