• Published 11th Apr 2017
  • 1,172 Views, 4 Comments

A Sweet Love Part 3 - Fabulosity

Many months have passed since the wedding of Silent Mic and Sonata Dusk. Enjoying their newly found love for each other and spending time away, after their wedding celebration. Now, a new addition is being brought into the family.

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A Sweet Love Part 3

Many months have passed since the wedding day of both Silent Mic and Sonata Dusk. The just recently married couple had even went abroad to spend a few weeks in Prance. Witnessing the sights and taking in the local delicacy, even enjoying a romantic river-boat ride along the famous Mareine river.

The two had been spending alot of time together, since their official marriage. However something amazing had happened during their time away, on their honeymoon. Sonata was made pregnant and they were going to have a child together; both Silent Mic and Sonata Dusk.

Sonata was already half way through her pregnancy, already she was carrying quite the bump and showing off her child-to-be quite proudly. Though when both Aria Blaze and Adagio Dazzle had been informed of Sonata's pregnancy, months back it was humorous indeed.

Months previously.


Adagio yelled out. It was quite clear that the honey-haired siren was caught off guard with the sudden reveal of Sonata's given situation.

"Woah, are you guys serious right now?"

It seemed that even Aria was caught in sudden surprise from hearing likewise information. Both siren siblings were flabbergasted upon hearing this. It were as if, news of magic having been removed from the world completely, had just been announced.

"Yeah, we're totally serious. For realsies!" Sonata chirped.

"She's right. Heh. We're both happy to announce that we're having a baby together."

Silent would further add, wrapping his arm around the waist of Sonata as they both stood together. Smiles on each persons face, as they looked forward and toward both Aria and Adagio.

"Wait, wait... you're telling me. That we're going to have another eating machine in the family?"

Aria would ask, as she face palmed just giving thought about it. However it wouldn't take Adagio long to bring a smirk upon that face, folding both her arms as if she had just delivered a victory speech to an-all preparing army.

"I think it's a good thing, Aria. I mean, think about it. We're bringing another into the family. Think of the possibilities. We could teach this little Sonata or Silent, how to sing and learn the tools of the trade from an early age. They could be world famous!"

Adagio would take grip, having unfolded her arms and allowing that grin to further spread upon her expression. It seemed the leading Dazzling, had plans for the little one. Though they weren't necessarily evil, but she had plans for world-fame to be something within their very grasp once the child grew old enough.

"Aaha... now hold on Adagio. Let's just... enjoy the little one when they come along, okay? No need to be so hasty." Silent would nervously state.

"Ah, don't worry baby. Dagi wouldn't do anything bad. I bet she's just excited that she gets to be an Aunty. Hehe, the same goes for Aria too!"

Sonata said, as she giggled and nudged into Silent's side. Obviously the youngest of the siren trio knew her bigger sisters quite well. The atmosphere between the four was merry however, something good and positive vibes spreading throughout. Obviously the child was indeed, going to be a blessing brought upon this new family.

Time progressed from this moment, leading up until a month or two before Sonata was due to give birth.

It was late into the evening, both Silent and Sonata had been lying on the couch together. Both in a spooning position, as they watched the TV in-front of them. The room was dark and the glow from the TV emitting around them, giving shadow to everything in it's way.

Both the other sirens had left for the evening, deciding to take some time out upon the town. Simply to enjoy themselves, it had been a busy few weeks without Sonata there to help them perform. Silent remained tightly behind his love, an arm draped forward over her pregnant tummy - with a hand gently rubbing, massaging a few fingers over that bigger lady-lump.

"Mmmn. You okay, sweetie?" Silent asked.

"Yeah, i'm fine. Just alittle tired... but i'm so comfortable... I don't even wanna get up to go too bed, hehehe."

"Heh. Yeah. I know that feeling, well if you want... I can carry you to bed?"

"Really? That's really sweet, Silent. Okay! I'm all yours!" Sonata giggled.

"Okay, here we go! Back, don't fail me now!"

With those words spoken, Silent would carefully climb out from behind Sonata and place himself onto the floor, making sure not to hurt her. Then he would lean forward, placing a kiss upon the girls forehead and then her nose.

It was then with both hands, he'd reach down and slip them underneath the girls lying frame. Scooping her up into his arms, and holding her close against his chest. At this very moment, Silent was that of a knight in shining armour. Protecting his princess from all harm and evil.

Now was his great quest. To carry his beloved, from the living room to that of their bedroom. Stepping around any obstacles that may be lying in their way. Upon reaching the bedroom, he'd use his foot to catch open the door and slide it aside, only then to enter the very room and place Sonata carefully upon the bed.

"There you are, my little princess. Mission complete. All safe and sound."

"You're totally my valiant knight, y'know. Hehe, even carrying me in here. Such a hero."

Sonata joked, even leaning up to wrap her arms around the boys neck - dragging his head down closer, so that, she could give him the kiss he so deserved. Both smiled. Each of them, grinning like a fool - totally in love with one another and clearly excited, both bonding further from the baby that Sonata was carrying within.

A few moments had passed and Silent decided to take a seat, sitting on the edge of the bed with his hand lifting up to meet Sonata's hair. Pushing, guiding back a few stray blue hairs from her face as he smiled sweetly toward her.

"So, do you have an idea for a name?" Silent asked.

"Uh, well... I've been thinking of afew. But I need your opinion of what you think, okay?"

"Sure, shoot."

"Okay, if it's a boy... how about Cloud, Forte, Clef, Allegro or maybe... Alto?" Sonata pondered.

"Hm, okay. Not bad names. What about the girl names?"

"Well, I was thinking if it's a girl. We should call her Allegra, Arietta, Cappella, Demi or maybe Celesta... but I was thinking maybe that wouldn't be a good idea, considering Dagi REALLY doesn't like Celestia."

"Celestia? Oh, yeah... I remember you all telling me about her. That's your worlds version of Principle Celestia from Canterlot High-school. Right?"

"Yeah, that's the one! So I kinda wanna avoid, pissing Dagi off."

"Alright, that's completely understandable. But still, those names are pretty good. Nice work sweetheart, i'm proud of you."

"Haha, thanks Silent. I'm just glad that you're really happy about this and i'm really proud of you, for like, taking me and my sisters in and helping us like... get into a good place with our lives, instead of like... hurting people." Sonata sighed, showing a clear sign of relief.

"It's fine, Nata. I'm just glad that you returned my affections. Not to mention, you're all welcome to stay as long as you like. After all, we're a family now. Me and you, Adagio and Aria? One big happy family."

"That's true! I've never seen Dagi smile like that before... she must really be happy that we're gonna have a new addition to the family."

"I think Aria's happy too. She may act like a bitch, but deep down I think she really cares for you and Adagio."

"...Don't forget you too."

"Oh, oops. Yeah, me too - heh."

"Listen to me Silent. Things will be okay, okay? Let's just be happy."

"You're right, Sonata. I wasn't worrying. I was just thinking things through, I wanted to make sure everything will work out without problems You know... with the baby."

"Yeah, I get ya. But just relax okay? Things will be fine, trust me. This baby will be nice and strong, beautiful too. Just you wait and see."

"Haha, yeah okay. You're right. I'll have more faith, don't worry. Okay, let's just focus on getting you some sleep."

Silent smiled as he pushed in against Sonata, slowly easing the girl over onto her side and cuddling in from behind. Basically assuming the previous position from the couch, and once more, draping his arm over the girls side and placing it upon her lovely, plump tummy.

With a gentle kiss upon Sonata's neck, Silent would bestow upon her a goodnight kiss. Stroking her hair alittle with the tip of his nose, before settling back and getting himself into a more comfortable position before going to sleep for the night.

"Goodnight, babe. I'll see you in the morning. Make sure to get some sleep, okay?"

"Yeah, I will. Goodnight Silent, love you."

"Love you too, Nata."

As both lovers cuddled against each other, they'd drift off one after another into a deep sleep - getting their rest in for the night. For who knew, what tomorrow would hold in store for them.

One month passed from this moment, both Sonata and Silent were spending time together out and about. Walking around the area, just to help and keep Sonata active during her heavy pregnancy. Though it was a great time for them to enjoy each others company, alone and away from prying ears.

"So, how are you feeling Nata?"

"I'm good. Just feels so hard to move, cause of my big tummy. Haha."

"I think you look sexy as ever. I mean... you always look beautiful in my eyes."

"Silent, you are like... the best husband ever. I mean, I am so lu-"

It was then that Sonata paused in her words, she stopped walking and stared down toward the ground - hearing her heartbeat thumping within her own head. She felt dizzy and suddenly stressed.

"Nata? Are you okay? So-Sonata? Speak to me...!"

"I... I think... my water just broke... I just feel... really... I need... you need to get me to a hospital, Silent! I think the baby is coming...!"

"W-What?! Now?! Uh, uh, uh, uh... uh... okay.. um...!"

Silent would wrap his arms around Sonata, helping her over toward a nearby bench and keeping her there for the moment. He moved to the roadside and started waving his arm, trying to wave down a taxi.


Luckily for him however, he managed to flag down a taxi - which pulled up right next to him. With such vigor, Silent would swing open that taxi door and immediately return to Sonata's side. Wrapping his arms around her body, he'd help her up, and help her over toward the taxi. Placing her inside with great care and effort.

"It's okay, baby. Just you relax and hold on, okay? We'll get you to a hospital!"

Silent entered the front of the taxi, closing the door behind him and turning to the driver with a face, determined to see this through.

"Hospital, now!"

Thankfully it didn't take them long to reach the city hospital, they weren't living far away to begin with. Once the vehicle pulled up outside the building, Silent was first out and moving around to help Sonata from the vehicle. Making sure to have a good grip of his lover, he'd help her inside the building.

"Doctors! Someone, please! My wife, she's pregnant and her waters broke!"

Those very words summoned available hospital staff. Which came and helped Sonata onto a trolley, and began to wheel her off further inside to help prepare her for the coming of their first child.

"Sir, please... can you come with us. We need you to fill out information while you wife undergoes preparations for the delivery."

A doctor would say, as he took Silent with them - leading them both toward the Maternity ward. When they reached the check-in office, Silent was bombarded with paperwork.

"I-I just want to see my wife, please!"

"Sir, you need to understand. Your wife is undergoing preparation. I'll take you inside when you've the basic information completed."


Poor Silent was feeling defeated. There was nothing he could do to change the doctors mind, he knew how medical professionals were. Doing as instructed, he would fill out the required information and hand it back toward the doctor.

"Okay, let me see..."

The doctor would glace over the sheets, that Silent had filled in. Everything seemed in order and with that, he would nod toward Silent.

"Alright. Seems everything is in order. This way please."

With Silent finally being able to see Sonata, he would be brought in through the doors and able to finally see his beloved wife. Sonata was already prepped and ready to go, though with the help of the nurses she was already in the process of making the delivery.


"Silent! Nnnrrraagh... i'm so glad... you're here!"

Silent rushed over to her bedside, taking her hand in his and he'd smile toward her. Checking over her entire form, and ensuring that everything looked good - in his eyes. When the nurses spoke up, they were instructing the siren to push and take deep breaths.

"Okay, miss... you need to take deep breaths. Just push alittle at a time and this will be over in no time, okay? Now, push!"

"HNNNNAAAAGH!" Sonata groaned out as she did as instructed.

"It's okay baby, i'm here for you! Just do your best, we'll see soon just what our little bundle of joy is!"

Sonata had already been pushing for awhile, though she was a natural at this. Being already the naturally curvy lady she was, with that, she would groan deeply and pant in-between only to hear the sweet words coming the nurses mouth

"Oh! I can see it's head... push miss Sonata, you are almost there!"

The nurse would declare. As Silent smiled widely, holding closely the hand of his wife and helping Sonata along with her birthing. His fingers tightly held around hers, cuddling her hand against his - this was it. This was the moment, she was going to bear them a child.


"Almost there, miss Sonata! Just alittle more!"


Then it finally happened. With one last push, the baby was finally brought into the world with an audible cry. It's young, first heard cries echoing within the room and then the nurse would come to Sonata's side after performing the necessary surgery and place the child into her arms.

"Congratulations, you're both the mother and father of a healthy baby girl."

The moment those words were heard, both Silent and Sonata just stared in awe toward their new baby girl. A daughter bestowed upon them. A new member to the Mic and Dazzling family. Her young little face, those closed little eyes and happy smile showing off just how healthy and happy she was.

"Look at her Silent, look how happy she is..."

"Yeah, she looks just like her mom. She's so beautiful..."

"She has her dads hair... look."

Silent would reach up with a hand, wiping at his eyes repeatably. The boy was pleased with the little creation he had helped make. The little girl, yawning and hands reaching out with exploring fingers, grabbing onto mothers hair and giving it gentle tugs.

"Hehe, she's got such a powerful little grip... she's sure got Aria's strength."

"I'm sure there's something in there, belonging to Adagio too!"

"Hahaha, yeah! For realsies! But the important thing is... is that she has both a loving her mom and dad."

With a gentle nod, Silent would agree.

"Yeah, all that's important is that we're a loving family."

Both mother and father cuddling in together, holding close their precious baby girl. A short time later, both mother, father and baby were moved to a more suitable room. It was here, that they were allowed to be a unit together without interruption.

"Okay, we need to talk about something important."

"What's wrong babe?" Silent asked.

"Our little girl needs a name."

"Yeah, that's right. What about the names you suggested awhile back?"

"Mm. I was thinking about those. But I think i'd like to call her something different."

"Okay, so... what's the name you want to give our little girl, Nata?"

"I think we should name her... Melody."

With a gentle rise of her head, she'd look up toward Silent and wait for an answer regarding the babies new name. Things were silent for a moment and he'd gently nod his head down, toward his darling wife.

"Melody. I think that's perfect. Melody... yeah."

Silent would lean down, resting his forehead against that of Sonata's and smiling with such love, wrapping one arm around her and placing the other upon the head of their newborn, using a few fingers to brush across the child's forehead.

"Melody... such a beautiful name, just like her mother."

Before another word was spoken, the door burst open and there stood Melody's two aunts. Adagio and Aria. Both girls staring forward to Sonata, Silent and little Melody. The two siren siblings approached quietly and stared down toward the little gift of love, resting within Sonata's arms.

"She... she's so tiny."

Adagio whispered as she reached out with one hand, fingers gently caressing the little girls head and hair, with a quiver in her lips. Aria moved up next to Adagio, reaching in with her hand own - though her pinkie finger would push against the babies hand, feeling a tight grip upon it.

"She's got my muscle. That's for sure." Aria smirked.

"Yeah, haha. Me and Sonata joked about that earlier, she's got characteristics of you all. It's pretty amazing."

Sonata nodded her head and smiled nice and wide. "It's true! I know I can rely on you guys to help raise Melody, right?"

"Of course you can, Sonata. We're all a family, aren't we?"

Adagio smiled as she placed both hands upon her hips, with that done, she'd bump her hips against that of Arias.

"She'll get all the help she'll ever need. Isn't that right, dad?"

The honey-haired siren would lean forward, giving Silent a playful jab to the shoulder as he remained beside Sonata. Of course there would be a light chuckle, then a faithful nod from the newly made daddy.

"You bet."

Reaching his arms out, stretching them around both Adagio and Aria - with his other arm around Sonata, he'd then pull them as close as he possibly could.

"I love you all. My dearest, family."

Comments ( 4 )

Awwwwww that was so sweet. I love the conclusion to the story arc. Thank you

8089465 Glad that you enjoyed it! :raritystarry:

Well shit. You got me damn near tearing up over three short stories. I'm such a softy when it comes to love. XD

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