• Published 7th May 2017
  • 4,224 Views, 939 Comments

Integration Is Pointless - OutOfTheBlue

How will Jack adjust to his new planet. Especially given he's the only human left after they decided to invade.

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I'm Fine

Jack's log. It's been two days since they locked me up in here. Orchid and Doc came to see me. They are leaving for the area the Union set up camp to study it. Don't know how long they're going to be gone. I'm pretty bored right now. All my belongings were returned to me except my gun. I convinced them to let me keep my knife. It was my Dad's. The Union issued field knife they took, but my knife is a pocket knife, so it's fine. The only things I have to do are listen to music or write in this. Luna gave me this doodle pad and crayons as an insult to my intelligence, but they are useful. There are so many books in here, but I can't read them. They're all in some weird language I can't understand. Except for Orchid and Doc, no one had visited me. I'm so bored.


Jack's log, day three. I like keeping a journal, it's very... relaxing. I've been having trouble sleeping, so I play soft music to help me sleep. The battery is solar charged, so there's no problem there. The window is locked with a hairpin lock. I could pick it, but I really don't want to climb down that far. I found a massive box of candles under the bathroom sink while I was doing my exercises. I guess I now have a bunch of candles so I can... set up a spa? A monastery? A candle emporium? Whatever. Hey, quick joke. So, four robots crash into the city one day. The first one goes to a car dealership and hears a commercial about their low prices. The salesman kept saying "yes we did" so the robot went around saying "yes we did, yes we did." The second one goes to a candy store and goes to grab a lollipop. But, some kid takes the lollipop, and another kid takes it from him. So the kid screams "He took my lollipop!" So the robot goes around saying, "He took my lollipop."

The third robot goes to a kitchen store, and hears a salesman talking about forks and knives, so he goes around saying, "forks and knives." The last robot goes to an appliance store, and heard two people talking about a refrigerator. One says, "plug it in!" So the robot goes around saying, "plug it in!"

So the four robots go and kill somebody, and get arrested. In court, the judge says, "Did you kill this man?" And the first robot says,"yes we did yes we did."

The judge says, "why would you do this!?" And the second robot says,"He took my lollipop!"

The judge gets confused and says, "what did you kill him with?" And robot number three says, "forks and knives."

The judge shakes his head and says,"Unfortunately, you are sentenced to the electric chair." The fourth robot says,"Plug it in!"

I don't know what much of that means, but my Dad told it to me, and he heard it from his dad, and his dad, and so on. I wonder what it all means.


Jack's log, day ten. I've listened to all my songs to exhaustion. They put a spell around my room that keeps all noise in and out. Apparently guards complained about my music. I've been using all the candles they had under the sink to make figurines. There were so many candles, but I only light one. I can see well in the dark. So far I have made twenty ponies, thirty humans, and forty sharks. I like sharks.


Jack's log, day... seventeen? It's so quiet. I can't stand it. I keep punching the walls for the sound. The pain is nice. None of the ponies visit me. The only person I have to talk to is myself. I drew all over the walls today and made a creepy symbol beside the door. It's nice. The last conversation I had was... remembering is hard. I just hope I don't start getting answers when I talk to myself. Then I'd be crazy.


Log, day... I can't remember. Everything is boring. I have no energy to do anything. Life just seems so... meaningless. I hope I don't go insane in this room. I'll just keep writing, and hope for the best.


I got an answer.


Who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I


I'm back from the brink of insanity. Everything was a haze of pain and darkness. It occurred to me. I can't stay here. I'm braking out. If I brake out of here, I'll be fine. I'll be fine.

I'm fine.

Author's Note:

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