• Published 20th Mar 2017
  • 241 Views, 3 Comments

Thunderbolt Storm - Silver Inkwell

Thunderbolt was a normal pegasus, until he got his superpowers of course.

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The years passed by very slowly for Thunder, Lightning and himself did become the very best friends and their parents even grew to their daily visits after some time (it stopped being weekly less than a year in or so). Even Autumn started to come out of her shy shell, she became more open around them, she smiled more, laughed and giggled more, and around the age of twelve or so Thunder thought that he started to feel something for her, what was this? It wasn’t love, he was too young for that, but maybe he just really, really liked her instead?

Yeah, that could be it, it turned out that he would be both right and wrong many years later around the age of sixteen or so. Over the years his speed had increased and he had a very special ability and talent, he could make cracks of very loud noise and sound when he turned tight enough, and they sounded exactly just like thunder, he couldn't do it all the time, probably only once during a regular, normal, ordinary runway, but if it had enough tight turns and corners like an obstacle he could do it a few times, the record he currently had was seven in a row. Anyhow it was around this time that he had started to date other mares (and so did his friend too), and they even talked about their recent exploits.

“So, what’s your wing speed and power right now?” Thunder said.

“Oh, it’s around eleven or so,” Lightning said.

“Really? Think that mine’s around thirteen or so,”

“Wow, that’s really fast, almost as fast as Rainbow Dash.”

Thunder groaned, “Wait, did I say something wrong?”

“Yes, I admire Rainbow Dash, I really do, she’s the Element of Loyalty for crying out loud, and I really want to be like her and Spitfire, but I’m still not good enough to get in their team… yet…” he said.

“Hey, don't worry, we’re much better than most other pegasi, I mean we’re above ten and that’s impressive enough for any Pegasus,” he said.

“Yeah, but not for the Wonderbolts, or Rainbow Dash, or Spitfire,” he said.

“Hey, if you worry about speed you’re not going to get every far, there are other things to consider too, how fast and well you can fight, how smart you are, how clever, how well you can use puns and other words to distract the enemy…”

“Dude, you don't need to go all royal guard on me,”

“What? I really like their training,” he said.

“Yeah, but it’s one of the worst jobs from what I hear, I mean you have to just stand around all day doing nothing staring at nothing, I mean how can you be interested in that? I thought you were the action type just like me,”

“Oh, I am, but I’m not doing it because I like it…”

“Then why do it at all?”

“Well, it’s for the ladies of course,” he said flashing a smile at a mare, “Hey there,” he said, “What’s your name because I feel like we already know each other.”

She groaned, “Not happening, just go away and stay far away from me.”

“Hey, wait, what if I told you that I am a royal guard in training?”

The mare’s eyes lit up, “Oh, well in that case I would tell you that my name is August King, what’s your name?”

“Breeze, Lightning Breeze,” he said patting his hair back with a very deep accent that Thunder knew to be a James Bond one. “Ooh, he’s a handsome one, isn't he?” the other mare said.

“Yes, tell me, does the royal guard train you hard, do you have much spare time?”

He smiled, winked at Thunder with a look that clearly said, I told you so, and then started to walk outside with two mares at either side of him,

“Well,” he said, “I don't have that much spare time right now, but trust me, what little time I do have I would want to spend with two beautiful mares just like you,” he said as his voice slowly faded away once he got outside.

Thunder could only assume that those two poor foolish mares were already smiling and giggling at whatever lies and jokes that he had prepared for them.

He went back to his milkshake all alone, it was lonely without his friend here.

But then suddenly he saw a very familiar face outside that came in and then sat down right at his table directly across from him. “Autumn, is that really you?” he said looking at the red mare before him, let's see, yes, same old chocolate brown eyes, same old chestnut red body like a dying leaf in the fall, she still had that same old golden yellow hair and that ink black tail of hers, yep, it was definitely still Autumn, except that she had finally grown up.

“Yes, it’s me, don't you recognize an old friend once you see them?”

“In this case I already did, but anyhow why are you here? I thought that the summer school you’re in wasn't supposed to end until the very end of summer.”

“Well, yes, around then, to be exact it ended two weeks before Fall officially begins, and the train was very early so I just got back here yesterday.”

“And you didn't decide to come see me until today?”

She smiled, “Well, I had to unpack first, duh,” she said.

“Well yes, of course, but how did you like it? Did you enjoy it?”

Her eyes instantly lit up, “Oh yes! Did I ever! I mean where do I even begin? First of all, I was much faster at drawing than any of the other students so that’s why I’m here now, I basically graduated early, anyhow the lessons did get harder as they went on, but I did manage to draw a picture of you…” she said holding a very large poster up of him, “And I also managed to draw a friend of mine.”

The other poster showed a unicorn with glasses on his face with frizzled hair and a white sweater on, “His name is Thorn Wood, but he just likes to be called Thorn, he was around my age I think, anyhow he’s brown with greenish eyes and he never really combs his hair which is why he’s like this, he has no fashion sense, he’s also a bit… well, weird, eccentric, crazy, bizarre, strange, and odd.”

“Wow, all of that?”

“Yes, but not exactly in that order,”

“Well yes, of course, anyhow, did you learn anything new?”

“Yes, plenty of new thing and stuff that I can use, now I should finally be able to pursue my passion of art and make it my career, and even if I can't, well maybe I can still do it on the sidelines because guess what, I'll never let my dreams die no matter what any pony else says about it, this makes me happy, and I want to be happy, and they can't stop me, so I'll just keep doing it until they see me as good enough to be accepted, and I won't ever stop or give up either.”

“Wow, you’re one determined mare,” he said.

“Hey, what can I say, I know what I want and I’m not willing to stop or give up to get it either,” she said shrugging. Suddenly a waitress came over to their table.

“Hey, are you going to order anything?” she said scowling.

“Well I don't have any money on me right now so…”

“I'll pay for you,” Thunder said, “I'll pay for her, for both of us,” he said looking at the waitress silently daring her to question his authority, she didn't.

“Very well then, would you like anything at all, dear?”

“Yes, I'll take a chocolate milkshake please,” she said.

“Alright, fine then, one chocolate milkshake coming up.”

And with that said the waitress left them alone to talk again.

“Wow, that’s the same exact thing that I ordered,” Thunder said.

“How odd,” she said.

“Yes, but probably not strange, right?” he said.

“Yes, of course, well anyhow, thanks, but there’s no need to pay for me.”

“Nonsense, of course there is, it would be rude to not pay for guests.”

“Well, I guess that you’re right,” she said still smiling at him.

“Well of course I’m right, I’m a stallion, I’m always right,” he said smiling.

“I thought that it was supposed to be wives that were always right.”

“That’s only for those who are married, I don't plan on that, ever, single forever.”

“Oh, but wouldn't that get lonely?” she said.

He shrugged, “It might I guess, but at least I'll always have my friends.”

“Yeah, I guess that you’re right about that.”

“Yes, yes I am,” he said smiling, “Anyhow, my life has been really good, I’m considering joining the Wonderbolts, your brother is training in the royal guard to get all the mares, but with his luck he’ll probably be fired on the first day, oh, what else, both of my parents are still alive even though the doctors said that my dad probably shouldn’t fly anymore, and your parents are doing fine too.”

“Oh, well anything else that I missed out on?”

“Oh, not too much, you did hear the news about the new Princess, right?”

“No, not really, who is it?” she said very curiously.

“Twilight Sparkle,” he said, “Can't say that the name doesn't ring a bell now.”

“Yeah, I guess so, but wow, it sure has been a busy year or so, hasn't it?”

“It certainly has been, anyhow, it’s nice to see you again.”

“You too, thanks for your kindness and generosity, I hope that we can see each other again very soon,” she said as the milkshake was brought over and he paid for it. “Anytime my dear, I would do anything for a friend, especially you.”

She smiled at that, “Thank you, and I hope that we can spend more time together in the nearby future…” she said.

“Me too, let’s just hope that our parents will allow it despite our ages.”

“Yes, let’s,” she said. And with that they both slowly left the shop and went their own separate ways, Autumn went to her home, but Thunder thought that it would probably be best for him to try and find Lightning before he got into trouble. And that was the thing with them, both were very rash, stupid, quick to anger, violence, and action, and both were very, very stubborn and determined for many things. However, Thunder did tend to be the smarter one, generally, well usually, sometimes his friend was surprisingly very smart and deep.

That wasn't often the case though, usually his friend managed to get in some kind of fight, and sometimes he won, sometimes he lost, and Thunder was always behind him to clean up the mess, in fact it was so common that other ponies even had a nickname phrase for them, ‘First Lightning strikes, then Thunder always follows closely behind him’ and even he had to admit that it was true.

But he also knew that Lightning was more than ready and willing to strike other ponies if danger was thrown at Thunder, after all, they were best friends.

Suddenly literal lightning flashed in the sky as it started to rain washing out the distinctive hoofprints of his friend, well that was just great.

If he had to guess where he went though he would probably say that it was some kind or sort of pub where one could buy alcoholic beverages and drinks.

His friend would always try to pose as if he was older than he was, but the bartenders always knew better and always managed to throw him out.

Hopefully he could find Lightning before any fights broke out though.

He looked around, okay, where was the closest, and yet sexiest place for a pub? He knew his friend and he knew that he would want to charm the mares, so the only question was which one he would choose? He looked around, there was that one, no wait, he had been kicked out of that last week, okay, check that one off because his friend may have been slow to learn things and stuff, but he wasn't stupid. There was that one, nope, it was under reconstruction, and that left only one left, Thunder smiled, well, it was time to go into The Hay Barrel, as it was called, one of the more popular places to get drunk and well… have sex.

He knew that he would be fine in there since every pony knew that he would be looking for his friend and he himself had rarely ever caused trouble in the pubs ironically enough, anyhow he trotted forward making sure not to be in the center just in case a pony was thrown out, literally. Luckily no ponies came flying past him and he entered the bustling hive of villainy and scoundrels and…

Oh, no, wait, wrong movie reference, let’s try again, of all the bars in the world, he had to pick this one. Yeah, that works out for now I guess.

Ponies in here were of all races, shapes, and sizes, if you wanted a specific type of pony, one could probably find them at The Hay Barrel.

And if one didn't, well there were always more pubs around the town.

He made his way through the crowd already knowing that his friend would want to stay close enough to order drinks, but not too close to be recognized either.

Yep, there he was, right where he thought he would be.

He went over and started to pick up on the conversation, “…And that’s when my instructor told us to do a 100 laps and I said, ‘Sir, no offense, but I can do double of whatever you tell me’, then he told me to do 200, I did 400, he wanted me to lift 100 pounds, I did 200, he wanted as many squats as I could give, I did 200.”

“Well that is a very interesting story,” Thunder said coming up behind him, “But I think you two lovely mares should take everything he has said so far with just a tiny little bit of salt, only a grain mind you, but yeah, that should be more than enough for now, Lightning,” he said. Lightning groaned and hoof-faced himself.

“Hello there, Thunder,” he said, “How did you find me?”

“Process of elimination, I knew that you would want the best and closest place for sex and drinks, this was it,” he said, “But come on, time to go home.

“Ah, yes, I can clearly see that now, but did you have to ruin my chance at sex?” he said as the two mares left him. “You’re too young for it, wait until you’re older,” Thunder said. “But how much longer do I have to wait? How long will I suffer not letting the greatest gift to stallions be unused for one of the greatest acts of pleasure and joy? Why do you have to keep stopping me from this, why?”

Thunder sighed, “Because your parents asked me to, and even I know that you probably shouldn't have sex this young even if you wanted to, you have to take time to let the relationship grow, besides, sex is more of an after-marriage thing.”

Lightning quickly shook his head, “No way, this stallion is going to stay single forever so I can lay as many hit mares as I possibly can.”

Thunder sighed, he still had no idea why his friend was this obsessed with sex.

“Look, come on, let’s just go home and we’ll forget about this whole entire thing,” he said. “Yeah, about that, I may or may not have made a bet or two…”

Thunder sighed, “How big are they and how many?”

“Very big, huge, they’re giants, and I think there were at least six to a dozen.”

“What race were they?”

“Uh mostly unicorns and earth ponies,” he said.

Thunder calculated the odds, if even one was magic that did not bode very well for them, he could handle earth ponies and pegasi, but unicorns…

“Did you try to identify the leader at least?”

“Uh, I couldn't really tell.”

“What was the bet that you made?”

“Uh, it was hoof wrestling and a game of cards.”

“How much did you lose?”

“All of it?”

“And how much do they want?”

“Um, thirty bits I think? Or was it fifty instead? I can't really remember that much or that well either,” he said.

“Thanks, I think I have enough to know what to do,” he said.

“Oh, don't tell me,” he said, “The fake money note and run away trick?”

“Yep,” he said, “Hopefully they won't notice the difference.”

“Yeah, but what if we get caught for making the forgeries?”

“Hey, keep your voice down, we won't get caught, besides even if we do I think that it would still be fair since you shouldn't make stupid bets in the first place and I would totally blame you,” Thunder said smiling, “But where are they?”

“Over there,” he said pointing to a corner, “They really like their space.”

“Yeah, I can tell, well, let’s go and hope that we don't die.”

And with that said they slowly went over to the corner.

“Well hello gentlecolts, I heard that my friend here owes you some money, right?”

“Yeah, and if he doesn't then we’ll crack his skull out!”

“Yeah, we’ll make him bleed and splatter his brains out!”

“Yeah, and we’ll also…”

“I think that I have enough visual descriptions of what you’ll do to him thank you very much, anyhow I think that you’ll be happy enough to know that I am more than ready and willing to pay it off for him if you will allow it.”

“We will, we want our money and we want it right now.”

“Very well then,” Thunder said pulling out three fake ten bit coins, “Here you go.”

The leader of the gang or group looked very closely at the coins and then smiled, “Your payment is accepted, you are free to go,”

Thunder smiled and they both went away quickly.

“I can't believe that actually worked,” Lightning said.

“For now, don't worry, after a while they will discover it, especially if it gets wet, and speaking of wetness I think that it’s raining outside right now so…”

“Don't worry about it, we’re pegasi, we can literally just brush it off.

And with that said they both stepped out in the soaking wet cold rain.

“I like the rain,” both of them said at once.

“And my sister does as well,” Lightning quickly added.

“Wait, what? That was completely random,” Thunder said.

“Yes, it was, I know,” Lightning said smiling at him.

“Are you sure that you’re not crazy?” Thunder asked him.

“None of us can ever be really certain of that.”

“Alright, fine then, fair enough, but what’s your point?”

“We’re all crazy, some of us are just more than the others, the rest, we’ll they’re what society considers to be ‘normal’ but what is that anyways I guess it must be a social thing, but if it is then how come some things are normal, but not regular? You see regular must be the normal of society, and regular and normal can be ordinary after a time, there’s always some kind of connection…”

“Yes, I can see that now, but I think you need some sleep buddy.”

“Who needs sleep when you’re training with the royal guard?”

“Everypony needs their sleep, even you,” Thunder said.

“Yeah, well I need to train to need less sleep,” he said yawning very loudly.

“Do you really think that you’ll actually make it through the royal guard?”

“I can try, besides, even if I fail I can make up some kind of excuse and the mares will still see me as hot and string now and afterwards, duh.”

“Life isn't all about sex you know, there are many more great things and stuff you know, there’s more to see, there’s more to learn, there’s just so much.”

“Yeah, well maybe it’s too much.”

‘nothing is ever too much, anyhow we’re at your house now.”

“Really? I didn’t even notice.”

“Hey, there’s no need for sarcasm or being rude to me.”

“I know, I’m sorry,”

“That’s okay, I forgive you because that’s what good friends do.”

“Yeah, but your face kind of looks sort of funny,” he said.

Thunder looked over at his friend, “Please tell me that you didn't actually manage to finally get a drink, did you?” he said.

“The drink was just sooo good,” he said slurring over his words, “But I may have had one too many from that group, which is why I needed those extra bits because I was a minor and they wanted extra for breaking the law,” he said. Thunder groaned, he couldn’t actually believe that his friend had finally managed to scam a group of ponies for once.

“I can't believe that you actually managed to do that,” he said.

“Well I did, and I just feel sooo good right now,” he said.

“You are extremely stupid and foolish, you know that, right?”

“Yeah, sure thing, whatever you say, friend.”

Thunder smiled, well at least he was a nice drunk and not violent.

“Hey, repeat after me, ‘Thunder is the absolute best friend in the world and I would never, ever replace him with anypony else’, got that?”

“Thunder is the absolute best friend in the world and I would never, ever replace him with anypony else, got that,” he said. Thunder giggled, wow, he must have really had one glass too many. “Okay then,” he said putting Lightning in his bed, “Here you go, get some sleep because you’ve got to stay strong.”

“Yeah, I will, but please, don't tell my family,”

“Hey, if they don't ask then I won't tell, that’s my only rule with lying and telling the truth because I’m good at lying, but I don't want to do it with your family.”

“Don't worry, I won't make you.”

“Thanks, now then, get some sleep,” he said getting up from the bed.

“Don't worry, I will, but do you like my sister because I think she would be good for you…” his friend said nodding off to sleep. Thunder sighed, “Yes, I do like your sister,” he whispered knowing that Lightning would be unable to hear him.

And with that said Thunder left making sure not to disturb his sleeping friend.

Comments ( 3 )

What's the plot of this story?

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(It's being written with Thorn Wood, so...)

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