• Published 5th Jun 2017
  • 1,254 Views, 32 Comments

Twijacked - Pozzo

Trixie gets her revenge on Twilight by stealing her body. Twilight is left as a brain in a jar. How will she get out of this one? A comedy story with multiple endings!

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Almost Best Ending: Your Own Worst Enemy

After a good 40 minutes or so of endless questioning, Trixie stood triumphant over her fallen, defeated adversary, lording it up. Now there was nothing and no one that could stand in her way. She knew it, and Twilight knew it. As Trixie droned on and on about how this was proof of her greatness and blah blah blah, Twilight was floated back into her jar/prison by the other Trixie, who by comparison was only a little bit smug. Twilight stared at the clone’s smiling blue face…and hatched a plan. The only thing that could beat Trixie…was Trixie

“Well, I’m away to buy some treats to celebrate my compelte and utter victory over you, Twilight.” Announced Trixie, heading to the door. “I think I’ll buy the really good fishfood for you. Don’t say that Trixie isn’t magnanimous, now! Hahahaha!” Trixie disappeared out of the bedroom, leaving Twilight with the clone of her nemesis. The two looked at each other, and Twilight wasted no time springing her plan into motion.

“So, I bet you’re feeling pretty good right now.” Said Twilight, coyly. Trixie snorted.

“Why wouldn’t I feel good?” replied the unicorn. “I’ve won. It’s over. Now I get to live the rest of my life in luxury with my best friend: Trixie!”

“Will you?” said Twilight. There was a pregnant pause as Trixie’s eyes lit up.

“W-what do you mean? Explain yourself!”

“Well, think about it.” Said Twilight, as calmly as she could manage. “If you were Trixie-“

“I AM Trixie.”

“Oh you know what I mean. If you were that specific Trixie, you’d make sure that you were never, ever found out. And having someone else around that could spill the beans on you? Face it. You’re next.”


“You’ll end up like me. A brain in a jar. You’re just a clone to her, after all.” This made Trixie visily pale as Twilight’s suggestions sunk in. As she had predicted, Trixie 2 obviously shared her original’s latent insecurity, and the thought that her supposed partner and “best friend” was plotting against her just needed a little encouragement before paranoia took hold.

“Haha. Haaaah. I don’t believe you.” Said Trixe, unconvincingly. “Trixie would never…. Trixie is kind and caring about her friends!”

“I know you don’t really believe that.” Said Twilight. “You’re a liability. And the second she thinks you might compromise her? Bam! Into the jar you go. Or worse…”

“No! Never!” cried Trixie. Then she stopped and thought about it. “Although, actually… she HAS been rather colder than usual lately…”

“Yes, see!” said Twilight, who honestly hadn’t noticed that but was willing to run with it. “She’s already distancing herself from you for when she has to get rid of you. You know it to be true.”

“I... I won’t let that happen!” said Trixie 2, clenching her fists. “I won’t! I’ll-oh, I hear footsteps!” She said, suddenly growing quiet, before crouching by the door. In walked Trixie Classic, looking annoyed.

“Trixie, have you seen my purse? Trixie may have forgotten it-er, I mean, deliberately hid it. As a test.” Said the pretend Twilight, walking further into the room without noticing her clone’s magic staring to glow. “Trixie? Where are you-“

Trixie 2 sprang out of the corner, pinning Twilight’s hijacked body down by the wrists as her horn glowed. Trixie 1 yelled out in surprise and then fury as she felt the top of her head start to be pried off, but it was too late for her to react, and soon her brain had been pulled out. Trixie 2 looked at it with savage glee.

“Did you really think you could outwit the Great and Powerful Trixie? “ said the clone to her original, who’ spsychic link to the others in the room seemed to have been cut I’m even Greater and Powerfuler than the original! Pahahaha!”

“Wow, you really showed her!” said Twilight, desperately fighting the urge to point out that the proper grammatical term is “more powerful” rather than “powerfuller”. “You really are the best Trixie ever.”

“Yes. Yes I am” said the new dominant Trixie, spinning her prize around in the air thoughtfully. She cleared her throat before speaking again. “Trixie… thanks you, for your assistance, Sparkle. I did not fully share my original’s animosity towards you, if I’m being 100% honest.”

“Really? Then, do you think you could maaaaaybe sorta… let me go?” tried Twilight. Trixie hesitated, unsure, so Twilight pressed her advantage while it was there. “I heard Trixie say she’d keep up both in the same jar, you know, cause it would save space.”

“Why, that traitorous such and such!” said Trixie, outraged. “Very well, Sparkle. If she wanted you locked up, then I will certainly restore you.” She switched Twilight out of her jar with Trixie, who immediately began fizzing like an angry mint. Twilight was placed back in her rightful place in her skull. For the first time in nearly a month, Twilight opened her eyes and smiled.

“Now that’s-“ She then immediately collapsed. “It’s OK, I’m OK!” she said to the concerned Trixie. “Just out of practice using this thing, is all. Thank you, Trixie. I mean that.” Trixie blushed heavily from the genuine show of gratitude she had received, and immediately made for thedoor.

“Goodbye, Sparkle! I am sure that we will meet again. May our next encounter be less… complex.” With that, the new Trixie Lulamoon excited the room and presumable Ponyville. Twilight found herself looking forward to seeing if this Trixie would turn out any better than the last one. Speaking off… she walked over the newly jarred brain sitting on her shelf. She didn’t really know how to link thoughts yet, but she would be sure to find out. She had so much she wanted to say to Trixie, after all.