• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


AKA BoundlessAnon

Comments ( 36 )

I wanna see a continuation of this. A full blown fic:pinkiehappy:

Too much cute....:pinkiegasp:

I'm pretty sure Liset planned this:rainbowlaugh:


Oh man, the possibilities. There's no way this wouldn't result in hilarity.

This made me feel content with life:eeyup:

This was a Good feels chappie:heart:

Oh, that cutoff's just cruel. Although given an extra moment, Milky might've recalled how bizarrely prehensile pone tail-hairs can be. Plus, dunno whether one 'sensibly-sized' foal would really place the nipples outta reach, given all that crotchbewb ballooning (twins+, sure).

Anyhow: thus far this series has showcased a fine cross-section of pregpone titillation (hurr, 'tit'), mad creativity (just how big & battle-ready was Moony expecting those Kong-scale batfoals to be??), and even the joy of articulating ANERN(C) in a readable slice-of-life fashion, though I'm mildly surprised the Pie clan's Sorting Boulder thing didn't spontaneously run him over ala Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Unfortunately, the character’s not mine. The entire thing spawned spontaneously from the related picture without much context. It is a delightfully bizarre scenario, though.

Glad you’ve enjoyed yourself so far. :) I can’t take all the credit for creativity, though, given that a lot of these were prompted by other people’s artwork. It was pretty evil of me to cut off Milky’s short there, looking back - I think I was trying (and probably failing) to keep to the self-imposed time limit and couldn’t come up with a concise ending, so it turned into a bit of a cop-out ‘What happens next? You decide!’ thing.

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Oh, go play with another auto-turret, Auriga. It’s called ‘knocking’. I’m sure the concept can be found in someone’s centuries-abandoned database. :trixieshiftright:

Anyhow: holy crap does this confirm your equal proficiency re: anthro & standard(ish) pregpone, and normally I’m not even much of a fellatio-sequence fan. Oddly enough, that guided-bump-hug-from-behind was by far my favorite touch (whoops, entendre).


Be patient with Auri. Charisma is her dump stat. ;)

The big advantage of doing these little disconnected prompts is not needing to worry about continuity in tone, perspective, plot or even narrative style. It’s a great big fun excuse to mess around and experiment.

Ehh, charisma is one thing, passive-aggro snippitude another, though funny how the latter seems to get left out of splatbooks (active aggro being far more cathartic). Patience oughta go both ways, amirite?

Anyhow, possibly over-involved & definitely cornball idea: EG!Sirens Krazy Glue their amulets back together; said amulets fritz out & morph ‘em into mer-beings (your choice whether the upper or lower body stays humanoid); just so happens to be spawning (or calving) season, yaddayadda.

That’s actually very interesting, because snark is quite emphatically not what I’m going for with Auriga. She’s supposed to be the stern, practical ‘no fun allowed’ one (as a foil to Boundless’ friendliness and Corona’s relentless curiosity). I’ll have to keep that in mind next time she shows up. Then again, Boundless isn’t supposed to be outright slutty, either, so I suppose both could be chalked up as OOC for the sake of porn in this instance? Eh.

As for your suggestion: noted for later. We’ll see.

Believe me, the No Fun Allowed shone through with gusto-closest thing to snark I might point to would be that ‘productive use of time’ line (srsly: pregnant out to here. What more/else do ya want?). And I suppose there’s not much passive anything when one’s stalking about with blunt instruments. As for ‘slutty/OOC’, c’mon. Having & making use of a sex drive after Goddess knows what kinda dry spell hardly marks one as some kinda degenerate addict, unless you’re the Big (or Big-acting) Sibling with Opinions. Then again, I didn’t have to club three radscorpion hives to paste with ill will alone to clear out my current living space, so who am I to preach perspective?

Hmm, speaking of which, have another half-baked ramble: after a year or two further confirms the health of Boundless’ twins, her sisters feel obligated to further expand the alicorn gene pool. Once ‘Riga’s turn rolls around, Perspective D00d makes a point of prompt helpfulness, which has her audibly grinding shards of teeth from lack of venting opportunity a mere two months in. :twilightangry2:

Always a treat to see more Boundless! Great work mate!

Cripes, that feeling when you recognize a vector edit from several years back on the 'booru as inspiration for a ficlet this amusingly titillating. Wouldn't mind a sequel where Celly-belly winds up tantrically filling a tub at the spa with alidrake (or whatever you call dracopones with wings & horns) eggs whilst Twiley forks over compensatory funds to the amply bemused twins.

Nothing like another dose of cuteness, especially after that feelsfest of an episode.

I don't think there's anything better than napping right by a soft downy hippogriff belly full of octuplets. No better warm pillow in all the land.

And damn that post-victory Canterlot party must have been one hell of a doozy. Wonder what other casulties resulted from that party.

The visualization of Skystar's contracting belly and her reactions is just amazing.

This one was a little outside my comfort zone, so I'm certainly glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the feedback. 👍

how about another one set.. maybe a year and half or so later where Sky is gravid again.. and this time she's not alone.

This is quite the funny chapter.

How can a mare the size of a small mountain still be alive after a thousand years, while gestating foals reaching quadruple digits in the same time span?? Twilight would have a migraine trying to figure that out...

That it is. In the end, it’s better not question it and enjoy the story, right?

That ending, oh heavens... how does one make a story about petting a pregnant sphinx sound like an ancient fable? How?

Cute, man. I need more of this in my life.

That is just plain adorable. Silverstream is a champion of cute.

The mental image this story conjures is incredibly silly. And a bit hot.

She should be happy that no one made any beached whale references.

Cute hyper level preg is the best kind.

I also nominate Silverstream for being D.A.W.W.

This needs some art to go with it...

Yes indeed. And it really suits hippogriffs too! Silly cutesy borbs.

Can't argue with you on that one. ;)


I just couldnt help myself.

Gallus was so enthusiastic and kept egging me on ever harder. :yay:

Liset is such a cheeky nymph! ....now i want a whole story based around this premise somehow. Maybe Chrysalis trying to hold it in for longer and longer each time?

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