• Published 10th Mar 2017
  • 12,516 Views, 814 Comments

Discord's New Business - KnightMysterio

Discord's opened a new shop. He did it legally. This will end well, I'm sure...

  • ...

Customer 11: Princess Celestia

Discord’s New Business
Customer 11: Princess Celestia
by Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires

All characters copyrighted to their original owners. If you like what you are reading, please support me on Patreon! Contains references to the upcoming MLP movie.


Celestia was bored. And depressed. Things were set for the trial of Jet Set and his thankfully rather small band of idiots, the investigation producing nothing other than a lot of loyalty oaths. Oh, she could probably use powerful mental magic to get them to tell the absolute truth, just to be sure.

But blatant mind manipulation just to get the job done was just so... Starlight Glimmer.

She yawned, signing form after form, rejecting a tax increase on the poor, rejecting a request to privatize medicine, rejecting ten more privatization requests, quickly drafting a law saying that anyone who tried to get her to allow privatization of public services would be summarily executed (she'd never implement it, but writing it as a way of venting felt good), approving a tax increase on the nobility to fund programs for studying non-native Equestrian magic types (griffon magic, zebra magic, and so forth), all sorts of mundane minutia necessary for keeping the country running.

It was five minutes after she finished signing the last form that she realized she was writing on the table.

Celestia blinked. She looked at her inbox, which had nothing in it, and at her outbox, which was full of forms she had signed. “I'm... done? I have actual free time?”

A slow smile spread over her face. She giggled happily. “Done, done, I'm DONE!” she said. She paused. “Well... for today, at least. But still! I'm actually caught up!”

She trotted through the halls, heading for the kitchens to treat herself to some cake. “Let's see...” she said, pulling out a slice of lemon cake leftover from a guard's birthday party. As she ate it, a pleased smile on her face, Luna came in, stretching her wings.

“Good evening, sister,” she said. “It's odd to see you out of your office at this time.”

“I'm actually caught up for once,” Celestia said, giggling.

“That IS rare,” Luna said, helping herself to some fresh fruit.

Celestia smiled warmly. “Did you sleep well, sister?”

Luna nodded. “Indeed,” she said. “Only a few bad dreams, including a recurring one for Starlight Glimmer...”

Celestia frowned. “More fearful fantasies about Chrysalis?” she said.

Luna shook her head. “She takes everything to heart... In this version of the dream, it started rather pleasantly, with Sunburst as a king like Thorax. I thought it would turn into an erotic dream, and was prepared to leave...”

Celestia frowned. “But then it changed, becoming decidedly less pleasant,” she guessed.

Luna sighed. “Yes... 'Sunburst' revealed himself to be Chrysalis in disguise. She then proceeded to mentally torture Starlight, reducing her to little more than a vessel to breed new changelings. That was a difficult dream to unravel. The fantasy was so powerful...” She shook her head. “I was able to break the dream, though. I had to slay the dream Chrysalis to do it, but I managed to quell her fears of the former Queen for now.”

“I'm glad you were able to reassure her,” Celestia said, taking a bite of cake.

“Indeed,” Luna said. “Well, if you have free time, what are your plans?”

Celestia looked thoughtful. “...I haven't visited Queen Novo in a while,” she said. “Not since the birth of young Skystar... And it'd be a perfect excuse to patronize Discord's business...”

Luna gave her sister an amused look. “You do realize she can change you into a seapony herself, don't you?”

“I know,” Celestia said. “But I think it'd be a nice gesture of trust to Discord if I went to him. He has been behaving himself, by his standards anyway, and played a big role in saving us from Chrysalis a few months ago.”

“True...” Luna said. “I suppose you'll want me to handle the sun until you come back?”

“Would you mind?” Celestia asked.

“Not at all,” Luna said. “I don't mind a bit of extra work.”

Celestia finished her cake and stood up, kissing Luna on the cheek. “You're the best,” she said.

“Certainly,” Luna said, smirking. “Have fun. And give her my regards.”

Celestia smiled, and teleported away, reappearing in Discord's home in the chaos dimension.

“Rude,” Discord said, glaring at her. “I might have been on the toilet or something.”

“...Do you even need to use a toilet?” Celestia asked.

“Well, where else am I supposed to find a decent cravat?” Discord said, manifesting a toilet seat lid and wearing it around his neck. He posed regally.

Celestia giggled. “I do apologize. I'll make this quick – I wish to make use of your transformative services.”

Discord blinked, the toilet seat teleporting away. “Interesting... I'm closed, actually, but since it's you of all ponies I'll make an exception.”

“Thank you. I am thinking I'd like to become a seapony,” Celestia said. “I haven't visited Queen Novo in a while, and it'd be nice to catch up.”

Discord looked thoughtful. “Why come to me? Why not just ask her to change you?”

“A couple reasons,” Celestia said. “First one, I wish to surprise her. Two, I wish to show that I trust you after you helped save us all from Chrysalis.”

Discord blushed. “Well, that's... didn't really do that much...” he muttered.

Celestia smiled. “You, Thorax, Trixie, and Starlight saved Equestria. You were captured, yes, but it was while helping others, Discord. That doesn't diminish the bravery of your act at all.”

Discord giggled despite himself. “Gawrsh, you're gonna make me feel all gushy inside,” he said in a silly voice. “Okay. You put in a very good mood, so I won't charge you. Also, because you're being nice, I'll just teleport you to Seaquestria the normal way.”

Celestia blinked. “How were you going to send me before?”

“Flushing you down a toilet,” Discord said, a smirk on his face.

“...You cheeky bastard,” Celestia said, unable to keep from smiling.

Discord cackled and snapped his fingers. Celestia vanished, a momentary dizziness overcoming her as she suddenly found herself in a new body, deep within the ocean. Her eyes steadily refocused, getting used to the near absolute darkness as she looked herself over.

Her head was still the same, as were her forehooves. Her coat, however, changed into crystalline white fish-scales at her hips, her hindquarters now a long, fishlike tail with wide, ethereal fins that were the same color as her mane, one fin bearing her cutie mark on it. Her wings had become fins as well, as had her mane. Instead of a horn, her head now sported a trio of blue, glowing antenna, a gold fin crest forming around her neck. Her tiara drifted away, with no mane to hold it in place. Celestia concentrated, teleporting it back to the palace, her antenna glowing with light.

Celestia giggled, taking a moment to get used to swimming, and headed off for Seaquestria. The kingdom was a short distance away, glistening spires that shone beneath the darkness of the water. As she approached the city, a pair of guards came up to her.

“HALT!” the two armored seapony mares said.

Celestia halted, smiling.

“State your business in Seaquestria!” one said.

“Please inform Queen Novo Oceanica that Princess Celestia Dawnschild of Equestria is here for a friendly visit,” Celestia said, smiling.

The guards blinked. They conversed quickly, one of them heading into the city. A few minutes later, the guard came back.

“Please forgive us, your highness,” she said. “We are simply doing our jobs.”

Celestia smiled benevolently. “Of course. I cannot fault you your caution,” she said. The guards opened the gate, letting Celestia inside, another pair of seapony guards there to escort her to the palace.

As she swam, she smiled as she took in the sites of the kingdom of Seaquestria. Beautiful coral buildings lined the swim paths, the darkness lit up by luminous plants and the lights of each seapony's own antenna.

Finally, Celestia and her escorts reached the massive, blue coral palace of the royal family. She was led inside, Queen Novo waiting for her. She was beautiful, every motion as flowing as the water. She had large, purple fins on her tail, head, and for wings, a blue, peytral-like crest around her neck. Unlike the other seaponies, who had a single glowing antenna, she bore three of varying sizes. On her head was a v-shaped crown, fitted to her head so it didn't float away in the water.

“Celestia, darling!” the white and purple regal seapony said, swimming over and hugging the transformed alicorn. “You should have told me you were coming! I would have had a proper welcome ready!”

Celestia grinned. “I wanted to surprise you. It's been too long since our last visit, old friend.”

“Indeed!” Novo said, her triple antenna bobbing slightly in the water. “Come! Join me for lunch!”

Celestia nodded. “Sounds lovely, Novo.” The two rulers swam through the elegantly crafted coral halls to a dining area, taking a seat at a long table.

Novo clapped her hooves. Soon after, a group of chefs came out, carrying a large salad and two glasses of shrimps. “Seablossom and seaweed salad, and if you're willing, shrimp cocktails.”

Celestia smiled. “It'd be rude to refuse offered food,” she said. Besides, as an alicorn, even an alicorn seapony, her stomach could handle almost anything.

The two ate, chatting amiably among themselves. “Princess Skystar's really growing into her role,” Novo said proudly. “She's such a ray of light, always so cheerful.”

Celestia grinned. “Perhaps you could bring her on a visit to my kingdom sometime,” she said.

Novo sighed. “Perhaps one day,” she said. “But like you and your responsibility to the sun, I have a responsibility to help maintain the tides and protect the oceans.”

Celestia nodded. “Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” she said softly. She smirked at Novo, and added, “Even if it does have to be physically attached so it doesn't float away.”

The seapony queen giggled at the joke. “Still, it is good to know that you've your sister back these past few years,” Novo said, brightening. “I cannot imagine how lonely it was without her. She's maintaining the sun while you enjoy this spell the Madness Bringer cast upon you, correct?”

Celestia grinned. “You never miss a thing, do you?”

“The waters of the world are mine,” Novo said, smirking. “Very little is hidden from my eyes. However, I cannot fathom your reasoning for giving Discord a chance...”

“I had a vision,” Celestia said softly. “I had a vision that Discord would play a vital role in Equestria's defense. My visions have never been wrong, so I had to take that chance. Twice over, that has been proven true. Discord may have betrayed us to Tirek initially, but if he had not, then he would have never learned the value of true friendships, and my student and her friends would have never gained the Rainbow Power. More recently, he was one of four heroic individuals who helped rescue me, my sister, and so many others from the clutches of Queen Chrysalis. In doing so, they also saved the changeling race from her control. More and more changelings are turning away from her and joining King Thorax.”

Novo frowned. “Well... I will trust your judgment. You've done a lot of good for the world, and for the seas,” she said. “Still, I am rather mad at him for turning my castle into ice cream during his last rampage.”

“Perfectly understandable,” Celestia said.

“I mean, do you know how bad watered-down ice cream tastes?” Novo said.

Celestia blinked. “Did you... did you try to eat your castle after it was transformed?”

“Well I couldn't let all that ice cream go to waste!” Novo said. The two royals giggled. “So how long will you be a seapony?”

“For twenty four hours,” Celestia said. “The way Discord's spell works, I will be automatically teleported to the nearest safe spot upon the spell's reversion.”

“Seems fair,” Novo said. “You are welcome to rest here tonight. Tomorrow, I wish to show you an island I discovered that has fresh fig trees.”

“Oooh, sounds tasty!” Celestia said, smiling.

The two rulers spent the night chatting, Celestia eventually retiring to a guest room. She slept peacefully, on a hollowed-out giant clam with natural cushioning. The water flowing around her gills was relaxing, caressing her coat and scales...

“So how are you, sister?” said Luna as she appeared in Celestia's dreamscape. The two were swimming in a sea of stars, Luna taking the shape of a seapony herself.

Celestia grinned. “Oh, it's delightful to catch up with old friends. I should really do it more often,” she said.

“Indeed,” Luna said. “I was actually shocked to find out that some ponies think the hippocampi are a myth.”

“My own fault,” Celestia said, sighing a little as the two sisters swam around the moon. “I became so wrapped up in trying to keep Equestria together, trying to prepare for the prophecy of your return, that I forgot to keep in touch with old friends.

Luna smiled, nuzzling Celestia. “You have the time now,” she said. “You have me. Mi Amore. Twilight. And I'm pretty sure you can get Fluttershy browbeat Discord into doing something useful.”

Both sisters giggled at that. “You are right as always, dearest Luna,” Celestia said. “Now come. First one to the Andromeda Galaxy buys the cake upon my return!”

The two sisters took off, racing through the night sky towards the distant galaxy. Luna ended up winning, Celestia waking up in a good mood.

To her surprise, though, she had a visitor.

“Eep!” the cream-colored seapony said, her sky blue finlike mane billowing as she swam out of the room. She peeked in again, nervous, her light antenna bobbing.

Celestia smiled benevolently. “It's all right, little one,” she said. “I won't harm you.”

The seapony swam back in, revealing that she had two antenna instead of one, and had a cluster of seaberries mounted on one ear, like a flower. She had a pink coral crest around her neck. She smiled, blushing. “Um... hi... I'm Princess Skystar.”

Celestia grinned. “Greetings, your highness. I am Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria.”

Skystar giggled. “That's like Seaquestria...” she said.

“Indeed,” Celestia said. “What brings you here?”

“I was curious,” Skystar said. “If you rule Equestria, why are you a princess instead of a queen, like my mother? And... and can you really command the sun?”

“I can indeed, dear Skystar,” Celestia said. “Were we near the surface, I could show you. But I sense my sister, whom I rule alongside, has already raised it for me.” She smiled wistfully. “As for why my sister Luna and I are princesses... It is partially because we wish to rule as equals. If one of us claimed queenship, the other would be deemed inferior in status. Because of past events, I refuse to let that happen again.”

“Oh... I think I understand...” Skystar said. “You want to share power with your sister so she doesn't feel bad...”

“Something like that, yes,” Celestia said.

“Mother said the two of you are going to the surface, to an island with fig trees,” Skystar said.

“That's the plan,” Celestia said as she got up and went to an armoire to prepare for the day.

Skystar fidgeted, twiddling her hooves nervously. “...Can I come with you?” she asked. “I've never been to the surface... Never seen the sun...”

Celestia looked over to her. “That's more a question to ask your mother, isn't it?”

Skystar blushed. “I... I get nervous when I try to ask her things directly...” she said.

“Why?” Celestia asked.

“I dunno... It just is...” Skystar said, looking away, her ears lowered.

Celestia swam over and hugged the young princess. “Oh dear... You really are young...” she said. Celestia had only heard of Skystar's birth from a letter Novo had sent. Skystar wasn't much older than Twilight, having not lived anywhere near her immortal mother's long life.

Skystar blushed at the hug, not sure how to react. Celestia backed away, smiling benevolently at her fellow princess. “She's your mother, Skystar. She won't get angry at you without reason. Do not be afraid to ask her things, even requests as simple as this.”

Skystar bit her lip. “...Would you come with me when I ask her?” she asked.

Celestia nodded. “Of course, my dear,” she said. The seapony alicorn finished her preparations for the day, and followed Skystar into the throne room.

“Ah! Skystar!” Novo said once they entered the throne room. “Dearest daughter, it always does my heart good to see you.” She swam over and hugged her.

Skystar beamed at the hug, hugging her mother back. She looked over to Celestia, who nodded reassuringly. Taking a deep breath, Skystar asked, “Mother... can I come with you and Princess Celestia to see the island today?”

Novo blinked. “What brought this on?” she asked.

Skystar fidgeted. “I've... I've never seen the surface, and now we have the Princess of the Sun here, and... Neverminditwasadumbquestion...” she stammered as her nerve broke. She tried to flee, but Novo was faster, swimming in front of her.

“Nonono, it's okay!” Novo said, hugging Skystar again. “I would love to have you accompany us. We'll be taking some guards, so it should be okay.”

“Really!?” Skystar said, grinning and glomping Novo. “Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”

Novo grinned. “We'll be leaving after breakfast,” she said. “Be ready by then.”

Skystar swam off happily, to prepare herself. Novo sighed happily. “So cute...”

“She really is,” Celestia said. “You must be proud.”

“She is my daughter,” Novo said. “I cannot see any reason why I wouldn't be proud of her.”

Breakfast passed quickly, Novo, Celestia, Skystar, and an entourage of guards readying to head to the surface. At the edge of the city, Novo stepped ahead of the group, creating a glowing portal in the sea in front of them, her antenna glowing brightly.

“This will take us directly to the island,” she explained, swimming on through. The others followed her, breaking through into the shallows of a beautiful tropical island.

“Ooooh!” Skystar said, awestruck. “Everything... everything feels lighter... And... what's that I feel?”

“That's wind, Skystar,” Celestia explained. “It flows like water through the skies.”

“Oh wow!” Skystar said. “Everything... It's so amazing! And BRIGHT!”

Celestia floated lazily in the water, smiling up at the sun. “Indeed...” she said. “Shall we?”

Novo swam up to Skystar. “Let me show you how to move on the surface,” she said. She whispered to Skystar for a moment, the princess nodding. Her antenna glowed as she concentrated. She swam up onto shore... a trail of water following her, allowing her to move easily on land. She beamed brightly. “I did it, mother!”

Novo grinned. “That you did! The spell will last you until you touch another body of water,” she explained, she, Celestia, and her guards following her up to the surface.

Skystar bounced happily. “This is so amazing!” she said, looking around at all the swaying trees and grass. “So many new things to see!”

“Aahh, so cute,” Celestia said. “I haven't seen that much cute since Twilight was a filly...”

“You really must introduce us one day,” Novo said, chuckling.

“Perhaps that can be arranged one day,” Celestia promised. The entourage moved further into the island, finding where the fig trees were. The royals helped themselves to the rich, juicy fruits, managing to cajole the guards into having some as well.

After everypony ate their fill, they went back to the beach to rest. But as they did, though...

“WHAT IS THIS!?” Novo said. A ship had docked while they were enjoying their snacks. In the distance was a large ship with a pirate flag on it, a pony skull and crossbones. The guards cursed themselves for not noticing the ship, and brought their spears to bear.

“Arrr!” said the griffon in a bandanna and eyepatch. “It seems we have ourselves some seaponies!”

The griffon's companion, a large gray dragoness, grinned. “Aye. Those are rare! They'll fetch a fine price!”

“You'll not take us!” Celestia said, her antenna flaring. But before she could prepare an attack spell, the dragoness used her firebreath, Novo quickly throwing up a shield spell to protect them. This, however, was a feint. The griffon threw out a sphere, which exploded into a heavy, weighted net that wrapped around the group, nullifying Novo's magic.

“W-What?!” Novo said as she and her guards were pinned down by the heavy net.

“Antispell material,” the griffon pirate explained. “Compressed down for easy carrying. Made from the same stuff used in horn restraints. Looks like it works on seaponies as well as regular ponies!”

The dragoness cackled, closing the net and flying back to the ship with the seaponies in tow, the griffon staying to raid the fruit trees on the island. The ship itself was crewed with varying species, ponies of varying tribes, a couple zebras, Diamond Dogs, minotaurs, catfolk, and griffons.

The captain, a grey-furred catfolk in a flowing blue captain's cloak sauntered forward. “Well well, Sizzle,” she said. “What have we here?”

Skystar was hugging Novo fearfully, Novo and Celestia glaring at the pirate captain. The guards were all struggling to bring their tridents to bear, the dragoness picking them out of the net and tossing the weapons aside.

“Captain Hathor,” the dragoness said. “We found seaponies on the island. Important ones, from the look of it.”

Captain Hathor purred. “Indeed... This is a rare find,” she said, tracing a claw along Novo's cheek. “They'll fetch a grand price at the slave markets!”

The gathered pirates cheered, although some of the pony crew members weren't as enthusiastic. Something about one of the seaponies in the net bothered them...

“Throw them in the brig, Sizzle,” Captain Hathor said. “Keep the net on them until we can craft more solid restraints. We'll ship off once Gordi returns with the food.”

The dragoness nodded, Sizzle descending below deck with the prisoners. She ignored their protests as she tossed them roughly into the ship's brig, huffing a burst of flame over them and laughing as she went back to join her captain.

Skystar shivered fearfully. “Mama? What's going to happen?” she asked.

“We'll figure out something...” Novo said, her mind racing as she tried to figure something out, the guards prodding at the knot holding them in the net to try and undo it. Celestia herself was at something of a loss...

The door opened, the pony crewmembers walking carefully into the brig. “Um...” said the apparent leader, a unicorn mare with a sword cutie mark. “...Are you Princess Celestia?”

Celestia nodded. “I am. I am temporarily transformed,” she said, “but I am Celestia.”

The ponies all flinched, looking at each other fearfully. “Um... If we free you,” the unicorn said, “can we expect leniency?”

“At most, you will be exiled and jailed,” Celestia said.

“...Just exiled and jailed?” said a large stallion wearing pants.

“It's always rather amusing to me that ponies think that exiling someone and jailing them in the exiled place is the worst I can do,” Celestia said, grinning savagely. “I've lived for ages, child. I am FAR more creative than that!”

The stallion wearing pants soiled himself in fear at the comment.

“Eeeww...” Skystar said, wrinkling her nose at the smell.

“FREE US,” Novo commanded.

The unicorn mare nodded fearfully, unlocking the brig and pulling out a sword, using it to cut open the net. Once they were free, Novo summoned water through the port hole to give the seaponies their mobility back.

“So now what?” the unicorn mare asked.

“Get to the lifeboats and wait on the island,” Novo growled. “This ship is about to sink.”

“And wash up,” Skystar commanded the pants-wearing stallion. “You stink.”

The stallion nodded helplessly, whimpering as he trotted away with the other ponies, discreetly heading for the lifeboats.

“What are we going to do, mother?” Skystar asked.

“Seapony diplomacy,” Novo said simply, her antenna glowing. The guards all grinned viciously, while Celestia just shook her head in amusement.

“Huh?” Skystar asked.

“'Seapony diplomacy' is your mother's cute way of saying is that she's going to indulge in the gleeful application of excessive amounts of overkill,” Celestia said.

Skystar still looked confused. Celestia just smirked. “Listen,” she said.

Skystar did. “...Rushing water?”

“Brace yourself,” Novo said, a savage grin on her face.

The tsunami struck the ship a moment later, destroying it completely and sending all of the pirates into the sea. Novo, forming a protective bubble around her entourage, floated over to where Captain Hathor was clinging to a board. She looked up fearfully at Novo.

“I am Queen Novo Oceanica. As Celestia is to the sun, so I am to the seas. You have TRESPASSED in my realm. Consider yourself lucky that I decided destroying your ship and letting you face Equestrian justice for your crimes is enough.”

“Goody,” Celestia muttered. “More paperwork...”

Novo giggled. “My apologies. Shall I simply drown them all?” she joked.

Captain Hathor squeaked fearfully.

Celestia shook her head. “No, no, I'll send a message to the guard,” she said. “Really, though, your sense of humor needs work.”

“Sorry,” Novo said. “I was simply trying to make a splash. I can't help it if my jokes are all wet.”

“I'm leaving, Novo,” Celestia deadpanned, trying to exit the bubble.

Novo laughed. “I'm sorry for real this time!” she said. “We'll hold them until you change back. In the meantime, we'll treat you to a concert.”

Celestia grinned. She started to accept the offer, but Skystar tugged at both her mother and Celestia. “Um, I think the dragon is drowning.”

“HEELP!” Sizzle glubbed, desperately struggling in the water. “I can't swim!!!”

Novo rolled her eyes and gestured, sudden waves washing all the pirates upon shore. One of the guards poked the soaking, sobbing dragoness. “What kind of pirate can't swim?” she asked.

“One that can flyyyy...” Sizzle moaned, whimpering.

The seaponies all giggled. “I should probably send a few letters out, to let ponies know about the pirates. Twilight, the captain of the guard...” Celestia said. “Still, plenty of time left to enjoy ourselves.”

“Indeed,” Novo said.

Later that evening...
Another world...

Sunset Shimmer sat on a bench in a park, the red-haired human reading the latest entry from her friend with amusement.

Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk came up to her. “Hiya Sunset!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Hey Pinkie, hey Sonata,” Sunset said. “How are things going?”

“Pretty good,” Sonata said. “I love my job at Taco Fred's. Aria's adjusting pretty well. Adagio's still grumpy, though.” The former siren stretched. “Honestly, she needs to get over it. We lost. We can't hypnotize anyone anymore, but we're re-learning how to sing, and we're getting by, getting our bills paid.”

Sunset nodded. The crystals that turned the three seapony sisters into the deadly sirens had also augmented their singing ability. They had relied on it for so long that when the crystals were shattered, their voices showed the effects of not practicing for so long, the magical enhancement gone.

Pinkie Pie hugged Sonata. “I know I've said it before, but I'm really glad you girls aren't evil anymore. I'd much rather have friends instead of enemies!”

“Now if we could convince Rainbow Dash of that,” Sunset said, chuckling.

Sonata rolled her eyes. “Aria likes fighting with her. I was the hunter, Dagi was the planner, but Aria was the one who did all the fighting when our magic didn't work,” she said.

Pinkie Pie giggled. “So what's up?” she asked, noticing the magical journal that connected this world to Equestria. “Any news from ponyland?”

“Well... Discord's been running a business where he transforms anypony who pays him for a day,” Sunset said. “Apparently, Celestia let herself be turned into a seapony and caught some pirates with Queen Novo. She also mentioned something about Novo using 'seapony diplomacy' on them.” She frowned. “I wish I paid more attention in Cultural Studies. I was so focused on learning magic.”

Sonata giggled. “Nice to know that Novo's still the ham she was over a thousand years ago,” she said.

Sunset blinked. “You understand this 'seapony diplomacy' reference?”

Sonata nodded. “The human equivalent would be carpet bombing. With nuclear weapons.”

Sunset and Pinkie's jaws dropped. “...Eep,” Pinkie said.

“Yeah, Novo and the concept of overkill have had a long, lasting love affar,” Sonata said.

“...All righty then,” Sunset said, looking down at the journal again.

“What's up?” Pinkie said after a moment.

“...I think I'm gonna go back to Equestria this weekend,” Sunset said.

Pinkie Pie and Sonata traded confused looks. “Really? Why?” Sonata asked.

“This whole transformation business of Discord's has me too curious,” Sunset said, smirking. “If nothing else, it'll be good for a laugh.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Bring us back some Equestrian sweets!” she said.

Sunset nodded, making plans in her head...

Next time: Sunset Shimmer transforms!

Author's Note:

Sorry that took so long! Writer’s block is a pain in the patella, I swear.

Anyway. Yay! Celestia won the character vote with 21% of 397 votes, and Seapony/Siren won the transformation vote with 25% of 421 votes.

Plus, we had guest appearances of Queen Novo and Princess Skystar from the upcoming My Little Pony movie! Whoo! I hope you enjoyed it.

Next time, we’re using a specific character. Sunset Shmmer is visiting Equestria! Vote for what she changes into here!