• Published 6th Jun 2017
  • 2,644 Views, 18 Comments

Full Moon: The Lost One - Aunty Furby

He was kicked out and some how got sent to equestria, nuf said

  • ...

You dont know?

She took a breath and made another quill appear. 'A quill? with all this magic I figured they would be beyond that.'

"Sorry about that, it just surprised me that you don't know what a Cutie Mark is." She sheepishly rubbed her neck.

"Why is that? You becoming speciest aga-" this time she was pretty quick to cut me off.

"No I am not, Equestria is a major power. Any nation with the hopes in negotiations with the country would have to at least understand the basic principle that Cutie Marks show what any individual pony is the best at."

"So, it is a 'This is what you do best mark' in a sense." She gave me a look like she is annoyed but used to it.

She started humming. "Knowing my friends they can find us easily. Probably by tonight, in fact, we just got to wait."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I can wait awhile out here." I glanced around it was darker. I noted that I must have some type of night vision. "Should I start a fire?"

"Yeah, we should, the temperature could be bad tonight." I nodded and turned away digging into my backpack and pulled out an artificial firepit. It uses chemicals to make a fire without wood. Because of my newfound power, I made sure it was completely environmentally friendly. And put fake coals in there too. I got it started and we sat there for a bit just sitting near the fire.

"Why exactly are you out here?" She asked looking over the fire with a curious look. I dreaded this question. I can't think of a good answer to give.

"Can we just leave it at the I got attacked well traveling please?" She frowned for a bit but shrugged.

"Sure, if you were bad I probably wouldn't be sitting here eating food... oh my gosh!" She covered her face, I could see her ear tips turn red. "I can use a teleportation spell to get us to town."

I laughed slightly relieved I wouldn't have to stay out here, "Then how long will it take?" Normally the idea of teleportation would excite me. But I have been assaulted by many first today.

"I can do it in about 3 seconds, you just got to get close to me." I stood up and stretched my back.

"Well let's pack up first, I do not want to leave any of this behind." I quickly put out the fire and packed it away. I didn't want her to ask about it because I don't understand how it works either. She gave me her ziplock bag and I tossed it along with mine into the backpack.

I turned around to find her examining the compass. "What is this?" After what she has shown me, she must be a scientist or Magitist or whatever the equivalent is here.

I walked over to her, "It's a compass, here let me show you." I grabbed it from her, she watched as I turned it on and displayed a hologram that showed all the directions. She nodded along with my explanation of what it was and wrote it all down on a

She hummed, "This seems expensive must use a lot of Magic Stones." She looked it over. "So why do you have this, a normal compass is way cheaper." Well if it cost something, then it probably would be better to buy a simpler last sophisticated one.

"It is something I brought from home."

I suddenly felt very disoriented as my vision came back to me, I stumbled around a bit. Leaning on what feels like a tree. "Spike I'm home!" I heard the smacking of feet as I opened my eyes.

I was in a roundhouse, the walls were lined with books. And I mean like almost all the way around lined. It was very clearly made of wood, there was an upstairs too. Though what interested me was that all this was carved out. It gave off a weirdly natural vibe. "Oh shoot, I should have warned you!"

I was about to tell her it was fine when what sounded like a very obvious kid yelled out "Welcome back Twilight!" I looked at the top of the stairs and raised an eyebrow, there was a teen with a tail and green hair. "Who is that?"

I pushed myself off the wall standing more casually, I gave a wave. "Sup, my name is Throne."

He started walking down the stairs, "Yo, the names spike. A pleasure to meet you." He walked up to Twilight and they hugged each other "Why were you out so late?"

"I got lost a bit and the teleportation spell slipped my mind! But everything turned out ok in the end." Spike frowned a bit, I'm surprised I recognized it. His facial structure is quite a mystery to me, Also he seemed hesitant as if he had something to say.

"How could you forget something like that? Something exciting happens out there? Other than this guy here" He pointed a thumb at me. I couldn't help but grin at the remark that flashed through my head, though I held it in for sake of pleasantries with these strangers I know the name of.

"Spike, his species isn't recorded in the books." She sat down on a couch leaning her head back as if to cool off.

"I know, you gave me the book of species for my 3rd birthday." He frowned a bit before shaking his head. Turning to me he gained a curious look "So uh... forgive me, but what are you?"

"Well I can't give you a specific I'll tell you what I told Twilight, you can call me a Foxkin." Twilight started snoring.

"That's a rather bland name." He bluntly stated quietly, laying down Twilight along the couch pulling out a seemingly pre-prepared blanket and pillow.

"Does she do that often...?" He chuckled motioning me to follow him into the kitchen.

"Not lately, though she used to." He slid a plate with a... Apple slice sandwich on it. "This would have been hers, but she kind of lost it when she fell asleep. I hope you don't mind?"

"I don't mind..." I looked at it a bit, pondering if I should. In the end, I decided to so I didn't leave a bad reputation.

"Don't like it?" I watched him take a bite of his glitter-covered sandwich.

"No, I'm just a little surprised at the hospitality." The apple was slightly harder to chew with my new teeth, but I was working through it. "You see, where I'm from people don't just let someone into their house an hour or two after meeting them."

He raised an eyebrow, if that's even his eyebrow, giving me a quizzical look. "Why is that?"

I rose my own question, "If everyone else around you was friendly, but given the chance might steal 15 Dollars that you left out. Would you let them into your house without getting to know them better?"

"Huh. I guess if it is like that where you live then I probably wouldn't." He set his food down and frowned a bit. "Never thought of it that way before."

I chuckled, "Don't worry kid, it's nothing you should be worrying too much about yet." I looked around noticing how personalized the Kitchen is. "So who loves to cook so much they got a setup for their kitchen?"

He looked at me patting his belly, 'Holy crap he ate that sandwich in like a second.' "Me, I like cooking." He took his plate to the sink.

"Just cooking?" I tried eating more, but I wasn't really hungry.

"I also like comics and movies." He sat back down at the table.

"Huh, don't play games?" Only after did I think about if they even have games in this place.

He put a hand on his cheek, "Na, I don't have much time to play them so they just collect dust." He took a breath before looking me in the eyes suddenly. "So, what's it like where you live? It's pretty nice here, always sunny, random dangerous, or slightly wacky situations, you know. The usual."

I think hard about this one, on one hand, they probably won't ever find where I live so it won't hurt to explain it, but at the same time, there's probably no place in this new world for me to associate with. "I live west, it's certainly different over there."

"How far west exactly...?" I ponder this question because I can't say just any number here.

"Far enough to make this a journey, a... long journey." He sighs.

"And you are the one who brought up Trust." He walks to the door stopping in the doorway, "And I can Trust you to find somewhere to sleep right?"

I gave my own sigh, although mine was more in annoyance at the current situation, "I got a sleeping bag." He just nods and leaves the room.

I look at my hands and just kind of stare, it's been only hours since I woke up. Suddenly my vision blurred, then I felt a tear run down my face. I gripped the side of the table, "Why was I kicked out..." I rested my arms on the table, putting my head on them. I stared out the window my sadness and hopelessness about the situation weighing on my shoulders. "Now I know what Atlas feels like..."

Then I heard the sounds of someone walking to the door. I quickly tidied myself up trying to hide I was crying. I saw Spike peak his head I'm, "Hey, uh... I just wanted to say sorry for my attitude earlier. I was a little fed up with something else, and I kind of let it seep into my conversation with you."

I gave him a tired smile getting up well walking towards him, "It's no problem my man," I give him a gesture for a fist bump, I almost pull away after having the thought that they don't do that here, but his fist hitting mine resolved those minor worries.

He gives me a big smile, "Thanks, dude." He turns around and heads back upstairs to sleep, well I assume anyway, and I set up on the living room floor. Getting comfy in my sleeping bag, because I knew it was gonna be 'fun' tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Been a while, ey?

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