• Published 19th May 2017
  • 851 Views, 10 Comments

Friendship Tales - drunkenpandaren

A series of short stories within the Equestria Girls Heisei Generations universe

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Take Time to Spice Up Your Life


Gentarou looked up at the shout as Rarity barged into his office, out of breath. “Gentarou, I heard that Miu Kazashiro is coming to town for a fashion show! And I heaaaard, that you know her!”

”Oh, yeah I do actually. I was going to go see her,” said Gentarou, grinning widely. “She and I are friends from school.”

“Well… I don’t suppose you could um, pull some strings, get some tickets? It’s almost all sold out right now…” said Rarity slowly, twiddling her fingers. “It would be a dream to see her on the runway!”

“I can do more than that,” said Gentarou. “I’m going to visit her after class, she’s going to be at the Ponyville Hoofington today. Want to come along?”

“Yes!” squeaked out Rarity, giving him an impulsive hug. “Oh no, I need to get dressed and to find an outfit and…! I’ll see you later!”

With that, she bolted from the room, much to the amusement of Gentarou as he picked up his phone and dialed a number. “Hey Miu it’s me,” he said moments later. “Yeah, I uh, seem to have invited a student along. You okay with that?”

A pause, listening to Miu for a moment before Gentarou smiled. “All right. Thanks.”

Gentarou and Rarity pulled up to the Hoofington on Gentarou’s bike which had been delivered a few months previously, as Rarity got off it, dressed in a blue sparkling party dress. “I hope this is fashionable enough for her,” she fretted, smoothing down the windswept dress. “Couldn’t have we taken a taxi instead?”

“Well, Miu wanted to meet you as soon as possible,” said Gentarou as he got off as he parked beside a familiar blue motorcycle. “And it looks like I’m not the only one who is lurking around.”

A form clad in dark riding leathers could be seen, but the long rainbow hair was a dead giveaway. “Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?”

Rainbow Dash jumped a little, looking over at Gentarou and Rarity, raising an eyebrow. “Me? What are you dong here? And what’s with the party dress?”

“I’m here to see the famous fashion model Miu Kazashiro, what are you doing here?” asked Rarity. “And dressed like that of all things?”

”Well I heard that a famous Football player was in town, so I wanted to get a closer look. He’s one of the new rising stars from Neighpon.” Said Rainbow, looking over the window ledge. “But these people won’t let me in to see him!”

“Oh, you mean Shun,” said Gentarou. “He’s in town with Miu.”

Rainbow turned to look at Gentarou, eyes wide. “You know Shun Daimonji? He’s like the biggest rookie of the year! Dad talks about him all the time, and I’ve gone to a game with him at the Canterlot Stadium!”

“I’m guessing he’s a school friend too, huh Gentarou?” said Rarity. “After Miu, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“Got it in one,” said Gentarou. “C’mon, lets go inside.”

Once clearing security, the trio rode upwards to the seventh floor. There, Gentarou checked his phone and then knocked on the door. A moment passed as the door opened up, as Miu stuck her head out. “Yo!” Exclaimed Gentarou.

“Oops! You’re early! I’m still getting ready but come on in.” Completely at ease with Gentarou in the room, Miu went to get ready as another man was reading a sports magazine left on the table as he got up with a grin.

“Gentarou!” Exclaimed Shun, giving him the handshake and a manly hug. “You haven’t changed a bit!”

“We just saw each other a few months ago!” Exclaimed Gentarou, oofing at the other man’s strength. Stepping back, Gentarou clapped a hand on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. “This is Rainbow Dash, one of my students. She’s a huge fan.”

“You’re so totally awesome, and the most promising star in sports in ages and can you sign this?!” Somewhere, Rainbow Dash pulled out her soccer ball. “Sorry it’s not a Football, but I wasn’t ready to get an autograph today.”

Shun laughed as he took the soccer ball and penned his name across the front in both Neighponese and English. “There you go,” he said, handing it back. “You three joining us for dinner tonight?”

“Yeah, if you don’t mind another plus one,” said Gentarou as Rarity added, “We’d love to!”

“Okay I’m ready,” said Miu, walking out of the bedroom as she was fixing her last earring on. “I see at least three of us are dressed for the evening.”

“Hey now, I had work,” said Gentarou with a laugh as Rarity had a big, starry-eyed expression on her face. “Miu, Shun, this is Rarity, she asked to come along tonight.”

”Actually I asked for a ticket to the fashion show,” said Rarity. “But this will do.”

“I’ll get you front row seats for it later,” said Miu. “I know Kirara’s friends won’t be able to make it, so she gave me the extras.”

“So where are we eating tonight? Somewhere fancy?” asked Rarity. “I hope we’re not overdressed for this.”

“Actually,” said Miu and Shun, looking at each other with a grin.

“Well, you are totally overdressed for this, Rarity,” said Rainbow with a short laugh. Rarity glared daggers at her friend but sighed.

The five of them were sat in a table, in what amounted to a mom and pop restaurant in town. Despite the hole in the wall environment, it was a little fancy, with the smell of warm Indian food coming from the kitchen which was several feet away. “Miu found this place the last time she was in town,” said Shun. “Not many people eat here, and we thought that it would be good to give them some business. Plus, the food is excellent.”

“I’ve seen this place a few times, but never went in,” said Rainbow Dash, sniffing the air and her mouth watering. “It smells AWESOME in there.”

“I’m glad you said so,” said a short Indian woman, dressed in beautiful colors as she sat down a tray of water and steeped tea. “My name is Saffron Masala, and this is my shop with my father, Coriander Cumin. Thank you so much for eating here tonight! When I heard that such famous stars in fashion and Football were coming here, I did not know what to think!”

“We’re glad to be here, and to give you business Saffron,” said Miu. “We need to thank you for the opportunity to eat authentic food in a town like this.”

Saffron blushed. “Please, order whatever you like. I will bring out some fresh naan and dipping sauce for starters.”

“I like her,” said Rarity as Saffron bustled off. “It’s too bad this place doesn’t have much clientele.”

“It’s probably because it’s on Food Row up here in the city,” said Rainbow Dash. “That lady with no taste runs the joint.”

“Most restaurants in this town are down in the Ponyville Suburbs that thrive with different flavors and opportunities,” explained Gentarou to his two friends. “Up here, a food critic tends to ruin all the flavor.”

”Oops. We should do something about that,” said Miu. “We could make our dinner experience public in the papers.”

“That’s true, but then we’d have to reveal we’re married,” said Shun thoughtfully as Rarity almost choked on her water.

“You two are married?” she exclaimed a bit too loudly. Fortunately there were no patrons in the restaurant. “Sorry.”

“Have been, since second year college,” said Miu. “But we’ve kept our names professionally separate, to keep the press off our backs. It hasn’t worked as much as we’d like.”

“At least here in Canterlot, not many people realize that we like coming here,” said Shun with a grin as Saffron returned, setting down the bread and some appetizers. “Thank you.”

“Please, help yourselves,” said Saffron with a smile as a grumpy looking older Indian man walked out of the kitchen as he walked over towards the door. “Father!” She exclaimed. “What are you doing? It is almost the supper rush. Do not close up the store again! We have patrons to attend to!”

“Supper rush? No one but they came in, and no one will enter when they leave,” said Coriander with a sour expression on his face.

“Well, your attitude isn’t going to bring anyone in! Can’t you at least pretend to be positive?” exclaimed Saffron.

Coriander deflated and in a deadpan voice, stated, “Welcome to The Tasty Treat. You can eat here if you want. Or not. Who cares?”

“Father!” Exclaimed Saffron, gesturing towards Miu and Shun. “These are very popular celebrities who came all this way to eat our food! Just go back into the kitchen and make them your best. Miu is a famous fashion model and Shun is a Football star!”

He looked at the pair, raising an eyebrow. “Oops,” said Miu with a smile. “It’s true, Mr. Cumin. We’ve eaten here before, last year and were pleased to find that you were open again. If you’ll have us, we’ll let the world know about your food.”

“You have our promise,” said Shun, saluting and there was an audible Ping as he did so.

“You would do that for us?” asked Coriander. “But I do not even remember you coming in last year.”

”It was just your daughter at the store that day,” said Miu. Getting up, she offered him a business card which Coriander took. “We love your food, and would love to eat more of it.”

“You know, I have an idea,” said Rarity. “About drumming up business. We’ll require a sign, and a little music…”

”Music I can do,” said Rainbow Dash. “I have my guitar on my bike.”

“Yosh! I think we can get this going,” said Gentarou. “Kamen Rider Club, lets do our work!”

“We got your message girls,” said Sunset, running up to the group as she, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight and Fluttershy arrived as Rainbow Dash and Shun were working on setting up a minor stage. “What’s all this? And who is he?”

“Hey guys, meet my new friend Shun Daimonji!” Exclaimed Rainbow. “Girls, we need to put on a mini impromptu concert to promote the Tasty Treat.”

“Oh, I don’t have a song written for this,” said Fluttershy. “Where’s Rarity?”

”Preparing the inside menu, and don’t worry, I can take lead vocals for this one.” Said Shun with a grin. “It’s a little different, but I’ve got a plan.”

“Lets do it then!” Exclaimed Pinkie as she grabbed her drums out of nowhere.

Inside, Miu and Rarity had put on some of Saffron’s clothing to match the design of the interior. For a moment, Rarity had argued that they should follow the trends, but then Miu said, “If you want to be a trendsetter, do it on your own merits.”

With a starry eyed expression on her face, Rarity followed as Coriander gave Gentarou a crash course on cooking.

Minutes later, everything was prepared as the Rainbow tuned her guitar and proclaimed, “Good Evening, Canterlot City!”

Heads turned at the shout into the microphone as she continued. “Tonight, The Tasty Treat features two famous headliners as we have a open evening for food and music! The Rainbooms, featuring our hostess Miu Kazashiro and Football star Shun Daimonji! And now, lets get to the music!”

Launching into a guitar riff, Pinkie followed the lead as the music began. Interested people started heading towards the Tasty Treat as Shun leaned in and started belting out lyrics.

Who is it? Who is it? The one who goes is?
Who is it? Who is it? The one you’re waiting for is?
In the past, present, and future, the moon waxes and wanes
That’s because all your shadows get projected

Relationships, Mother ship, bullshit and warships
If you faced and smiled at them, from your battleship

That’s right, not everyone
Can use magic from the beginning

The forest of rocks starlight continue their journey through
Crossing billions of nights, suddenly
They make your eyes shine now

Attracted by the music and the smell of food wafting through the city, people’s mouths watered as they went into the store where the bright decorations shone like diamonds. Rarity had strategically placed several gemstones where it would catch the most light, and soon, the Tasty Treat was full of patrons.

The food smelled so good, and orders began flying into the kitchen as Gentarou, Miu and Rarity were busy serving. Outside, the music pulled in more people, until there was a waiting line.

In between sets, Rainbow and Rarity met up as Rarity gave her a cup of water. “Cool huh? We got so many people!”

“Lets hope we can keep up the momentum,” said Rarity as she noticed a stern grey cloaked woman standing in line. “Look whose in line.”

Rainbow followed Rarity’s gaze and made a face. “Ugh, it’s Zesty Gourmand.”

As the woman stepped up towards the pair, Rarity braced herself for a stern dismissal of cheap tactics when Miu stepped forward. “Welcome to the Tasty Treat, Zesty.”

Zesty paused in her stride, only for her eyes to narrow. “Kazashiro,” she said icily. “I should have known you were behind this.”

“You two know each other?” asked Rainbow.

“Unfortunately,” said Zesty. “She, snubbed a five star restaurant that I personally endorsed in front of me. The nerve of such a woman.”

”I didn’t ask for your opinion on food, Zesty,” said Miu proudly. “I did it because it was flat, under-cooked trash.”

The patrons who were in earshot of this moment, all gasped. Zesty being dressed down by a fashion model? Undaunted, Miu continued. “It was underspiced, flat in flavor, there was no style or filling or HEART. Real food has heart, put into each carefully crafted bite. Without heart and love, there is NOTHING.” Miu pointed at Zesty. “You have none of that, you and your flat, overpriced tongue.”

“How dare you…” said Zesty. With a huff, she turned on her heel and stalked away. “This isn’t over Kazashiro!”

Rarity swooned for a moment, Rainbow catching her. “Hey, you okay?”

“My queen is so wonderful,” said Rarity faintly.

“Words cannot begin to describe how much you and your friends have done for us,” said Saffron as the girls, exhausted from their concert was strewn around the tables, having a late meal. “Gentarou, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Miu, Shun, how can we ever repay all of you?”

“A free meal once in a while would be nice,” said Rainbow as she was elbowed in the side by Rarity. “I mean, no worries.”

“I have a reporter friend who does work internationally,” said Miu. “His name is JK and he’ll give you a fair and rightfully accurate review.”

“And when I’m in town with my league, I’ll recommend your food to both teams,” said Shun, saluting with that ping noise.

“I had my doubts,” said Coriander. “But you and your friends really came through for us. And you chased off that dreadful Zesty Gourmand.”

“You can do anything with friends,” said Miu as she looked over at Gentarou who grinned back. “Gentarou taught us that.”

Coriander chuckled. “You are all welcome at the Tasty Treat at any time, any day.”

Later, as the girls said their goodbyes and headed home, Miu and Shun turned to Rainbow and Rarity. “Here,” said Miu, writing a number on the back of her card and handing it to Rarity who took it like she was being offered a kingdom. “When you graduate, you’re welcome to come work as my fashion designer.”

“It would be a dream come true,” said Rarity faintly. “Hold me, I think I’m going to swoon again!”

Grabbing her to steady Rarity, Gen looked over at Rainbow and Shun. “If you ever want to go into professional sports, I could send a scout over to CHS, if you’re interested.” Said Shun.

“That’d be cool, but I don’t play Football. I’m more of a Soccer girl,” said Rainbow and Shun grinned. “But Football is cool too.”

The pair shared the handshake as Rarity regained her footing and Gen said, “Thanks for the meal you two. Sorry it wasn’t as private as you wanted it to be.”

”Are you kidding? That’s the most fun I’ve had in ages,” said Miu. “All that was missing was a zodiart fight.”

“Well we’re fresh out of those,” said Gentarou.

Sharing the handshake, the pair got into their awaiting cab and headed off, leaving the trio standing there before Gen said, “I’ll drive you home, Rarity. You heading home Rainbow?”

“Yeah, I got stuff to do tomorrow,” said Rainbow. “Even if it is summer vacation. See you.”

Pulling up to Rarity’s house, Gentarou killed the engine as she got off. “Thanks for the evening, Gentarou,” said Rarity. “This was the most fun, the most entertaining moment in my life! Well, apart from all the other moments but I got to meet Miu!”

“I do what I can,” said Gentarou with a wide grin on his face. “I’m glad I could help you out with your problem.”

Rarity blushed as she said, “Yes, I really enjoyed tonight. It was amazing. See you later then, Gentarou?”

“Yeah, definitely, it’ll be a date. Laters.” Starting the cycle, he drove off, leaving Rarity holding her helmet and blushing fiercely.

She stood there for a long moment, before a voice cut into her thoughts. “Oh? Getting chummy with the teacher are we?” teased Sweetie Belle from behind her. “Mom and dad were wondering where you were.”

“Sweetie Belle, I most certainly wasn’t!” Exclaimed Rarity. “It was a business supper that’s all.”

“Uh huh,” drawled her sister as she turned and headed for the door. “I’ll let mom and dad know you’re coming in. And sis?”


”Take a bath, you smell like food.” Laughing, Sweetie Belle fled into the house, much to Rarity’s indigent shout as she chased her inside.