• Published 7th May 2017
  • 4,224 Views, 939 Comments

Integration Is Pointless - OutOfTheBlue

How will Jack adjust to his new planet. Especially given he's the only human left after they decided to invade.

  • ...

Shocking Events

(At the hotel Twilight and gang are staying.)

Twilight sprinted into the room causing everyone to look at her. Rarity looked at her flustered face and said,

"Is something the matter, darling?"

Twilight stood panting after her sudden sprint. Pinkie bounced into the room with a mountain of takeout boxes on her back.

"Guess what everypony! I got Neighponeisan food!"

Twilight finally recovered her breath and gasped,

"No time! Princess Celestia was abducted by the humans!"

Everyone gasped and Luna teleported over and snatched the letter Twilight was holding. She gasped as she read it.

"When did this happen!?"

"I don't know! Spike just sent it to me now!"

Luna scowled and said,

"Twilight Sparkle, I must ask you and the other Elements of Harmony to return to Equestria and help the Royal Guard with the search. I must find what I'm looking for before joining you."

The mane six nodded before running to the station. Soon only Luna was in the room. She growled in frustration before looking out at the still moving sun. Fortunately, Celestia had cast an emergency spell in case something like this happened after she was captured by Chrysalis. It wouldn't do for ponies across the country to panic as the sun stood still. It would last three days, but Luna hoped to find her target before the night was over. Once everyone was asleep, she'd comb their dreams for hints of Jack's whereabouts.

She turned as Brooke walked in.

"Good evening, Princess Luna. Unfortunately, I still haven't found them. If I knew Talion's last name I might have an easier time."

"Yes, of course. You should get some rest. Pleasant dreams and goodnight."

Brooke nodded before heading towards her bed. Hopefully tomorrow would be more fruitful.

(At Harrier HQ)

Celestia awoke to find she was shackled to a table in a small metal room. Wires were attached to various points across her body and her horn had a strange cuff over it. She looked it over and, when she didn't sense any spells on it, attempted to teleport back to Canterlot. As her horn charged, the cuff beeped before a powerful election shock disrupted her spell. She gasped at the painful sensation of electricity running through her horn and immediately stopped. A human she'd failed to notice spoke up.

"Uh... I wouldn't do that. Given we don't know exactly how to stop your weird powers other than to lop your horn off, we did the next best thing. Sorry."

She gave him a cold look and said,

"Did you harm my little ponies during your little attack?!"

He shook his head.

"No, we were trying for stealthy so... they're all alive."

She nodded. At least that was a small weight off her back. She looked at the guard and said,

"What is it you humans hope to accomplish with your campaign across my country?!"

He didn't answer immediately. After a bit he pointed to the door.

"That's for the Commander to say. I'll leave it to her to discuss all that stuff."

Celestia scowled and looked over her restraints again. If she could somehow make her horn restraint lose power, she could escape. She just had to be smart about it. Before she could put too much thought into it, the door opened and the female from before walked in.

"Hello, Pony. Let's talk."

(Meanwhile, While all these dramatic events are happening, at the Quillson household.)

After dinner we all moved to the main sitting room where a television screen was sitting across from two couches and an armchair. Megan immediately ran to the chair.


Jessica groaned,

"Seriously!? But I wanted to sit there!"

Megan shrugged and moved to a more comfortable position.

"Oh well. Besides, you know I don't like being touched. And sitting on a couch basically guarantees you'll be touching someone."

Jessica looked over and saw what her mom had planned. With her mom, dad, and Linsey on one couch, she now had to sit with Jack and Talion. And it just so happened that her mom had had the two sit so Jack was in the middle. Something about guests getting the best seat. Nobody but Jack was fooled.

As Jessica sat, Mr. Quillson pushed play and the movie started. I was surprised it was black and white until I realized that people still used swords and spears here. I shivered slightly as the room felt a little colder than before. I was oblivious to the fact that Mrs. Quillson was discreetly turning down the thermostat as she looked over at our couch. Unaware of the little game being played I scooted over and wrapped Talion's wing around me. He flinched and began to blush.

"Uh... w-what are you d-doing?"

"I'm cold."

He looked over at his parents and discreetly tried to take back his wing.

"Uh... there's a blanket somewhere down here, I'll... I'll go get it for you."

I was kinda disappointed actually. I wanted fluffy gryphon hugs! As he left Megan looked at me and said,

"Okay, what's with you and hugs? You're like... always trying to hug somebody."

Mrs. Quillson gasped.

"Megan, don't be rude."

I waved it off and said,

"No, she's right. I do tend to seek physical affection. I think the main reason for that is because my parents were too busy with work to really spend much time with me so I kinda was affection starved for most of my life until I moved to Equestria. So not only that but it helps me cope with my out of control life and drastically shifting circumstances brought on by a very different culture I don't entirely understand by helping me feel safe and accepted."

Everyone gave me weird looks when I was done. Mostly surprise with a hint of sympathy. Without a word Jessica slowly pulled me towards her and wrapped her wing around me.

"Dang... that... that was deep. Uh... this better?"

I nodded and hugged her just as Talion walked back in. He looked at me in surprise before looking at his mom who was excitedly whispering to a less than interested Mr. Quillson. He scowled before sitting back down and poking Jessica in the shoulder, getting her attention. As she looked at him he pointed two claws to his eyes and then pointed at her. She shrugged and raised her hand in the universal sign for "what the heck are you doing?" He scowled at her before making a slicing motion across his neck and pulling me back against him. I looked up and said,

"So now you want to hug?"

"I said I was... getting a blanket. You know, for us to share."

He draped it over us and his dad rolled his eyes. Not at him, but at his wife's antics who resumed her whispering with increased fervor. Megan snapped ber claws which got her two older siblings attention before pointing at the screen. She mouthed,

"Shut up and watch the movie."

They both rolled their eyes and Talion mouthed back,

"Make me!"

Megan gave them both a flat look before raising her claw. She pretended to uncap her middle claw like lipstick and rubbed it to her beak before pretending to blow a kiss with said middle claw. Talion threw a pillow at her. I laughed and said,

"This is awesome! I always wanted to do family activities!"

Nobody heard given Megan had returned fire and accidentally hit Jessica who thought it was Talion who threw the pillow at her. Before long all three were throwing stuff at eachother at discreet intervals in the movie.

(Later that night.)

Luna flew through the dream world before stopping before another door. She'd been looking for hours yet nobody had even subconsciously seen Jack. She opened the door and looked inside. She saw a small room with a young gryphon drawing on a piece of paper. Upon closer inspection she was drawing....

"Child! Where have you seen this!"

The gryphon yelped and spun around.

"Who are you?! Why are you in my house!"

"Child, I am Princess--"

"Burglar! Burglar!"

She grabbed a baseball bat and lept towards the Lunar Princess. Luna barely avoided the weapon before the small gryphon grabbed her mane and began whacking her across the head with the bat.


Luna attempted to tell the child she was dreaming.

"Young-ow- girl! This is -ow!- stop! OW! I said! OW OW! Why won't you list-OW!"

Luna growled before using her magic to pull off the gryphon.


All at once the dream shattered as the gryphon woke up.

(Real world)

"Linsey! Linsey what's wrong!"

Linsey woke with a gasp as her mom shook her.

"BURGLAR! I won't... Mom?"

"Sweetie, you were shouting in your sleep."

Linsey shrugged.

"Sorry. I had a dream a burglar broke in." She reached under her bed and pulled out a baseball bat. "So I hit her with this!"

Mrs. Quillson turned to her husband and said,

"I told you buying her a bat was a bad idea. Should've gotten her a bicycle."

They both looked as she pantomimed whacking people with the length of study wood.

"Eh, at least she's not a wimp."