• Published 31st May 2017
  • 2,986 Views, 151 Comments

The True Me - lightningman

How will a teenage superhero react when he is dropped into the one place he figured he would have no work to do? and how will he react when he falls in love with someone from that world. Join him in this adventure of love, and confusion

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Chapter 49 - More humans

Both had spiky dark red hair, one short and the other stopping just past the shoulders. The former was dressed in a black undershirt, grey jacket, grey jeans, and black skate shoes with black and grey headset, two necklaces, one with claws and another with a drill-like key, a black handkerchief around his neck, black fingerless gloves, and a four inch long red and amber wristband. He also bore what seemed to be two katanas on his back with a red-bladed disk holstered between the handles. The other wore a black training tank-top with dirty yellow trim and pockets, an off white robe lined on the inside with black material that covered most of his legs and all of his arms, a black headband with two horns and what looked like Japanese kanji between them on a metal plate, two gloves that also had metal plates, one having a circled carved out and the other a crescent moon, black pants, and shoes made of a strange material that went halfway up his leg and left his heel and toes exposed. He also had two huge swords on his back, one wrapped in bandages, two swords at his sides in scabbards, and a strangely familiar red and black metal brick hanging off the back of his belt, which kept his robes from flapping around in the wind. They were both out cold and on their chests and there was a strange weapon that looked to be a combination of a battleaxe and a double-edged scythe next to the latter.

"holy description batman." said the author as I sighed and picked Samson up. "Nathan, Thomas? you grab the new guys." I brought everybody to my home. I set Samson down on my couch. "Thomas. those guys might be threatening. when they wake up, aim your guns at them."

"Way the (Beep) ahead of you there." Said Thomas.

"Cool your jets trigger finger, there's no indication their evil." Said Nathan.

"They have weapons as their symbols." I groan. "Who knows what their names are. I had a violent reaction to the word psycho." I sit down. "just... make sure their good people before you introduce me to them. I'm gonna tell twi what happened."I leave to go to the library

From the couch, Sam let out a groan. "...Ow....," he murmured, bringing a hand up to his eyes. The redhead with long hair was first to awaken. He groaned as he lifted himself off the floor.

"The *beep* happ- did I just beep?" He asked.

"Sounds like it," Said the other redhead, who was startled by the sudden beep.


"Alexander, but I prefer Alex. You?"

"Masaru, but I prefer Sage. Keeps the ponies from flipping out, ya know?" Sage said.

"Yep, totally understand. I almost levelled Equestria when I showed up." Said Alex.

"What do you mean levelled?" Asked Thomas.

"My true form is a giant lava dragon with extreme anger issues, what do you expect from something that's angrier than the Hulk on a bad day and the size of a mountain? Also, hello. Who are you?" Alex said.

"Warmachine, but you can call me Thomas." Said Thomas.

"& I'm Barricade, also known as Nathan." Said Nathan.

"and Im the author." said a voice from the walls.

"A man in a suit and a Cybertronian... Sounds like a bar joke in the making." Sage said. "Alright scales, let's get you up." He helped Alex up before looking around, seemingly in search of something. "Yo Rip, where are ya!?" He called.

"Out here! I was forgotten like last week's trash!" A deep voice replied. Sage left the house as Alex walked over to the rest of us.

"The lump on the couch is Samson, nice to meet you." the redhead muttered, rubbing his head as he sat up.

"For some reason, my guts telling me that bar joke is gonna get bigger." Said Nathan.

"I had that same feeling, weird." Said Thomas.

"Nice to meet you, Samson. Also, unless something happens to make it bigger, then it likely won't." Alex said.

"Sup Samson? Also, I agree with Alex on that." Sage said, walking back in with the strange weapon resting on his shoulder, scythe pointed down. "I'd like to introduce you all to Ripper. Say hi, Rip."

"Hey," Ripper said, causing the skull's mouth to glow, said skull somehow going unnoticed till now.

"Is a talking weapon new for anyone else?" Samson questioned before a silver sphere formed next to him.

"Pretty cool if you ask me,"Chris said as he bobbed up and down in the air.

"No one asked you." Samson's hot retort brought the sphere to silence, Chris lowering to float a few inches lower.

"YOUR (BEEP)ING KIDDING ME! IM HOUSING A SKULL WITH LASERS NOW!" I groan as I walk inside. "ju.... just..." I groan. "im going to Fluttershy's. I haven't talked to her since we got together." I mutter as I leave

"Bye have a wonderful time!" Said Thomas.

"So, I guess that means where high jacking this story... At least until he gets back." Said Nathan.

"im still watching you." deadpanned the author. "also nice American dad reference."

"Well, that happened. Also no, my katanas have powerful dragons sealed inside them. It was done with consent, mainly because they would've died otherwise." Alex said, unsheathing his katanas. "Say hi you two."
"Oi, names Ragnarok. Nice to meet all of you." The left katana, Ragnarok, said.
"Same here. Names Yolkendov, I'm Ragnarok's twin brother." Said the right katana, Yolkendov.
"For the record, I don't shoot lasers, that's Sage's thing. Rather, the glow is my... well, the best way to explain it would be to call it 'reaper energy' since my blades are covered it a fire of the same colour when reaping souls, which is a baby blue, in case you were wondering what the exact colour was." Ripper said. His eye sockets lit up with blue embers acting as eyes to prove his point.

"don't tell lightning this. he reacted violently to psycho." the author sighed

"So no telling lightningman about the dragons got it. I'm guessing we should also avoid mentioning how I'm the Incarnation of War and Destruction as well as a Demon King?" Sage said. "I'm also a Saiyan and infected with Blacklight, which is a sentient shapeshifting virus that's entirely under my control, in case any of you aren't aware of the game Prototype"

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Alex said, staring at Sage in shock.

"Do I even want to ask how you managed to get all of those?" Samson questioned, Chris, floating up a bit only for the man to raise a finger angrily to stop his brother.

"Now I want to have a violent reaction." there was a few seconds of some clicks from a mouse when the author said. "there. your powers are locked until I trust you both more."

"I got the king status from killing the last one and the incarnation status was earned over time as my power grew. I started out as an Ageless of War and Destruction, which is weaker than a god, and worked my way up from there. Then again, I run on a system called the Tiers of Divinity, with Ageless being the weakest and Incarnation being the strongest. I'd assume there are other systems out there which could leave me weaker than anticipated." Sage replied appearing to not have heard the author.

"And I thought my powers were complicated," Samson said, starting to stand up only to wobble a bit. "Ow... (Beep), that spell hurt a lot more than I thought at first...." It took a moment for the author's words to settle into the two new humanÅ› minds. Once it finally did, there was an instant change in both's demeanour. Alex began to have a panic attack, muttering things like "I need to hide." and "I need to avoid anything deadly." While Sage just placed his hands on the swords at his side and visibly put his guard up.

"Guys. im the author. I want to do something? I do it. ill give you back your powers tomorrow. for now lightning should be back." a few clicks and the table was full of food. "As the celebration for his winning the title as Prince of Equestria." the voice cut out as I walked back inside and saw the food. I smiled and began to eat. not questioning it.

"Seriously, you really don't think that's too far?" Sam questioned, going over to Alex and attempting to calm him down.

"what happened?" I look at them. "alternate universe breakdown?"

"Author you took their powers," Sam answered darkly, eyes narrowing. "Which, by the way, uncool."

"I don't know what the deal with Alex is, but the only reasons I'm not flipping out is Blacklight and my confidence in my physical capabilities," Sage said. "Also, Ripper and my robes should be disappearing soon." Just as he said that his robe dissipated like mist and Ripper shattered like items from SAO. This left the items attached to his belt on the floor, having fallen when his robe disappeared.

"Ok. I understand. but seriously? you cant live a day without your powers?"

"Doesn't seem like it," Sage said.

"Not exactly. I have a factory and a cave that's cut off from magic, but I've never spent more than ten hours in there. I should be good so long as I treat the situation like I'm in my factory." Alex said, starting to calm down.

"As long as you stop freaking out." Said Nathan.

"Yep, done having a panic attack. Honestly, the same thing happened when I first put the anti-magic barriers in my cave and factory. Had to have someone slap me silly to recover from it." Alex said.

"Well, since that's settled, time to eat!" Sage said, digging into the food. "Mh! *gulp* Might wanna make the food respawn, author. The lack of ki is making me extremely hungry."

"Ya know," Sam started, taking a seat at the table. "Despite the number of worlds I've been called to, I've still yet to actuallyeatanything."

"Then go ahead and eat. My last meal was those s'mores that we had yesterday night. So the author should have provided us with lots of food as recompense." I continue to eat

"I'm not sure if you forgot, but I happen to be a Saiyan. I have Goku's appetite." Sage said. "Actually, I usually keep a pouch of infinite jerky on me." He pulled a pouch out of his right pocket, checked it, and placed it on his lap before continuing to eat.

"That's actually an ingenious solution," Chris said, coming to float at the table next to Samson as the man began to eat."Maybe when we get home we can implement it with the resistance's basic gear."The only reply he got from his both was a sharp grunt as he rolled his eyes and kept his focus on chewing.

"But if we run out of food. Just ask the author." I shrug. "My universe is probably already used to all of the constant 4th wall breakings. So a bit more food shouldn't do us in. I'm surprised I didn't think about it before." I suddenly groan

Author's Note:

Introductions are finally in place and I published two chapters today. It's amazing what a night of writing on your Xbox through a private group can do. Also, sry if the writing seems to be everywhere today. The organizing sucks right now.

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