• Published 5th Jun 2017
  • 1,254 Views, 32 Comments

Twijacked - Pozzo

Trixie gets her revenge on Twilight by stealing her body. Twilight is left as a brain in a jar. How will she get out of this one? A comedy story with multiple endings!

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Sllightly Better Ending: The Cavalry Arrives

Suddenly, the door to Twilight’s bedroom was knocked clean off its hinge. The cause of this quickly became apparent as a voice was heard.

“Um, did you really have to kick in her door, Rainbow? That seems a little extreme, I think”

“This is a time for action, Fluttershy! Twilight is in danger!” replied a familiar scratchy voice. Five ponies poured into the room and over the newly broken door, with the sky-blue pegasus leading the way. “See, told you! There they are! Stop right there, Trixies!” From her jar, Twilight’s spirits soared. She knew that her friends would save her! Now everything would be alright! She hollered and cheered, knowing that no one could hear her but her captors.

“Drat!” said Trixie, turning to face the intruders with a scowl. “How did you find me out? Was it that little dragon? I knew I should have stolen his brain as well!”

“Well, you didn’t.” said Spike, appearing from amidst the other girls. “And now you’ll pay for what you did. Get ‘em, girls!” The angry crowd began to close in on the two Trixies. Suddenly, Trixie 2 grabbed her partners hand. Her magic opened up the large windows to her right, and they both quickly jumped out. There was a short scream followed by an ugly thud. Twilight watched as her friends all rushed to the window and peered out.

“Are they okay?”

“The one in Twi’s body seems fine. Ah think she landed on top of the other one.” Said Applejack. “Oh wait, the one in Trixie’s body’s up too. We gotta move! Go, Go!” she said, turning and sprinting towards the staircase. Rarity followed suit, instructing Spike to stay and look after Twilight while they chased down the Trixies. Rainbow, Fluttershy and Pinkie all went out of the window at various speeds and levels of enthusiasm, leaving Twilight alone with Spike. She wished that she could communicate with him, but for now all she could do was put faith in her friends.

Her time spent as a brain in a jar had at least made Twilight very, very good at waiting. So when she finally did see her friends walk into the room again it only felt like a few minutes, even if it was probably much longer than that. Spike bounced over to the group, eager for news. Rarity was levitating something in her magic. Two things, in fact.

“Are those the Trixies?” asked Spike. Rarity nodded, smirking.

“Mission accomplished!” said Rainbow, earning a few cheers from everyone present. “I think this is a fitting punishment for these two, right Twilight?”

“Uh, can she hear us?” asked Applejack, walking over to the jar and tapping on the glass. Spike shrugged.

“They seemed to be talking to her a lot, so maybe? Let’s assume she can, just in case.”

“In that case-heya Twilight!” said Pinkie, joining Applejack next to Twilight and pressing her face against the jar, like a kid at a museum. Twilight moved back slightly at the sight, but still, it felt good to be with her friends again, even like this.

“So, guess we should put Twi back in her body then.” Said Spike. There was a sudden, awkward silence, which immediately made both Spike and Twilight suspicious. “Riiiiight?”

“Well, um… we would love to, darling, we really would… “ said Rarity, smiling nervously as she continued to float the two blue brains above her head. “But there may have been some complications in the capture of these ruffians.”

“Oh, is that what you call that?” said Applejack, turning to address the white unicorn. “Cause it looked to me like someone went a little overboard with their magic.”

“I resent your implication.” Said Rarity, huffing.

“You blew her legs off!”

“She blew my what off?!?” said Twilight, silently, as Rarity blushed.

“Well, they were running away! And then they stopped! I think I was perfectly justified” she said.

“Yeah? What about when ya blew off her arms next?” challenged Applejack. “Ah think you just like blasting things to bits with magic!”

“Well, so what if I-er I mean… hold on, Applejack, would you like to remind me who had the bright idea of trying to lasso Trixie by the neck?” This time it was Applejack’s turn to look embarrassed. She glanced at the brain in the jar beside her, as if afraid of being judged by it.

“… usually fine.” She muttered. “I dunno why her head flew off like that. Don’t normally happen…” The purple brain started to bubble furiously, which was Applejack’s cue to fall into silence. Spike smacked his face with his claw, exasperated.

“Well, just put Twilight back in her head, then.” He said. Again, there was more silence, and he threw his arms up in frustration. “Oh, what, can we not even do that?!”

“Um.” Said Fluttershy, twirling her hair in her fingers and looking at the floor. “We would, but, and I’m not criticizing, but Applejack used so much force with her lasso that she maaaay have kind of thrown Twilight’s head against a brick wall”

“Uh, sorry, Fluttershy? Didn’t quite catch that.”

“She’s saying that AJ pulled her rope so hard it smashed Twilight’s skull into the wall of someone’s house!” said Pinkie, cheerfully. Spike’s jaw dropped as Applejack turned a deeper shade of red, much to the delight of Rainbow Dash.

“Ahahaha, you should have seen Applejack’s face!” she said, almost crying with laughter. “In fact… you should see it now! Ahahahaha!” Twilight felt a tiny bit sorry for the clearly mortified earth pony. But just a little bit. She’d have some words for Applejack when she was capable of speaking them. Spike, meanwhile, took some deep breaths and calmed himself down.

“Okay! Okay then. So Twilight’s body is a write-off, at least until we find a vat of healing potion. Just put her in Trixie’s body! There, problem solved.”

“Oh, well, I have a funny story about that!” said Pinkie, in a very ominous manner. “See, while they were chasing those two Trixies, I went and found my old party cannon!”

“Oh, please, just stop, I’ve heard enough.” Said Spike, now openly sagging like a balloon with a hole in it. “I know where this story is going.”

“Okie Dokie! I won’t tell you about how I thought there was just custard pies in there, and how I TOTALLY forgot I had loaded it with cool fireworks for Derpy’s upcoming birthday party!”

“In Pinkie’s defense, the fireworks were magnificent.” Said Rarity, nodding appreciatively.

“Thanks! Maybe I’ll shoot them at someone’s lower half for Derpy’s b-day as well!”

“Urgh…wait, lower half?” said Spike, looking up at Pinkie. She nodded.

“Mm-hmm! Cause Rainbow had already tackled her at this point, and she was going so fast that she split her in two!” This put a stop to Rainbow’s laughter pretty quickly, and she looked over indignantly at the pink party pony.

“Hey, Pinkie, you didn’t need to tell them that!” she said, which provoked a dry chuckle from Applejack. “And it’s still not as bad as you, AJ! Trixie deserved it! It wouldn’t be a problem if you hadn’t used Twi’s head as a conker!”

“That don’t mean you can splatter Trixie’s noggin all over the pavement!”

“That wasn’t me, that was Fluttershy!” cried Rainbow. Then her eyes went wide. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to rat you out Flutters…”

“Wait, what?!” said Spike. “That doesn’t sound like you, Fluttershy. Uh… you okay?” he asked the quivering pegasus, who was hiding behind her bangs.

“Well, no.” said Rarity, taking pity on her friend. “But she had persuaded some local animals to come help out. And they were very well behaved up until they saw all those insides. Then they rather went into a frenzy and… well, we’ll have a lot of explaining to do to the town tomorrow. Some of the foals were taking it all rather badly.”

Spike went to say something, paused, and then simply gave up. He walked over to Twilight and shrugged at her, and saying “Sorry” over and over again. Twilight was at this point positively fizzing, like a mint in soda. She loved her friends dearly, she told herself. She would keep this in mind when she got round to punishing them for being such goofs.