• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,809 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

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62 - Have You Heard the Good Word?

Laud led the way with the two stately ponies just behind him in flanking positions. That seemed like a fine way to do introductions and he dared a little smile, an upturning of his lips without opening his mouth. He walked firmly across the tarmac, eying the ship and its iconography.

It was clearly from the church. He was certain if he knew more of them, it spoke of what chapter of that institution it came from. There were factions, always factions. Did Equestria have factions? He hadn't really run into any in his explorations so far. Everyone was happy with their ruler, to the point that being unhappy with her was a matter for concern.

With a low thump, the landing ramp hit the ground and a single figure emerged from the vessel, though he was not alone for long as soldiers wearing the same heavy robes advanced, longarms slung over their shoulders with one hand, the other moving in regimented sweeps. Each gun had a holy symbol displayed prominently, a circle with a point inwards at each ninety degree along the edge, done in an off-blue to stand out against the weapon.

"Welcome, Father," spoke Laud in English, knowing the ponies behind him would not know what he was saying.

"And well met to you, My Child." He dipped his head lightly, but kept advancing, his soldiers hitting the ground and spreading out. "Are you the responsible one here?" His eyes fell to the two equines behind him.

Mayor Mare took a step forward. "Welcome and greetings! I know you've come very far and I would like to personally welcome you to our world and Ponyville." Her words were repeated in English even as she spoke, creating an odd echo of horse noises and human tongue.

Laud gestured towards her. "On this landing area, I have authority. Outside of it, she is the leader of the town we are adjacent to. Ponyville."

He looked from Mayor Mare to Raven Inkwell's equine face. "I'm quite afraid I don't have a translator tuned to your language. Can you have them speak?"

That seemed like an odd request to Laud, but a harmless one. Switching to Ponish, he asked, "He wants to hear more of you speaking."

Raven tilted her head a little. "What would we speak of?"

Mayor Mare tapped at her chin thoughtfully. "Well, I'll go ahead and say what I meant to say. We have very simple basic laws in my town. Don't hurt other people, take things that do not belong to you, or damage their things. If you treat others as you would wish to be treated, that should cover most situations." She nodded up at the religious figure, unaware of any real significance. "We're a friendly little community, and we've hosted humans before without a problem. If your people are just as polite, I see no problems ahead."

He gestured for her to continue, but he bowed his head, clapping his hands together. "Oh Holy One above, absolve of us the sin rightfully called down on us for the Tower of Babel long ago, cast aside those chains." He moved his clasped hands around, making a cross shape, then a circle, and on to other likely holy gestures as he prayed. "Oh Holy One above, make the alien known, make the known alien, so all may learn of your Goodness."

Mayor Mare tilted her head, hesitating a moment, but he had gestured for her to continue and she recognized that. "If... you have questions of any kind, you should come to the town hall." She pointed to where its top could be seen over the walls of the landing pad. "I, or any of my assistants, will be glad to put things right as expediently as possible." There were effectively three people talking at one, with the mayor, her translator, and the priest's prayers all crashing together into chaos.

He clapped his hands once in a loud slap that silenced the area a moment. "Hello," he said in flawless Ponish. "Have you heard the Good Word?"

Laud tensed. They had sent a theurge! The tension fled him almost as quickly. That meant they knew the situation. They knew and they had sent someone who hadn't rushed to escalate things. A good sign? They had sent someone offering a peaceful hand. Perhaps this was great news!

Mayor Mare smiled brightly. "Fantastic! You're not even wearing a translator. I was given to believe that humans could not use magic."

"A human who uses base sorceries is a depraved human," cautioned the priest. "All I did was pray, and God saw fit to reward my faith. If you were to witness a human using sorcery, you should inform one of us as quickly as possible. Now, introductions, we are overdue." He placed both hands to his chest. "I am Father Gregor Samhain. It is a pleasure to meet you all." He had a kindly look, his features mildly rounded with a bearded face that only seemed to add to a teddy-bear like appearance. He was a diplomat, Laud silently decided, specifically trained to put a good foot forward.

Laud gestured to himself. "I am Laud Mountbatten, of the Hawkwoods, husband of Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Gregor perked at that. "I gather your rank is less than that of a princess. Were her duties too pressing?"

"Her duties are many, but mine is here." He waved a hand over the landing pad. "And she trusts me to see to it well. This is Mayor Mare," he reintroduced. "And with her..."

"Raven Inkwell," she introduced herself, dipping her head. "Nice to meet you, Father Gregor. Do you feel you are a father to all people?"

Gregor blinked, caught off guard a precious moment. "Yes, that is exactly the case. As a priest, I must be a father figure, to guide them away from wickedness and towards righteousness and prosperity."

Mayor Mare seemed at ease. "Well, allow me to show you around. If you're not here to trade, I believe there are no other formalities in our way?" She looked to Laud meaningfully.

Laud shook his head. "I ask that I be consulted before any amount of trade, but looking and talking are perfectly fine."

"And exactly what I wish," agreed Gregor with a smile. "Now, tell me." He crouched down a little before crashing to a knee, becoming on the level with the short but long ponies. "Do you know what God is?"

The two mares glanced at each other and back at him. Mayor Mare tapped at her chin. "Most things that would use that title are very powerful things that typically mean us no good." Laud went stiff as a board.

Raven nodded. "We've dealt with them."

"False gods," rumbled Gregor. "You've done well in casting them out. The true god, he can't be repelled. He's already here." He reached for Mayor Mare and tapped her on the chest. "You didn't know he was there, but he was, waiting for the time you'd notice him."

Mayor Mare looked down at his poking finger and back up to his face. "Are you speaking of a conscience?"

He rose up to his feet slowly, dusting himself off. "That is not an entirely bad way of putting it. Our conscience is like a connection to him, telling us what the right thing to do is. We all know it, we must, for we are all connected to him and his righteousness. Do you follow your conscience?"

Raven put a hoof to her chest. "Religiously." Laud tried to keep his heart in his chest.

Mayor Mare nodded. "I do my best. I mean, I'm not perfect, what pony is? But I have the reputation I do because I can be trusted to do the right thing." She gestured up at Gregor with a hoof. "And you?"

Gregor spread his hands out. "It is my duty to always keep my conscience close at hand. When I do stray, I accept atonement, humbly and put the wrong I created back to right."

Raven poked at the awkward-looking Laud. "You did not introduce your other wives. Why did you only mention Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

Gregor's eyes were on Laud in a flash. "Is that why you're looking like that? Is that the way of this place, polygyny?"

Mayor Mare cleared her throat softly. "That it is not. Typically one mare and one stallion pledges a promise of union. There were circumstances involved, I was the officiating party."

Gregor waved one hand at Laud. "And yet, you can see it in his eyes, his conscience whispers that he may have sinned, and he fears judgment for it."

Laud's teeth set. "That is not the case. I worry more that you may have considerations since they are ponies, like them."

Mayor Mare nodded in agreement. "They are, and he should not be guilty, seeing as it was they who forced the matter on him, not the other way around. Quite a spirited bunch, and I'm sure you'll meet them soon." She turned away towards the one exit from the landing pad. "Are they soldiers, like the others?"

"Soldiers of the pancreator, yes, and in my care." He raised his voice, transitioning to English easily, "keep an eye on the ship, and stay with it. My task requires that I advance."

Two soldiers broke rank from the others, moving to stay in with Gregor.

Raven inclined her head towards town. "If you are ready, we can begin the tour now."

"I'd be delighted." As he moved past, he clapped a hand down on Laud's shoulder. "We'll talk, later," he said softly in English. "Confession is good for the soul." He walked off with the two ponies, smiling jovially as they told him of Ponyville and its various amenities.

Author's Note:

I need to go see a doctor, and this felt like a good break point, so... forgive me! Bonus update due to patreon!

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