• Published 5th Nov 2018
  • 3,111 Views, 156 Comments

Five Crazy Trials to Date Pinkie Pie - B_25

Spike endures five trials to understand what intimacy with a mare is really like.

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XV - The Three Dragons

~ XV ~

The Three Dragons

“Where's our cart?” the dragon in the middle spoke up. “Last time we're going to ask. You won't like what comes next.”

“Don't reckon there's anything worse than a dragon askin' fer what doesn't belong to him,” Big Mac said, not having moved an inch, even though the dragons were only a foot away from him. Pinkie and I continued walking toward them, keeping silent and slowing down to overhear whatever was happening.

“Hey, Crimson,” the dragon to left, the one in blue, turned his head to the one in the middle, the one in red. “Aren't pones supposed to be high talking and all that? If dragons can speak leagues better than this guy, what does that make him?”

“Dumber than a dragon,” the dragon right of the two said, his scales all black—boy, I really sucked at describing them. Basically, they're three tall, simple, and stupid looking dragons. “That's your answer, Craze.”

“Thanks, Hungry.”

All three of the dragons then looked down at Big Mac. Crimson lifted a fist, cracking his buckle against his palm. “We gave you a week. You didn't show. So we decided to show up for you.” He crouched, putting himself at Mac's eye level. “How are you gonna be so rude to dragons so polite? We're not like the rest of our kind, you know.”

“Only cuz yer kind sent ya on yer merry way!” Mac exclaimed, pushing his muzzle forward. “And you boys can hunt for nothin'! Preyin' on ponies cuz you ain't strong enough to prey on anything else!”

“We're about to prey on you, red bull.” Crazy's claw curled into a fist. “Better keep your mouth shut. Don't anger what you can't take on.”

I couldn't take any more of it. When I first saw the dragons from far away, I couldn't get my heart to stop racing, or my claw to stop shaking, as I thought I was dealing with real dragons. You know the kind. Strong and silent. A roar that can rock a house. Real dragon stuff.

But listening to these idiots? They weren't better than me, and even if they were, it wasn't by much. They looked strong. There was still three of them. But... I felt something that I hadn't felt in a really long time. I felt the anger of seeing a friend face up danger alone—with me being useless and just watching.

I shook my head: I was useless to the girls back then, but now, I would be useful to Big Mac—even if it killed me. Which it probably would. Three dragons and all that.

“They're right, Big Mac.” My final step came next to the stallion, who turned his head and looked up at me, eyes full of surprise. Though his expression remained stoic. “Trash talking has always been my thing. You keep to the strong and silent type.”

“Spike?” Big Mac quickly shook his head. “The heck are you doin' here? Get! These dragons will tear you alive.”

“Oh, I'm sure they could.” I turned to face the dragons, each one stunned to see a member of their own kind, much less one standing tall next to a pony. “But I doubt they'd doing anything worse than one of our bar brawls.” I cracked my neck, trying to ignore the thumping of my heart. “At least we'll be fighting together for once.”

“Dragon!” Crimson drew my gaze to him. “Who are you? The heck are you doing here?”

“Name's Spike.” I offered him my claw. “And I'm a pony hatched dragon.” I nodded my head at Mac. “This guy here? He's my best friend.” I pulled my claw back after a second. “He's also kicked my ass more times than I can count, so I owe him one for that.”

Crimson looked at the other two dragons, who then looked at each other, and with a blink, they all exploded into laughter. Any hype or tension drained from my body as the dragons lost their cool, laughing hysterically.

“Y-You!” Crazy squeezed out through his wheezing. “You're the pony hatched dragon we hear so much about? You're a letdown! A beast tamed by a pony, oh, get real dude!” He lifted his head, catching his breath. “We should let you off the hook on the ground of how pathetic you are.”

I shrugged. “I mean, I would appreciate it.”

“We're not.” Hungry stepped in front of me. “We're getting our cart of apples, and we're getting it now. Get those claws of your clean, boy. You're picking apples with you best friend, and we're watching you work.”

“And I'll have you know—“ I stepped forward as well, pushing my snout against his “—that I haven't done hard work in over a year. I refuse it on the grounds of I don't want to.” I was starting to hate this guy the most. He stood slightly taller than me, all with a stupid, sly smirk.

“Oh?” Hungry tilted his head. “What are you going to do about it, ugly pony?”

So I did the thing I do best.

I threw the first punch.

Comments ( 26 )

Ya need to not put me on so many cliffhangers man.

Sorry broski. Been having to write other stuff. I'll try to length the chapters or, at the very least, resolve the conflict within the same chapter.

Hey, that's good man. At least you're responsive and to the point about it.

I threw the first punch.

Hahaha. Nice ending there.

Not expecting that short of a chapter but that ending sentence? Completely made up for it.

I threw the first punch.

Well, better than the second punch.

10/10 The next chapter is gonna start with, "And I missed."

I threw the first punch.

Yeeeessssssssssssss :yay:

i'm hoping Spike throws the second and third punch too. One punch each.

I would kick 'em low.

Where is the fucking next chapter man...
You can't do that Bro...

THAT’S MY BOY, give ‘em them the old one two

I get that it is on Hiatus but man I love it! Come back soon!

Aww.. Why is this cancelled?

Author pussied our oof

Well shit. There goes a great romance story.


That canceled deal is whack. I'm giving you a (you) because I'm sad about this, but don't think you can hurt me to get attention.

Perfectly Insane

Same, honestly. I’m having to re read some of my stories that I’m writing the next chapters for just because it’s been so long since I wrote them, that I actually forgot what I was intending to do.

I know that feeling. I’m still trying to improve my writing, and a few of my comments are “Get someone to proofread.”

I'm calling foul. You said you were suffering from writer's block that's why you canceled this Pinky and Spike story. Yet you just updated a Twilight and 1 armed Spike story just yesterday. So what's the truth? Cuz seriously this is a real good story.

Writer's block isn't a universal thang.

Reading an enjoyable story for it to die at the half-point sucks.

I have writer's block on this story for I can't get a knack for its theme or plot. It'll come around, sometime, but you'll have to wait until then.

In any case—thanks for reading.
~ Yr. Pal, B

Perfectly Insane

Just got done re-reading this for what feels like the millionth time, this being one of the few fanfictions I enjoy enough to re read. Since you haven't uncancelled this, I'm guessing you still have serious writer's block with the series. Which is fine and I totally get, writer's block is a bitch and especially sucks when you genuinely do want to write the story. I'd honestly love to help you get though it, but I have serious writer block problems also, and even though I'm writing a romance fic right now, I kind of suck at it.

I like this story for a lot of reasons, this self-deprecating version of Spike is actually very likeable, and his experiences with Pinkie and the others shows some character growth that's always pleasing to see. This version of Pinkie Pie is well written and unique, and I also feel that if you continued this story at some point, you'd likely change the rating from T to Mature as you'd like to include a sex scene or two. This story remains to date my favorite one you've written, and I like a good amount of your other stories. I do hope you eventually decide what you want to do with this story, but it'd also be understandable if you just straight up abandon it, sometimes you just can't finish a story, even if you really want to.

I like your stories, this one too.

but why did you cancel this! I wanted to punch you for doing something so good and canceling in the best part of the fic.

good story

Kinda sucks ya cancelled. Good stuff. Good thing ya are proud of. I'd say i want to see more buuuuut...

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