• Published 8th Jun 2017
  • 317 Views, 13 Comments

A Dream's Final Rest - DeshLune

What would you do to be brave, courageous, or kind? For one mare she will save the world, or that is what she wants to do; but she can't do it alone, and that is where her friends come into play. Her new friends.

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Chapter Five: Registrational Embarkment

Chapter Five: Registrational Embarkment

My legs tremble with every step, the rain soaking my coat, drenching me to my core. The shivers wouldn't stop coming, but I walk with indifference to it. Ten minutes have passed since I left the storage building, and I have been able to reach the location where the recruitment tent is located.

Through the dense screen the water is creating, I see it. As small as it is I can see it. White. Not just any white, but a dirty white. The kind of white that the tents use to shield the insides from the elements.

Trudging through the water coating the street, I can make out more of the tent’s details as I come closer to it. Much like around the tents I saw when I had first arrived in Canterlot I can see ponies scuffling about and talking to each other. They are all wearing cloaks and various kinds of rain protection. In the not-so-far distance, a pony is looking out at me with curiosity.

The pony yells something at me, though the rain reduces whatever is said to but a near whisper.

“What?” I try to yell back. But my throat is scratchy and my voice comes out as a hoarse mess of coughs.

Once I draw closer the pony tries again. “Excuse me! Would you like to sign-up for the first wave against a naughty group of ponies and a Centaur?” I come almost face to face, yet this pony is unusual. They lack the features that define whether a pony is a mare or stallion (in fact I am tempted to call them both).

I can’t quite make the full features of their face, but they seem to have the characteristics of a Pegasus. “Yes…” I trail off as I hear my own voice. I sound so weak. My voice barely sounds as loud as a brussel sprout falling onto the ground from somepony's countertop.

“Say no more. I can tell you can’t.” Their tone is calm, yet it carries some sort of calculated subtle layer in there somewhere. They adjust their hat to cover their face from the ever changing direction of the rain. “Some ponies can be rather harsh. But if not enough ponies sign up—well. Enough will sign up.” They pause and then hold open the tent flap, pointing inward with a hoof. “Right this way,” they say, giving a small bow.

I step inside the dry tent, hearing hoofsteps moving away from behind me. Guess they’re done with standing around in the rain. My attention shifts to the interior of the tent. A barrel or two, some boxes and crates probably filled with resources, and a table with chairs surrounding every side.

Ponies fill the chairs, all wearing hard expressions and fancy clothes (not the “frilly fru-fru dresses” type of fancy, but the Wonderbolt or E.U.P. kind of fancy: tactful, sleek, and hoof-stitched).

They all must be high command or of great importance. A near white, light blue Pegasus stands. “Hello,” he greets with an almost goofy tone (though it is most likely his natural voice). “You must be here to sign up… is that correct?”

I nod, since my voice will most likely be hoarse still. He seems to notice it. “Would you like some water?” My eyes widen a little. “I’ll just take that as a yes,” he chuckles lightly.

He reaches onto the table and picks up a styrofoam cup filled with a clear liquid. He balances it on his wing as he gives it to me. I pick it up in my magical grasp to find that it is rather heavy, like all things.

I levitate it to my lips and take a long swig of the warm liquid. “This is tea,” I finally manage to say, though my voice is still far from being normal.

He looks a little sheepish. “Whoops, sorry about that. I’m commander Soarin of the Wonderbolt. You still wish to sign… right?”

“Yes.” I nod the reply in case my voice still isn’t strong enough to reach them. I take another sip of the warm liquid. Something about it is familiar, but it tastes exactly like a hibiscus—only it has some sort of minty after-flavor.

I can feel the tea’s warmth spreading through my body. It should only be a matter of time before I am back to normal. “Great!” Commander Sore Limb picks up a clipboard and a quill. “Here,” he says behind a mouthful, but it still comes through quite clear (as if he has spoken with his mouth full of things on many occasions).

I levitate it over to myself, starting with the clipboard, and as soon as it reaches my hooves, I grab the quill. “Won’t I need ink?” I examine the quill, noticing something is different about it.

He chuckles lightly once again. “No, that is one of those new feather-pens. They carry ink inside of them,” he tells me with a smile.

After a moment of questionable looks, I shrug, and begin to fill out the form.

Name: Night Zone
Gender: Mare
Age(optional): ____
Race: Unicorn
Country of Residence: Equestria
Township(if any): Ponyville
Occupation: Between Jobs

“Is all of this information necessary?” I think aloud.

“Ya know, she is havin’ trouble wit it,” a mare sighs.

“Naw, she jus’ have the need ta think,” another says. “She look like one ah them dummy tha’ full Equine.”

“What?! No, I finished,” I retort, but it seems they had begun to talk with each other and had forgotten about me. I levitate the feather-pen and the clipboard back over to commander Dopin’. “Here commander.”

He notices that I am trying to give him the items and his attention returns back to me. He grabs them in his mouth and seems to mouth the entries as he reads them. “Wait, you’re actually a mare?”

“Yes!” I half-shout behind a slight warmth in my face. Something was funny enough to make everypony else laugh, and it isn't small chuckling either but full on laughter. They start to sit down around the table once again and discuss the form. I had tried to listen to what they were talking about, but the warm tea kept my attention and I continued to sip on it.

“Looks good to me,” commander Sauron declares. He grabs a little ribbon (or an object that is similar along that line of looks), he tosses it in my direction. “Here. When we move out show, that and you will be allowed to board the train. We leave in two days. Meet the group at the train station at noon.”

I sip more tea, sighing deeply in relief. What good tea, I think to myself. “I understand.” I levitate the ribbon and hold it up to my eyes. From what I can tell it is, in fact, a ribbon (a purple ribbon, with a basic fold to match that of the honor award of valor and dedication, given only to the highest acting citizen. Next to the award for directly saving Equestria, it is the best thing given to anypony who has sacrificed all for the good of Equestria or the world. Though it is normally only given to those who have… not returned).

“Um… thanks for the tea, but I have somewhere to be. I’ll just be going now.” I turn around to leave, but I am stopped by them, not physically, but with a question.

“But you don’t have a way to protect you from the rain. Will you be alright, or would you like to borrow something and give it back later?” I turn my head to them. Clear concern is etched onto Boring’s facial features.

“I’ll be fine. I don’t have far to go,” I lie.

He looks at me for several seconds, as if deciding what he wants to do. “Alright then, but be careful. The streets should be a little slippery.”

I nod and open the tent flap to make my leave. I step out into the dark night, where the cold rain continues to hammer down onto the streets and myself. I take a few steps before I am unable to stop from shuddering once or twice.

My breath condenses into vapor with every exhale. The cold fills my lungs, and the water fills and floods my cup of tea. I drop the cup mournfully and work my way down the street, the tent slowly disappearing into the distance.

I trudge my hooves through the ever growing water levels (which is strange now that I think about it. I once read that the city has a great water clearing system. Small chambers run under the entire place, collecting and depositing the rain into a waterfall that flows down the mountain, and all over Equestria by means of a river. But most of the time it is turned into pristine water for those high-class ponies to have with their meals).

I exhale another breath as I reach a set of stairs at the end of an alley. Water flows down the steps in a somewhat harmonic way. Clouds cover the moon, masking its light from the alleyway. I can’t see more than five hooves around me, and three hooves in front of me is the location of the stairs. My right legs give out and I fall to my side with a splash.

If I was cold before, then I am freezing now. I try to lift my head above the water, but find it hard. I cough every time water fills my mouth and nostrils. I push on the stone below me with my right forehoof, but it can only keep my head above the water.

“If I can get to the stairs, I could sit on them. And not worry about drowning while I recover some more strength,” I think weakly aloud.

I begin to drag myself the few hoof-lengths to the stairs, but as I reach the first step down I am dragged into the current. And I begin to topple over and down the stairs. One turn, two turns. I stumble head over tail as I keep moving down the stairs until I reach the bottom. And with a splump, I crash into the bottom of the stairs. Much like the alleyway, my vision goes dark. Not just that, but I seem to be getti—

~ ~ ~

I look into the mirror. I tidy the scarf and adjust my hat. “Hello,” I say to my reflection in the mirror. “While you jack my vision, you will notice that I have on this scarf and hat. You may have also noticed that I adjusted both to be in a specific place.”


“You are confused. That is understandable. You've only had one other dream of this nature, and I can understand why you are confused.”

Can you hear me?

“Yes, I can indeed hear you.” I take in my features and notice stripes.

Are you a Zebra?

“No. I am quite a pony. But we won’t have much more time, and I need to tell you about a few things.”

Who are you?

“That is inconsequential, but what I need to say is important, and you need to listen.”

If you aren't a Zebra, how are you a pony?

“I’m just going to ignore that. Now, in two days time, from where you are at, you will be leaving in the first wave. It will fall. Tirek and Sombra have already devised a plan to take care of all of you. Only a hoof-full will survive with their power intact.”

How do you know that? Why am I dreaming? What is going on?

“Shh—” I say, moving away from the mirror “—everything will be answered with time. But you need to make sure you can join the first wave. Everything will fall apart if you are not there. Equestria will fall.”

What? Why?

“All in good time. Just wake up. You need to wake up. And remember you have to do it.”

~ ~ ~

I burst up from the covers, the blanket falling to the floor. Blanket? I set my hoof on the stone below me, only to find mattress under my touch. I finally look around the room, and find that I am in a nicely furnished room.

The room is round with a true-white wall. A desk sits in the corners. Windows on either side of the bed allow only the tiniest amount of light in by only a crack in their curtains. And at the foot of the bed at the wall is a simple wooden door.

I check the bed to find that it is incredibly luxurious—covered in some of the finest cloth I have ever seen or felt. I push the soft warm blanket off of me and it falls softly to the floor. I can see the floor; it is covered with a rich green carpet.

I stand up from the bed and move over to the left window. I pull back the curtain using the drawstring. Light floods the room instantaneously. I cover my eyes in an attempt to shield them from the harsh light. There is a knock on the door.

“Um… yes?” I call out.

The door opens slowly. A white hoof steps through the door before the rest of the body and head follow. I know this pony… who doesn't know this pony? “P-princess,” I say as I hurriedly bow.

“Please, stand,” she says, raising her hoof. “How was your sleep? Did you rest well?” she asks in a slower, calming tone.

“Um… yes. I feel refreshed…”

“And?” She raises her eyebrow. She really does seem to care, that or she is very good at deception. I’ll have to update the others when I get back.

“Well… um… if I may be frank,” I pause, looking up to her. And she nods her head in approval “how did I get here? And where is here?”

“You are in a guest room at the castle, my little pony. My sister Luna brought you in last night when she saw you had collapsed down some stairs in the middle of the rain. You slept for most of the day. It’s a couple hours past noon now,” she tells me. A warm smile gently resting on her muzzle, she looks down at me with kindness (or deceit, I have yet to tell). “I've also brought you something to eat.”

She walks back to the door in an even pace and levitates a platter with ease. She carries in a little folding table with her as well. She unfolds the table and sets the platter on top of it. I trot back to the bed and sit at one side of the table. Celestia sits at the other side.

She removes the lid on the platter to reveal two plates of pancakes, covered with fruits and lots of whip cream. I pick up one of the forks in my left forehoof and levitate the knife the best I can. Suddenly, I feel a small pinch in my horn. I give. I drop the knife where it was and proceed to stab one of the pieces of finely cut up fruit.

I bring it to my lips and take a bit. “Wow… fresh,” I mumble with the fruit still in my mouth. I stab another and another, bringing those into my mouth to chew. I see Celestia slowly cutting and eating her own pancakes and fruit. “Have you not eaten yet?”

“No,” she sighs in a slightly defeated tone. “I've been incredibly busy most of the day, and visiting you was mostly an excuse for me to eat. But I am glad you’re doing better.” She takes another bite. “I've noticed that you gave up on using the knife.” I grimace at what she might say next “Is it because you haven’t been trained to properly use your magic before?”

I bite the blueberry and stare down at the table. “No…” I whisper.

She wipes my mouth with a napkin, and I look up at her. What is she up to? “I can see if one of the royal guards would be willing to train you to use your magic better. Only if you’d like of course.”

“Um… yes… I mean no… I mean yes, ugh,” I slam my head on the table. I can tell she moved the plate out of the way to allow my head to only hit the platter and table (much better than it hitting the food). I take a few breaths and calm my racing mind. Slowly I lift my head back up. “I would like that… thank you.”

She smiles at me as she sets the plate of food back down where it was and levitates the fork out to me in the air. I grab it once again and stab another piece of fruit.

--- --- ---

We turn the corner of the hall, and I can see the guards straighten their posture as they notice us walking from around the corner. I turn towards Celestia as she is heading back to where she needs to go with me tagging along. We pass the guards and make another turn. “They were slacking. Is it okay not to say anything?”

“I think it’s okay to let them slack a little. If they were all serious one hundred percent of the time, then they would be exhausted when they were actually needed,” she says. “We’ll be nearing the end of this little tour. I've really got to get back to planning.”

“Um, Celestia…”


“Um… well… never mind,” I stop myself. Why do I not want to tell her about my dream? In fact, I feel as if I shouldn't tell anypony.

We reach a massive door. She opens it with ease using her magic. She steps through and I can see her throne, the place from where she makes commands. This must be the castle atrium or perhaps the grand hall. Either way, it is massive.

She heads over to the throne, but stops to talk with one of the Unicorn guards. After a brief moment the guard salutes and turns to me, trotting the distance as Celestia continues towards the throne.

“Hello miss. Ah’m supposed to teach you the wonders of marehood,” she tells me.

“I see. That’s goo—what!?” She breaks into laughter and waves her hoof a few times.

“Nah, Ah’m just supposed to teach you some magic, or train you, as the Princess said.” She starts to trot in one of those fast paced trots. “This way,” she says, passing me.

I follow behind her as she leads me down multiple hallways, until we finally stop by a courtyard. Or by the flora (and little bit of fauna): a garden. “We’ll train here.” She pulls out a blindfold. “And here, you’ll need this for some of it.”

--- --- ---

I collapse to the ground gasping for air. “Come on. We have only been doing this for five hours. You can take a break later,” Inverse yells, her bright green coat as dry as a bone. “Again.”

I stand to my hooves. With a cloudy mind I try to focus on her. My magical field slowly wraps around her. After I envelope her with the field, I begin to lift her up. She slowly rises into the air. Her hooves barely look like they are off the ground, but she is going up. I put more energy into lifting her, and find that she goes up a little more.

But like all the other attempts, as soon as I add more energy, I fail; and my magical field shatters. She drops to the ground, landing smoothly on her hooves. “Really? Ah can jump higher than that,” her tone is harsh, and I can’t help but feel it is also condescending.

“I tried! I just don’t know what went wrong. I was… I was doing great, but whenever I try to give it more power and energy, it breaks apart,” I half say, half sob.

She trots in her fast pace back to me and sets one hoof on my shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. Ah’m not the best magic trainer in the castle for nothing… the only better would be the Princesses of course.” She looks up to the sky. “Hmm… let’s get inside. You will need some food. And Ah've got patrol duty to get back too.”

“Don’t you need food?”

“Nah, Ah ate a big breakfast, besides Ah've only got an hour left before Ah’m off for the day anyway.” She starts her fast trot for the doors leading inside. “Come on, we need to get some food in ya!”

I gallop to catch up to her. She leads the way around. We stop in some sort of dining hall. She directs me to one of the chairs set around the gigantic wooden table. Fruits of all sizes are placed in a bowl in the table’s center.

A door opens and a dark blue mare walks in, yawning as if she just woke up. Her horn lights up with similar dark blue glow. I spot from the corner of my eye a banana floating up from the bowl of assorted fruits. She peels the core from the protective soft shell and throws the core aside, tossing the shell into her mouth. She chews and then swallows.

I stare at the pony in awe. After a moment, she notices and asks. “What is it that you look at?” She looks at me, before she leaning in closer. “Do I know you?”

“You just left the core of that banana. It’s wasteful…” I trail off as Inverse nudges my side. I look at her to see her standing at attention.

“Princess Luna, I’m off,” she says, giving a firm salute before turning and leaving out the door we came into.

“Wait… you’re Luna?”

Luna cocks her head slightly, as if regarding me as something strange.

“Um… well… um… thank you for saving me last night…” I barely manage to say.

Her eyes light up. “Oh, that’s how I know you. Yes, you are quite welcome. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some duties to attend to.” She gives me a smile and walks out a door, leaving me standing in this huge dining hall all alone.

I sit down at one of the chairs and wait. I poke at the table for a while. I don’t know exactly how long, but I do know that my head is on the table and my hoof is poking in front of it.

One of the doors practically flies open, and several hooffalls echo around the hall. I turn my head to see Celestia gracefully attempt to flop down in the chair at the end. A few other ponies take seats at the table as well. All of them seem to have a different type of salad.

Somepony sets down a bowl in front of my resting head. “Time to eat. Ah know it isn't what you might want, but you need to gain your strength. We leave out tomorrow.”

I look up to see Inverse with her own bowl of salad. She sits down in the chair next to me. “Inverse, how did her training go?” I hear Celestia ask quietly.

“Ah’m fairly certain something is blocking her ability to use magic,” she replies.

I didn't bother moving my head and I just continue to listen to them speak, feeling a bit drowsy.

--- --- ---

I rest my head down on the pillow in the guest room and pull the blanket over me. “I feel exhausted,” I mumble to nopony. The night has come, and it isn't raining. My first non-rainy night here in Canterlot, at least while being awake.

I turn over in the bed. “There has to be a way for me to be able to use magic. I can’t be some… some useless Unicorn, can I?” I pull my forehooves out from under the covers and stare at the midnight blue hooves. “Inverse said that something is stopping me from being able to use magic properly… could it be that I just don’t have the ability to use it?”

I relax the best I can on the soft mattress and close my eyes, dropping my hooves back under the covers. “I can use magic… but can I use magic?” I think back to what Sunny told me on the way to the train station.

My eyes fly open. “Am I not giving the correct type of energy?” I sit up at the realization. “That must be it!” I quietly exclaim, stumbling out of bed towards the window. Frantically, I pull the drawstring to reveal a full moon that covers the expanse of the flickering night sky. “How exactly does one choose the type of energy that they give as a command to their horn?”

“Aristrotle, hmm? That is only a theoretical notion. You really shouldn't blame your inability on such a…. lucrative idea,” an unfamiliar voice says from somewhere. I turn around to see nothing. Nopony has entered the room.

“Who… said that?”

“Forgive me.” A figure materializes with a shimmering of the air in the room’s center. I jump back, smacking into the wall. The voice continues, “I was passing through, and I couldn't help but hear your complaints at such... a delicate situation that has befallen you.”

The cloak covering this figure seems familiar, but it is much, much larger than any other cloak I have ever seen. “Who… are you…” I cock my head to the side. “Or what are you?” I rephrase. They are at least as tall as Celestia, if not taller. “And what do you mean by ‘delicate situation’?”

“Your ‘inability’ to use magic. But I should assure you: you can use magic. You just aren't skilled at using the spells that you keep trying to use. It would take… an immense amount of more practice for you to use the spells to the same degree as any other Unicorn,” the figure explains. “And you can call me… actually, better not stick to names. But I am… anyway. I should take my leave now.” The figure turns around and takes a few steps to the door.

“Wait!” I call out, my hoof reaching after them.

“Yes?” they say, turning back to me. “Are you wanting to know what type of spells you can use? Or are you just in need of someone to talk to while you are unable to sleep?”

“Um… just somepony to talk to; and if you can, I’d like to know more about the types of magic that I can use.”

They seem to think for a little while, before they finally make a decision, giving a sigh. “Alright. I can spare a few minutes or two. What is it you would like to talk about?”

“You don’t look like you can use magic, so why is it you know things about it?”

“You’re right. I can’t use magic, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t know how it works. And there is no reason why you shouldn't know what you can and can’t do with your magic.”

“What is it I can do?”

The figure moves closer to me, a spark of crystalline gleam glinting off of their shaded eyes. They run their massive and unusually soft hoof over my head with a ruffle of my hair. “I can merely tell that levitation is not something you are good at. Now, as far as what you are good at… well, that will take practice.”

I hear an owl’s hoot, or perhaps what I imagine is an owl’s hoot. “Sorry, I’ve got to go now.” The figure turns around in the tiniest flash of smoke and disappears from my view.

I stare at the spot for a minute or two, before finally giving up and trudging back to my bed to sleep. I just close my eyes when I hear the door creak softly open. I hear muffled gruff voices. Soon, I can make out two distinct voices. “This room is all clear,” one says.

“Shh, don’t wake the Princesses’ guest. We’re supposed to be looking for an intruder. Let’s go,” the other whispers in a badly concealed tone. I hear their quiet hooffalls tiptoe down the stairs, out of range.

Slowly, I can feel my body growing heavy, and my mind growing lighter. My limbs, so easy to move, now feel like lead weights. My eyelids, once so quick and reactive, now feel as if they are sewn shut. And my—

~ ~ ~

I’m surrounded. Ponies crowd around me. All of them look angry and scared. What have I done to them? They are smaller than me. Even the biggest of them is but a dwarf next to me. Something smacks into my back, and I quickly turn around to see that a rock has just struck me. Pain radiates from the epicenter of the strike.

I bend my knees, leaning closer to the ground. All the ponies in my sight back away, seemingly afraid to know what I am going to do. My hooves dig into the dirt below me, and I shove off, breaking into a sprint. Right before I run into the front most pony, I leap and I easily manage to clear them as though I’m jumping a hurdle. I continue my gallop after landing on the ground.

I make it past other ponies who all stare at me in terror as I pass. The streets flash by in the blink of an eye. I’m fast, very fast. I seem to be able to outrun any of the ponies that chase me. I see some woods not far from here and head for them.

If I can make it to the woods, then the ponies will leave me alone. I pass flora as I enter the woods. The sound of hoofsteps tells me they are still in pursuit, but they aren't gaining on me. And it sounds as if many of them have decided to stop following me as soon as I entered the woods.

I find a little cave and duck into it. The ponies chasing me seem to not notice it and run past.

“You seem to be lost. I can help you with finding a purpose.”

I spin around to see some sort of insectoid-like creature. It looks exactly like a pony but covered in a black chitin with holes in the legs. Her (looks like a her) eyes are a shade of teal.

“What are you?” I cower away from it. She could be dangerous. She smiles a warm smile.

“Please… relax. If you would like to get away from those who wish to harm you… then come with me.” She stretches her hoof out towards me. My eyes flicker up and down, scanning her. Hesitantly, I reach out to accept her hoof.

~ ~ ~

The sun shines peek through my closed eyelids. I use a hoof to cover them from the wicked, vile rays. I stir, giving a groan, and swing my hind legs over the edge of the bed. My hooves touch the warm floor. A faint aroma of pancakes permeates the air. My eyes slowly open and the comfort of the room greets my vision. There is a creak and I turn to the door just in time to see it open up at an even pace.

“It’s almost noon. If you wish to leave for the train station, then you better hurry. Ah've also decided to pack you some food—pancakes—to ensure you can get there on time.” Inverse sets down a carryout box at the doorway and places the ribbon on top of it.

“Thank you, Inverse,” I say, now standing fully beside the bed.

She swings her hoof in a right hook, a cheeky grin on her face. “Go get them!” A serious expression then covers her face. “But most importantly. Come back. Tirek is a tricky sort and will have something planned,” she says.

I trot over to the box and pick up the ribbon, tucking it into my mane, behind my ear. I lift the box onto my back letting it balance there. I give her a reluctant smile. “I’m off,” I manage quietly. Before she can say anything, I push my way past her out the door.

I head down the hall to the stairs. I descend down the circular staircase (only dropping the box once and quickly catching it with my poor magic abilities). At the base of the stairs, I attempt to find my way to the castle’s exit. I make a wrong turn somewhere and end up in the library. Sheepishly, I ask a guard for directions and happily make my way back to where I need to go and out the front door.

I find myself heading back to the train station… alone. How it should have been back in Ponyville if I hadn't run into Sunny Dance. In the distance, the train pulls into the station, and ponies of all shapes and sizes load onto the train.

I see Sunny Dance enter the train near the back. “Guess I’ll head to the front then.” I mumble to myself as I trot to the train’s front. As I draw near the train, a few spears cross in front of me, blocking my entrance.

“Ribbon please ma’am,” a guard orders. I pull out the ribbon from my mane. They uncross the spears and I move past. I head to the front-most door and stumble on. I find that every seat is empty in the front car.

I choose a seat next to a window and open up the box. Pancakes, a fork, and a letter. I pick up the fork and take a bite of pancakes. Looking out the window, I can see that the station is empty of ponies and I assume everypony is onboard. I sigh and turn back to my pancakes, quickly becoming absorbed in eating them.

One bite after the next, I slowly chew my way through them. I take the last bite just as the car jerks forward and the train whistle blows. I pick up the letter. From the sides of my vision, the scenery begins changing at a gradual pace outside the window of the car.

I carefully unwrap the letter and unroll it. I let my eyes study the carefully written words.

To Night Zone,

While we didn't get to know each other very well, I have come to enjoy training you. And I wish that you will have safe travels. I also wish that you will return so that we may train in magic once again.

With the best,

P.S. Please come back, my friend!

“She… thought we were friends,” I set the letter down beside me. “But we hardly talked. Five hours isn't enough time for friendship.” I rest my head on the window, gazing beyond it. “Besides she doesn't even know me.”

Trees turn to caves, caves turn into plains, and plains should turn to snow. I close my eyes and just feel the motion of the train: smooth and calm—

--- --- ---

I am shaken awake by a big pony. “Time to get a move on,” he says in a baritone voice. I stand up from the seat and follow him outside. The snow greets my bare hooves harshly. I ignore it, looking to a stage in front of the crowd, a few ponies talking amongst themselves on top of it.

One eventually steps forward to the podium, clearing her throat. I can see commander Soot Bin behind her. “I’d like to start off by thanking each of you. While you may know, we Wonderbolts are the front line of defense to attacks, the adversary is far too dangerous to let any single unit fight them.”

She slowly looks over the mass gathering closer to her. “That is where you come in… your job is to combat Sombra’s forces, as we deal with Sombra and Tirek. Your job is far from easy, I know. And I won’t lie, some of you won’t make it, but as long as you fight together, we will win.”

Everypony stares at her in a silence. “What happens if we don’t win?” a pony from near the front yells. It is safe to say everypony is thinking it, but they were the first one to ask it.

“Then Equestria may very well fall,” she answers honestly. She points to over the hill behind the stage. “Over that hill, a dark army is marching their way closer and closer to our homes, our families, our friends, our sanctum... our Equestria. We will not let them reach it.”

She flaps her wings and takes to the air. “Fight them with me!” she screams. The Pegasi follow her to the sky as she flies to the other side of the hill. Slowly, many of the others run to the top of the hill disappearing to the other side as well.

I hesitantly take a step. Why is my heart racing? I close my eyes, as I take another step. Sweat already covering my forehead I open my eyes. My head moves towards the sky, as I look to the clouds. “Is this where everything ends?” I whisper.

The roar of hoofsteps snaps me back to reality, and I see a horde of black, masked ponies running down the hill at me. I whirl around and gallop away, not to the train but around the train. They follow closely behind, gaining on me.

What was it Sunny said about magical energy beams? But that mysterious figure said that it wasn't true… “I’m so confused!” I yell. How can I escape them, or rather… how can I beat them? I quickly scan the area. “There!”

Some of the snow is different from the rest in terms of color, which means it isn't snow but ice. And like all ice, it has a certain thickness. As long as I can make it over, then they will try to cross and the ice will break. They will fall in, and I will be safe once again.

I turn hard left and gallop as fast as I can towards the ice. As soon as my hooves make contact I can tell that I was right about it being ice. But it is larger than I thought… much larger in fact. I half-slide, half-gallop my way as far as I can.

I turn back in time to see the ponies fall through the ice. More ponies jump over the gap and continue to give chase, this group stretching further out to not break the ice. I hit snow once again just as a beam of light smashes into the ice and fractures it into pieces, causing the ponies on it to fall into the endless-looking chasm it created.

My vision follows the beam to its source. A large, red and black monster-like creature shoots another long beam into the sky, trying to hit small fly like creatures. It swats a few from the air, only to pick them up and eat some sort of light from them.

“Pony,” a rumbling, gravelly voice says. I turn to the source to see a towering, dark Unicorn with a curved red horn. Black armor tightly fits around his muscular body, and a crimson cape whips around behind him. A helmet rests on his head, framing his face. A strangely-colored energy crackles around his horn. “You will not survive,” he continues, tipping his head down slightly and releasing a dark beam of magic.

I stumble backwards. Protection, I need protection! I throw my forehooves up in front of me and I hear the beam collide with something. “No pain?” I mutter in disbelief. I move my hooves to see that the beam is colliding and dispersing on some sort of wall of transparent amber red.

I look around but don’t see any other ponies. “I’m doing this?” Without moving my head, I look upwards and see my magical field wrapping around my horn. By the time my eyes return to the wall of magic, I can see cracks starting to form in it. No…

Panicking, I fling myself to the side just as the ward gives way and shatters into thousands of pieces. The beam continues along its path, slamming into the train, which erupts into flames. I turn to the Unicorn, who is laughing maliciously… until he spots that I survived his attack. He cocks his head to the side, regarding me with an odd expression. Then he speaks. “Very good, child. Join me.”

“A leader,” I mumble quietly. “You must be Sombra. Why offer me a chance on your side?”

He chuckles, his voice vibrating with an almost demonic undertone. “Yes. I am King Sombra,” he waves his cape. “Join me, or be vanquished.”

I see it for only a second, but I can tell what is about to happen. “I’m sorry to say, but it is you who will be vanquished.” I reach my hooves up just as a Pegasus swoops down and takes me into the air. Sombra fires another beam, but the Pegasus is able to dodge it.

Something flashes in front of us and grabs hold of us. Another flash, blinding me, immediately happens. When I can see again, I see that I am right near the towering creature. It has to be a demon. I read that they are red beings who bring destruction all around.

Sombra stomps a hoof on my gut, and I choke for air, pain burning in my lungs and stomach. “‘Tis a shame you do not join me, but now you will be vanquished instead.” He begins to point his horn to me, but another beam smashes into him.

A hoof helps me to mine, before it loads me onto the back of the pony it belongs to. I try to say something, but find that no words or sounds will leave my lips. All I feel is pain. All I smell is smoke. And all I see is chaos.

I look to the mane of the pony carrying me only to find that it is a familiar style and color. Only one pony has this style of a mane and that pony is Tilde. “Nice to see you still making it,” he grumbles over the sound of an explosion. He sets me down behind a boulder. “At this rate we are going to lose.”

“Yeah… it isn't… our fault…” I cough, still finding that the air does not like me. “Dream… some… pony says… we wouldn't… win…” I break into a coughing fit once more.

Off in the distance I see Sunny becoming surrounded, but she somehow weasels her way out from the circle surrounding her and breaks into a gallop for the boulder we are resting against. The masked ponies giving immediate chase. Tilde stands up, points his horn at them, and shoots his own beam of magic.

It looks smaller than the once he fired earlier, but it smacks into one, before moving over to the next. It doesn't quite hit all of them, but Sunny bucks one right in the visor and he collapses to the snowy ground.

She reaches the boulder, and flops against it catching her breath. “You don’t look so… good,” she says between breaths.

“You don’t either,” I reply, my lungs grabbing air once again, stars leaving my vision, which I didn't know were there until they left. Another magical laser smashes into the train and a fork lands in the snow next to us.

I can see Sombra standing in the smoke of the flames, laughing in triumph. He sees us resting against the stone, lowers his horn, and fires off another large beam. Must. Protect them, I think. Shielding my eyes with my hooves. I hear the sound of the beam smashing into something once again and know it is the ward.

I start lower my hooves, but find that darkness is quickly filling my vision. A ringing fills my ears, and I don’t taste anything anymore. What is happening to—

Author's Note:

Thanks Melody~

As I had mentioned at one point: a game. The rules are simple - if you can guess the answer to a question (which relates to the story, likely the chapter it is in) then you win. But I will note that the answer must be in a spoiler... thing.

Game: Who and what is the character that talked with Night Zone (the main character) inside the tower?

Comments ( 5 )

Um... Chrysalis, Sombra, whatever the name of that Batpony dude is, or a completely original character... yeah. That's all I got, lol.
Also, you're welcome.

So to start out: no, no, no, and yes. Didn't help much with what the character is though...


Comment posted by DeshLune deleted Aug 8th, 2022
Comment posted by DeshLune deleted Aug 8th, 2022
Comment posted by DeshLune deleted Aug 8th, 2022
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