• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 4,033 Views, 140 Comments

Nyctophobia - Valorousspectre

Soarin, Romance, stalkeresque, Jealousy, past abuse

  • ...

The Dress

Chapter 9: The Dress.

Skeleton was once more on the ground. Incredibly uncomfortable, very nervous. Heading straight for the only building she’d ever been to in all of Ponyville.

The Carousel Boutique.

She was tightly wrapped up in her heavy clothing, all in black. Black scarf, black shades, black cloak with hood... and the silver skull clasp holding the cloak on her shoulders. She tried to stick to the shadows as much as she could, but it was difficult in such an open town. Of course she was noticed by a few ponies, two of them walking together, almost touching. One with purple shades, one with a violin case on her back. Neither of them ever even turned their heads.

Oh Celestia, help me... this is so not my thing... so not my thing... Why the hay am I down here again? Oh right... Soarin.

She was so distracted by her thoughts that she ran headfirst into the door of the boutique. Whilst she sat, rubbing her head, involuntary tears springing into her eyes, the door to the boutique opened suddenly and Gray Lapis looked out in alarm.


When he saw Skeleton on the round, rubbing her head, a tear leaking out of one eye, he frowned in concern and rushed her inside.


“Why do you want a suit Soarin? You’ve never had a suit.”

Soarin rolled his eyes at Firestreaks’ comment.

“Fire, if I’m meeting this mare, I’m going to meet her looking my best. That means having a damn fine suit. Money I have, status I have. But I need the style. She likes me for me, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to look my best for the mare who loves me on our first official date.”

Firestreak rolled his eyes as Spitfire, just next to Streak, giggled.

“Awwww, that’s so romantic! Streak, take notes. This stallion is going someplace.”

Firestreak looked incredulously at Spitfire.

“Spit, I’m NOT buying a suit! I don’t do suits.”

Spitfire pouted.

“Fine. If you say so. I’m very disappointed though.”

Soarin was admiring a set of suits in a specialised, very expensive, very prestigious clothing store.

“Guys, focus please. Should I go the blue, or the black?”

“Soar, seriously? Not blue man, go with the black. Blue just... it doesn’t work man. You know, you still haven’t told us when or where.”

“No, and I don’t plan to.”

Spitfire went to speak.


“No, I’m not. I won’t have you there ruining it for me. This is my date, not yours.”

“Awww... but Soarin..”

“Not a chance Spitfire....”

He smiled and took a silky black coat off the rack.

“I think this is perfect. What do you two think?”

Firestreak didn’t even bother to look at it.

“Yeah, looks great Soarin.”

Spitfire gasped and clapped excitedly.

“It’s perfect! You’ll look stunning in that!”

She looked at Firestreak irritably.

“If I saw you wearing that Soarin, I’d ask you out in a heartbeat.”

Firestreak rolled his eyes.

“No, I’m not buying a suit.”

Soarin was already paying for the suit.


“Darling! Whatever happened to you?”

Skeleton was sitting in Raritys’ kitchen with a slight bruise on her head, courtesy of walking into the door.

“I w..was walking and s...sort of walked into y...your door...”

She sniffled sadly, more tears welling up in her eyes.

“Miss Rarity... it hurts...”

“Shhhh... It’s okay darling.”

She pulled the white mare into a gentle hug and stroked her head carefully.

“I’ll get Gray to make you a drink of hot coco okay? That always makes me feel better.”

Skeleton sniffled again and hugged the mare back.

“W..Why aren’t you afraid of me..?”

Rarity looked at her in surprise.

“Scared? Don’t be silly darling! Why would I be scared?”

“W..W..Well because of my looks... a...and..”

Rarity scoffed.

“Oh Dear, we learned a long time ago not to judge by appearances. You can ask our friend Zecora if you want clarification.”


“Yes Darling, our Zebra friend. Gray! Could you make our friend here a hot coco? She looks like she needs one.”

Skeletons’ heart almost skipped a beat.

Did she just..? No... she couldn’t have said that! But then...

“E..Excuse me... d...did you just call me a... friend...?”

Rarity looked at her again, this time confused.

“But of course! What else would I call a friend?”

Oh Sweet Celestia and Luna... she... she thinks of me as a friend... a... a friend...

Skeleton, already hugging Rarity, couldn’t help but squeeze the pearly white mare tightly and bury her face in the soft fur of the unicorns’ coat. Rarity was even more confused at the gesture.

“Darling! Whatever is it?”

“I...I have a friend...~”


Soarin looked at himself critically in the mirror. He was wearing his new suit, and was trying to decide how to have his mane. He didn’t want to meet this mare with a birds nest instead of a mane, like his normal style, and was having trouble getting the right look for it.

Come on Soarin, it’s just hair. How difficult could it possibly be?


“Darling, the most important part is the hair! Your mane must be perfect!”

Rarity was now styling Skeletons’ mane, Skeleton herself sipping from a mug that Gray had brought her not two minutes ago full of hot chocolate. Her tears had abated and she had a slight smile to her features, like a young foal in Sugarcube corner with a pocketful of money.

“It has to suit the dress, which I’ll make you soon. Oh yes, the dress must suit you as well! I really do think you’d look amazing in black Darling, so I’ll make it a black dress. Oh, but don’t think it’ll be only black! Oh no, can’t make the ponies lose interest too quickly. Not that I’m saying they will dear, I’m just trying to think of every contingency. Oh my, to make another one of those dresses is a dream come true really!”


“Stuff it! I’ll just leave my mane as it was! Sheesh.”

Soarin was hanging the suit he’d just been wearing back up in a closet full of... well... nothing. He didn’t buy clothing often, if at all. He’d just given up trying to figure out his mane style for the day. It was too hard.

“If she loves me as she says she does, she’ll accept my normal mane. I hope. I mean, this isn’t exactly a night out at a takeout place. Not exactly getting food to go... if any at all.”

He sighed in frustration.

Calm down Soarin, it’ll all work out. No point getting worked up about it all. It’ll all be just fine. If you just calm down. Besides. She loves you remember? It’ll be fine.


“oh my... It’s... it’s beautiful!”

Skeleton stared at herself in the mirrors around her. The dress, which Rarity had made in record time, was currently covering her scars and the rest of her body. Her wings were outside the dress and had light black silk weaved through them in a style reminiscent of Princess Luna's current fashion, leaving them free to move and basically be shown off. The feathers occupying said wings were fluffy, straight and impeccably clean.

“Of course it’s beautiful darling! I made it!”

Skeleton let her expression turn worried.

“But... I don’t know if I can afford this miss Rarity...”

“Oh don’t be silly darling! Consider it yours! You need to look your best for this, I know.”


“Of course Darling! Can’t have you pay for something so critical to your big night!”

Skeleton blushed and smiled.

“Thank you...”