• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 994 Views, 22 Comments

True Happiness - JediMoonstar

When Fluttershy told Rainbow that her cousin was coming to visit and bringing some friends nothing could be better until they got there that is...

  • ...

A Friendly Invitation

Fluttershy was sweeping her kitchen all the while Angel was standing the table, He started stomping the table annoyed that Fluttershy was ignoring him, Fluttershy wanted her house to look top notch for her cousin Vapor Trail and her friends Lightning Dust and Sky Stinger visit the next day she could hardly contain her excitement she hadn't seen Sky Stinger or Lightning Dust for years and she hadn't seen Vapor Trail since only last Hearth's Warming!

Suddenly a large mass of colours and fur crashed through the window and onto the table throwing Angel across the room and causing Fluttershy to jump into the air gripping onto the rafter in a terrified state, Calming herself she glancing down to find Rainbow lying amidst her now wrecked kitchen and Angel on the ground with Rainbow Dash's around his head. Sighing she flew down and straightened the table before helping Rainbow Dash up.

"Hehe sorry Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously glancing at the mess she had made "Guess I shouldn't have tried that last move huh." she continued watching as her friend fixed up the rest of Rainbow's mess! Rainbow Dash looked around noticing that Fluttershy's whole house seemed to sparkle with cleanliness "Hey what's the occasion? Your house hasn't looked this good sense well the holiday! No offence." she quickly stated not wanting to hurt Fluttershy's feelings.

"Oh, you see my cousin is coming to visit tomorrow and she's bringing her friend's, Kind of a sleepover thing... Oh, I don't think you've met her have you?" she questioned now finished cleaning Rainbow's mess and flying over to her and sitting down in front of her "You should come meet them tomorrow! Trail would love to meet you!" she said excitedly giving Rainbow a hug "Can you come?"

"Of course Fluttershy, When should I come over?" Rainbow Dash said flying over to the door "Is after lunch okay?"

"Oh okay I was thinking a little later but that's okay," Fluttershy whispered slipping into her usually kind state.

"Okay gotta dash!" Rainbow Dash quickly stated before 'dashing' out the door. Sighing again Fluttershy shut the door, Picked Angel up and set him back on the table and went back to cleaning.

Far from there, Near the weather factory Sky Stinger was practically begging his sister to keep her promise she had made a month earlier, "Come on Lightning you promised you'd go see Fluttershy with Vapor and me!" he said trying to drag her off the cloud bed, But to no avail Lightning Dust had always been a stronger flyer than him, Even though she hadn't been getting her usual exercise for Celestia knows how long!

Lightning Dust herself was a mess she'd given up on bathing for some time, Her mane had strands loose everywhere she had bags under her eyes and stank like a Timberwolf! Her emotional state was no better, She spent her time moping and looking out the window with a longing look in her eyes thinking about what had happened two years ago, It was the most important day of her life and she screwed it up!

Sky hadn't given up though, Flying out of the room he brought back a raincloud and kicked it sending water onto the depressed pegasus!

Sputtering Lightning yelled "Okay fine I'm coming! There was no need for that! Storm clouds Sky!" After she said the insult she got up and entered the bathroom to at least make herself presentable. After cleaning herself up, sighing all the way, She walked over to the mirror and forced herself to stare at her reflection, She stared into her amber eyes, Oh why did they have to look so much like Spitfire's? Tears welled up in her eyes as she relived those horrible moments once again.

"Lightning Dust?" the white pegasus with honey coloured eyes and blue shades stated roughly staring at her "You are to come with me." at that he turned around, Catching his cap before it fell off.

"Is something wrong?" she questioned suddenly worried, He didn't respond 'That's bad definitely bad!' The thought made her stomach clench as she was escorted out of the academy bunks and onto the runway. She could see other pegasi training, A black pony doing wing ups glanced her way blowing her yellow and black mane out of her face seemed uninterested and went back to exercising.

Lightning Dust looked ahead, Her wing pony Rainbow Dash was there talking to Spitfire with a stern look on her face 'What's going on?'' she thought to look at the blue pegasus, She was vaguely aware of other ponies behind Rainbow Dash but dismissed them from her mind. Her two escorts parted and Spitfire turned around, her eyes pierced Lightning's very soul as the Wonderbolt captain ripped the badge off of the uniform that she had worked so hard to earn. Surprise filled her eyes as Spitfire pointed for her to leave, Turning to go the green pegasus looked back with all the sadness that she now felt and walked away, After walking a few more yards she glanced back at her childhood hero and saw the same badge on Rainbow Dash that she herself had earned!

As Rainbow Dash flew away from the reality of what just happened crushed her heart like a pegasus kicking clouds.

Lightning Dust shook the memory out of her head and looked back at the mirror 'I'm not like her, I'm different,' She thought then she remembered all the flying routines she had done with her, The Dizzitron, The flag hunt, The obstacle course, The tornado. 'But I am.' Her mind turned over the thought that had plagued her mind for years, And the sobbing followed.

Author's Note:

No! I'm sorry Lightning I don't want to do this to you! But I must, For the greater good!

Have some Ganon!