• Published 23rd Feb 2023
  • 543 Views, 31 Comments

Oxygen - Ironfire Skies

Spitfire writes a song dedicated to her two teammates who started dating a week ago. A wonderbolt story starring Soarin, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and the rest of the members of the Bolts.

  • ...

Just Another Day


It was a late afternoon, today’s team practice had ended at 4:30PM. Spitfire and the rest of the Bolts headed to the locker rooms to refresh after four hours of practice. Practice today had started at 1:30pm, within those three hours consisting of intricate routines for their next show in Vanhoover. Everypony had already opened their assigned lockers to gather their shower items. The orange fiery maned captain could clearly hear the tired groans of Crash and the others.

Spitfire herself turned from her opened locker, and smiled adorably at the others. ‘I can literally hear their tired groans. I can comprehend as to why I had to make our practice four hours today ‘. She turned away from looking at the others. Focused on grabbing her shower essentials: two yellow towels, one favorite scented shampoo and conditioner.

Spit closed her locker and began to gather her things. After she was done, she began her path to the mares’ wash room. Along the way, she runs into Crash who was already in the hall five minutes prior. Dash earlier had ran down the halls towards the mares’ washroom before anypony else.

“Hey Rainbow, what’s up?” Spitfire asked.

“Hey Spit, I was wondering if we can talk before we head into the showers?” RD said.

“Sure, what is it?”

“I know this sounds cheesy, but have you ever been with somepony before? Did you ever do anything special for them?” Dash slowly blushed at the question.

Spitfire widened her eyes at Dash’s sentimental question. “I-I-I had before I became a Bolt. I’d been with a few colts and mares before….but it’s a long story. I was only in high school the last time I started dating”.

The two mares continued chatting as they walked down the large hall.

Rainbow Dash became shocked.“You’re bisexual? I didn’t know that about you”.

Spitfire turned her face away in embarrassment as they continued walking. “I always kept my sexual
orientation a secret. I never told Soarin, Fleetfoot, or the others. You’re the first pony to know”.

Rainbow lowered her voice to a whisper. “Spit, your secret is safe with me”.

Spit whispered back. “Thanks..”

“Anyways, what are your suggestions for me? I’m scared to confess my feelings for Soar, we only been going out for a week, going on two.”

“Well….lemme think about it.”

Time passed, they nearly chatted for fifteen minutes. As they were walking about, they slowly passed the mares' washroom. Spitfire was the one to turn her head left first. "Rainbow Dash, we passed the washroom".

Dash facehoofed. "G-r-reat! Let's shower already". Both mares looked at each other in agreement, nodded, and made their way into the washroom.


Soarin let the shower water run down his entire body. By doing so, he closed his eyes and tilted his head upward to let the water briefly run down his face. 'Refreshing'. He thought. Wave Chill, his older brother, who was showering next to him gave an eye roll. "Little bro, you always do that after practice. Every time after every practice. Why again?"

Soar turned from his position with a smirk. "Come on, you do the same Wave. Don't deny it".

"Whatever", he said, while turning away to resume showering.

Both brothers continue to let the water run for a little bit, before shutting off the faucet to shampoo. Once they were done, they rinsed off and moved on to their bodies. After about ten minutes, they rinse again before turning off the water to dry off. Soarin finishes first and steps out.

"You showered fast Soar", Wave said as he got out after him. He prepared to dry off as Soarin did the same.

"Well, it's because I am dying to hit the hay already". Soarin made a small yawn.

Wave raised an eyebrow. "Hit the hay?! We're having early dinner in the mess hall today. You forgot?". Soarin sighed. "I guess I did".

The other members look at Wave Chill in confusion as they finished. "What did we forget?"

"We'll discuss it in the mess hall every pony", Wave said as walked away after closing his locker.

' I wonder why we have early dinner today?' Everypony wondered, included Soar.

All the male members eventually all out of uniform, take their time to proceed out of their designated area to head to the mess hall for chow.

Everypony arrives to the mess hall before 5:45PM, they've showered and felt ready to eat. But what was on the menu tonight? It read: veggie fondue as entree, apple pastries for dessert, and assorted beverages. All members looked at the menu in awe as their mouths almost watered. Everything on the menu looked so delectable.

"Who made the menu today?" Soarin asked Spitfire.

"Your aunt, Soar. She asked the mess hall staff to prepare something special today, that's why she unknowingly gave the memo to Wave to tell you and the others before he showered".

'That's what took Wave so long? No wonder he was the last one out of the shower'. The pale blue stallion thought to himself as he smiled. His aunt outdone herself again s always.

General Thundershine was already the first pegasus sitting down with her meal on the table. She was wearing her occasional navy blue uniform with four stars and achieved badges. Her food still lay untouched, she was still waiting for every pony else to get their food.

Everypony got a tray and put whatever food they pleased on their plates. They kept sliding their trays to then get dessert and drinks. Once everybody was done, they proceeded to seat themselves one by one at Thundershine's table.

As they began to eat, Thunder opened her mouth to speak. "I'm pretty sure all of you know why you're here at dinner early..." Spitfire, RD, and the others shrugged.

"..Well, I have some awesome news. Your next show is going to be hosted at one of the stadiums in Vanhoover. It was very challenging to book due to there being so many other applicants. But bear with me, you will enjoy what this location has to offer.Further details will be provided eventually". Everypony else smiled, while Dash mouthed an 'aw yeah!'.

"You may eat", the General said.

While the other members chatted away about their day, Spitfire focused her conversation more with RD. Dash was drinking some cider. While Spitfire watched the rainbow maned mare chunk it messily as it dripped down her face. Spit couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" Rainbow asked as she then drank from her fondue.

Spit had to cover her laugh with her hoof. "Nothing!"

Dash looked at her captain skeptically. "You are definitely hiding something. Are you gonna spill the beans?"


"O-o-ok, I'll let it go this one time Spit. But ur gonna have to tell me eventually."

Spitfire and Dash continued chatting and eating. Once they finished, they get up from their seats to get dessert. Dash went ahead to choose an apple pie slice, while Spit chose a practical apple fritter.


Soarin can be seen sitting next to mainly his brother, Surprise, and her cousin High Winds. Soarin had a plate of his usual apple pie; Wave Chill had their Aunt’s homemade pumpkin muffin; Surprise and High Winds both went for the same dessert as Wave. As they enjoyed taking time to taste their pastries, this time Wave decided to start their conversation.

“Has anyone noticed that Cap has been acting weird since practice was over?” Wave Chill whispered, as he consumed the last dessert on his plate.

Surprise looked at Wave with skepticism, one brow raised slightly. “It’s just another day Wave, how could Spitty be acting weird after practice?”

Soarin was still staring into space as he consumed the last morsel of his pie. Not even listening into their conversation. His teammates paused their chat briefly and looked at the pale blue stallion, chuckling. Their chuckling snapped Soar out of his thoughts.

“What’s so funny guys?” Soar asked questioning them.

“You were staring into space, idiot”, Surprise said to him, as she stuck her tongue out slightly.

“First of all, I’m not an idiot. Only my brother gets to call me that Surprise”. Soar taunted. Surprise rolled her eyes at her friend, while Wave mouthed a ‘thanks bro’.

They continued their conversation as the other members gathered their trays of dishes to be washed. Thundershine and Spiffire were among those other ponies to finish this early. After Spit unknowingly left the mess hall early, Thundershine was the only one left to put her finished tray on the counter. As she was about to proceed to leave for the day, her ears suddenly perked at their conversation.

She recognized that voice, it was her older nephew Wave Chill. She immediately walked towards their group with eagerness.

“Am I missing out?” she asked, eyebrow raised.

“Auntie, you’re just in time actually”, Wave Chill said to his Aunt nervously. “We just mentioned in our chat earlier that Spiffire unknowingly left early. We thought it seemed unlike her to leave the mess hall so early. She’s usually the last pony to eat and leave afterwards”.

Thundershine chuckled at Wave. “I know it’s unlike her to leave chow so early today. But I know she has her intentions, dear nephew”.

Soarin butted in. “I agree with my brother here. Why is that? “

Thunder eyes widened at her other nephew suddenly butting in to the chat. “Well, she might be working on something special for all of you. I know that for sure. But it’s going to be a surprise”.

The general then looked at her watch, it was almost 30 mins to 7. Had they really been chatting for more than two hours?

“Guys, it’s 30 minutes to seven. All of you fellas been chatting up a storm and didn’t realize time had flown by?”

“Sorry”, they all said in unison. Everypony did as they were told and gathered their trays to the counter. They all headed out of the mess hall one by one, once they were done.

As Thunder watched them leave back to their designated dorms. She peered out the window for a brief moment. “Just another day”, she said to herself. She then left with content that tomorrow would be different.

To be continued

Author's Note:

When I was writing the dialogue mentioning Spitfire was bisexual, I was at the same time thinking about my sexuality and my personal experiences with this. I came out as bi very suddenly at work one time, and at once, I was ashamed. Like, in Spitfire's case, coming out to Dash as a bisexual mare.

If you have any questions about the dialogue or something in this chapter, fill free to PM me. I'll respond when I have time.