• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,809 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

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3 - Welcome

The strange creatures walked on either side of him. They were not animals, at least no more so than he was. Animals did not make so much sound without purpose. He was fairly certain they were speaking, likely about him as they walked. One said something, another replied. Without understanding it, it was all so much bleating, but Laud struggled to keep a kind of perspective. How would human chatter sound to something that didn't understand?

The largest of them waved a hoof at the town they were approaching, bidding Laud look at it. It said a word, he guessed, then nodded. The name of the town? It pointed then, sweeping across to the large crystal tower that seemed to dwarf the town. It pointed to herself, then the reptile that used her as a mount, then to Laud.

Laud suddenly realized. The largest of them, with an exotic species attached. Was it a figure of import, or the mount of one? Was that tower its home or office? Of course, size wasn't always a measure of rank, but combined with living in the largest building did paint a particular picture. Was it or the reptile a local figurehead, or did their culture have more ornate ranks? So many questions buzzed in Laud's head.

Spike leaned in towards Twilight's head. "He looks a little overwhelmed."

Starlight shrugged lightly. "He's new here, and he doesn't understand us. I'd be overwhelmed too."

Pinkie pronked up beside the new guest of Ponyville. "Don't you worry even a little bit! I'll introduce you to everypony." It did not understand her words, but it did grasp that she was speaking to it. A hand reached and dared rest on her head. Pinkie was thoroughly amused, giggling. "Nice to meet you too."

Maud's eyes rested on its blade. Behind her, she dragged a cart with most of the remains of the thing they had come to investigate. It was heavy, but the wheels made the difference.

As they went through town, they began to split off. Maud went towards her underground home, taking the ship with her without a word. Starlight glanced after her and back to Twilight. "Do you need my help with the visitor, or should I be helping Maud?" Both seemed like fine ideas to her.

Twilight lifted a hoof to her chin. "Thinking about it, it may be best if we avoid overwhelming our guest."

Laud watched as the purple/pink one went off in the same direction as the grey one with some statement or another. His group was diminishing. The pink one and the large one and its rider were left. Of course, they were also in their village. Unsurprisingly, the creatures they came across that noticed him, and most did, looked uncertain about his presence.

More important than that was the simple fact that none of them charged him or made obviously angry noises. They eyed him like the strange thing he was, relative to them, but seemed to trust that he meant no harm... or... they trusted the large one and the reptile to keep him in line and protect them? That seemed far more likely than the town they were walking through just idly trusting something as alien to themselves as Laud without reason. He was being given an escort by someone of import, even if he still wasn't sure if it was the reptile, the large one, or both.

The pink one remained close to him. It was speaking at him animatedly, not that he had any idea what it was saying, but they sounded happy. They also emoted it, which was comforting in a way. A smile seemed to still be a smile. It had the mannerisms of a human, even if all the words were lost. It also helped that it had expressed the least amount of psionic power, so far.

"What is that?!" Sweetie Belle had been rushing towards something but came to a skidding halt on seeing the strange thing that was with Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike. Scootaloo bumped into her from behind and Apple Bloom came rushing up beside them.

Twilight waved back at the bipedal creature. "This is, um. I don't think I caught his name properly. He doesn't speak our language well."

It was looking at the smaller ponies with some nervousness. Scootaloo noticed this and tilted her head off to the side. "Why's it scared of us?"

Apple Bloom came out and asked, "Is it a stallion or mare whatever it is?"

Spike snickered softly. "Twilight hasn't checked. My bit's on a stallion."

Tiny versions of them arrived and gaped at him. They began asking questions. He didn't need to know their tongue to know that much. Their eyes sparkled with curiosity. How young were they? Not too young to speak, clearly. Young were a risky place to be. Threaten a young creature and even docile beasts can be turned hostile. He tried to stand still and not give off any threatening postures.

It worked, perhaps too well. One of them came right for him. It squeaked some words, a question he guessed as it looked at him, clearly hoping for answers. But what answer could he give to a question he didn't understand? "I am Laud Mountbatten," he tried. An introduction seemed a safe place.

Twilight pointed. "There, that's his name. I'm sure of it."

Apple Bloom extended a little hoof. "Nice t' meetcha, Loud. Ah'm Apple Bloom." She pointed to her friends. "Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo." Each of them nodded at it as their name was called. "Welcome to Ponyville!"

The large one spoke, perhaps guiding the small ones. The one with a ribbon in her(?) mane said his name, sort of. It was an admirable attempt. It introduced itself and its small friends, then all three of them said something to the larger pony and dashed off just as eagerly as they had approached. Were they satisfied with an exchange of names?

Spike shrugged from atop Twilight. "Tell me you have some kinda translation spell in all those books."

Twilight shook her head. "Between ponies, easily. I could, perhaps, let him understand us, but he is an alien, a real one. He just isn't made to speak our words."

Pinkie pronked forward. "So why not make him a pony so he can talk?"

Twilight frowned at the idea as she climbed towards her castle. "I will not perform such invasive magic on an alien species. We can't even be certain it would work properly. What kind of guests would we be if we hurt him while trying? Speaking of which, why are you so sure he's a he, Spike?"

Spike shrugged softly. "He has a beard, and he sounds like one when he talks."

Pinkie glanced back at Laud. "Maybe all of those have beards? And without hearing a mare one, how can we tell?"

Twilight nodded in agreement with Pinkie. "You're jumping to conclusions. I want to know as much as anypony else, but I also want to be a good host, and good hosts don't rush to asking their guests to strip and allow for examination."

They arrived at the great crystal edifice. Unless crystals were far more numerous on this world, which was possible, he guessed its mere existence was a huge symbol of the wealth of its owner. The trick remained, who was the owner? What if it was none of the creatures with him, but instead something else that resided within? The large one could be a local guard, the reptile a knight of sorts, and he was being brought to the actual owner of the land for judgment.

It was not a comforting thought.

He lifted his head high and walked properly. He would meet whatever came for him with dignity. If they attacked, he would meet them with steel and give them something to remember before he went.

However, instead of being led to a courtroom, he was instead guided up some stairs and to a room that looked like a bedroom. It had a clear bed, with pillows and blanket. It had a window to the outside world, unbarred. It had no bathing area or toiletries attached. It was a perfectly pleasant bedroom as they went.

The reptile hopped to the ground and hiked a thumb out into the hallway, saying something, then waving for Laud to follow it.

Laud did follow it, growing all the more curious. He discovered what he was being led to quickly, a bathing room. It had a tub, and a toilet, a mirror, and some hygenic supplies. It was all... amazingly mundane. If he forgot who owned all of it, it could have fit in on a noble's estate easily. Despite all the differences between them, they both brushed their teeth, and had to take care of mundane day to day needs.

That was when he realized that he really could use the bathroom.

The reptile gave a thumbs up, an uncannily human gesture, and dashed off to give him privacy. He closed the door and there was no resistance to his being alone. He was being trusted.

Spike returned to Twilight. "He looked like he had to go, and I think that's what he's doing."

Pinkie giggled. "When ya gotta go, ya gotta go."

Twilight looked less amused. "Good thinking, Spike. Even alien species have to take care of... those things." A brow climbed. "You really are stuck on referring to it as 'him', aren't you?"

Spike shrugged. "How much do you want to wager?"

Twilight seemed to be considering a moment before she shrugged. "If it turns out to not be male, you have to clean the windows early."

Spike shuddered at the idea of it. "But if he is, then you have to do it this time!"

Twilight returned the expression, tongue poking free lightly. "It's an explorer, like Daring Do. It's probably a mare. Just be ready to do those windows."

Pinkie looked thoroughly amused by the exchange. "I really should get back to the bakery, but he looks like he's getting comfortable. What kind of cake do you think he likes? I have to plan his 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!"

Twilight's face turned to worry. "Let's not rush ourselves. Being surrounded by a room full of strangers may not be the way we want to work our guest into things. Let's keep things low key and slow."

"Aw." Pinkie pouted. "Can I at least throw one with the girls? They should meet him at least."

"You're siding with Spike," noted Twilight dryly, noticing Pinkie using male pronouns. "I'm telling you, it's almost certainly a mare."

Pinkie shrugged at that with a grin. "Maybe, but I don't like calling him an 'it', so he it is until then. I'll make something nice and quiet, with the girls." She squinted a little. "I'll go with chocolate. Chocolate's a safe bet for cake flavors. If you get to ask him what he likes, let me know."

Content with her place as a party planner, Pinkie pronked off to take care of her job and prepare for the festivities to come.

Laud washed his face with the water the sink provided in both cold and hot varieties. He dried his face with a hanging towel. He had been provided tools enough that if he were a prisoner, he was an exceptionally well treated and trusted one.

He had been invited into their grand home and given a guest room. That is what he was. He was a guest. Perhaps all his worry was needless. Maybe these people were just that trusting and cordial.

That worried him. If that was true, they were practically waiting for the harsher elements of the universe to find them and crush them. To be so accepting was admirable enough, but they really had no reason to trust him. God damn it, he had attacked one of them. Only that creature's lightning reflexes had prevented him from cutting it, possibly killing it. They really should be at least cautious enough to request his sword.

Not that he wanted to part with his blade. His emotions were torn between gratitude and a sincere belief that the kindness being extended to him was not wise.

Author's Note:

Another day at the con, another chapter is produced! As if a convention could slow me down, muahahahaha.

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