• Published 5th Nov 2018
  • 3,112 Views, 156 Comments

Five Crazy Trials to Date Pinkie Pie - B_25

Spike endures five trials to understand what intimacy with a mare is really like.

  • ...

XII - Letters to Sisters

~ XI ~

Letter's to Sisters

'You want me to do what now?”

Steadfast handed me the paper. “This letter. Can you mail it?”

“I can try.” I took it into my claw. “The heck is the deal with it anyway? Regular postage just not your fetish?”

“Try not having seen her in over a year.”

I looked at him for a long while. His body looked tense while his expression bordered on anger. Probably not a good idea to wind him up too much. “And you've already tried looking around?”

“For the whole year.” Steadfast turned around and returned to his stool, collapsing onto it. “I went looking and she went hiding. No sense in chasing someone who doesn't want to be found.”

“Sounds like you messed up pretty bad.” I weight the letter in my palm, light for paper, but the envelope itself was filled out. “I take it your sister's a unicorn?”

“Aye.” Steadfast nodded. “Wouldn't have asked for this otherwise.”

I was tempted to throw a wisecrack or something at the guy, but something at me repelled at the idea—hard to insult someone who'd given you coffee with booze without arching an eyebrow. And just like me, the guy seemed kinda sad, broken even, somehow keeping himself together.

There was something about that I admired.

“Alright, I'll try.” I stared into his eyes. “But there's a chance this may not work. For all we know, this letter will end up at the bottom of the sea.” I looked down into the envelope. “It would help if you had something of her's about. Something she used her magic on.”

“That paper and envelop will work.”

“Why's that?”

“It's the letter my sister left.” Steadfast stood up from his stool, approaching the shelves once more. “It's the one she wrote before hightailing it out of Ponyville. If there's any trace left of her and her magic, it's already in that claw of yours.”

I looked back at the envelope, and charging a small flame in my chest, felt my eyes come alive. Heat seeped inside my retinas as my iris glowed a bright green. Looking at the envelope resting on my palm, a pink, faint mist wafted upward. “Seems like you're right.”

I heard liquid pouring in the distance. Hoofsteps clopped behind me. Something hard and round nudged against my back. “No thanks. Need to actually focus on this one.”

“Declining a drink?” Steadfast said. “That a first for you?”

This will be a first.” It'd been a while since I'd established a magical connection with another unicorn. Celestia had always walked me through the steps, and with her, I had unlimited traces of magic to follow back. “Keep quiet for a sec, will ya?”

There was only one shot at this. Bringing my free claw to my mouth, I blew the flame that had welled in my chest, feeling my scales catch aflame. A green fire burned around my claw, stretching only to the start of my wrist.

Then turning my claw around, so that my palm faced down, I lowered it toward the enveloped. The pink mist wafted into my flame, losing much of its presence, though my fire soon tainted with pink. Her essence was inside my magic.


Steadfast shuffled behind me. “What did you say?”

“Everything about this unicorn is cold.” I shook my head as I curled the digits of my burning claw, a wind summoned from my magic. It lifted the enveloped into the air. “Her magic, her letter, her essence, her current location—everything about her is just so cold.”

I made sure to start another flame in my chest, if even just to warm myself.

Soon enough, though, the letter lifted into the center of my burning palm, the parchment catching alight with my green flame. It slowly burned away, turning into green mist and embers, some of which shot forth from my magic and out an open door.

I sat still for a second. Drained. I felt beyond drained by the sudden exertion. It'd been a while since I'd done with anything with magic—compared to the prowess of Twilight, it didn't seem like there was much point in trying.

But this, this was something I could do, all by myself, out of practice. I watched how my claw burned green, how the flames billowed but were contained. With a clench of my digits, the flame went away when I made a fist.

“So it's done then?”

“Yeah.” I looked over my shoulder and at Steadfast. “Pretty sure I got her. But... you're not hoping for a response, are you?”


“Good. Because while I was able to get that spell to her, there's no way she's gonna be able to reverse send that spell back.” I got up from my stool, heading toward the door. “But if she somehow does, I'll keep you in the loop.” I went placed my claw on the door. “Before I go, though, you have a spare paper and quill I can have.”

“You don't want anything else?”

“I don't deserve anything else.”

Steadfast gave me a nod, and for the rest of the night, he was occupied within himself. He seemed thankful for my act, like it was heavier than it looked, but he also caught thought of something else, something that bugged or relived him endlessly.

When he gave me the quill and the paper, he held my claw longer than was normal, like he was entrusted to me something great. I was too tired and drained to care—I just wanted to get out and walk for a little while.

After today, there was quite a bit to reflect on. Too much happened in so little. So I said my goodbyes and found myself outside. It was far later into the night, so much so, that darkness obscured patches of the street.

My best bet was to go home. Instead, I found a bench, one before the still running water-fountain, and began to write, using my thigh as a desk.

Dear Twilight

Not sure if you'll be awake by the time you get this letter. Just letting you know I was out late and, by the way how things are going, I may not be at home for a night or two. Nothing to sweat about—just met some friends of my own that are pretty cool.

I also performed a spell today! Nothing special. Just connected to a unicorn through a letter she left a year ago. It was actually pretty interesting. Nothing compared to you, of course, but something neat I was able to do.

I might try a few more spells, you know? Just to see what else I can do with my magic. Or if I even have magic. Never really gave it much thought, you know?

Anyway. Reaching the end of the page now. Gotta go. Love you and all that. Please take care of yourself. Don't cook; order out.

Always your assistant, Spike.