• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 994 Views, 22 Comments

True Happiness - JediMoonstar

When Fluttershy told Rainbow that her cousin was coming to visit and bringing some friends nothing could be better until they got there that is...

  • ...

All Watermelons Must Come To An End

There are some things that are not a very good thing to do.

One of them is to get on the ponies of Ponyville's bad side.

Another is to put all of your strength into the takeoff of a flight.

Lightning Dust knew this well and was regretting putting that much effort into getting out of that window sill.

She was now currently soaring completely out of control over the rooftops of Ponyville. A few other Pegasi were flying around doing various duties and going different speeds.

So when something flying at such a high speed that you can't see what it is and it's coming straight for you. The best thing to do is to drop out of the sky. Or that's a least one of the things they had discussed a little while back.

The citizens of Ponyville had a meeting just a few weeks ago about all the crazy things that always seemed to happen to their little town.

It had gone well at first. Each race had figured out what to do in a few different emergencies.

The Earth Ponies had started keeping an extra storage of food in their own homes, Big Macintosh was, in fact, the one to suggest this idea and everypony agreed with it.

The Unicorns were conflicted for a while, they couldn't think of a singular thing that they could work together on to help with emergencies. That's when the argument started to get heated. There were two mares who were the centre of the yelling.

One was named Lyra Heartstrings, her colouring was very similar to Lightning Dust's with amber eyes and a teal coat. The main difference between the two was Lyra's mane, that was white and a paler teal and that she was a Unicorn.

The other was known by a few names, her friends called her Vinyl Scratch but others knew her as DJ pon-3. She was used to being called both names and didn't have trouble when someone called her one after the other.

She was a white Unicorn with two different shades of blue in her spiky styled mane. Her eyes were usually covered by her purple shades so nopony really knew what her eye colour was.

Their Cutie Marks were both music related, Lyra's being a Lyre and Vinyl's an Eighth Note.

Despite all this, they were in fact not friends even though everypony else said they should be. They're best friends always tried to get them to like each other but there had been no success.

Lyra wanted the Unicorn's to be in charge of preparing places that ponies could stay if the situation got that bad. But Vinyl had argued that they should just have extra blankets, pillows and first aid at the ready.

They shouted reasons about how the others Idea was stupid until a very uncomfortable silence was spreading across the room until they were the only was saying anything.

Lyra smiled awkwardly glancing at a cream coloured earth pony, disapproval seemed to radiate off of her. Another Earth Pony that was standing next to her had sighed, walking over to Vinyl she had said with a tone that sounded to the white unicorn like 'We will talk about this later.' But what came out of her mouth was, "Those both sound like great ideas! Why don't you two figure out together which Unicorn's do which?" pushing Vinyl closer to the greenish Unicorn.

The Cream coloured Earth Pony nodded at the words now pushing Lyra over too. "Yeah you two work together you'll do great being in charge!" Everypony in the room could see the mock enthusiasm that clearly meant 'If I was your Mother you would be grounded.' And started nodding in agreement all thinking relatively the same thing, 'They need to learn to get along!

Lyra Heartstring's and Vinyl Scratch promptly gave out assignments while ignoring each other, and didn't make eye contact for the entire rest of the meeting.

The Pegasus Thunderlane who after the shameful display of the unicorns got up and suggested that the Pegasi should help everypony with whatever their ideas might be for helping with preparing for disasters. He thought his Idea would be shot down as quickly as he thought of it but to his surprise, everypony liked the idea of it.

His little brother Rumble shot his hoof in the air and shouted, "We could also help with saving up rainclouds and stormclouds!" A few ponies stifled giggles at the sheer volume of his voice. His ears drooped thinking that no one liked his idea.

But perked back up when his brother said, "I hadn't even thought of that!" grinning down at the grey colt.

"Yeah, great idea Rumble!" A youthful voice had called from across the room. Rumble recognized the orange filly named Scootaloo and kicked at the ground flustered.

Other Pegasi agreed and started making plans with the Earth Ponies and Unicorn's to put both plans to work.

And this is what the Pegasi of Ponyville were doing that fine morning that Lightning Dust was spinning out of control towards a particular group of Pegasi who were moving a ridiculously large box.

As soon as most of them saw the green and orange blur coming towards them. They shrieked and dropped the box as they all sped in different directions.

The box now had a cracked down the side showing the crushed watermelon rinds that were now splattered on the road. Red mush leaking onto the dirt.

A pink coated mare with a green mane was laying, fainted, right behind the crate, the box had almost crushed her like the crushed watermelons and had simply gone weak at the sight of the red juice.

Luckily the pegasi got out of the way before Lightning Dust got to where they were flying before.

Except one.

The grey mare looked around confused about what had just happened and where everypony went. Her tan mane obscuring the Pegasus coming towards her from view.

A great smack is all the other Pegasi heard as they were trying to salvage whatever they could from the crate.

The poor cross-eyed mare was brought right along with Lightning Dust's rush across Ponyville.

Lightning as soon as she felt the impact, guilt bubbled inside her. She could tell that they were going to hit that hill that was coming ever closer.

So in a last attempt to do something right for once, she twisted her body so that she was between the hill and the pony she dragged with her.

The impact sent searing pain through Lightning Dust's right wing and shoulder. Her left side was bruised from the other Pegasus who, because of Lightning, only felt a sliver of the landing.

Lightning Dust pushed the mare of her and looked her up and down.

"Are you okay?" Lightning Dust winced, just moving her jaw ached. But she ignored it as best she could.

The grey coated pony got up off the ground and looked at Lightning Dust and nearly yelled, "Oh no I did something wrong again didn't I?" The poor Pegasus looked down at her hooves or as close as she could to it, her head was lowered towards her hooves.

Lightning Dust's eyes widened hearing what this grey mare said and tried to reach out to pat her shoulder but that only resulted in more pain. "No, no it's my fault oka- ahh, ow!" She cried out clutching her right hoof to her chest.

At the sound of the green mare's distress, the cross-eyed one eyes started to well up with tears. "I'm so sorry!" She gasped between sobs.

Seeing this, Lightning Dust, ignoring the pain, leaned over to embrace the crying mare.

This startled her out of her tears for a moment before hugging back, lightly as to not hurt her more.

"It's not your fault that I made a rookie mistake." Lightning Dust whimpered tears welling up in her eyes too.

The grey mare realizing that her crying had made this Pegasus mare cry too, she tried to put a smile on her face, she was used to faking a smile so it was easy.

She stepped back choking out, "I'm okay." Then walked over to the green mare's side to try to see how bad it was. "I'm Derpy by the way!" She said as she tried to focus on her companion's wing.

"Oh, I'm Lightning Dust." Lightning forced out she was now focusing on the pain. "Sorry I hit you." She mumbled now looking down at herself.

"But you didn't mean to, so there's no reason to apologize!" Derpy replied looking Lightning Dust in the eye. A real smile on her face now,

Lightning's face turned from one of self-pity to one of concern, "Are your eyes okay?" She asked, worried about her.

Derpy's eyes moved directions a bit, Her face still held that ever-persistent smile. "Yeah, my eyes have been like this for a long time." Trying to look at Lightning's side again her smile turned sheepish, "Uh, I can't tell how bad it is." She admitted looking in the general direction of Lightning Dust's head.

Lightning nodded in understanding taking her own look at her wing. It wasn't a pretty sight.

It was bent in a way it shouldn't be, it was scratched a bit but it was bleeding only a little bit.

But the sight of her broken wing was sickening in of itself and a bit of bile arose in her throat when she laid her eyes on it.

It takes a very powerful force to break a wing. It is the most magic filled part of the Pegasus body. The same goes for the Unicorn horn and the entire Earth Pony body. So to have it broken means that Lightning could have been a lot worse off if she hadn't landed wing first.

"It- it's Broken." She strangled out as she looked at her bruises that were all over her right side, besides her wing of course. She thought that she should probably be grateful that she wasn't hurt more than that, but she didn't like the idea of being grounded until her body built up enough magic to heal her wing. It wouldn't take long. Lightning Dust had an impressive amount of magic in her wings. That was a lot of why she flew so fast. She still didn't like it.

Derpy frowned for a moment knowing that a doctor couldn't help it. So she trotted over to the only tree on the hill reached into the hole there and pull out some sheets.

Lightning eyes widened at the spectacle as Derpy returned with the sheet.

"Why was that in there?" She questioned gesturing towards the white fabric.

Derpy looked up at her "Oh, Pinkie Pie told me that she keeps things all over Ponyville in case of an emergency!" She turned back to the sheet ripping off a big bandage for the broken wing.

Pulling it over to Lightning Dust's side she gently opened her wing.

Lightning winced almost pulling her wing back as Derpy began to wrap her wing up and pulled it tight.

"There!" Derpy exclaimed folding Lightning's wing slowly as to not hurt her, "How does that feel?" She said as she started folding the rest of the sheet back up. It was crooked and sloppy but it worked.

"It feels a little better." Lightning said "Thanks." A little smile found it's way onto her face.

"Oh, you're welcome!" Derpy responded then she seemed to ponder for a moment before asking, "I don't think I've ever seen you in Ponyville before, Where are you from?"

The question caught Lightning Dust off-guard. She sat on the dirt road that was a few steps away from where they had landed.

Derpy saw this and thought she had upset her. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" But she was cut off by Lightning Dust who exclaimed,

"No, no, no it's okay I just-!" She stopped not sure what to say. Then finally reached a decision.

She told Derpy everything, starting with what happened at the Wonderbolt Academy. Sometimes through tears other times just keeping it together.

In the end Derpy was silent for a few moments, then she reached out to embrace the crying Pegasus. And Lightning Dust hugged back.

Author's Note:

Lightning found someone who beats themselves up almost as much as she does.

Okay, so story time.

When I was little I had to were an eyepatch.

Because I had a lazy eye.

If I hadn't of had that eye patch I would have ended up like derpy.

So I relate to a background character more than anypony else in the entire show.

I might not have those issues anymore or at least not very much but the thing is.

Derpy always tries to be positive and forgiving even if it's directly hurting her.

Look at any instance in the show even if she frowns for a moment soon she starts to smile again.

Derpy is amazing and is the pony I wish I could be like the most.

Anyway, sorry for the long note.

Comments ( 6 )

I don't like watermelons.

Me neither. Great chapter by the way.

I don't mind the note. Derpy has been the most looked down upon by bronies for long enough.

The grey mare realizing that her crying had made this Pegasus mare cry too, she tried to put a smile on her face, she was used to faking a smile so it was easy.

That’s sad.

Also, is this going to continue?

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