• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 4,038 Views, 140 Comments

Nyctophobia - Valorousspectre

Soarin, Romance, stalkeresque, Jealousy, past abuse

  • ...

System Overload?

Chapter 8: System overload?

“My Dearest Soarin.

I have thought about your concerns. They are very justified, as simply stepping outside is outside my comfort zone. I will not say why. Perhaps someday you will find out? I hope so. And I know you do too.

Returning to the issue at hoof, I would love to hear your proposition and promise that I will, no matter what it is, see it through to the end. I will not give into some silly fears. I love you too much for that Soarin.

So please, send your proposal to me and I shall do my absolute best to look my best for you. And I will do this because I have been scared away too many times before. I will not let myself cower out of this now.

It is my hope that you like my appearance, though my judgment says otherwise. But I shall speak no more on the subject.

Take from this only that I shall do whatever it is you wish me to do in order to thank you.

With all my love and affections
Skeleton Grin.”

“Skeleton Grin...”

Soarin sat, deep in thought. It was a day off for the Wonderbolts, going about normal lives for a change. It was a welcome change in routine. Soarin sat at his house, drinking a crystal glass of Cider imported, so he was told, straight from Sweet Apple Acres. He did like Cider, and he’d heard that Sweet Apple Acres made the best and, despite it not being the real season for Cider, he’d paid them a great deal of bits to make him a keg of it special. They’d done so. Or that’s what the big red pony told him. He smiled slightly at the name.

“Miss Skeleton Grin huh...?”

He chuckled.

“No wonder you signed at first with a silly little smile. You were hinting at your name.”

He would finally meet his match. Or, that’s how he thought of her. He found it somewhat amusing that despite only having met her once, and even that was pushing the boundaries, he’d fallen for the romantic, slightly jealous and mysterious mare.

I hope she meant what she wrote... There’s no turning back now...

He looked over at his final gift to the lovely mare before he met her and smiled.

No turning back at all....


Skeleton was waiting impatiently for nightfall. It was only midday, but she was already practically jumping out of her skin in nervous anticipation. Tonight was the night she found out what she could do to thank him. No doubt it was to meet him, maybe over a nice dinner?

Oh, that would be nice... and so utterly romantic!

She shivered at the very thought of it. It filled her with delight as a million and one more scenarios popped into her head, bouncing around without any signs of stopping.

Ooooh.... I’m so excited I could just pop!

“Hey! Mare with the awesome eyes!”

Skeleton almost flipped out in surprise and spun around. She’d lost her hat in Cloudsdale at some point, she couldn’t remember when. Most like after she’d fled from Soarins’ house. So her hood was, once more, over her head. Her face was completely obscured, as usual. What she saw was Rainbow Dash, standing with a big smile on her face and a letter.

“Mail for you. Soarin told me to deliver it directly. So, here ya go!”

She put the letter down and turned to leave.

Skeleton Grin didn’t know what made her do it. She couldn’t fathom why she did it, nor what possessed her to do it.

She rushed over to Rainbow and gave her a hug.

“Guh! Jeez filly, give a mare some warning will ya?”

Skeleton simply hugged her, from behind, with everything she had.

“Thank... you... For the shirt...”

Rainbow looked sheepish and more than a little embarrassed.

“Oh, that? Huh, nah, no need. It’s the least I could do for that ticket you gave me.”

“Still... thank you.”

“Heh... Anytime squirt.”

A familiar spunky voice with a hint of heartbreak floated up from the ground.

“I thought I was squirt!?”

Rainbow sighed.

“You ARE squirt Scoots, you’re just MY Squirt okay?”

There was a moment of silence, then an excited and euphoric ‘Yippee!’ was heard as Scootaloo rejoiced. Rainbow smiled.

“Ah... that kid. Thinking of adopting her as a kid sister y’know? She’s so much like me it’s not even funny anymore. Still needs to learn a thing or two about flying though.”

Skeleton had let go by this point and was nervously fixing her clothing. She smiled, then remembered her scarf was still on and nodded sagely. Rainbow sighed.

“Guess I’ll be going now. Oh, and you never gave me your name.”

Skeleton frowned, a small set of scenarios rushing through her head before shrugging.

Aw what the hay... can’t hurt.

“Grin... My name is Skeleton Grin.”

Rainbows’ smile widened.

“Well then! Nice to meet a new friend. I’m Rainbow. Rainbow Dash. I’ll catch you later Grin!”

With that the blue Pegasus was gone, a streak of rainbow colours all that was left.


“My Dearest Skeleton Grin.

It’s a great pleasure to finally know your name. It’s beautiful and mysterious both. Almost as mysterious as not knowing your name. I thank you for giving me this honour.

On the note of your acceptance to my concerned inquiry, You will understand what my Request is after opening the second envelope inside this one. I’m sorry it’s not a scroll this time, but certain precautions must always be made about things like this.

I do hope with all my heart you will accept, as it would be the perfect thank you under your specifications.

Your loving admirer.

Your loving... admirer?

Skeleton stared at the last part.

He... admires me? That’s strange...

She shrugged and looked inside the hastily opened envelop to find another. She frowned and plucked it out of its nest and opened it carefully. Her jaw dropped to the floor when she saw the all too fabled shine of a very well known ticket.

Dumbstruck, she took another small note out, still shaking from the shock.

“Yes... That’s right Miss Grin. I would hope that you understand. I paid for this myself, so I didn’t call in any favours. This is straight from me, to you. Please... I would have you meet me at the entrance to the maze if you wouldn’t mind... And no matter what you dress like, you will always be beautiful to me.
