• Published 10th Mar 2017
  • 12,492 Views, 814 Comments

Discord's New Business - KnightMysterio

Discord's opened a new shop. He did it legally. This will end well, I'm sure...

  • ...

Customer 12: Sunset Shimmer

Discord's New Business
Customer 12: Sunset Shimmer
by Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires

All characters copyrighted to their original owners and used for non-profit reasons. If you like my work, please support me on Patreon or with a Paypal donation!

Canterlot High School...
Saturday morning...

Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath as she stared at the statue. She'd only gone back a couple times since first coming here to this world. She knew she'd have to talk to Celestia at some point, knew that her mentor was waiting for her. But she just wasn't ready... she wasn't ready to forgive herself yet.

“Just... just gonna hang around for a day,” Sunset said. “Try out this transformation thing, and be done with it...”

She hesitated a few moments longer, and stepped through.

A feeling of numbness spread through her, her body seemingly warping and distorting as she fell through an aura of rainbow magic.

With an unceremonious plop, she fell out of the mirror, the unicorn landing in a pile of books. “Ngggh...” she grunted.

“Hi Sunset,” said Spike, the little dragon watching with amusement.

Sunset rolled her eyes, and pushed her way out of the book pile. She staggered, instinctively trying to stand on her hind legs, only to stumble.

“I've been away too long,” Sunset said, chuckling and shaking her head as she finally settled on four hooves. “Is Twilight here?”

Spike shook his head. “'Fraid not,” he said. “She asked me to wait here for you after you wrote her about wanting to try Discord's services. And speaking of which...”

“He's not here either,” Sunset said, looking annoyed.

Spike chuckled. “Nope. He's actually gone to check a legal matter in Canterlot. He keeps getting requests for permanent changes and he's wondering if he can find a way to get away with it.”

Sunset frowned. “...What are people asking to be permanently changed into and why are they going to the Lord of Disharmony to do it?”

“Former Lord of Disharmony. And honestly, I'd rather not think about it,” Spike said, shrugging. “Anyway, you're not out of luck yet, if you still want to get changed.”

“Why's that?” Sunset asked.

“Our world's Fluttershy is filling in for him. Turned her into a draconequus and everything,” Spike said.

Sunset blinked, and grinned. “Okay, on sheer novelty value alone, I have to see this,” she said. Spike chuckled, leading her to Discord's stand, where Fluttershy was waiting, calmly sitting at the stand.

“Oh wow...” Sunset said as she looked Fluttershy over.

The draconequus blushed, her squirrel tail flicking. “Sunset Shimmer, right? Twilight's told me about you,” she said.

“Oh yeah?” Sunset asked, a little nervous.

Fluttershy nodded, smiling happily. “She says she's very proud of how far you've come, and considers you a redemption success story,” she said.

Sunset beamed happily. “I... If you see her before me, tell her I said thanks,” she said.

Fluttershy nodded. “Was there anything else?” she asked.

Sunset smiled. “Actually, yeah... I was wondering if you could transform me?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course! And because you're a friend of Twilight's, I won't charge you.”

“Gee, thanks Fluttershy!” Sunset said happily. She leaned down to look at the choices. “Heh... I've always wondered what it would be like to be a dragon...”

Spike smiled. “Well, we are the baddest, most awesome things in the world,” he said, flexing.

Fluttershy and Sunset giggled. “Okay, I can turn you into a dragon,” Fluttershy said. She snapped her fingers, creating a magical pop.

Sunset turned into a fiery yellow pile of Smooze.

“...” Spike coughed. “Um, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy squeaked in fright. “I can fix this! I can!” She snapped her fingers again.

Sunset turned into Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh no, it's Lavender Alicorn Syndrome!” Spike said, laughing.

“This is about as funny as a hole in the head,” Sunset muttered.

“Oh dear!” Fluttershy said, wincing. “Um...” She snapped her fingers again. This time Sunset turned into Starlight Glimmer.

“I'm starting to get a little offended here,” Sunset said.

Fluttershy squeaked in dismay, wondering how in blazes Discord got the right transformation every time. She snapped her fingers over and over again. Sunset changed into an Earth pony, a Diamond Dog, a quarry eel, a Cybertronian, a catfolk, VanossGaming, a Hulk, a cheese sandwich, an arcade machine, a horn on Spike's head, a female Slenderman in her Canterlot High clothes, a draconequus, the abstract concept of pizza, you the reader, an update to Waking Nightmares (I'm sorry), a chimicherrychanga, Pinkie Pie, Moondancer, Half-Life 3 confirmed (I'm not sorry), a Mobian squirrel, a boulder, Lola Bunny, living liquid metal, a fluffy pony, ten different Pokémon, her human self...

“STOPIT!” Sunset yelled as Fluttershy was about to snap her fingers again. Fluttershy squeaked and hid under the stand. Spike scratched at the spot Sunset had been on his head, still feeling weird about it.

“I-I'm sorry...” Fluttershy said. “I guess... I guess I still need to get a handle on this magic.”

Sunset fumed angrily for a moment and sighed. “It's all right,” she said. “At least I'm stuck in a form I'm familiar with.”

Fluttershy looked up. “...Your dress is pretty,” she said.

Sunset smiled. “Thanks,” she said. “The other world's Rarity designed it for me.”

Spike looked thoughtful. “What are you going to do now?” he asked.

Sunset sighed, rubbing her temples. “I wanted to talk to Princess Celestia, but this... This just killed my nerve completely...” she said.

Fluttershy started to tear up. “I'm sorry...” she said.

“No, no,” Sunset said, shaking her head. “It's okay,” she said. “It's my own damn cowardice...” She sighed. “Tell Twilight I said hi, okay?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I'm so, so sorry about this...”

“Don't worry about it,” Sunset said, walking back to the castle, Spike accompanying her. She didn't get much reaction from the citizens of Ponyville, half of them being transformed themselves at this point.

“You sure about this? I'm sure Celestia wouldn't mind seeing you now,” Spike said.

Sunset sighed. “I know, it's just...” She shook her head. “I can't. I thought I was ready, but...” She shook her head. “I can't...”

Spike frowned. “I can't force you,” he said, discreetly planning on writing a letter to Princess Celestia once she was gone.

“Thank you...” Sunset said.

They arrived in the mirror room, Sunset leaning down and giving Spike a hug. “See you later, little guy,” she said.

Spike hugged her back. “Bye Sunset,” he said.

She stepped back through the portal... and immediately noticed something wrong. She felt herself going through the familiar sensation of changing, her body warping.

She fell through the statue on the other side of the portal... as a unicorn. “WHAT THE!?” she said, looking herself over. Indeed, she was her Equestrian self as before. But this time, her clothes had not changed with her. She wriggled out of her dress and jacket, staring in alarm at her hooves, her magic pendant hanging off of her horn. She checked herself over, her magic flaring as she tested it, and took a deep breath to calm herself.

“Okay. Okay, Sunset Shimmer. Just calm down. So long as no one notices... you...” Slowly she turned, sensing someone behind her. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were standing there, staring at Sunset in shock. The two school officials were rather shocked to see a little yellow pony the size of a large dog standing there.

“Uh... Hi?” Sunset said, grinning weakly. “What... what are you two doing here?”

“We have some school matters to take care of,” Principal Celestia said. “Is... is that you, Sunset?”

Sunset grinned sheepishly. “Yeah. This is... this is what I really look like.”

The two principals traded confused looks. “How?” Celestia asked.

Sunset fidgeted. “Can we talk inside, please? I'm a little uncomfortable out in the open like this,” she said, gathering up her clothes with her magic.

Nodding, unnerved, the two principals made their way inside, unlocking the door for Sunset and taking her to Celestia's office.

“Why are you a unicorn now?” Luna asked, visibly baffled.

Sunset sighed. “...This is gonna take some time to explain,” she said. She told them about Discord, his history in Equestria and his reform, such as it was.

“...My counterpart took a huge risk in unleashing him,” Celestia said, visibly unhappy.

“I know... But as crazy at it sounds, if he didn't learn that lesson, then Tirek would have torn Equestria apart,” Sunset said.

“Placing all your bets on a madman gaining a conscience... insane...” Luna said. “So he's the one who did this?”

“Not... quite,” Sunset said, looking sheepish. “Discord, apparently on a random whim, decided to open a business, going through all the boring processes of getting a license for it. It's an entertainment business, where anyone who pays him can be transformed into anything they like for one day, with all basic knowledge of that race's abilities. Like, say, if you were an Earth pony and wanted to be a pegasus or something, you'd gain all basic pegasus knowledge upon changing. Cloudwalking, weather control, that sort of thing...”

“...Oddly intriguing,” Luna said, smirking.

“Don't even think about it,” Celestia said, glaring at Luna, who just gave her sister a neutral look. Celestia sighed, and motioned for Sunset to continue.

Sunset nodded. “When I got there, Discord was away on business. Fluttershy let herself be turned into a draconequus to fill in for him. She's not quite as skilled as he is with chaos magic, though, and ended up turning me into my human form...”

Celestia understood. “And so when you came back through the portal, it reversed things, so you're a pony here instead of in Equestria,” she said.

Sunset nodded. “It should just be for a full twenty-four hours,” she said. “But I really don't want to be seen like this...”

Luna nodded. “Indeed. People are already asking questions about all the magical happenings,” she said. “To add an actual alien pony in the mix...”

Celestia looked thoughtful. “What are your plans?” she asked.

“I was going to get the girls here, see if I could stay at one of their places until I change back,” Sunset said.

Celestia nodded, a smirk coming to her face. Luna grinned as well, the same thought occurring to her.

“...What's so funny?” Sunset asked.

“Fluttershy's gonna go through the roof,” the principal said.

“Huh?” Sunset asked.

Luna giggled. “Sunset, do you have any idea how adorable you are by human standards?”

Sunset blushed. “Buh?!”

Celestia went outside to make the calls, Luna staying with Sunset. “I'm serious. Almost every little girl I knew as a child was in love with unicorns and magic to some extent. Even some of the guys I knew as a child like unicorns. You look like something that could be bought in the plush toy section of a toy store.”

Sunset blushed brightly. “I'm... I'm not sure how I feel about that...”

Celestia finished her calls, and a few minutes later, the Rainbooms, Sonata Dusk accompanying them, drove up to the school.

“Can't believe we're heading to school on a weekend,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Now, y'know we're here to help Sunset,” Applejack said.

Fluttershy wrung her hands, worried. “Oh, I hope she's all right. I wish Principal Celestia was more specific about what was wrong...”

“No matter what it is, though, we'll be there for her,” Rarity said firmly as they reached the door. “Now come.”

The door was unlocked, and the group went inside, heading straight for the principal's office. Celestia met them outside.

“Principal Celestia, we're here to help,” Twilight said. “What's wrong with Sunset?”

“Nothing critical, I assure you,” Celestia said, smiling. “But she would like some privacy for the next twenty-four hours, and needs your help in procuring that.”

The Rainbooms all traded confused looks. Celestia, with a flourish, opened the door to her office, revealing a nervously grinning unicorn.

Sonata Dusk doubled-over with laughter.

“Hi girls,” Sunset said, waving a hoof. “It's... a bit complicated to explain but... this is what I really look like.”

The Rainbooms stared for a long moment, unsure of what to think.

Most of them, at any rate.

“Omigosh you're so CYUUUUUTE!” Fluttershy squealed, rushing into the room and picking Sunset up, hugging her happily. Sunset blushed brightly, her muzzle scrunching up in embarrassment, Sonata laughing even harder.

“Toldja,” Luna said simply, folding her arms and smirking.

“And guess what, Fluttershy?” Sonata said. “Equestria's full of ponies just as adorable as Sunset! Perhaps more so! You should see what foals are like!”

“EEEEE!” Fluttershy squeed, hugging Sunset tighter.

“Fluttershy... air plz...” Sunset choked.

“S-Sorry,” Fluttershy said, loosening her grip. “But you're just so adorable!”

Sunset flailed. “Yes. Fine. Great. Put me down, please!”

Fluttershy let her go, the other Rainbooms gathering around the unicorn as she sat down on the floor.

“I have SO MANY questions!” Twilight said, grinning.

“And I'll be happy to answer them,” Sunset said. “I just... need a place to hide out until this wears off in a day.”

“You'll go back to being human?” Rarity asked.

Sunset nodded. “I'll go back to what my default state for this world is, yes. Things just got reversed.”

Pinkie Pie blinked, and then grinned. “Oh, so you got turned into a human over there by Fluttershy's counterpart turned into a dracowhateveritis only because she's not as skilled at chaos magic as the person who transformed her is so she accidentally turned you into several different things until you stopped her at human?” she said.

Now everyone was staring at Pinkie Pie.

“...Princess Twilight did a thesis on Pinkie Pie one time,” Sunset said, apparently randomly.

“Which one?” Sonata asked.

“Both of them,” Sunset said. “It was three pages long, and consisted of nothing but variations on the phrase 'Pinkie Logic, don't try to figure it out, just move on with your life.'”

“My brilliance and knowledge defies the world at large!” Pinkie Pie declared.

Everyone laughed at that.

“Getting back to the subject at hand... Chaos magic did this to you?” Applejack asked.

“I'm betting Discord,” Sonata said. “He was a troublemaker back when Dagi, Aria and I were most active. He always made it a point to attend our shows, though...”

Sunset nodded. “Like I said, I'll explain later. Right now, I just want to get to a place where I won't have to explain the presence of a magical talking unicorn,” she almost pleaded.

Applejack looked thoughtful. “Apple Bloom's on a sleepover at Scootaloo's for a couple days,” she said. “And pretty much nothing phases Big Mac and Granny. I think we can let ya stay at the farm for a day.”

Sunset smiled gratefully. The group, sans Celestia and Luna who actually did have work to do, drove to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack taking the time to explain the situation to Big Macintosh and Granny Smith first.

“...So, is it all right if she stays here for a day?” Applejack asked.

Big Macintosh just shrugged. “Eeyup. Granny?”

Granny Smith stroked her chin, and shrugged as well. “Why not? All this weird magical hoo-ha's been happenin' all over the dang place. Why not here as well?”

Applejack hugged the two of them, grinning and running out to the barn where everyone had gathered. Fluttershy had insisted on Sunset sitting on her lap, the unicorn blushing as she explained why she was a unicorn for now, putting detail to Pinkie Pie's randomly lucky guess.

“Who'd wanna get turned into something they're not?” Sonata muttered.

“I dunno,” Rainbow Dash said. “I think it'd be kinda cool to be turned into... I dunno, a griffon or something.”

“Hearing Sonata tell us about the life she and the Sirens led before they become antagonistic... I wouldn't mind seeing what it's like to be a seapony,” Rarity said. “There's so much beauty under the sea.”

“We are best friends now,” Sonata declared, grinning.

“We REALLY need to throw a pony party for Sunset now!” Pinkie Pie said. “But what would we even SERVE!? Maybe cupcakes with icing shaped like things ponies eat?”

“That's a good question, though,” Applejack said. “What can you eat like this, Sunset?”

“No meat,” Sunset said. “Definitely no meat. But I'm fine to eat cheeses, eggs, any dairy product, cakes... I can even eat flowers and hay.”

“Hay we got a plenty,” Applejack said.

Sunset chuckled, looking around at the hay bales the group was sitting on. “So I see. I really need to learn how to make hay bacon...”

“This is amazing and I love every second of it,” Twilight said. “I REALLY need to get a journal of my own so I can ask my counterpart questions about magic.”

Sunset grinned. “I think I can arrange that once this is over and...” A pleasant tingle went down Sunset's spine. She looked up, seeing that Fluttershy had started brushing her mane. “W-What are you...”

Fluttershy blushed. “I can't help it. You look so cute, and I want to do nice things for you like I do for my animals...” she said.

“I-I'm not an animal,” Sunset said.

“I know,” Fluttershy said, kissing her on the forehead. “But you're still cute, and I still want to do nice things for you.”

Sunset squeaked, letting Fluttershy continue to brush her mane.

The other girls were giggling among themselves at this. Sunset blushed brightly, and stammered, “N-Now, just because I kinda like this and am letting Fluttershy do it, it doesn't imply anything! This just feels really good and...”

Sunset lay on her side, blushing as Fluttershy began to gently caress her belly, tracing small circles. Her leg kicked slightly from the tummy rub, the unicorn letting out a squeak of mixed embarrassment and enjoyment.

The girls all giggled again.

“Oh, I'm never gonna live this down...” Sunset groaned.

“How do you think I feel?” Applejack said, holding up Sunset's shirt. “You're gonna be buck naked when the spell wears off.”

“Don't remind me,” Sunset muttered. “This whole situation's just one long awkward moment after another...”

Twilight smiled. “Still, no matter what, we're with you on this. We'll check in a lot on our phones once you get situated here.”

Sunset smiled warmly. “Thanks girls,” she said. “I can always count on you.”

“Although it's really a shame this only lasts for a day,” Rarity said. “I'd love to design a cute little outfit for you like this.”

“Aaaand you ruined it,” Rainbow Dash said, everyone laughing.

The next day...

Applejack, it can easily be said, was an early riser. Farm work, after all, required a lot of time an effort. Although today was the day that the family took time off, and let themselves sleep in for a few hours.

Despite that, Applejack was still up first, completely rested. She went downstairs to get some cereal and to check on Sunset, who was sleeping on the couch.

She smiled at the little unicorn. She couldn't believe how adorable Sunset's real body was. Although she felt a little sorry for her. Rainbow Dash was gonna tease her for weeks...

In a flash of magical light, the spell ended, Sunset turning back into her human form.

Her completely naked, rather curvy human form.

Applejack blushed brightly. “Oh geez...” she said. She had never realized how BUILT Sunset was. “Um... Sunset?”

Sunset just squirmed sleepily, rolling over onto her back, holding her hands in the hoof-like way Equestrians tended to. “Mmmm, more tummy rubs, please...”

“Sunset, sugar, you're human again,” Applejack said, blushing even brighter. She became acutely aware that Apple Bloom would be back soon. And that Big Macintosh would probably be getting up soon as well.

Sunset just made sleepy noises. "I lika the petz... hmm... Ear scritches, plz..."

“Oh come on...” Applejack said, blushing. “Um...” She paced back and forth, and grimaced, giving up on ideas and just shaking Sunset awake.

“Whu... buh... Applejack?” Sunset grunted.

“Good morning. Sorry about that but I figured you'd like to know that you're human again and naked on my couch,” Applejack said.

Sunset blushed as red as her hair, sleep leaving her immediately. “Clothes.”

“My room, on top of my dresser,” Applejack said.

Sunset ran for the stairs so fast it was as if she teleported. A few minutes later, she came back down, fully dressed and still blushing.

“Um... Thanks for giving me a place to hide out,” Sunset said.

Applejack, blushing herself, nodded. “Y-Yeah, sure... You wanna stay for breakfast?”

Sunset smiled. “That'd be nice,” she said. “I live pretty close to the school, so I don't have to worry about picking up my bike from there...”

Applejack nodded, going to the kitchen. Before she could stop herself, she said, “Didn't know you shaved down there...”

Sunset squeaked, covering her face in embarrassment, vowing to punch Discord in the junk if she ever saw him.

The Dazzlings' apartment...

Sonata Dusk was sleeping on the couch, having drifted off after a late night gaming session. She was awoken rudely by her phone, playing the song 'Dance Magic.' After getting her bearings and glaring at the phone, she picked it up.

“It better be good, this early on a Sunday...” Sonata said. When she heard the voice on the other end, she eeped in fright. “Y-Yes sir. Sorry sir.”

Aria and Adagio poked their heads out of the bedroom. “Who in blazes is it?” Aria groused.

“Our parole officer,” Sonata said, shushing them. Adagio and Aria immediately shut up, watching the conversation warily.

“Yes sir,” Sonata said. “Sorry, General Sombra, that was my sisters. Yes, they were sleeping in too.” Sonata listened for a moment and nodded. “Right. Reporting on magical happenings... The unicorn was Sunset Shimmer. That's what she really looks like.” Sonata listened and giggled. “Yes sir. She really was cute-looking.” She listened for a few moments. “Right. How it happened. Well, remember when Adagio told you about Discord?”

Next Time: A return to the double polls! You pick who changes and what they change into!

Author's Note:

That was honestly fun. Sorry about the lateness!

Anywho. Transformation Error won with 26% of 325 votes.

Next time, we're back with a character poll AND a transformation poll! Click here to pick who changes, and click here to pick what they change into!