• Published 19th May 2017
  • 851 Views, 10 Comments

Friendship Tales - drunkenpandaren

A series of short stories within the Equestria Girls Heisei Generations universe

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Make New Friends But Keep Ridering On

Leaving her Artist Booth, even for a while sent nervous shivers up her back. But Sunset, Maud, Twilight and Pinkie had assured Fluttershy that they could handle it, and would sell a lot of prints in the interim.

For now, she clutched her copy of Running Devils to her chest, as Fluttershy rushed down the hallway. “Oh, I hope I’m not too late!”

Turning the corner, her heart fell at the immense line waiting for the book signing, and for a moment, her lip quibbled. But then, a green arm raised up in the line near the front. “Fluttershy,” called out Treehugger, and Fluttershy’s expression lit up as she ran over. “I saved you a place in the line,” said Treehugger, turning to the two teenagers standing behind her. “Thanks so much for letting my friend line jump.”

”No problem dudette,” replied the young man. “Anything for you Treehugger.”

Treehugger grinned lazily as she turned towards Fluttershy who was holding the copy of Running Devils to her chest. “Cool, that’s a first edition! I got a second hand copy of mine, but it’s well loved.”

“I hope the line won’t take long then,” said Fluttershy. “I don’t want to leave my booth unattended too long, even with the girls holding the fort.”

“Chill, I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Replied Treehugger with a smile.

The line advanced as Fluttershy fidgeted althoughout the line moving until it was finally Treehuggers turn. At the front, Fluttershy could just makeout her security detail and blinked, eyes wide. “Ryusei!”

Ryusei Sakuta looked up and waved a little as the author finished penning her signature, drawing the bloody bunny symbol she was so used to doing. “Thank you for reading my book,” said Tomoko Nozama with a smile.

“I’ll treasure it forever,” said Treehugger honestly as she stepped aside for Fluttershy to set her book down nervously.

“H-hello,” squeaked Fluttershy. “I um… I love your book, it’s so bleak but full of the spark of hope.”

Tomoko smiled as she nodded, looking up at her and then asking, “You’re Gentarou’s student, aren’t you? Fluttershy, was it?”

Fluttershy squeaked in surprise. “You know my name?”

She knows her name was muttered through the line as Tomoko smiled. “I’ll come by your station later, and maybe lunch? I’d like to know what a student of Gentarou’s gets up to.”

“Y-yes, yes please, thank you!” Exclaimed Fluttershy, taken by surprise as Tomoko finished her signature, this one personalized as she handed the book back to the stunned girl.

“Ryusei-san, can you make sure she meets up with us later?” asked Tomoko and Ryusei nodded.

“Of course. Good to see you again, Fluttershy.”

As the dazed Fluttershy walked away with Treehugger, Treehugger turned to Fluttershy. “You’re going to move up in the world, that’s good karma!”

“You think so?” said Fluttershy as they made their way back to Shy’s booth where Pinkie was doing her best to sell the wares there. And due to the lineup, it was definitely worth the effort.

“Totally! Being recognized by Tomoko-sensei is moving up in this world. Not many fanartists get a first name recognition from the creators of something as awesome and bleak as Running Devils.” Treehugger grinned. “Can I come to lunch with you two?”

”Yes, please do.” Said Fluttershy. “You got me posting my art in the first place, I’d be happy to have you with me.”

An hour later, after the major rush had ended and Fluttershy had sold most of her prints, Ryusei walked up, waving. “Ready to go?” asked Ryusei, looking around for her friends. “Where’s your friends?”

”Treehugger is just finishing up with her stall, and Pinkie, Sunset and Maud will be back in a minute. Twilight had to go pick up the rest of the prints I ordered from the shop.” said Fluttershy. “I’m about ready to go meet Tomoko-sensei.”

Ryusei nodded as the girls arrived, and after exchanging greetings, Pinkie resumed her spot behind the counter as Pinkie called out, “Have fun, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy nodded as Ryusei lead the way. As he scanned the room, his eyes narrowed for a brief moment at the flash of white coats. “Something wrong?” asked Fluttershy.

“Just my imagination.” Replied Ryusei.

The trip to Tomoko’s table lead them into the staff area where she sat, sipping at a cup of tea. Across her lap was a star chart, and she looked up. Treehugger was already sitting there, munching languidly on her snack. “Fluttershy, hello again. Thank you Ryusei-san for bringing her here.”

“Thank you for having me here,” said Fluttershy, bowing in the Neighponese manner. “I… I don’t know what to say other than thank you for having me here, Tomoko-sensei!”

Tomoko smiled as she gestured for Fluttershy to sit, and she did, nervously smoothing her skirt out. “Can I ask you a question, Fluttershy?” Fluttershy nodded as Tomoko continued. “What… drew you to my book? Was it the theme, the story, the characters? What about it did you like?”

“Well…” Fluttershy twiddled her fingers nervously. “I think… it’s the small, spark of hope that’s in the story that draws me to it.”

”Hope?” asked Tomoko, tilting her head curiously. “What makes you say that?”

“Well, your stories tell of dreadful things happening to people. But there’s a spark there, a small, lingering voice that says “It will become all right eventually, even if it takes ages”. That sort of thing draws me to the story. The promise of Hope, and the little shows of Kindness sprinkled even in between the stories.”

Tomoko nodded, satisfied with the answer. “The Light of Hope is a small thing, as with the tiny moments of Kindness. But like all stories, they grow, and are nurtured with, or without dwelling on them. It’s what keeps people going, when their lives seem the darkest.”

“Wow… that’s deep,” said Treehugger.

A soft beeping alerted Ryusei as he pulled out his phone. “Yes?”

He frowned before nodding. “Got it.” He hung up the phone. “Tomo-chan, Foundation X is here.”

Fluttershy broke out into a nervous sweat at the mention of the evil bank as Tomoko’s expression changed. “There’s too many people to evacuate,” she said. “What if they start something?”

“They’re here for me, I think.” Said Ryusei. “We can’t deal with this without causing a panic.”

”Where are they now?” asked Tomoko.

“They’re getting close to the stage show that’s opening up soon. They were planning on debuting some kind of big event and I think Foundation X knows I can’t retaliate in this situation.” Said Ryusei, his hand clenching.

“You know, you can.” Said Fluttershy suddenly as they turned towards her. “If you follow my lead, then we’ll be fine.” She pulled out her phone. “I need to make a call. And um, I need a pencil and pad of paper. I need to write.”

Foundation X knew they had Meteor. Long had the INTERPOL agent harassed their people, and now that he was unguarded and on vacation as it were, they had him. A flash of blue could be seen and the leader pointed. “Get him,” he said, as the two others took chase.

Meteor ducked behind a curtain, leading the pair towards the backstage. “That’s far enough, Kamen Rider Meteor,” said their leader. “You’re a fool to think that you could hide from us.”

”I’m not trying to hide,” replied Meteor, as he de-transformed and threw down a stage smoke bomb. The trio of men held up their hands as applause was heard on the other side, as the curtain slowly rose.

“Hello everybody!” Cried out Pinkie Pie, dressed in a flashy kids show outfit as spotlights illuminated her and the Foundation X members. “We’re here for a great show!”

”What in the world is this?” demanded the ringleader as Pinkie turned and gasped.

“Oh no! The evil Foundation X is here! What will we do? Who will save us?” she cried into the microphone.

“Cease your prattling!” Snapped the leader as he held up a hand as Dustards flipped into view. “Now then, where is Meteor? Where is he? Tell me, or I will unleash the SOLU Prototype on this stage!”

“Right here!” Exclaimed Ryusei, appearing in a cloud of smoke as high above, Maud redirected the light towards him. Posing dramatically, he exclaimed, “Agents of evil, you will pay, I swear on the stars above!”

“What is this nonsense?” demanded the leader as Pinkie exclaimed, “Our hero is here!”

The crowd exploded into cheers as Ryusei held up his belt and strapped it on. “METEOR READY?” proclaimed his belt, amplified by the speakers. The disco-sounding music rang through the speakers as Pinkie exclaimed, “Look, he’s going to transform! 3! 2! 1!”


A blue energy bolt shot down through the darkened auditorium as Ryusei crouched dramatically and shot through the air, landing in a crash and a fountain of stage pyrotechnics set up by Twilight.

“Kamen Rider Meteor! I will be the one who decides your fate!” Exclaimed Ryusei, thumbing his nose at the opponents.

“Our hero has appeared!” Exclaimed Pinkie and the crowd went wild. Meteor charged in, kicks and punches raining down on the opponents as he exclaimed, “WATCHA!” as one went flying into the crowd, landing neatly into an open chair.

Maud held up a sign. 10.

Sunset played the lights around as Meteor pressed his wristband. “Saturn, Ready? OK! SATURN!”

A small scale replica of Saturn appeared on his hand and he fired rings, sending the Dustards flying away into clouds of cosmic energy which rained down on the audience. “You fool!” Exclaimed the ringleader, pressing a button.

Suddenly, from high above, a creature slammed down. It was lime green and seemed to be made of some kind of liquid. “This replica of SOLU is more than enough to take you down, Kamen Rider Meteor!”

“We’ll see about that!” Meteor tackled it, using a play from Gentarou as he fought fist to blob. But most of them passed through the opponent. “What the?”

“Our hero is in a pinch!” Cried out Pinkie. “Let’s cheer him on! Go Meteor, Go Meteor!”

The crowd chanted as Ryusei smiled under his helmet. Pulling out a new Switch, he said, “I’ll blow you all away!”

“METEOR STORM!” cried out the belt as he switched it on, and spun it. A wind rippled through the crowd as he changed form into a blue-and-gold form, and Ryusei drew his weapon. “Kamen Rider Meteor Storm, my fate is to call the storm!”

The ringleader cursed as Ryusei placed his Switch into the end of his weapon and produced a zip tie. “Retreat,” said the Foundation X member as Ryusei spun the Switch.

“OK, LIMIT BREAK!” Cried out the weapon as Ryusei shouted “METEOR STORM PUNISHER!”

The unleashed top sliced through the SOLU prototype as it was cut into ribbons, the energy of it being absorbed with each slash. And then, the weapon came up and slammed down with a flurry of energy. The SOLU cried out and exploded into cosmic energy.

The crowd went wild once more, as Meteor held up his hand and raised a fist in triumph. “What a show!” Cried out Pinkie Pie. “Let’s get a warm welcome for our staff writers! On lights we have Maud Pie, Treehugger and Sunset Shimmer!”

The three jumped onto the stage, waving as Pinkie added, “On special effects we have Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight joined in, blushing heavily.

“Our sponsor today is none other than Tomoko Nozama-sensei! Give her a big round of applause!” Tomoko waved at everyone as people cheered. “And finally, our script writer, Fluttershy! Give her a big big big round of applause!”

Fluttershy peeked out from behind the curtain nervously as Tomoko held out her hand for her. She took it nervously and the group took a combined stage bow.

”Be sure to check out Fluttershy’s booth in the Artist Hall when you’re done, and pick up Nozama-sensei’s latest!”

“Thanks for all your help,” said Ryusei to the assembled girls. “With your help, Inga was able to capture the Foundation X men on the way out without a fuss.”

“We’re glad to help!” Exclaimed Pinkie as the girls nodded.

Nearby, Fluttershy spoke to Tomoko. “I’m glad your friend wasn’t hurt,” she said. “This was a huge risk.”

“I think it would be okay for Ryusei-san to have a little of that. He’s been saying it’s too quiet lately.” Said Tomoko. “Call me any time you want to discuss plots and stories, all right? I could use an artist for my novel.”

“I will, thank you!”

Tomoko smiled as she went over and linked arms with Ryusei. “C’mon, Mr. Secret Spy-san, lets let these girls wind down for the day.”

As the pair walked off, Treehugger smiled at her friend. “Congratulations, Fluttershy. You’re going to go far in this world. It’s good karma.”

“It is. Thank you, everyone for helping out to making this the best day ever.” Said Fluttershy, giving her friends a hug.