• Published 31st Mar 2017
  • 622 Views, 10 Comments

Remnants of a Dream - Scout Charger

Shortly after their school trip to Las Pegasus, Sunset Shimmer and Applejack discover that not everything went as planned. Since their first plan to cover the last night up didn’t work it’s time to deal with the problem more directly.

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Royal Advice

Dear Sunset,

I’d love to hear more about your everyday life, but I assume you’re not in the mood for small talk right now so I cut right to the chase. I’m not really the biggest authority when it comes to romantic relationships, but I am honored you ask me for advice.

For starters, I think you shouldn’t have tried to cover the situation up. I’ll admit that I’m not well versed in your world’s social norms but I fail to see anything wrong with sleeping with a colt, oh sorry, a boy you like.

What you describe sounds like a nice evening to me. You had fun, went on something that might be considered a date and then had sex, nothing out of the ordinary. Granted, I myself am no mare for the first night, but that’s personal preference.

I am however very disappointed that you didn’t talk to him about it, but instead decided to deceive him. You should know better than that Sunset. As you phrased it, yeah you bucked up big this time.

Because of this his reaction seems understandable to me. You tricked him, has seen through your ruse and is now angry because of it. I’d say apologize for tricking him and talk to him about the whole thing. I’m sure you can remain friends after that. Maybe suggesting just forgetting it and starting anew, if you think that’s best.

Your friend,
Twilight Sparkle.

Sunset couldn’t help but face palm. Of course he had to be angry because of her plot to trick him. She would also be angry if somebody pulled a stupid prank like this on her. She quickly wrote Twilight her thanks and dove into her ice cream. The next time she saw Scout she would talk to him and apologize.

With her conscience a little lighter the weekend was already a bit more enjoyable than the moment before.

Monday came and Sunset was hell bent on resolving the mess she made. Since it was her plan to trick Scout, she kept Applejack out of her plan to make it up to him. She was the one who wronged him, she would be the one to set it right again.

Sunset had left Miss Cheerilee’s English class a few minutes earlier with the classic excuse that she had that special monthly problem and needed to take care of things. It was incredibly easy to exploit this people’s shame when it came to things like this. She hadn’t done any of it since she changed her ways, but for once English was easy and secondly, it was important.

With a few minutes left till lunch break started, Sunset arrived at the door. She leaned against the wall and waited for her target to show up. After ten nerf wrecking minutes Scout showed up and before he could do anything, Sunset went in for the kill.

She closed the distance between them with long strides and smiled at him like she just had received news about world peace. “Scout, can I talk to you for a minute please?” She asked with a gentle voice.

Scout all the while looked at her with raised eyebrows and a confused look. This was nothing like what he had expected. He didn’t know what this girl was up to but he was sure it wasn’t anything good. In an attempt to compose himself, he cleared his throat, straightened his back and gave her an indifferent shrug for an answer.

Sunset wasn’t exactly thrilled at his presumed indifference, but at least he didn’t yell at her. She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. “Look, it took me some time to realize but I understand that you’re mad at me. I shouldn’t have tried to trick you or anything.” Her voice was quiet and her eyes cast down.

For a moment it was awfully quiet, almost as if the world was holding its breath while fate did decide which way the scales of destinies would tip. Moments like this were the ones that destined the future of nations, spelled doom for entire peoples and changed the very fabric of reality. At least that was the scope which those moments had to teenagers.

When Sunset looked up she saw that Scout was visibly fighting for what he wanted to say. Finally, he gulped and his voice sounded almost fragile. “Sunset, it’s just that I don’t get it. I mean you seemed to know that I liked you and AJ. You were so confident and all, but in the next morning…”

Sunset put a finger to his lips and smiled. “It’s ok. Let’s just forget it all and go back to normal. I…” She was cut off when Scout’s jaw dropped and he locked at her like he had seen a ghost. She looked at him questioningly and tilted her head. “Is everything alright? You seem a bit shocked.”

It took almost half a minute before Scout regained a semblance of control over his expression. He took a deep breath and gave Sunset a stare that could only be described as icy. “What is this whole situation to you? Is this all a game? Do you…” He looked around for a few moments to see if anybody was listening in on them before he continued in a much quieter tone. “Do you think you can just waltz in, do whatever the fuck pleases you and then do as if nothing happened?”

Sunset was taken aback and tried to grasp what just went so horribly south again. “No! I know this is no game. I just don’t understand what all the fuss is about.”

Anger crept into Scout’s icy stare as he continued. “So you don’t even know what you did wrong in the first place and just came here to apologize anyway? What are you, seven? Did somebody tell you just apologize and everything will be fine again?” He retreated a few steps and turned around. “Let me give you a nice little quote here. The only way to hurt a man is to take away everything that he valued and degrade it and remind him of it every day.” Barely contained anger could be heard in Scout’s voice and Sunset couldn’t help but grunt in frustration. Why was this so damn complicated?

This evening Sunset sat on her balcony and stared at the sky once again. She couldn’t understand how Scout’s mood could have shifted so fast. It seemed to work at first. He was ready to talk to her, but when she offered him to just forget it and be friends again he almost freaked out and dropped this incredibly edgy quote.

The book on her lap started vibrating and Sunset stared down at it. “You’re a curious one aren’t you Twilight?” She commented in a hoarse voice.

Dear Sunset,

I know I shouldn’t be so nosy but did you already speak to that boy?

You haven’t written since I gave you my advice and I am dying to know how everything went. I hope I don’t overstep my bounds, but please write back as soon as you can and tell me how it went.

Your friend,
Twilight Sparkle

Spike is also curious if you got yourself a new coltfriend.

Sunset sighed and reached for her pen.

Hey Twilight,

Sorry for not writing back earlier, but I only spoke to him today.


Within seconds Twilight’s response appeared on the next page of the book.

You seem rather short on words today and I know you good enough to know exactly that something went horribly wrong for you to be like this. Do you want to talk about it?

Sunset’s pen hovered over the blank page and waited for her to finish her internal debate. Of course she could use more help but Twilight said herself that she wasn’t the best when it came to relationships. There was obviously the option to ask Twilight for help from Princess Cadance, but was this really necessary? Wouldn’t it maybe be for the best to just leave it as it was and at least stop worsening the whole situation?

With a steadying breath Sunset pushed the tip of her pen against the paper.

In all honesty, I don’t know Twilight. I now bucked up twice and I wouldn’t like to see if three times is the charm that makes him punch me. What would you do? Would you continue trying, possibly making it worse, or would you just leave him be?

This time it took almost ten minutes for Twilight to reply. Obviously Sunset wasn’t the only one thinking hard about that question.

I think I would get some help and then try again.

Sunset chuckled while she wrote.

Well, we see how this worked out the first time. But I think you’re right, in the words of thousands of dead optimists: What could possibly go wrong?”

To Sunset’s surprise Twilight actually drew a smiley of herself at the start of her next message.


Good to hear that you won’t give up so easy. So, what do we do next?

Sunset smiled and answered immediately.

Twilight dear, there is no kill like overkill!

We skip the part where our shared attempts at fixing this mess make it worse and bring in the big guns right away.

Would you please write Princess Cadance a letter?

Twilight seemed to hesitate with her answer.

Sunset, are you sure this is a good idea? You don’t know how Cadance can be when it comes to those things.

With a confident smile Sunset wrote.

She’s the princess of love, her expertise surely will come in handy.