• Published 31st May 2017
  • 2,986 Views, 151 Comments

The True Me - lightningman

How will a teenage superhero react when he is dropped into the one place he figured he would have no work to do? and how will he react when he falls in love with someone from that world. Join him in this adventure of love, and confusion

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Chapter 41 - Some more War and Some more Blood

“Yeah, believe it or not, when I first got here, Rarity asked why I chose such a scary looking suit. I said I was trying for a batman look.” I smile

“Another one!” We heard a yell from behind us. I look and see blueblood. I groan.

“Damn, was hoping I didn't meet him tell you kicked his (Beep)”

“For your information. That won’t happen.” Blueblood cried indignantly“I would never lose to a hairless monkey.” A loud crack and I was behind Blueblood. I literally kicked his ass and then I reappeared next to Warmachine.

“Huh… you actually kicked his (Beep)”

“It’s a good way to deal with spoiled brats.” I roll my eyes. “I should know, one of my old friends, when I was young, turned into one and I have a brother.”

“That’s a fair point”

“Yeah, anyway. Now that I introduced you to Celestia. Do you have anyone else you want to meet? I haven’t seen luna in a while.”

“I'm always down to meet the best princess.” I laugh as you get back in your suit and I teleport us to where I thought Luna's bedroom door was. I might have miscalculated though and teleported us on the OTHER side of the door, into luna’s bedroom.

“Whoops,” I say as I duck from an alarm clock being chucked at me.

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

“WHAT DOST THOU THINK THINE ARE DOING!” Luna yelled at us in her Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Sorry! I misjudged my apparition. We were supposed to be on the other side of the door. I wanted to introduce you to Warmachine here.” I point at him.

“Your Majesty.” He says bowing.

“Yes, hello War.” she turned to me. “At least try and not just appear in my bedroom. That crack woke me up.” She rubbed her eyes blearily.

“You're kinda gaining your way around our modern language I see,” I state as Luna got out of bed.
“Yes, but I will probably only use it around ponies I’m comfortable with. Like my sister.” She said.

“Your the first pony not to freak out over my name”

“I have dealt with war before, and you're with lightningman. You're fine."

“That’s a fair point. Then why was your sister still scared of my name?”

“She’s been in the modern world where war is a rare thing. She doesn’t remember it as well as I.” She answered.

“That's right, there were a thousand years of peace”

“Yeah.” Luna sighed. “I’m sorry that I missed out on that.”

“So when you were banished, did it go by in a blink of an eye for you? Or did you actually live on the moon for a thousand years?”

“It was actually a thousand years for me. Constantly in anger over my banishment. I owe Twilight a lot for helping me.”

“That must suck, being trapped in an evil version of yourself on the moon for a thousand years”

“Yeah. Kinda like how Darkning was trapped inside of me for a shorter time. It was torture for him, I bet he could sympathize with you.”

“Hey Karen what’s it like being alive but not having a body of your own?”

“Considering I’m an AI, not that bad. Except I can easily take over suit functions and just use it as my body”

“Don’t ever do that while I’m in the suit unless I’m about to die.”

“Yeah. Anyway, I think we should get back to ponyville. Jasper is probably worried about us. Plus, I need to get on my armour for the match tomorrow to make sure it fits. Then I need to check into school for the rest of the day.” I groan. “I hate school.” I put my hand on your armour again and we reappear inside of my house. “There’s a guest bedroom upstairs for you until tomorrow.”

“Thanks, man”

“No problem.” I grab my Darkstone armour and I go into the bathroom. After a few minutes, I leave. The suit still on, but almost unnoticeably bulkier. “It’s comfortable.” I smile.

“At least it’s naturally comfortable, I’m pretty sure this (Beep) is programmed to be comfy”

“It is Sir” I laugh a little.

“Well, if you want to hang around, I’m going to the school. I think you might want to meet Silent. He isn’t from the show.” I walk out the door.

“So if your a teenager and you go to the school from the show, either you're in a way lower grade than you should be, or the CMC is older than the show leads on.”

“Both wrong, I’m in the school because I need to learn about Equestrian history for the test. Everything else I already know.”

“Don’t we know most of this world’s history from the show?”

“Not all of it. We don’t know how long discord’s reign of chaos is exactly, all we know is that it lasted around 1000 or 2000 years. We don’t know where Princess Celestia and Luna came from, and we don’t know how they became alicorns in the first place. We also don’t know who the real god of this place is. I believed it was Faust. But i could be wrong.”

“You bring up great points.”

“Yeah.” I roll my eyes. “Now come on.” I walk to the school.

“And here we are, what the hell even is the name of this school… they never say in the show, if they did i don't remember it”

“According to this, the school's name is Ponyville Elementary”

“Where'd you get that info Karen?”

“That sign, Sir”

“Oh… we’ll now I just feel stupid”

“Both of us should. I just called it The School.” I open the door interrupting Cheerilee.

“Hi, Lightningman…. Who’s that?” She asked.

“Cheerilee. Warmachine. Warmachine. Cheerilee.” I introduce you two to each other before going and sitting down.

“Hi, You can just call me Thomas.”

“Alright Thomas. You may choose any spot that’s free.”

“Oh wait.” I look around. I see an empty desk and pull out my cards. I then grab titanic growth from them and use its effect on the desk.

“Thanks, Man”

“No problem. Just bother Diamond while your back there.” I sit down

“I’ll pass on that, your not the only one that knows this universe’s future.” Everyone’s eyes widen at that.

“Not the universes. Just this town right now. Soon to be the country. But it won’t even be the planet until the movie.”

“Fair point.” Ms. Cheerilee coughed to get our attention back on her.

“Anyway, now that you two are done talking about whatever you’re talking about. Let’s continue on with Equestrian History.”

“Yeah. Tomorrow is my test.” I groan a little bit.

“Yeah tests suck, but this one’s important. You're taking it to kick Blueblood off of his high horse.”

“High pony.” I cough.

“I ain’t conforming to the pony puns.”

“Ehh... It was worth a shot. Anyway, go ahead Ms. Cheerilee.”
------------------------------------------------After School.-----------------------------------------------------------

“You meet the CMC yet?”

“Yeah. Who do you think Silent hangs out with?” I ask as we walk towards a small colt wearing a white robe covering his features.

“This is Silent?”

“Yep. This is Silent Power.” I look down. “Hey, Silent.” He writes down something and hands it to me.

“Hey, Lightningman. Who’s your friend?” I hand it to Thomas

“Names Thomas” Silent stuck out his hoof for him.

“Oh, warning. Silent also has enhanced physical ability.” I say to you

“Nice to meet you kid” He nods and looks at me as if wondering if he would react badly.

“Don’t worry Silent. He already met the princesses today, was sent to an alternate world and more. I doubt your voice will shock him.” I smile

“Why would his voice be shocking in the first place?”

“This is why.” Said a deep voice coming from within the white coat.

“Wow, you have a deep voice.”

“Yeah.” He shrugs. “It’s been deep since before my parents died.”

“Sorry to hear that man.”

“It’s alright. I’ve been getting better. Scootaloo has been helping a lot.” He smiles a bit underneath his hood.

“Ahh... young love, that’s what that is right there.”

“Say that again and a piece of your armour gets cut off.” He says as he shows a sword on the inside of his coat.

“What is that? A cursed sword or something?”

“No, normal. I just know what to aim for.” To prove his point he dives between your legs and jumps onto your back, latching onto your helmet and sticking the edge of his sword in between two armour plates.

“Reinforced armour connection activated Sir”

“Thanks, Karen” Silent merely smiled as he poked the sword in more, cutting some wires and ripping the shoulder blade off.

“Ya see? Armour or not. I’ll bet around it.”

“Alright, I admit you’ve got some skill.”

“Yeah. The CMC even told me he almost killed a manticore to protect them.” I said as Silent jumped off your armour. “Also Karen? Armour integrity status.”

“Well aside from the missing shoulder, the armour is just fine.”

“Karen, please tell me we can just re-attach the shoulder.”

“You should be able to repair the wires and reattach it, Yes.”

“Again Mr. Lightningman is right Sir”

“I’m getting annoyed at the fact you know more about my armour than I do.”

“Dude, I’m a nerd. I know stuff like this. Also Karen? Don’t call me Mr.Lightningman. It makes me feel old. Just call me lightningman or Damyon.”

“Of course, lightningman”

“Thanks. Now then.” I look up. The sun was beginning to go down kinda. But it also looked like the ponies were getting a storm ready. “Oooh. It looks like another adventure for the girls. Spike is in Canterlot.” I smile. “You want to go see Twilight, Applejack and Rarity?”

“Sure, why not.”

“Alright. Warning, This is episode 8.” I begin to run for Twilight’s treehouse. Soon enough I hear Rarity and Applejack arguing.

“Aw crap, it’s this episode… great.”

“I warned you before you came with me.” I shrug. “Now you're stuck with me for the night. And I want to scare the girls with a story, plus I want to make sure the magical antenna doesn’t break and zap the tree. Don’t know if you know this, but magically infused electricity treats me like a magnet.”

“That seems extremely dangerous.”

“Dude. Half my body is made of electricity remember? The other half is infused with magic. So it doesn’t hurt me. It will just travel right towards me, It won't harm anyone else.”

“Fair point.”

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