• Published 31st Mar 2017
  • 621 Views, 10 Comments

Remnants of a Dream - Scout Charger

Shortly after their school trip to Las Pegasus, Sunset Shimmer and Applejack discover that not everything went as planned. Since their first plan to cover the last night up didn’t work it’s time to deal with the problem more directly.

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Girls Talk

Sweet Apple Acres was located at the outskirts of Canterlot. Just close enough to the city to have shops, schools and other modern conveniences in driving distance, yet remote enough to enjoy the peace and quiet of ‘the good old days’ as the Apples would put it.

Many people didn’t know however that the famous orchard, with its generations old apple trees, was not the entirety of Sweet Apple Acres. On the outskirts lay great patches of land that were either unattended or have been kept in their original state intentionally. One of these locations was a huge pond surrounded by oaks, willows and more than half a dozen other trees, none of them apple trees.

Sunset and Applejack sat under one of the large willows and stared at the pond. Both waiting for the other to start the conversation they both knew would be difficult.

After a small eternity of silence Applejack reached for her hat, took it off and put it next to her in the grass. “Ok, we’re doin’ a mighty fine job in not talking to each other. Wanna keep it that way sugar cube?” She asked with a weary tone.

Sunset sighed. “Applejack, I understand that this stuff is hard to talk about in this world. Especially for a girl like you who grew up with all those traditions and rules I don’t understand.” She leaned back against the tree and looked upwards. “But you only hurt yourself if you keep quiet about it.”

Applejack tore out a hand full of grass and looked at it like it might tell her the answer. “It ain’t that easy Sunset. Granny Smith raised me to be a decent girl, ya know. She taught me not to lie. That only honest and hard work is good work. That family is s’pposed to holdin’ together an’ so on an’ so on. One of these mighty fine lessons was that it’s only proper to wait till marriage till ya do it with a boy.” She opened her hand as a particular strong breeze passed over them and the grass she held scattered in the wind.

Sunset closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she reopened them she looked at the farm girl with a smile. “Look, Granny Smith did a great job in raising you, Big Mac and Apple Bloom. You three are probably the best people I know.”

Applejack chuckled and shook her head. “Ah appreciate the intention but Ah think ya’ underrate our friends and ya’self.”

Sunset shrugged and continued. “I’ll admit Pinkie is funnier than you. Rarity is possibly one of the most selfless and generous people I know. And Fluttershy likely has never had even a single evil thought. But you three are a different kind of good. You are honest, dependable, you work hard and you never let your friends or your family down. And you too are generous, fun and kind.” Sunset looked around to make sure nobody else was there. “To be honest with you, in the bad old days I always tried to get some dirt on you Apples. It speaks volumes about your family that I never found anything to blackmail any of you.”

A strange mixture of appreciation and uncertainty formed on Applejacks face. “Thank ya kindly … Ah think.” She shook her head and looked at the pond once again. “Anyway, all that doesn’t matter because Ah feel like a piece o’ shit. Granny Smith taught me how Ah should behave and Ah threw ma’ dignity out ta’ window as soon as ma’ head got dizzy and ma’ crotch got wet.”

Sunset couldn’t help but roll her eyes at that. “Oh come on AJ, I was there. If I remember correctly it was my first time in a human body, not yours.” Applejack gave her friend a silent look full of shame.

Sunset immediately caught the implication. “No way! You can’t tell me that it was your first time. You seemed rather knowledgeable about the thing. Besides, I didn’t see you in pain or anything.” Sunset shook her head violently. “I can’t believe that!”

A soft chuckle came from Applejack as she gave Sunset a smirk. “Ya’ know sugar cube, it’s mighty different for all girls. To some it’s painful, to others it’s as if nothing happened. And that ‘me being knowledgeable’ part … let’s just say Ah read a whole lot o’ magazines on the matter.” The smirk on Applejack’s face vanished and got replaced by furious blush. “Besides, Ah only said it was ma’ first sex, not ta’ first time Ah had anythin’ inside ma’ … inside me.”

Sunset gave her friend a curious look and raised an eyebrow. “How did you lose your virginity then?” She asked inquisitively.

Applejack gulped audibly. “Ah might have been a bit … enthusiastic with the handle of ma’ hairbrush when Ah was thirteen.” The farm girl answered in a whisper of her own. “Was kind of an accident ya’ know.”

It took all of Sunset’s self-control not to burst out laughing when Applejack told her that. But even though she managed to not outright laugh at her friend, she still snickered for a good few minutes.

When Sunset finally calmed down again she looked at her friend with a big smile. “Sorry, that was just too funny. I don’t think I can ever again use a brush without breaking down laughing.” Sunset took a few deep breaths, cleared her throat and tried to get serious again. “Ok, all fun aside. I understand that it was an important night and all. But you can’t just pretend it never happened.”

Applejack rose from where she sat and walked towards the pond. “Ah know. The thing is Ah don’t know what to do.” She heaved a heavy sigh. “Ah can either lie to anybody Ah care ‘bout or Ah tell the truth. Which essentially means A’ll abandon what ma’ granny taught me and loose ma’ family’s trust. I’m on the horns of a mighty fine dilemma if ya ask me.”

Sunset also rose from her seat and walked up next to Applejack. “AJ, I’m pretty sure your family won’t kick you out or anything. Not because you slept with a boy you … really care about.” The last part of her sentence didn’t come out as easy as Sunset would have liked. Admitting that Applejack was essentially her rival when it came to the boy she had a crush on was harder than she thought.

It took a while before Applejack reacted, but finally she turned to Sunset and her eyes carried a plea for help far louder than her voice ever could. “What did Twilight say? What are we supposed to do?”

Sunset smiled, put an arm around Applejack’s shoulders and pointed right back at the blonde girl. “When it comes to your family we won’t lie to them, but we won’t go out of our way to tell them either. In regards to Scout honesty is the best policy.” She said with a firm nod. “First we corner him so he can’t flee, then we apologize and talk to him about why we did it.” Her smile became a little bit more fiendish. “And then we give him the saddest pair of puppy dog eyes we have and use our female charm to make him forgive us.”

Applejack chuckled. “Ya do realize that Ah’ am not known for ma’ charm and stuff.” She flexed her fingers and clenched her fist. “Though Ah’m sure Ah could beat ‘em up if he won’t forgive us.” This time both girls laughed.

Big McIntosh stood behind one of the oaks a few meters away from the pond. He knew it wasn’t proper for a guy to sneak after girls and listen in on what they had to talk about. But the expressions on both their faces when they declared they had important matters to discuss made very clear that his little sister had something bothering her.

He didn’t hear the whole conversation, but he heard enough. Sunset was of course right, he would never abandon AJ, and neither would Apple Bloom or Granny Smith. Sometimes Applejack was just too stubborn to see the things for how they truly were.

For now he was glad that there was no need for him to get involved. It was always a pain to help his sister out without her noticing. And since her pride wouldn’t let him help if she did notice it was always a pain to help her out.

Anyway, everything seemed to be under control and so he shoved his hands into his pockets and walked back to the house in silence.