• Published 20th Mar 2017
  • 238 Views, 3 Comments

Thunderbolt Storm - Silver Inkwell

Thunderbolt was a normal pegasus, until he got his superpowers of course.

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Thunderbolt Storm was a normal, regular, ordinary sky-blue Pegasus with a yellow and silver lightning bolt as his cutie mark. He had silver eyes and golden hair with a silver and yellow tail. He was now around the age of twenty-three or so and everything was just fine for him with his life so far, or at least it was until he started to gain a superpower and then made some new friends.

Then things started to become much different than they ever were before.

His father was Silver Bolt and his mother was Crystal Storm.

Both of them worked in Weather Control, but he wanted something more.

He didn't know what he wanted though, not yet.

But he soon would finally discover exactly what it was.

As a young colt, his very best friend had been Lightning Breeze, but his sister names Autumn, would later become his marefriend.
Thunder flew through the air free and happy.

He had just learned to fly with the help of his to parents and now he was enjoying the thrill of it, he was having fun, or at least he was until he bumped into Lightning of course. “Hey, watch where you’re going kid,” he said.

“I was, but you should be more mindful and careful around other ponies first though,” Thunder said.

“Yeah, well maybe I should, but what are you going to do about it, kid?”

“Fight you, duh,” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Huh, a bit of a fighter inside of you, I see, I like that, but you won't beat me.”

“We’ll see about that,” Thunder said swing his hooves wildly.

Lightning started to laugh and managed to hold off Thunder.

“Easy there, you don't have to fight me, we can still be friends you know.”

“Friends?” Thunder said slightly confused at what a ‘friend’ was.

“Wait, you don't know what a friend is?” Lightning said very surprised by this.

Thunder shook his head. “Well, a friend is another pony who looks after you, but they’re technically not a part of your family even though it can really feel like that way sometimes, the very best friends will always have your back no matter what, and friends try not to get into fights, they work things out, and they will always be ready and willing to listen to each other without any judgement.”

“Oh, I see, but don't friends usually have to know each other’s names?”

“Yes, you’re right, my name is Lightning Breeze, what’s yours?”

“Thunderbolt Storm,” he said, “But please, just call me Thunder.”

“Alright kid, nice to meet you, Thunder, but just how old are you anyways?”

“Ten,” he said.

“Well I’m twelve, so that will work out I guess, but hey, is your dad Silver Bolt?”

“The one and only,” he said.

“Wow, did you know that he used to fly with the Wonderbolts?”

“Really?” Thunder said.

“Yes, but wait, you didn't know about that?”

“No, not really, he never really liked to talk about his past…”

“Well maybe you should go talk to him about it, who knows, he just might open up to you, anyhow, nice to see you, I hope that I can see you around.”

“Yeah, that would be nice,” Thunder said looking at the brown colt with silver eyes, golden hair, and a yellow/silver tail. Already they were so much alike in so many ways just by appearance alone, “Say, you want to come over to my house or should it be the other way around instead?” he said.

Lightning smiled, “I would like to meet your dad, so if he says no I guess it’ll be clear enough, if both say yes then I'll meet you, and if they both say no we’ll still meet here again next week regardless of what they say about us, agreed?”

“Yes, agreed,” Thunder said as they shook hooved and then left heedless of his parent’s advice about strangers, but then again, the colt was around his own age, what was the worst that could happen to him? The answer was more complicated then he could have ever previously thought. Once he got home he instantly went to his mother knowing that she was far more likely to allow a visitor than his father would (probably because of his past history). “Hey mom,” he said, “I met a very nice colt today and I wanted to know if he could come over here?” he said making a very big huge puppy dog face and eyes at her.

“Well what was his name?” she said.

“Lightning Breeze,” he said very casually sitting back in a chair.

“As in the son of Summer Breeze and Winter Breeze?” she asked.

“I don't know, mostly because I didn’t ask, but probably, why?” he said. “Well it’s just that he’s the child of two mothers’ son, and not just one.”

“Oh,” he said instantly understood because his parents had taught him very well when it came to matters of social, political, and religious and other beliefs of the world. But he didn't really care or mind about this fact, he could and would live with it. “I also hear that he has a sister around your age named Autumn.”

Thunder belched, “Eww, gross mom, I don't like girls,” he said.

She merely giggled, “Don't worry, you will, one day,”

“Ha, the day that I do is the day that I become a Wonderbolt,” he said.

“Being a Wonderbolt isn't all that it seems to be,” his father suddenly said.

Thunder quickly turned around to see that his father had snuck into the room very quietly without being noticed be either of them, almost like he was a ninja.

“Oh really? Because Lightning said that you were once a Wonderbolt, is that true?” Thunder said very curiously. His father sighed and then sat down.

“Yes, it is, but before you ask, I left because it didn't turn out to be what I was hoping for, or wanted, or expected, they always wanted more, and that was fine, I liked to keep pushing myself, but when they awarded recklessness and ponies who were being suck ups and not actually working hard or improving their natural talents, well, that just annoyed me, I left of my own free will, but I did get the chance to fly with them one time with honor before I did leave.”

“What did it feel like, you know, flying with them.”

He sighed again, “It was one of the best things that I ever felt, and if you ever do get the chance to fly with them only then can you finally know what it’s like.”

Even years later his father’s words still echoed in Thunder’s mind.

“Oh, so what was better than that, hmmm?” his mom said.

“Well, being with you of course,” Silver said, “Always and forever.”

She smiled and giggled “Yes, after your father left the Wonderbolts he decided to work with the weather team, and without that choice he would have never been so lucky to meet me and we wouldn't have been able to raise you either.”

“Yes, your mother is an amazing, incredible, wonderful, and splendid mare.”

“Yes, but I don't think that my parents thought about you that way.”

He scoffed, “Well of course, duh, parents are always more protective of their daughters, it’s just a mentality even though mares are just fine taking care of themselves, stallions, we can do whatever we want, but you mares, oh no, protect them even though they don't really need that much protecting at all!” he said.

He was just trying to make a joke, and it turned out to work out for all of them, they all started to laugh and smile and giggle, “Anyhow,” his father said, “Yes, I suppose that he can come over here, just make sure that he behaves.”

“Don't worry, I will, thanks a lot,”

“You’re welcome,” they said, and with that he went off to do his own thing.

The next week came and Lightning came over to his house, but so did Autumn as well. “I hope that you don't mind,” Lightning said, “Normally she’s very shy, but she just wanted to come so I had to let her because my parents told me to.”

“Oh, well I don't mind, just try make sure that she stays out of our way,” Thunder said not even giving the red and very dull brown-orange-yellow Pegasus a sideways glance. She remained very quiet as they decided to play around the house doing activities like tag and hide and go seek but neither were very fun since they didn't really allow Autumn to play, but she didn't seem to mind too much because she was just drawing some things and stuff while they moved onto board games. After they were finally done playing Lightning got up when he heard the sound of the doorbell ring. “Ah,” he said, “That would probably be my parents trying to get us back for dinner, but I do want to visit sometime soon.”

“Don't worry, you will, and I’m pretty sure that I could get my dad to talk to us about being a Wonderbolt if that’s what you really want,” he said.

Lightning smiled, “Cool, well then, guess I'll see you next week.”

Lightning started to leave but Autumn remained behind, “Hey, what is it, what’s wrong?” Lightning said turning back around to face his sister.

She turned and faced Lightning and then whispered in his ear.

“Ah, yes, I see that now, she says that she made this drawing for you, but that it’s not done yet, but that she also wants to give it to you as soon as possible.”

“Oh, well okay then, yeah, sure thing, why not?” Thunder said.

Autumn smiled and then managed to barely mutter some words out.

“Wait, what was that again,” Thunder said leaning in much closer to her.”
“I said thank you very much,” she said.

“I’m sorry, I still can’t hear you,” Thunder said.

“I said thank you very much,” she said this time finally being heard by him.

“Well, you’re welcome, I guess,” he said not sure what she was thanking him for, but he decided to stop Lighting and ask him his very last final question, “Hey, what’s your sister thanking me for anyways?”

“Getting to spend time with us, and more specifically, you.”

And with that said suddenly Lightning smiled and then dashed far way with his parents (which were definitely both mares even from this spotting distance).

The next week came and once again he saw Lightning and Autumn.

By this point she had already finished her previous drawing and gave it to Thunder, it was nothing marvelous or grand, or even excellent, but in the eyes of Thunder it was one of the very best things that he had received from her.

And it would late become the very first thing that he had received from her.