• Published 6th Jun 2017
  • 2,644 Views, 18 Comments

Full Moon: The Lost One - Aunty Furby

He was kicked out and some how got sent to equestria, nuf said

  • ...


I blinked once, and somehow found the time to rub my eyes to make sure it was real.

Of course Karma is very much an Attention hog, and proved it when I pulled my hands away. Only for the Lady...? to be right in my face. I fell backwards and crawled a bit more in fright, she was babbling incredibly fast. I waved my hands to get her attention, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, I'll have to stop you right there." She went to speak again, but I shushed her. "I don't know what you said, but from how fast you were saying it I'd assume the dictionary wants its words back." She blushed before taking what I assume is a breath to return from word heaven.

"S-sorry, it's just a new sentient species hasn't been found in Centuries! And I have a habit of babbling to much sometimes when I get nervous or-" I snapped my fingers to get her attention again.

"That's partly why I said the dictionary wants its words back." I look around then remember I'm still in that clearing. "So what's this about a new sentient species, last I checked I'm Sapient." She gains a look of horror.

"IM SO SORRY! I WAS JUST EXCITED, AND WASN'T THINKING ABOUT WHAT I SAID!" She gained this crazy look halfway through, it was half desperate half OhmygodIcan'tbelieveI'vedonethis.

I grabbed her shoulders, though it did little, and looked her in the eyes. "I was joking, your not the first person to call me an animal." Being a furry did have its ups and downs.

She gave me look "I'm not? Then why was there nothing written down and documented about you before? Also I'm a Pony not whatever a 'Prsin' is." I gave her a pointed look.

"I'm gonna be honest saying Pony, instead of Person, gives me Racist vibes." I gave her a pointed look "Your not Speciesist are you?" She gives me a look of shock.

"NO IM NOT!" she squints at me in what I assume is annoyance. "We say Pony all the time."

I give her my own look "Person is a more neutral way of referring to a species, and yes Miss. Unicorn that is still speciesist." She gave me an annoyed look knowing I was right.

She sighed before perking up, suddenly her horn glows. Next thing I know, there's clipboards floating through the air. "Back to the questions, what are you? and my name is Twilight Sparkle."

I look up at her "Well my names..." I stop to think for a minute, I could choose any name to go by right now. "Throne, the names Throne." I stand up and brush snow off myself and bow. "Its a pleasure to meet you!" I look back at her well crossing my arms. "And to answer that I'm a... " I glance around quickly for Ideas, then it hit me. "Seat- no sorry my head was somewhere else, I'm a Foxkin." remembering I have that newly acquired ability I make my fur soft and smooth. "People like to say we make a great pillow, wanna see?" I held out a han- Paw to her.

She gives me a weird look before grasping my hand, then she gasps and grabs it with both. Dissecting it with her eyes, "How is your fur so soft and smooth!?"

I give her one of my signature head down smiles "Its a secret." I look around a bit and notice it has gotten darker "Hey uh I don't know about you, but I want to get out of here before dark. So uh, you know the way?" She looks around before shaking her head.

"I didn't realize it got so late, but yeah sure I know the way follow me!" She turns around and immediately stops, she turns back with a slight blush and a sheepish grin. "Hahaha... about that, I uh dont know the way."

I sigh, frowning inwardly, giving her a smile. "That's fine we can camp out here together if your up for it, I happen to know a thing or two."

She gives me smile "Sure! But... how will we do that?" She looks around "Other than that bottle of water and round thing there is no supplies for the night!"

I shake my head, "You can miss one meal right?"

She rocks on her heels, "I uhm didn't eat at all today..."

I shrug my backpack off, and set it on the ground. Unzipping it I reach in and 'Grab' a sandwich in a ziplock bag. I look up at her.

"You eat any type of meat?" I fully expect her to get a disgusted look.

"Yeah, though usually it's at fancy parties." She looks at me questionably "Why, do you have some?" I make a copy and pull them both out showing her, before tossing one to her.

"Yeah, didn't expect to be out here long though." I felt pretty good setting up for that lie, hopefully it works out.

"What do you mean?" She asks looking over the bag in annoyance.

I reach over and open it for her, she looks at it stunned for a bit before... levitating the sandwich out and eating it. 'That's right she has magic, if it weren't for the bag there probably would be more questioning about this. I take a bite and mumble to her well chewing, "I went for a long hike through the snow, during the later part of the walk this strange creature attacked me and now I'm here." I gestured to the clearing. "What brings you out here?" I ask taking a bigger bite to taste the ham a bit more.

"Well I was at Zecoras hut when I felt some big magic signatures, one after the other, out here." She looks at me suddenly, her sandwich nearly gone "Was that you by the way?"

I shake my head, "I can't cast spells, or do any of that Voodoo stuff." 'I probably shouldn't talk about the magic stuff I gained until I learn more about it...' She deadpans at me.

"Theres no such thing as Voodoo." She tosses her hands up in exaggeration.

"How do you know, maybe you just haven't seen it yet!" I decide to argue my point, because I like arguing.

"I have read every book in Canterlot, and my library home. Not once is Voodoo mentioned to exist." She gives me a smug look.

"Voodoo could just be a different wave length compared to the Spectrum Of Light leaving it invisible to the naked eye unless you painstakingly alter your view of Natural Mana." I give a shit eating grin.

She giggles obviously seeing my joke. "Silly, that's not how magic works."

"Maybe you just never noticed?" I say taking another bite of my sandwich. The cruch feels nice in my mouth.

"Well my Cutie Mark stands for magic so I would definitely notice differences in Mana frequencies." Some quills jot down something.

"What is a Cutie Mark?" And then quill snapped.

Author's Note:

Oh gezz it snapped.