• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2023


wtf are u doin here, get off my board normies reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Comments ( 139 )

I did a 'sequel' already, but I need to work on it a bit to post it here.
But it's not clop, just 'family life' kinda stuff.

And yes, thrust counting is 'easier' because in this fic (and here), stallions don't have any stamina. (Real horses only lasts for twelve seconds, on average)
And Twilight would totally be the kind to focus on 'those' numbers.

This pic was actually posted (and I believe, made) in the same thread I wrote my family life green.
So yeah, my story took inspiration on this exact picture.

A smart pony that loves books.

Very funny and pretty hot too. Great work.

This looks promising.

Also, does AiE mean "Anon in Equestria"?

Thanks bb

Looks promising?
I mean, I could eventually write more, but this story is basically finished.
And yes, AiE stands for that.

more precisely the ones he call 'boxers'."

What a fucking pleb. Everyone knows boxer-briefs are where it's at.

Looks promising as in, I'm gonna put it in my read later and hopefully read it later.

Judging by comparing him to a minotaur and other bipeds? Those non-simian bipeds? If she's basing her speculations of his sexual prowess by comparing him to others with similar traits, she should at least keep track of his taxonomic order.

I bet she would have had a whole 'nother opinion of his sex skills if Anon had told her off the bat that one of homo sapiens's closer relatives is the bonobo pygmy chimpanzee.

Although... for shame, Twilight. Dick size and the ability to please a woman are two things nice people do not mock people about. That's something to be politely ignored. And dear god, never laugh at someone when you see their penis, no matter how small it is. That's just cruel.
Mocking him worked out well for you in the end, though. You will be the best-shagged pony in all of Equestria.

My penis was elated with happy pants feelings...
Then the word "Trump" was mentioned.

Fun and enjoyable. The ending was perfect.

8116349 Right? Never shriveled faster.

>Haven't felt this since the day Trump won the presidency.

All it needs is to replace Twilight with Derpy and I would think someone's been reading my mind.

Pinkie Pie is watching you... :pinkiehappy:... Always watching...:pinkiecrazy:


I was more going for a ponies stereotyping bipeds etc
Also, Anon isn't a 'nice' (or a bad) person, he's human, not a fairytale magical talking horse, so, her hanging around him too much could (and should, IMO) change the way she sees things and uh.. I'm not going to say he would corrupt them, but their sense of humor, especially when talking to each other, would take a hit.
But that's just my opinion, ofc.

Yeah, sry bb, I expected some people to hate it (and the quick zebra joke at the end) but I just can't change this.

Thanks for reading guys.

Holy balls I didn't see the views counter, calm down guys.
If anything, I didn't expect this fic to be the popular one.
But keep going

>Haven't felt this since the day Trump won the presidency.

8115873 I see a 4chan dweller a mile away, and you sir, is the prime example of a dweller!

Also great job

tbh more than half of this site has used/uses 4chan. (or at least, an equivalent)
I can't believe it's that rare.
Best proof is the good reaction people have towards this fic.
I mean, there's 18 people (for now) that hated my Trump joke (or the other one)
And the rest just took it as it is, a joke.

>reads story

8117012 Well, it's that someone who actually shows that he's lurking on 4chan, thus de-anonymizing themselves....

8115305 thats assuming the ponies have not developed either a numbing cream to desensitize themselves, or something equivalent to ED drugs to increasing their staying power.

ima read this later.

Well, yeah, but that's just headcannon's bashing against each others.
Won't ever go far like that.
I really didn't expect this story to be this long, and don't want people to take it seriously, it's just a lovey dovey clop filled with fetishes I wrote in a couple days.
But thanks for the support anyway, and good read I hope

The word spacing looks weird. Other than that, this was a pretty entertaining read!:rainbowwild:


That's because it was originally a series of 4Chan posts on /mlp/, my guess.

This story was pretty good! I'm a sucker for rom coms. You don't see them very often sadly. Great job though! Off to the sequel for me!:twilightblush:

A weird way to structure a story. I mean these lines are like what, divided in 3 and then a space?

Oh, that's what you meant.
Well, tbh I have no idea what I'm doing, nor do I really care about this kind of things.
I write greens, not best sellers.

I place spaces in between 'actions'.
As in, someone says something, do something at the same time and/or someone interrupts said person, then I space.
If people speak fast enough, then I keep everything under the same 'action', it's that much easier to read.
If that really stops you from reading or appreciating it, well.. I dunno m8
Then again, if enough peeps sperg about it, I'll go and make an effort.
But I don't see this happening.

8117933 Well like, you made a new line for every new sentence.

When it's two different people speaking/doing things? Then yes.
If both are completely different actions, that doesn't happen without the same timeframe, then yes.
If I did it somewhere else, then I fucked up.

Read the first line of the description and immediately knew what thread this was from. Guess I don't need to re-read it then...


It was green light until that one unnecessary line.

Damn, that makes me feel sad :'(
I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings guys, and I'm sorry Hillary lost.
Hint: I'm not


Hahaha the Trump line was the best!

Holy shit I can't believe I missed one, I reread this story like, 10 times.

Thanks guys.

That was fun. Especially that ending, so random. Well, that's Pinkie for you :rainbowlaugh:

Though it would seem as consent was dubious at times, Twi was playing hard to get. Or not really that, more like feigning that she did not want it... and as it turned out later, she did. She certainly had a way with words and how to get Anon to show him what she wanted to see, though :rainbowlaugh:

No! A Trump in my comedic sex stories! Truely all is lost!

Nah man that was an uncomfortably good combo of hot and funny, hope to see more of your stuff!

Comment posted by Locky deleted Apr 25th, 2017

You feel so good, you haven't felt that way since.. The day Trump won the presidency.

/mlpol/ never forget

Great story though, perfect mix of heartwarming and clop.

You feel so good, you haven't felt that way since.. The day Trump won the presidency.

Aaaand the mood died in a dark alleyway, shanked before its prime.

this was rather very good.
Loved the dialogue
and all the nicknames for twiggy

Bored at work and looking at the front page, read the first two lines of the description and chuckled before diving in. Didn't even realize it was clop, fucking this is the most hilarious thing I've ever read and I couldn't have laughed any harder when you dropped the Trump comment.

Fucking so many people triggered over this and all I see is gold. 10/10 would laugh again.

Oh hey, I was in this thread. Nice work.

Woaw i love this as i love Trump

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